Black Lion Trading company
same problem with 3 days and i am running out of patience, please fix it!
Same problem here. Especially today i am missing the 20% on getting an extra character slot….which i can’t even do because that to goes through TP.
I almost never post in forum, but I must now, cuz I met a same problem from last night.
I tried:
- relogged
- restarted game
- rebooted computer
- rebooted network
- rebooted router
- turned off firewall
- deleted cache
- killed errant Wine tasks floating about
- repair command
- installed GWII-Update-009524none of them works.
same here.
and they deleted all my comments just because i use CAPS to express my anger.
nevermind, just fix it!
+1 on all that. relogging no longer solves the problem like it did the past month
Today everything got ridiculous. My GW2 is just not working correctly and all i can do is speak through guild chat sometimes. I even close the game and keeps running.
I really hope a-net does something to us MAC users. This shouldnt still be BETA. its 2014 common.
Hey guys,
We’re currently looking into this issue and I want to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Hang tight! I’ll keep you all updated once I’ve got more information to provide for you all.
please fix it, we are all running out of patience……..
Same problem here. Especially today i am missing the 20% on getting an extra character slot….which i can’t even do because that to goes through TP
YES! i was planning to buy an extra slot by gems
but now i can’t even sell my iron ore.
Bump…. 3 Days now…
i have the same problem -.-’
This is a bug concerning their earnings directly and they don’t care for over one week (not only 3 days). For me it’s a sign how much they care about the mac com at all. We are too few, even too few to earn money with(?). I dont’t know why I’m surprised, the last TP issue took even longer to fix.
This bug has happened to me since yesterday. Now I can’t sell, search, list my orders or do anything on TP.
Same problem here since yesterday.
Actually, it would be fun if it weren’t f.
Still broken for me too, so I did some digging…
The symptoms that users are reporting here are roughly similar to what folks were seeing in Wine with GW2 and other games that use Awesomium to display web content in game.
Because the Cider framework that the Mac Beta uses has a very ancient version of the supporting libraries (crypt32.dll aka libcrypt32.dylib) that were implicated in the Wine bug, it’s quite possible that this is what is breaking BLTC content display for GW2’s Mac users.
Possibilities for fixing this include:
- ArenaNet could try to get SSL certificates that don’t require chaining for Awesomium to validate. It looks like, from the bug reports above, that this might mitigate things. This will make the certs more expensive, but the certs for * and * are going to expire in about two weeks anyway, so now would be a great time to do this. Unfortunately that may not be possible for the CDN * that is being used to serve some of the in-store content, which probably makes this a non-starter. :-(
- Get TransGaming to patch Cider’s DLLs/dylibs for the Wine bug mentioned above. This will be somewhat tricky given how far these pieces of code have diverged. And since it’s in the neighborhood of the crypto code it will need a very thorough testing cycle once completed. Don’t want to accidentally repeat the mistakes of Apple and OpenSSL and GnuTLS and countless others…
- Awesomium could try to workaround these bugs in the emulated Windows libraries. This will create a lot of needless maintenance burden for them and is definitely the wrong way to approach fixing this.
Same problem.
this is the 3rd day.
What about customers like me that want to buy some gems and offers?
Go A.Net, help mac users.
As a Mac user, i have also been having the same issue with Black Lion trading. I tried Anet’s proposed solution of deleting the Guild Wars 2 folder from library and emptying the trash but that has not worked.
Please come up with a solution soon
Just copied the GW data/exe files to a Crossover bottle and Trading Company works perfectly first time. Definitely an issue with the Cider wrapper.
May you explain this solution, since I’m not sure what a “Crossover bottle” is.
Although, over here at Germany we got the same problems: Link so you might add us to the “got the same problem” list.
Adding myself to the list of people who want a friggen solution!
I have at lease 2 gold-worth of stuff to sell, and I really, really want access to the gem store. Fix this!
@KarateKid: It has been reported and all I got was the stock standard “delete the plist and dat files” reply for dummies from so called “tech support”, which from the level of support, I guess is some poor stressed out kid sitting in the corner of the office. Of course that did not work and they have been told so. … still waiting for a response.
well… hope they fix it soon, bc windows isn’t going back on my imac.
Fricking windows partition trashed the osx part of my harddrive too much last time.
had kittenload of troubles getting it back restoredI still have the partition, does it damage the HD? If so I must consider removing it pronto! SWTOR is generally vastly inferior to this anyway except they have a reliable trading post (That’s rooted in specific areas unfortunately)
It corrupted my partition, spend full day on trying to get a clean install of osx, did finally succeed
I think it is kind of ridiculous that after all this time from the release we mac users still have a beta version of the game. This puts us in a position of great disadvantage (comparing to win users) in both terms of functionalities (e.g. tp almost never working) and performance (since gw2 on mac is emulated it requires about double of the resources really needed).
Anyway I still think that gw2 is a great game. Just hope for Arena Net to direct more attention to us osx users.
I do find it weird that they seem to completely break the BLTC with such regularity. It can be fine for months then it is like, “Wait, Bob, it is time to break the BLTC for mac again!” Hopefully it doesn’t take until the 15th for them to fix it (or introduce even more game breaking bugs, but whatever, I’m totally not cyclical at all about QA).
(since gw2 on mac is emulated it requires about double of the resources really needed).
Aside from the fact that it’s not emulated, can you share the source of that “double the resources” figure?
Adding myself to the list of people who want a friggen solution!
I have at lease 2 gold-worth of stuff to sell, and I really, really want access to the gem store. Fix this!
i have almost 10-gold worth!
my bags and bank are full loaded, can’t even use gems to buy more bag space and bank space. ridiculous eternal MAC BETA.
Hey people, I found out that there is a sort of a small fix to this problem, doesn’t fix it fully but at least lets you buy from the trading post!
Having the same problem here btw :I
Day 3 and missing or maybe missed character slots sale soooo not happy! Come on Devs lets get this going
(since gw2 on mac is emulated it requires about double of the resources really needed).
Aside from the fact that it’s not emulated, can you share the source of that “double the resources” figure?
Yeah I know wine isn’t exactly an emulator but it still decreases performance. As for the source it is enough to compare the min requirements
Hey people, I found out that there is a sort of a small fix to this problem, doesn’t fix it fully but at least lets you buy from the trading post!
Having the same problem here btw :I
this link is broken
Just copied the GW data/exe files to a Crossover bottle and Trading Company works perfectly first time. Definitely an issue with the Cider wrapper.
May you explain this solution, since I’m not sure what a “Crossover bottle” is.
Although, over here at Germany we got the same problems: Link so you might add us to the “got the same problem” list.
(s)he has Crossover Games installed from Codeweavers. It’s another port of wine.
link is – it is, however a tad browser sensitive (should work on safari tho)
What is a “Crossover bottle”?
Game is essentially unplayable without being able to use the BL Trading Co. for buying or selling. Love the game on my Mac and have played for a year without any other problems. But a dead Trading Co. is a game killer.
This has been an off and on issue since GW2 came to mac. I’ve tried just about every trick in the book as time progresses and truthfully, quite a few have worked. This most recent iteration of the BLTC not wanting to load at all seems to be the grand-daddy-karma-queen of breaks. And nothing i’ve tried, new or old tricks, seems to have a remote chance of working this time around.
(And of course it’s right as they’re having a sale on character slots which i really would like to take advantage of. Not to mention the sweet drum they released.)
My question is… if this is supposedly a ‘web based’ system or whatever… why can’t we just access it through our browser when it goes fubar like this and do our gem purchases and all that through our preferred browser? Granted, i know this won’t help anyone looking to buy/sell from the TP but me personally that doesn’t bother me as much as wanting to use the gem store to help further support this game I so love to play and to get the items they produce to help make me enjoy it that much more!
This really is a buzz killer Anet. It makes me not want to play the game sometimes because it’s something that should NOT be an issue just because we’re playing on a mac platform. I’m busting my kitten right now trying to save up for a good PC.. JUST so i don’t have to deal with this crap anymore.
I want to spend money on your stuff guys! Fix it.. And money will come!
This is a huge issue and it has been going on for three days now. The Trading Post is essential for many aspects of gameplay; problems like this should not be occurring after the game has been out for so long. It’s embarrassing. I do not understand why Anet doesn’t give Trading Post issues their utmost attention considering that the gem store is how they make a large amount of their profits. I’ve been playing ESO for the last couple of days because of this, and I do not plan on returning to GW2 until this issue is resolved.
In the future, please give all Trading Post issues your immediate attention, regardless of the platform. As you can see, if you page back a bit, the Trading Post has often been buggy and unusable. Major game malfunctions like this are truly unacceptable after all this time. I’m sure that I speak for all of us when I say that I want to see all Trading Post issues resolved in the near future, Anet.
+1 to this. My Mac Client always worked awesomely even though the TP has always been unstable.
Today is just a whole new level. Would love to see this fixed!
What is a “Crossover bottle”?
Game is essentially unplayable without being able to use the BL Trading Co. for buying or selling. Love the game on my Mac and have played for a year without any other problems. But a dead Trading Co. is a game killer.
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one with this problem. Been without the Trading Company for a few days now and hope it will get fixed soon.
This is really unfair to us… if this were a universal problem where all users had this issue, it would be fixed by now.
Here’s the workaround that worked for me. Not for everyone though. I booted up Windows in bootcamp, waited about an hour for the latest GW2 to download, and then played in Windows. TP worked fine. It certainly beats messing around for 10 minutes trying to get the Mac version to work. Now that it’s fully downloaded, it will only take me a couple of minutes to get to the Windows version.
Updated every Monday
Hello.. TP still not working – 3 days. I’m sad. can you fix it soon?
Not working here… I’m so sad right now,
Same situation with BLTC for me as well. Today is day 3. Completely hampering my game play and sales opportunities. Please fix soon!!
i really wanted the deluxe upgrade. guess i cant have it now. anet, you are missing out from mac users’ wallets
Could we at least get an update from someone from Anet? It sucks when this has been going on for days now and we only have one statement from yesterday.
Hi Scotty having issues w/BLTP . Did as suggested & trashed gw2 folder. Rebooted laptop & game. TP still won’t load. The only thing that is functional is Pick-up. Worked just fine until the past few days. Any further suggestions would B appreciated. Just can’t live w/out BLTP
i really wanted the deluxe upgrade. guess i cant have it now. anet, you are missing out from mac users’ wallets
Wich is a serious problem, since we all know WE have the biggest wallets ^^
Add me to the list , tried all the “fixes” but still no solution… 3rd day without the tp ugh
is difficult to keep playing well
Hello all,
I talked to the Mac team this morning. A fix for the most recent TP issue is going in today. Regarding the on-going issues in this thread, they tell me that it it actually spans across more than the Mac client. And they’ll have more information on those fixes later.
Thanks, Danicia!