- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
So i’m stuck at 12/13 and I’m on my 4th time doing Iron Marches when I get booted to login 5 minutes before the vent ends. My internet doesn’t disconnect I just get booted for no reason. I miraculously manage to get back into the map and kill a clockwork champ before scarlet spawns, and we win the event.
Lo and behold I’m not suprised that I don’t get credit and I’m still at 12/13.
I give up. I can’t be bothered to keep trying this event when this map is quite obviously bugged for me and i can’t wait around for it to pop up once a day only for it to not give me credit….
Frankly, this is awful design in all respects and the devs need to make sure they don’t make these mistakes again in any further living story updates
Same issue as most others sadly..
Done all 13 maps, many of them 4x but still stuck at 12/13 maps complete.
I recorded all maps id done in a separate document and each time i had done a map i ticked it off the list.
The only thing i can think of is that when i was doing the 5 maps for vorpp after i had completed 5 on my separate list i had still only done 4/5 for vorpp. Sadly i never numbered these maps so i dont know which 5 i did first lol. I have a suspicion my problem lies with the fields of ruin since this was the first map i finished the event on and the achievement for watchwork responder only flashed up after my second or third map with either 1 or 2 complete. I have since completed fields of ruin 3x however and still stuck at 12/13 and im certain i have killed clockwork champs on all maps since i generally head to the portals to advance the event rather then farming the pirates/alliance.
I had 2 which didn’t count, (frostgorge and fields of ruin)
on both of those my game crashed during the event and I had to re-start.
Very frustrating as I was on 12/13 when I was doing fields of ruin… still waiting for it to pop again during the few hours of the day I’m online.
Update: I did Lornar’s pass just now which was the only map I had never done. I did not disconnect and we were successful and killed scarlet. The achievement correctly updated. I have been doing my best to find a clockwork champion to kill each time I’ve done a map since that was given as a requirement. I did kill 1 watchwork champion. I hope that isn’t a requirement to get the credit because it is luck to find one.
I am it 12/13 now. Other than Lornar’s Pass I have done every map at least twice. I do not know which one is not working for me.
Also, I set my settings to “best performance” which seems to have helped with the lag. Kind of annoying that players and mobs are mostly invisible now though.
Don’t know if this will be helpful info but just in case here is my data:
These maps completed the first time I did them:
Bloodtide Coast
Sparkfly Fen
Lornar’s Pass
Fields of Ruin
Mount Maelstrom
These completed the second time I did them:
Frostgorge Sound
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
These are unknown – five are completed, one is not completed but I don’t know which is the uncompleted one. I have done each of these at least twice.
Gendarryn Fields
Harathi Hinterlands
Timberline Falls
Blazeridge Steppes
Iron Marches
Fireheart Rise
(edited by Katz.5143)
I have now done 5 maps over the last 3 days and not gotten credit under either vorpp or invasion completer. I have never once disconnected I have participated in killing many champions as well as scarlet, but not credit. I dont get a lot of time to play and it is very frustrating that I am getting no where with these acheivements.
Please don’t do this again. I can’t do anything else in game if I want to make one of these. At 8 minutes after the hour the overflow was already closed to the event.
Can we please start getting a checklist for things like this.
I am still missing Frostgorge Sound.
I found that wiki has an accurate history trail of which zones Scarlet has invaded.
Allow me to post yesterday’s 8/25
25 August 2013
Listed in order of appearance
00:00 UTC (20:00 UTC-4) Harathi Hinterlands
01:00 UTC (21:00 UTC-4) Sparkfly Fen
02:00 UTC (22:00 UTC-4) Bloodtide Coast
03:00 UTC (23:00 UTC-4) Gendarran Fields
04:00 UTC (00:00 UTC-4) Timberline Falls
05:00 UTC (01:00 UTC-4) Mount Maelstrom
06:00 UTC (02:00 UTC-4) Fireheart Rise
07:00 UTC (03:00 UTC-4) Gendarran Fields
08:00 UTC (04:00 UTC-4) Harathi Hinterlands
09:00 UTC (05:00 UTC-4) Blazeridge Steppes
10:00 UTC (06:00 UTC-4) Fireheart Rise
11:00 UTC (07:00 UTC-4) Harathi Hinterlands
12:00 UTC (08:00 UTC-4) Dredgehaunt Cliffs
13:00 UTC (09:00 UTC-4) Bloodtide Coast
14:00 UTC (10:00 UTC-4) Mount Maelstrom
15:00 UTC (11:00 UTC-4) Lornar’s Pass
16:00 UTC (12:00 UTC-4) Bloodtide Coast
17:00 UTC (13:00 UTC-4) Fields of Ruin
18:00 UTC (14:00 UTC-4) Iron Marches
19:00 UTC (15:00 UTC-4) Timberline Falls
20:00 UTC (16:00 UTC-4) Fireheart Rise
21:00 UTC (17:00 UTC-4) Lornar’s Pass
22:00 UTC (18:00 UTC-4) Sparkfly Fen
Hey, which one zone never got to see Scarlet? Yep, the one I need so I can finish 2 achievements………..
I have this problem too. I have been doing all these invasions with someone else, that also is stuck with the exact same number.
We should only have Mount M. left (I don’t have the list in front of me now, but pretty sure this is the one), and we have kept track, and also done some several times. Still, it says we miss 2.
There have been some that didn’t get through the first progress, but we did still got the items for completing (although we didn’t check every time if we actually got progress).
This is more weird however:
One of the many times we ended up in overflow, we actually saw the events, and could them and do them. Two invasions earlier, we ended up in overflow for Fireheart Rise, and that being only two hours earlier without re-logging or updates, we could not attend to or see the events. So I am wondering if it actually counted in overflow, but we did get loot for completing and made progress and everything. I do believe this was Dredgehaunt Cliffs on Saturday on RoS.
This game really need a checklist for these things! We have tried to keep track, but when things like this happens, it is hard to be sure which one that didn’t count (and yes, we have been there until she was gone every time). Now it feels like we have to start over again and double-check everyone.
(edited by TamarinNOR.3251)
Hey folks,
We’re still looking into this.
As I mentioned before, there are a few things that MIGHT be affecting your ability to complete these achievements:
- Killing Molten Alliance or pirates does not count towards event credit.
- Killing spawns from the Clockwork part piles does not count towards event credit.
The best bet for getting event completion is going to be taking down the Clockwork champions. They are directly tied to event completion.
Please keep providing details when you fail to receive completion.
Thank you!
So this means you can still get the “Scarlet has been driver off … for now”-window without getting progress in the achievement? That I am sure to have gotten in every invasion I have been in. Still miss 2 areas and not just 1.
Still bugged and no word on any fixes? I’ve done everything you’re supposed to do and still stuck on 12/13 zones.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
I would like to join my guildies and go to Scarlet’s instance. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening until I can figure out how to get this to advance.
You can do that without Vorpp’s achievements. My guildie did the Playhouse dungeon without doing Vorpp and Closing Ceremony. Just join a party with someone who can open the Playhouse portal
Thank you for this advice. I gave up trying to finish the achievement for now and would just like to see the Playhouse before it is gone.
And as others have requested; Please put in a checklist of sorts to allow us to see which maps have successfully been achieved. It would help all parties especially when trying to figure out why they are/are not advancing.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Re Invasion Canceler, I made a careful list of regions completed as I went along; this morning I did the last one, Sparkfly Fen, but was not given the achievement. Still on 12/13. The only unusual thing was that the event did not start immediately; we had to kill Tequatl, then it started. Not sure whether this caused a problem or not.
I’m not getting credit for Blazeridge despite full participation and successful events each time. This is issue is widespread, frustrating and it’s looking like it can’t be fixed easily. Perhaps lowering the number required for the achievement to nine or ten would be an option if nothing else? It seems like most are stuck on 11 or 12.
must be a joke srsly. why is there new “content” rlsed that is bugged like hell? makes no sense!
i did all 13 areas, killed champ clockworks on every area and still stuck at 12/13. hopefully u dont force the people to do all areas again, just to get the achievement. i will definately not do them again.
maybe they fix it and all people will be rewarded, but i dont think so.
(edited by Dextah.4691)
I’m in the exact same situation, 12/13, did all 13 maps 3 or 4 times at least, I killed nightmare champs, and nothing.
I’m starting to have the feeling that I won’t get this achievement. I already took too much of my time…
12/13 map invasions for me too. Definitely done all 13 more than once. No d/c or anything different on any of them. 12 maps registered fine… still missing 1. No way to check which didn’t count, I love this game and there’s no problem for me to keep redoing the maps, but I really wanted this achievement
Same thing happened to me today.
I ‘ve done 10 area’s but was not rewarded for timberline falls and fireheart rise today.
I killed champions in both maps, did not switch characters and was there for almost 45 min.
But I did disconnect in both off the non counting maps (timberline and fireheart) which I think might be the problem since the other maps counted without any problems towards the title.
i miss frostgorge map to make 13/13, but i am sure i did it at least 2 times :\
Hi guys,
After some careful investigation of these achievements, we believe there are a few technical restrictions and communication issues that are causing the problems here.
First, Molten and Pirate events do not grant achievement credit. This means that if you hop into an invasion right as scarlet spawns, or if you spend an entire invasion on pirate and/or molten events, you will not get achievement credit for that map.
Second, disconnecting during an invasion seems to have some odd effects on participation credit, especially if you end up switching maps in the process (i.e. moving to a different overflow). You should still get credit if you participate in at least one watchwork event after reconnecting, but if you disconnect, you should assume your participation credit up to that point has been lost. This is far from ideal, but it would be a code-level fix, and we wouldn’t be able to get it in before the end of the event.
Lastly, because the previous two issues are not super obvious, people may be losing track of which maps they have already gotten credit for. The meta rewards are always given as long as you’re on the map when it ends. Many players expect this to mean that they also received achievement credit (which ideally should be a reasonable assumption). However, as this is not always the case, they may mark off a map as complete, even though they did not receive achievement credit.
So in order to receive achievement credit, you need to participate and complete at least one watchwork portal event, and still be on the map when the meta ends. It doesn’t matter how far the meta gets progressed, and you don’t need to participate in any Molten/Pirate events.
Hopefully this clarifies some things for you, and many apologies for any frustration this has caused. In the future, we will try to ensure that large-scale achievements like this are more easily trackable to cut down on any potential confusion.
Josh, thanks for clearing things up, but is there anyway for us to find out what zones we are missing. I have run all the zones and many twice, but am still at 12/13. I don’t have time to go run all 13 again to hope I get the update from the one zone I am missing.
Same. I’m at 12/13 as well. I’m pretty sure I’ve done plenty of minion events on each map, so I’d really like to put what you say to the test. Unfortunately, I can’t as I have no idea what I’m missing.
Same. It’s really helpful to get a checklist for what map I missed, or we need to repeat all map again and again
Same. This is rather frustrating. Since we have no idea which one of them that didn’t count, it can be anyone of them. So we have to start all over again. Now we can only take what has been told into consideration, but still, if the same bug appears on the same map, we have no way to find out if we really have done this one earlier, or if it is some bug that reappears.
For how long will we be able to finish this living story?
Ended up at 12/13 after today and redoing most map invasions. Only 2 maps remaining are Harathi hinterlands and Dredgehaunt cliffs.
Nythanryn Zior, human necromancer | and others
Not one time in the event did I only do pirates/molten. There is not one time during an event where I was disconnected. If there was a way we could see what we have completed, then this would be easier to solve, but currently it’s just a mess.
Bugged for me on my last map “Dredgehaunt Cliffs”. Made sure i got credit before i wrote down in a txt file as each map complete. The game crashed twice for me during the invasion when fighting Aethers, so i stayed away and only did Scarlet Minions after reconnecting, did 3-4 events before successfully defeating Scarlet.
(Would be nice if the map selection wasn’t random, so we could at least predict when the map we needed was coming up.)
(edited by Nevarato.3178)
I join in with all the other “12/13”ers. I’m fairly certain I did each map at least once, I always took part in the events, I never got a disconnect in the middle of a run. I have no idea which map I’m missing, and I really really don’t want to spend 12+ hours camping for each map again, most probably more since they tend to duplicate very often even within 2 hours of each.
I understand it is quite late for UI improvements regarding achievement tracking, but I’d really like to ask you guys for some reaction with this – currently it’s not an “achievement” as of itself, more like playing a russian roulette with 12 bullets in a 13-slot cylinder. It would be fine if we could either:
• Keep track of our progress,
• Have the achievement easened out to 12 or 11 maps, not 13, so it’s acceptable to miss one, or
• Release which maps are coming up ahead, so we can plan for them.
I’m enjoying this event overall, and this achievement kind of feels like a thorn in the back, being the last one missing. Keeping my hopes up :P
12/13 even though:
- I’ve received rewards (and gotten minion-event credit) on every map at least once.
- I always prioritize minion events over the others. I also make sure to do at least one molten & one pirate event.
- I only rarely change maps and only after DCing (once) or after having been sure I’ve gotten credit for the map.
Still 4 maps to go and I will have redone all of them and made sure that I killed one champion nightmare.
I really hope I’ll get the missing one…
Is it too late to add a feature on the achievement page to see which map has been done ?
Thanks for the clear explanation !
I just finished Maelstrom, got the drops, but no credit. However, we didn’t take Scarlet all the way down before it timed out. Does that make the difference? You get the loot but not the credit?
Just read Josh’s comments above. I’ve been keeping track of where I’ve been from the start. I’ve done a watchwork/minion event in 12 of 13 maps. I haven’t had a chance to do Fields of Ruin yet. I’ve done several maps twice. I’ve been sitting at 11 of 13 for 2 days, waiting for the two I thought I’d missed (Dredgehaunt and Maelstrom). Did ‘em, including minion/watchwork. Still 11 of 13. Fun events and … it would be really lovely to get credit. It’s a lot of time …
For the sake of the Kittens, just LIST WHAT EVENTS WE’VE COMPLETED in the achievement panel. This “blind list” behavior is stupid and irritating, especially for a limited time activity.
I’m at 12/13 and to the best of my knowledge I’ve done every map. It is NOT reasonable to expect me to perform as many as 13 more invasions to troubleshoot your twitchy code.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I don’t have the problem but that is a very weird way to handle the achievement. If someone gets enough credit to receive the invasion rewards(scraps/stash + champion loot bags + 26s + …) then they should always get credit for the achievement as well.
So, essentially, it’s, “Hey guys, it’s either your fault or we don’t know what the problem is, so just keep doing invasions until you get full credit!”
That’s not potentially a horrible waste of time or anything. :|
I had to track my progress in a google spreadsheet.
The same one I use to track my dungeon and WvW exploration progress for each character.
Complete event, check if progress increased, mark map as completed.
I had 3 columns. One of “sure yes”, one for “sure no” and one for “maybe” because I could be be sure in several occasions.
You should make it so achievements with different points track them in their panel.
Maybe something like this.
The progress bar for those could even have segments like meta-achievement bars do, and hovering over each segment would show you the corresponding action that must be done to complete that segment.
The watchwork only fix didnt work for me. 12/13 despite doing what the above dev post said. I’ll keep at it and hope I get the 13th by luck.
Can you just give everyone with 11/13 or 12/13 credit. I have done every map at least twice and I don’t think your suggested method is going to work.
This is why rushing out content that is time gated is not a great thing to do.
And do you have to kill watchwork champions? If so that is ridiculous because they don’t always spawn at each and every watchwork event.
(edited by Katz.5143)
Hi guys,
After some careful investigation of these achievements, we believe there are a few technical restrictions and communication issues that are causing the problems here.
First, Molten and Pirate events do not grant achievement credit. This means that if you hop into an invasion right as scarlet spawns, or if you spend an entire invasion on pirate and/or molten events, you will not get achievement credit for that map.
Second, disconnecting during an invasion seems to have some odd effects on participation credit, especially if you end up switching maps in the process (i.e. moving to a different overflow). You should still get credit if you participate in at least one watchwork event after reconnecting, but if you disconnect, you should assume your participation credit up to that point has been lost. This is far from ideal, but it would be a code-level fix, and we wouldn’t be able to get it in before the end of the event.
Lastly, because the previous two issues are not super obvious, people may be losing track of which maps they have already gotten credit for. The meta rewards are always given as long as you’re on the map when it ends. Many players expect this to mean that they also received achievement credit (which ideally should be a reasonable assumption). However, as this is not always the case, they may mark off a map as complete, even though they did not receive achievement credit.
So in order to receive achievement credit, you need to participate and complete at least one watchwork portal event, and still be on the map when the meta ends. It doesn’t matter how far the meta gets progressed, and you don’t need to participate in any Molten/Pirate events.
Hopefully this clarifies some things for you, and many apologies for any frustration this has caused. In the future, we will try to ensure that large-scale achievements like this are more easily trackable to cut down on any potential confusion.
I’m sorry. But, this is not good enough. I play for fun, Getting achievements is part of that fun. I don’t expect to have to jump through hoops to get what simply is a participation achievement.
It now feels like a pitiful job to get my last (12/13) Invasion canceler.
So many issues with this event in general. Bugged portals, disconnects, crashes. Your “code-level” fix that you cannot possibly get out in-time to fix this issue needs to done. Not later, tater, but now.
Sorry but this really isn’t an acceptable response.
Update the way the event functions so that completing the meta-event counts directly toward increasing the achievement, that’s how it should have advanced in the first place.
Have someone code a script that goes over the event logs for the duration of the event, checks for people getting the meta-event reward on each map, and updates their achievement retroactively. Both of these changes should be not only possible, but relatively easy, other than the extra processing load running the script will generate.
Failing that, at least reduce the total zones needed for completion to 10/13 or something so that those of us who didn’t track our zone completion under a microscope don’t lose out on the reward for our effort. I’m 12/13 after doing every zone, several of them multiple times. Most of them were done in groups, and I never disconnected.
I wrote down every zone I did along the way, but didn’t double-check the achievement window every step of the way, and so there is a list of 10 zones that might not have updated. I don’t have the time or the inclination to re-do this, and I really want the achievement points this represents given how close to my next armor skin I am.
The last dev post which more or less amounts to ‘oops, try this and it MIGHT work for you’ is totally unacceptable customer service. Try harder guys, you’re making it tougher and tougher to recommend this game to friends.
Seriously, all this time was spent debugging and with no promise of a fix or an achievement tracker?
Do help us over here. At least do something to help those of us who are so close (11/13 or 12/13) before the event goes away or another new content update comes along. Please please please
(edited by Seraph.9635)
Chiming in to say my Portal Invasion Closer achievement for the living story has been stuck at 4/5 for two invasions now. I played both on overflow servers. Frostgorge and Dreadgehaunt. I had done Dreadgehaunt before but not Frostgorge
So in order to receive achievement credit, you need to participate and complete at least one watchwork portal event, and still be on the map when the meta ends. It doesn’t matter how far the meta gets progressed, and you don’t need to participate in any Molten/Pirate events.
I completed both of these requirements and didn’t get credit.
This doesn’t fix the issue for everyone. I understand the code level fix would take longer than a week to implement.
However, there are other acceptable responses:
Give people the achievement credit for free. Mistakes happen but THAT would be customer service.
This doesn’t fix the issue for everyone. I understand the code level fix would take longer than a week to implement.
However, there are other acceptable responses:
Give people the achievement credit for free. Mistakes happen but THAT would be customer service.
First i want to thank you Josh Davis for the last post!
Issue: For those (including me) who dont know anymore which map got a count for the achivement (13 maps), what should we do? I hoped actually that you guys make a checklist on this achivement, so we can easily see which map is left to do. But at the moment we are forced to do every map again, and wait until we get the last. (I’ve got now 12/13 maps cleared).
Any tips? Do all 13 maps again? Or wait for a hotfix for the achivement checklist?
Totally agree that this achievement is just a mess. I really think it should at least be given to those stuck on 12/13 or 11/13. I have done all maps right from outset, definitely fulfilled all the criteria, didn’t DC or change characters, and still on 12/13. It’s a lot of achievement points to miss out on.
Hi guys,
After some careful investigation of these achievements, we believe there are a few technical restrictions and communication issues that are causing the problems here.
First, Molten and Pirate events do not grant achievement credit. This means that if you hop into an invasion right as scarlet spawns, or if you spend an entire invasion on pirate and/or molten events, you will not get achievement credit for that map.
This might just be a good thing, since the tendency for people to focus pirates is already too strong.
Although, I would also like to say that the Vorpp’s Field Assistant Line doesn’t seem to count duplicate maps either and the wording on it doesn’t seem to imply that to be the case.
thanks for the response, Josh. hopefully it can helpt hose who need it. though there do seem to be many who are still stuck.. and again, epecially for those who are but one or two maps away from 13/13.
@Crise – yea, Vorpp’s Field Assistant seems to require unique maps as well. i was at 4/5 one night and the exact same map popped twice in a row, so i was like, meh might as well get Vorpp’s done and so i can start collecting crystals next invasion. nope. didn’t happen. i thought it wouldn’t matter either but it seems to hold the same principles as Invasion Canceler, etc, despite the wording.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Did Gendarran again yesterday, starting over with the list from the beginning, making sure get a mix of all possible things you can do in the invasions. Luckily that was the one that didn’t count the first time, and considering what Josh Davis wrote up there, in our case, it sounds very likely that that was the case for us in that area.
And after that Mount Maelstrom popped up, so that completed the achievement 13/13 ^^