The outstanding Hatchery Bug

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


This is going to be fixed on friday.. A temporary work around is not worth it at this time considering it’s 3/4 more days till the next update.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: MorningStar.3296


Its a massive game so yeah bugs will exist and eventually get fixed so no big deal.

However it would make sense if there was some in-game feedback as to whats bugged so you can immediately see problem quests without the frustration of attempting to do them, for example some sort of indicator in the event assistant.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: gideonkain.6732


I capped at 80 yesterday. I can imagine a lot of people did too in the time this bug has existed.

What upset me is that the Story Missions are by far the most lucrative XP, so I took the slow road to 80.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Kazeshini.8210


As what gideonkain replies, I agree by the amount of XP gain from story missions, I’m getting to the point where i want to do the other mission than the hatchery. I’m already lvl 64 with my thief and getting tired of doing other re-owned hearts and doing other slow methods of gaining XP from places.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


Well on the other hand I did manage to max Armorsmithing and get to a rough 50% world completion before I dinged 80. Shame of the personal quest though. Good side is that now I can do ’em all without being forced to do a few tasks in between personal story quests.

Can’t wait to start doing a different chain on my alts. At least I know what to avoid, now.

No one hears you.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Nevarethan.3642


The Hatchery is still bugged.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ReaperXero.5472


I’m literally done.. sorry Trion..

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: superkhan.2701



Barring any unforseen problems, the fix will go in next week’s plus-size content update.

This post by Jeff last week, the 9th of November.
It is now “next week”. Let the countdown begin.

Day 1 of 7

Day 2 of 7

Day 3 of 7

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: LoOuU.5496


still bugged for me too…

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: BurningCrow.9816


Oh great. I just got locked into this bug too. So I can’t continue my personal quest line? Please fix this. Thanks.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Yep. Its still bugged. I have tried so many times now the last couple of weeks in the hopes that the ongoing patches fixes it. They havent. 2 days left until the fix is “supposed” to be in. I wont be that surprised if it isnt.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Blitz.7894


Me too, stucked on quest. I’ve read a post of 12 Nov. that bug will be fixed with this week’s content update. Let’s hope

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: john.9872


Same here . I have tried this quest more than ten times ..i tried it a bunch then waited a week or so ..then tried again today and still same thing . the quest wont continue

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: lady godiva pet.9530

lady godiva pet.9530

I would love to move forward in my storyline as well, but I just ran into this bug today. I tried several things, but now I’ve just given up.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: VictoriousMonk.7150


Small bugs I can deal with, but this was a major one and shouldn’t have been overlooked. Not sure how game testers can play this particular quest and not see the error.

Since I couldn’t continue my quest, at least I could go out and exercise more and clean my house and do IRL quests. Hah.

Anyways, can’t wait for the fix.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Self Destruction.1528

Self Destruction.1528

IF this quest is bugged and obviously you can not fix it as we see…. just remove it or let us choose the other quest of the story line so we can have some progress in this game !!!Please i was trying for 3 hours to end it and im not ok now dat quest got me crazy … Ah….and dont tell us that you will get it fixed in the next patch … we want you to fix it NOW <3 plz ! ! !

This quest broke in first place because they tried to fix an insignificant bug in it, they would likely permanently break your whole story line if they rushed another fix in.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: jgpinto.8017


I can not do the quest hatching because of the bug.
I thought that was already solved but I can not.
Save the first two, and when I get to the last not nothing happens

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Esmerine.9465


I apologize ahead of time for what I feel might be a more technical rant than some here might care for. I don’t know my audience very well.

TL;DR: ArenaNet has clearly communicated when they expect this to be released; give them a chance to earn or regain your trust.

IF this quest is bugged and obviously you can not fix it as we see…. just remove it or let us choose the other quest of the story line so we can have some progress in this game !!!Please i was trying for 3 hours to end it and im not ok now dat quest got me crazy … Ah….and dont tell us that you will get it fixed in the next patch … we want you to fix it NOW <3 plz ! ! !

This quest broke in first place because they tried to fix an insignificant bug in it, they would likely permanently break your whole story line if they rushed another fix in.

This is basically the mindset. It only takes one botched “emergency patch” to paralyze a development organization. Strangely, if there is one group that is sometimes immune to this effect, it’s us software engineers.

What can I say? We tend to be an optimistic bunch. We always want to fix the problem—especially when it’s a problem with our product. Many of us would gladly squeeze in another “emergency patch” to fix the previous patch, and some of the more well-meaning (and less clueful) among us will do this many times in succession. This is obviously not what ArenaNet is doing.

Meanwhile, the QA, release, &c teams (organization here can vary quite a bit) have just undergone Pavlovian conditioning: when we push quick fixes, bad things happen. “No more emergency fixes, everything must go through twelve levels of bureaucracy!” I doubt ArenaNet is doing this either, since their aggressive content schedule would not be sustainable with this development methodology.

Of course, the right answer is to work together and take a balanced approach—find out why testing didn’t catch the previous issue, see what you can do to catch this class of issue going forward while preserving as much of your ability to respond as is practical and beneficial. This often means process changes, and those are difficult and slow. Furthermore, the next few releases might be slow while intra-organization confidence recovers.

Judging by the level of communication and commitment from the team-members we’ve heard from, it sounds like they’ve got this under control. I, for one, am not yet willing to rescind all of my trust. Furthermore, I think the communication about and, to use somewhat of an industry buzzword, “ownership” of bugs like this in an organization like ArenaNet is impressive. It is a nice thing for a team-member to come out and communicate that a fix is being worked on—but it takes real guts to communicate the bad news (i.e., the delay due to merging with audio changes).

I think we will all be cheering in this thread when the fix is out.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: gussic.5637



I realise nothing is as simple as it seems on the internet, but i’ve personally been put out by this bug for quite some time – and the length of time that Area Net has taken to fix it has left a pretty sour taste in my mouth. We all paid good money for this game, and I don’t think its professional or appropriate that we’ve had to wait so long.

Why has it had to wait for a content update – you’ve seen how many people this has affected so why not push it through more quickly.

This really has detracted from the overall enjoyment of the game.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ophidic.1279


Pretty annoying bug, but it’s easy to find something else to do. Some people need to relax.

Elyl Jrend

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ophidic.1279


I’m honestly confused as to why the patch hasn’t gone through. This bug is a pretty big deal, and Jeff already did his part by fixing the issue and getting it ready to patch… so why has it vanished? This is not a small issue we’re talking about here, and patch was ready DAYS ago, so what purpose is there in forcing us to wait until November 15th to be able to progress past our story line. It just seems to me a little odd. ESPECIALLY considering we saw fixes to WvW, other story quests and a handful of other things just 2 days ago.

I would really like to see this issue taken more seriously. I honestly felt my faith in Arenanet slip a bit when I saw the previous post closed. We’re told what… it’ll be patched when it’s patched, get over it and wait? And oh, btw, we’re tired of listening to you whine so we’re just gonna shut this conversation down? That really changed my view of Arenanet as a whole.

I really hope whoever is holding this patch up starts to take this issue just a tad bit more seriously. A month will have been a long time to wait to be able to continue our main character’s story arcs…

Dude, did you try out Diablo 3? You ever talk to their support? Haha, oh man.

Lemme tell you I don’t mind waiting, we’re all still experiencing some pretty fantastic gaming here, bugs or not and claiming they’re not taking this issue seriously is ridiculous.

Elyl Jrend

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Dwanagar.8304


Like all of you in previous posts, I too have the Story line Hatchery bug. When started game launcher this evening (little past 7:00pm est) it did a file download updating something, not sure what because it wasn’t the patch for fixing The Hatchery, which I tried doing again at like 9:45pm.
So am still wondering when the fix will be added, since Lost Shores is going to be up and running in less than 2 days, which adds to the overall game with whole new island to explore, armor & weapon sets, a dungeon, etc…
Since the Story line takes place in an Instance and not in the overall game world how would it “break” the rest of it?
Well, just gonna have to wait like everyone else has been, and hope it will be added into the Major World changing content of the Lost Shores.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ophidic.1279


Well on the other hand I did manage to max Armorsmithing and get to a rough 50% world completion before I dinged 80. Shame of the personal quest though. Good side is that now I can do ’em all without being forced to do a few tasks in between personal story quests.

Can’t wait to start doing a different chain on my alts. At least I know what to avoid, now.

That’s the spirit, I love GW too much to be mad at it, even over something “serious” like this. I put serious in quotes because it’s serious to the game, but not SERIOUS serious.

Elyl Jrend

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Necromancyr.6083


So….whatever the update that went out today was, it didn’t fix this. How do I know? I just got the bug for the first time.

Would have been nice not to be able to go down this quest line.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Longdukdong.5740


When is this bug going to be fixed? I have done the quest multiple times and both tasks are checked but then i can’t exit. What is going on? I’m almost level 60 and would like to continue the story.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Renno.2673


Please please fix this bug soon as i’m almost level 60 myself and would like to be able to continue with the story line or at least give us who have mistaken taken the Hatchery quest line to be able to reverse and pick the other option so we can continue.


The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Still not fixed.

In a conversation today with a guild mate of mine he mentioned this quest was not working. I told him it probably was STILL broken; so he checked the forums.

He was not happy. He hit 60 today and wanted to finish this. Too bad it has been like this so long.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: albieg.7021


Judging by the level of communication and commitment from the team-members we’ve heard from, it sounds like they’ve got this under control. I, for one, am not yet willing to rescind all of my trust. Furthermore, I think the communication about and, to use somewhat of an industry buzzword, “ownership” of bugs like this in an organization like ArenaNet is impressive. It is a nice thing for a team-member to come out and communicate that a fix is being worked on—but it takes real guts to communicate the bad news (i.e., the delay due to merging with audio changes).

I think we will all be cheering in this thread when the fix is out.

I think such judgements are always personal, so let me say that I’m disappointed by the “ownership” of this bug. Another thread has been closed 12 days ago by the Head of the Global Community with this single line: “Well, Jeffrey has given his answer, I think this has run its course.”

That was the equivalent of a door rudely slammed in the face of customers who had (and still have, to this day) a problem. I don’t think that’s good service although some steps have gone in the right direction since that happened. Yet I can’t say, in all fairness, that this bug has been handled the way I would have liked, and I don’t believe that the different attitude in answers given by Anet members can be ascribed only to the different role of the members in the organisation: such inconsistencies can also be considered a bad signal and that’s how I interpreted the whole chain of events.

I just hope such opinion of mine is based on wrong conclusions so I’ll be more than happy to be proved wrong. But as of now I can’t say that I’m satisfied, and I think you won’t see me cheering here: the problem will be fixed and I’ll continue the personal story of my character just as I should have been able to do two weeks ago when I encountered this blocking bug.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


I just realized come 16th (guessing we’ll see the fix along with the Cursed Shores patch — fingers crossed!) we’ll have to make a hard choice.

Do the Cursed Shores events as long as they last, or rush trough all of those Personal Story quests waiting to be finished? Drats.

No one hears you.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ofelion Equitas.8706

Ofelion Equitas.8706

I’ll definitely be doing the Lost Shores(Don’t know whether they are cursed as well?) until they’re unavailable.
It would have been cool to do the Story Line before that, but nevermind, I’ve lvled far beyond it by now anyway, a few lvls more doesn’t really matter by now.

Looking forward to both the fix and the Lost Shores tomorrow :-)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Tyro.6078


I had thought the bug fix was yesterday my mistake. I am one of the lucky ones that hit this bug early on over a month ago. I have to say I was optimistic and patient at first but now I am at level 70 and just kinda dissapointed. Bugs happen I know but it shouldnt take this long to fix it and with no date giving or any idea of when. “be patient” is a terrible answer if your going to take this long. How long should we wait a week? 2 weeks? 1 month? 2 months? Then finally “sometime next week”. Now “later this week”. What do you mean? Friday? Saturday? later in the week as in next year? I tried to be optimistic but this was just handled so poorly I needed to vent. I love this game but I feel that this could have been handled better. I don’t care that it happened and I am only a little dissapointed that it took so long. What really gets to me is lack of communication and organization on how it was handled… very sad

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


Well I’d say any poor shore that happens to just get lost for a while is pretty cursed. What does it take to make a shore vanish, anyway, besides say, a nuke?

(Or I might just have mixed up Lost Shores and Cursed Shores — I’m just going to deny everything.)

No one hears you.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Paigufan.8142


Still nothing huh? lol..

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: gwapojosh.6428


When the game launched, they patched the game everyday for a while.. Why the hell can’t they patch this? This is really pissing me off..

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: DominicGW.2691


the hatchery is still bugged … I tried again many times but does not go forward. expect a change because I got to level 15 (45-60) waiting to go on. I’d hate to get to level 80 and not being able to finish personal story. after all these new updates hoped had been resolved but not yet … yesterday launched a maintenance update but still can not see to fix something that I read people complain for a month …

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: superkhan.2701



Barring any unforseen problems, the fix will go in next week’s plus-size content update.

This post by Jeff last week, the 9th of November.
It is now “next week”. Let the countdown begin.

Day 1 of 7

Day 2 of 7

Day 3 of 7

Day 4 of 7

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: alebelmor.9170


i know whats wrong the 2nd skritt if he dies you cant heal him and the 3rd wont follow you

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Necromancyr.6083


…did you get around the bug by keeping him alive somehow?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Budkai.7491


Already tried that. Keeping them all alive doesn’t do a darn thing.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Promithes.1368


Well on the other hand I did manage to max Armorsmithing and get to a rough 50% world completion before I dinged 80. Shame of the personal quest though. Good side is that now I can do ’em all without being forced to do a few tasks in between personal story quests.

Can’t wait to start doing a different chain on my alts. At least I know what to avoid, now.

That’s the spirit, I love GW too much to be mad at it, even over something “serious” like this. I put serious in quotes because it’s serious to the game, but not SERIOUS serious.

As a new customer to Arena Net I had heard that it was unlike any other company when it comes to MMOs. I can say that is true but not in a good way. As someone earlier in the thread mention when the patch does come out we have to make a choice. Do the event that lasts 3 days or do the story we have been missing for month. I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but I really don’t think they thought this through in the beginning. The issue isn’t the bug itself as an avid mmo player and general gamer I get that there will be bugs but when the fix is pushed back to a major patch because of an audio update that effects all story quests that is what I find unacceptable.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Maxzero.4032


Couple of hours to go and we will finally come to the end of the journey.

It will be the last time I hear:

Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?
Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?
Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?
Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?
Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?
Oh, Kittaka. Why did you have to be so brave?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Johnny Wild.3026

Johnny Wild.3026

I have the same problem. I want fix immediately or my money back!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


Yeah, Kittaka! If you’d have grown some brains instead of muscles, you wouldn’t have died and your girlfriend wouldn’t have been stuck mourning you.

…I feel kinda bad for coming up with this.

No one hears you.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Sephirajo.3059


I just ran across this bug. There is NO WAY to progress this quest. Is it being fixed?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: fox.4629


Mr. Jeffrey Vaughn is the biggest liar, I ever meet!!!

Before two weeks he said it is done, last week it will be on live version,
last week he said, of sorry, it will be from the start of next week.

Now, Thursday the 15th is nothing been fixed and Mr. Vaughn said something yesterday, that it will be at the end of this week.

Is it true?

Every corrections of the game is doing every Monday or Tuesday. Now we have Thursday and nothing was done.

Fcuk this fcuking Arena NET and every fcuking Content Designers from this company!

They want only take your money for the game, which doesn´t work!!!

Or you can buy some more gems for real money, if you want.

But I ask: WHY????

I can buy some specials things for this game and I will be waiting more than one month because of the game story is bugged???!!!!!!!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

I said “upcoming content update”. We have not had one this week, but one is planned for the Lost Shores update later this week.

(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Esmerine.9465


Judging by the level of communication and commitment from the team-members we’ve heard from, it sounds like they’ve got this under control. I, for one, am not yet willing to rescind all of my trust. Furthermore, I think the communication about and, to use somewhat of an industry buzzword, “ownership” of bugs like this in an organization like ArenaNet is impressive. It is a nice thing for a team-member to come out and communicate that a fix is being worked on—but it takes real guts to communicate the bad news (i.e., the delay due to merging with audio changes).

I think we will all be cheering in this thread when the fix is out.

I think such judgements are always personal, so let me say that I’m disappointed by the “ownership” of this bug. Another thread has been closed 12 days ago by the Head of the Global Community with this single line: “Well, Jeffrey has given his answer, I think this has run its course.”

That was the equivalent of a door rudely slammed in the face of customers who had (and still have, to this day) a problem. I don’t think that’s good service although some steps have gone in the right direction since that happened. Yet I can’t say, in all fairness, that this bug has been handled the way I would have liked, and I don’t believe that the different attitude in answers given by Anet members can be ascribed only to the different role of the members in the organisation: such inconsistencies can also be considered a bad signal and that’s how I interpreted the whole chain of events.

I just hope such opinion of mine is based on wrong conclusions so I’ll be more than happy to be proved wrong. But as of now I can’t say that I’m satisfied, and I think you won’t see me cheering here: the problem will be fixed and I’ll continue the personal story of my character just as I should have been able to do two weeks ago when I encountered this blocking bug.

I agree that such judgements are personal. Maybe I’m just jaded by my experience in the software industry, and what is poor service seems good to me by comparison—I’m certainly open to that possibility. I think that a lot of the reason I feel the way I do about this issue is that I know how difficult it is for organizations to change, and I know how easy it is to make a mistake when meaning well. A happy community is the carrot that encourages organizational changes to improve customer service. If no answer is good enough for us, why should ArenaNet try?

On many points, though, I think I agree with you. It’s not that I’m happy with the bug, how it’s been handled, &c.. However, while I think the frustration in this thread is entirely warranted, some of the complaints seem to be assuming a lot about software development in general, and ArenaNet’s organization in particular. I wanted to provide my perspective on this issue as another developer who has worked in a similar industry.

I too am not happy with how this bug has been handled (again, see my previous comment about version control), but I think ArenaNet has an opportunity here to grow. This thread is an example: someone pointed out that the previous thread’s closure removed a venting opportunity for a lot of frustration, and it seems ArenaNet has learned and is leaving this one open.

I too think that the inconsistent messaging was a bad signal. But I also accept that not all parts of a business can communicate constantly while still getting work done. You have to draw a line somewhere, and sometimes the community managers have to make a call like the previous thread’s closure. What we can hope for is that, with this thread’s creation, dialogue about the appropriateness of the aforementioned call will begin and both the community management and development teams can learn more about when such a decision is acceptable and useful. To me, ability to change and adapt is more important than getting the right answer the first time.

Keep in mind that the communication issues described are why many businesses only communicate to customers through their customer relations groups. I’d rather have a few inconsistencies if it means I get to hear from actual content creators now and then.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: tronik.9065


tl;dr : ^^ : We’re still pissed. This isn’t fixed. This is horrible, horrible customer service and creates unsatisfied customers. My personal story IS important to me as its one reason my bro in law and I bought this game. Now on my main I’ve been stuck for 2 months. Ridiculous. Ridiculous patches go in to fix little smarmy crap but we can’t get a workaround or fix for our MAIN STORYLINE?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


Thanks but no thanks.

Most of the people effected by this bug don’t need it fixed anymore. It has taken so long that we’ve already hit 80.

It’s not like we’re going to go back and run through all the zones again.

Guild Wars 2 effectively has no story for us. Might as well have left it out and spent more time coding other aspects of the game.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Steelgrave.5734


I said “upcoming content update”. We have not had one this week, but one is planned for the Lost Shores update later today.

Which is still not the same as saying it will be in the Lost Shores update, but merely an inference that can be drawn.

Jeff, I respect and appreciate that you’ve stayed vocal on this issue, but seriously, a game that sells itself on “personal” story as one of its important features and then fails to fix said story in a timely manner when it breaks calls its developers professionalism into question.

In most any other MMO (of course including certain well known competitors), a problem such as this, with such a integral part of the game as this, would have been hot-fixed the moment a resolution was available. Instead you admittedly make your customers wait for your to tack it on as part of a content release. Almost as an afterthought.

The message some of your customers hear when you do that is, “We’ll fix it when we feel like it.” That does not seem terribly professional.

I just hope your projection is correct, and we see this fixed when Lost Shores goes active. Otherwise some of us may be forced to conclude that your company lacks appropriate dedication to its customers and its product.

You’ve made such an excellent game, now make an excellent customer service experience, for your sake as well as ours.

And yes, I too suffer from this, as some game developers would consider it, game breaking bug.

(edited by Steelgrave.5734)