I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sabas.8431


I honestly don’t understand how a game that has a chat filter (one you can disable yea) has such a aggresive behaviour policy.

Look I didn’t get banned, nor did I ever have any problems with GM’s or people in similar positions, though reading through this chat I have 0, zero, nill confidence in the ability of Anet to reasonable deal with a MMO community.

No, what we had in GW1 was not and I repeat NOT an MMO community.
I’m going to agree with many people around here and say that eventhough GW2 as a game is supreme, but the community handling is not going well.

Twitter, reddit, facebook, bans for unthinkable things in MMo terms, these things do not bode well. And I say this as a big fan of GW2.

Thank you for your time.

edit: My wife just makes a very good point. Its against the “rules” to chat in a foreign language on an english designated server. Why o Why don’t those people get the hammer hmm?

(edited by Sabas.8431)

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Impaler.6204


I apologize for getting off-topic.

I am glad ArenaNet is taking a firm stance to inappropriate behavior and speech in GW2. They aren’t concerned about the bottom dollar and want to, for the first time in a long time, create a positive gaming environment.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Impaler.6204


I honestly don’t understand how a game that has a chat filter (one you can disable yea) has such a aggresive behaviour policy.

Look I didn’t get banned, nor did I ever have any problems with GM’s or people in similar positions, though reading through this chat I have 0, zero, nill confidence in the ability of Anet to reasonable deal with a MMO community.

No, what we had in GW1 was not and I repeat NOT an MMO community.
I’m going to agree with many people around here and say that eventhough GW2 as a game is supreme, but the community handling is not going well.

Twitter, reddit, facebook, bans for unthinkable things in MMo terms, these things do not bode well. And I say this as a big fan of GW2.

Thank you for your time.

Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Yea but what about someone who maybe misspelled something? or was talking to a friend? I don’t even know what i could have said that resulted in me being banned, but i would definitely like to find out & if i was banned on an error i would want to be un banned.

My characters name is Loc Zephyr

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellok.4180


May I please have some of what you are smoking? This is not making the game environment positive…….

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Notintheface.3472


if you’re talking to me, “W.B.” does not stand for white boy in my post. the other W.B.

tbh I don’t think anything in game should be censored. I’m sick of people using TV’s and computers as babysitters. Adults with delicate sensibilities should bite the bullet and go back to watching soap operas all day. A racist would probably get what i’d call adequate scorn from other adults and a robotic email telling you your banned isn’t any measure of sincerity. if they don’t, that’s life, ignore them. the whole point is that people are here complaining because they broke a rule they said they wouldn’t. they actually seem puzzled as to why lol

(edited by Notintheface.3472)

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellok.4180


if you’re talking to me, “W.B.” does not stand for white boy in my post. the other W.B.

Oh, that one. I thought you meant white boy, which could be abused also…..

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Halmo.8619


I honestly don’t understand how a game that has a chat filter (one you can disable yea) has such a aggresive behaviour policy.

Look I didn’t get banned, nor did I ever have any problems with GM’s or people in similar positions, though reading through this chat I have 0, zero, nill confidence in the ability of Anet to reasonable deal with a MMO community.

No, what we had in GW1 was not and I repeat NOT an MMO community.
I’m going to agree with many people around here and say that eventhough GW2 as a game is supreme, but the community handling is not going well.

Twitter, reddit, facebook, bans for unthinkable things in MMo terms, these things do not bode well. And I say this as a big fan of GW2.

Thank you for your time.

Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?

Obviously he is referring to use of the english language.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellok.4180


When black people stop using the N word on themselves, will be the day I take that word seriously. I don’t use it personally, but it’s hard to be sympathetic to them when they allow others in their own community to freely abuse it.

/yawn saw that coming. “Context”, google it

The problem is, they often use it in the same ‘context’ when angry at one another. So not accepting this ‘context’ spin. I take the word seriously (I’m Mexican and been called it a few times, by family even). But when it is used by the very same people, and in the same context, who should be the last ones ever using it, it only perpetuates the use of the word by others. You can spin it any way you want, it still comes out the same.

No it’s not the same context. If you swam across a border illegally with your family and one of them later called you a “W.B.”, it’s impossible in a negative context for the insult to have the gravity that it’s intended to, its whole function is to offend coming from someone it does not apply to. They’d just be reminding you of the alienation by someone else, both of you could not possibly convince each other otherwise.

Okay I got it after reading it a second time. This is still inappropriate because despite the context used it is a pejorative being used, and even if it’s use is supposed to be regarded as humorous, the definition is NOT. It’s just another term that just should NOT be used, at all.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sabas.8431


Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?


You and I both know that some people here and on other fora are getting banned/suspended for what is concidered mild behaviour within the gaming community.

There is no need to go into specifics as I was talking to Arenanet not you.
And I do say this in a very pollite manner.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?


You and I both know that some people here and on other fora are getting banned/suspended for what is concidered mild behaviour within the gaming community.

There is no need to go into specifics as I was talking to Arenanet not you.
And I do say this in a very pollite manner.

“the gaming community” encompasses a very wide variety of people. The small subsection of “the gaming community” that consider that sort of behavior “mild” are those who think it’s perfectly okay to be obscene, harassing, demeaning, and offensive in public chat (e.g., XBox Live Voice Chat, various public WoW chat channels, etc.).

To be blunt, there are quite a few members of the gaming community who do not appreciate that sort of behavior AT ALL. And there are many who have actually either severely restricted their gaming, or stopped altogether because of this extremely vocal and extremely offensive minority.

People who either stopped playing WoW or gave up on using trade chat and world chat altogether due to that sort of thing.

People who have given up entirely on using voice chat on gaming consoles, and may well have passed over buying certain games due to their reliance on that feature.

People who find their enjoyment of various online games diminished greatly by exactly this sort of behavior.

Don’t go painting “the gaming community” as a gaggle of ill-mannered, immature miscreants who not only lack the self-control necessary to refrain from obscenities while they’re speaking in public, but think it’s both acceptable and encouraged.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?


You and I both know that some people here and on other fora are getting banned/suspended for what is concidered mild behaviour within the gaming community.

There is no need to go into specifics as I was talking to Arenanet not you.
And I do say this in a very pollite manner.

“the gaming community” encompasses a very wide variety of people. The small subsection of “the gaming community” that consider that sort of behavior “mild” are those who think it’s perfectly okay to be obscene, harassing, demeaning, and offensive in public chat (e.g., XBox Live Voice Chat, various public WoW chat channels, etc.).

To be blunt, there are quite a few members of the gaming community who do not appreciate that sort of behavior AT ALL. And there are many who have actually either severely restricted their gaming, or stopped altogether because of this extremely vocal and extremely offensive minority.

People who either stopped playing WoW or gave up on using trade chat and world chat altogether due to that sort of thing.

People who have given up entirely on using voice chat on gaming consoles, and may well have passed over buying certain games due to their reliance on that feature.

People who find their enjoyment of various online games diminished greatly by exactly this sort of behavior.

Don’t go painting “the gaming community” as a gaggle of ill-mannered, immature miscreants who not only lack the self-control necessary to refrain from obscenities while they’re speaking in public, but think it’s both acceptable and encouraged.

without the numbers in front of me. I would imagine a VERY small minority has passed up on games because of voice chat or public chat systems.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellok.4180


For real anyone can drum up fake numbers. The majority of players such and such….all fake stastics. You have no idea who the majority actually is unless we conduct a survey that was required to be completed before logging into game.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I think we’re far beyond the subject, so I’m going to gently close this thread.

One. More. Time. There is no such thing as a two-week ban. Suspension, yes, but in this case, highly unlikely unless someone had two separate incidents of substantially offensive chat.

Suffice to say, we appreciate that people have “slips of the tongue.” We understand that those playing in a competitive venue may use “trash talk” from time to time. Those things are understood, and the way the rules are enforced take that understanding on board.

But I’m sure you’ll all agree that standing in DR spewing hate speech is far and away different than someone saying “I’m going to kick your… behind” in PvP. And it’s the former — the truly offensive — upon which the team would focus.

When you read someone who claims, “I only said one wrong word and I was banned,” understand this: I can’t remember anyone ever being banned for the use of a bad word. If someone were truly banned — truly had his/her account closed — it was for repeated violations, not for a single insstance.

And when you read “But officer, I was innocent,” remember that that defense just may not be — often is not — true at all.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)