Restoring items after account cleaned out?

Restoring items after account cleaned out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aldaras.7294


My wife had her account hacked last night. Just got it restored but they cleaned her out. She’s rather kitten because she had a ton of crafting mats saved up in order to level crafting and other characters. Lost everything but the shirt on her back, literally, weapons gone too.

Is there any way to get the account rolled back to the state it was from a few days, or even weeks ago? Otherwise she really doesn’t feel like playing any more, too much time just to get back to where she already was.

Restoring items after account cleaned out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OmegaDestroyer.4782


Not right now. They are working on a rollback feature to be implemented later.

The same thing happened (with the exception of being left my equipped gear for some reason) to me that happened to your wife. I have the same reservations your wife does at this point and have not played since the incident. I don’t plan to start a new character, either, until the rollback feature is implemented for fear of getting hacked again.

(edited by OmegaDestroyer.4782)

Restoring items after account cleaned out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aldaras.7294


That sucks. Not sure I can talk her into playing any more. She really does like the game, as do I, but yeah.

Any admin have an ETA on that rollback feature? If it’s in the works and should be available soon-ish then we may just not play until that’s an option. Otherwise, I don’t know.

Restoring items after account cleaned out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aldaras.7294


Oh great, even better. They transferred her to a European server and the one she was on is full so she can’t even transfer back. sigh

Restoring items after account cleaned out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.9672



Please find the answer to your question regarding item restoration here and

Concerning the server transfer, we invite you to get in touch again with the support, updating your ticket.

We now proceed to lock this thread.

Thank your for your contribution