Please Anet?
Original List in the Thief Forum
Withdraw: still does not have the extra 10% healing noted in patch notes
Heart Seeker: while under the effects of quickness, the leap distance is significantly reduced
Black Powder (/Heart Seeker): If you heartseeker INTO a black powder it will proc the stealth combo but you will not actually gain stealth. Doesn’t happen if you leap OUT of the field though, or through it. Only happens when you leap from outside to inside the field.
(tbd whether that’s the case with all combo fields + leap finishers)
Detonate Cluster: Detonates from player body instead of @ location. A display bug, the clusters are actually landing where they are supposed to, despite where they appear to go.
Whirling Axe: dodging to cancel this stolen skill is frequently delayed, or the evade frames do not occur at all, while still consuming endurance
Shadow Refuge: while the quickness boon is active, the animation for Shadow Refuge will end earlier than the stealth pulses do. If you leave the area of the original AOE animation, you will be revealed.
Shadow Refuge: Sometimes when putting down Shadow Refuge it doesn’t start stealthing immediately and only stacks like 3-4 seconds od stealth in the end.
Roll for Initiative: the cast is sometimes delayed instead of instant
Shadow Trap: does not give the extra 5 might when traited for deadly trapper, also does not apply 8 stacks of vuln as the baseline tooltip states fixed 7/28/15
Ambush Trap: does not apply any bonuses from deadly trapper fixed 7/28/15
Infiltrator’s Return: weakness is not removed with infiltrations return unless you use IR twice
Black Powder: has 1200 range, increasing to 1350 with Ankle Shots, should be 900 and 1050
Shadow Shot: traited with Ankle Shots improves range to 1200 (should be 1050)
Cloak and Dagger: If you cast CnD while jumping your sigils have a delayed cast forcing a reveal on a Sigil of Air proc for example
Basilisk Venom: does not stack at all, which seems unintended since it was changed to two stacks baseline
Basilisk Venom: still at 1,5s stun duration
Scorpion Wire: wonky as usual, doesn’t always pull all the way
Steal: stealing in SPvP pregame allows you keep the bundle when the match starts
No Quarter: when you apply fury to yourself you gain the additional ferocity correctly, but if someone else applies fury to you, you do not get the additional ferocity for their portion of the fury duration fixed 7/28/15
Practiced Tolerance: only converts base precision to ferocity, ignoring signet, banners, spotter etc.
Keen Observer & Flawless Strikes: unclear if they are working, both traits dont show any bonus in the hero panel, in contrast Hidden Killer shows a 100% increase to crit chance
Improvisation: does not recharge skills activated by traits when the associated skill types recharge (trap from trappers respite, trick from flanking strikes)
Trappers Respite: when traited for trap cooldown reduction, the needle trap on heal displays 24s in the tool tip, but there is a second icd that stays at 30s fixed 8/25/15
Potent Poison: Poison duration increase is not correctly displayed on the stats menu and has no effect on Dagger Training’s tooltip when toggled on.
Flanking Strikes: When used with the trait “Trickster”, “Flanking Strikes” actually has a 36s CD instead of 48s CD how it’s supposed to be.
Ankle Shots: raises pistol range by 150 but does not state it in the tool tip
Quick Pockets: procs with some items like the Unbreakable Choir Bell, which can be swapped more frequently than normal weapons
Shadowstepping: there may be some pathing issues causing shadowsteps to fail without an out of range or invalid path indicator, and also causing invalid path errors in places where they previously worked
Shortbow: shots get obstructed and do not hit sometimes when there is clear line of sight
Stealth: stealth occasionally ends early and causes revealed without reason and without displaying the revealed debuff, may happen more often when affected by a condition (Thread with related discussion)
Immobilize: Getting immobilized mid-air (for example while jumping) results in you being unable to use any skills.
I will add any new bugs that get named in this or the original thread.
(edited by Tarkan.5609)