Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Ok, guys. I’m surprised to see some of you who have been out for several more days than I expected. And that tells me that your issue may have been put in the wrong queue. So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues. The oldest tickets should be worked on first, so I’m going to gather some numbers from various posts in this forum and ask our top agents to give them a look. Will post when I know more, but if you can take the steps I’ve outlined above, that would help you (and us) a lot!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
Thank you GaileGray very much!
I have 1 more question: should I give you my purchasing data?
Thank you GaileGray very much!
I have 1 more question: do I need to provide additional data about purchasing the game?
What sort of information do you mean? If you provide your serial code, your username, your display name — the things in my first post in this thread — you’re ok.
What the …. i have no account support but i filled the form and send it.
Don’t tell me that this is why i receive response in my mail but i am still banned ? oO
No, that is not why. You do not need to have a support account to get help! (What’s your ticket number?)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
What sort of information do you mean? If you provide your serial code, your username, your display name — the things in my first post in this thread — you’re ok.
Yeah, I’ve made it. I just thought that maybe it will help to define myself as a legitimate buyer. Thanks a lot =)
My friend has his accounted hacked so I am posting for him.
If I submitted a ticket for a hacked account using will that be prioritized like other hacked accounts? I just now saw that you say to use according to the link here,
Should I submit another ticket using the Ask A Question and refer to my old one in the subject, or should the one I reported under login issues be ok? I know that says not to make a duplicate ticket.Thanks
Either is fine, it’s the same system. Thanks for asking so we could clarify.
Thanks for the info, it seems i’ve done it correctly this time. Created a new with the date and ref# and closed the other ticket I had.
I hope this gets looked at faster.
I closed my redirecting ticket to my older ticket. But i kept my 9 day old german support ticket open as i think/hope/guess that i may get an answer someday.
But i also made a “new” ticket (3 days old) with the english support as i can priorize tickets there with tags (Hacked account) which is impossible with the german support… so no i won’t close that ticket :P
I closed out my additional tickets as per this post. Please don’t be steering me in the wrong direction, Gaile =/
lovely, that doesn’t help me. i created a new ticket (as suggested) and closed my old one (as suggested). i guess i will see if i can re-open my old ticket or i will be waiting even longer for a response…
Any idea on when the ‘prioritised’ tickets prior to Sept 2nd are actually going to be complete then?
Can each of you give me your 12-digit incident or ticket number (or numbers)? Please post them in your post above, when possible, to add to the thread. Thank you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Terexyntl.3281
I am attempting to assist my wife in navigating the Support Maze right now, and it is proving to be a bit challenging. She submitted a ticket back on 9/2, then she submitted another one on 9/4 based on updated information (at that time)… and then another one today (9/5) based on more updated information… which we now learn is out of date and in error. We have not received any feedback (other than the automated response — which does not count) on any of the tickets. I am reticent to have her close out any of the tickets, simply because I don’t know how any are prioritized or if any are prioritized. Basically, I don’t know if she is in the queue, and if she is, where she is in the queue. At least a message of “Ticket <#> has been added to the priority list” would be helpful. After she gets a first response on a Ticket, I will have her close out the others.
Her initial Ticket # is 120902-011084
(edited by Terexyntl.3281)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Paranoia.3689
I cannot re title my first ticket only update it which I did.
Also I am not sure how to close out the duplicate tickets.
(edited by Paranoia.3689)
Hi Gaile
I’m posting this to assist my friend who has had no resolution to his account being hacked since 31/08/2012
He followed all instructions however he is worried his ticket subject is the cause of the problem, he tried to adjust this but was not working.
Unfortunately he is at the end of his rope after 6 days of no account, this is understandably quite frustrating for him.
To add to his frustration he did actually receive a response a few days ago however the response was asking for details he had already supplied and it was basically a carbon copy of the original automated response.
Could someone PLEASE have a look at this ticket for him as it is getting slightly ridiculous.
Thank you for your time, we appreciate the load on your support team but also have seen that people have had their prioritized requests submitted prior to Sunday, September 2 completed apparently.
The ticket number in question is as follows: 120901-000739
Again, please could someone take a look.
Thank you very much in advance.
Gray I am unable to change my ticket title to Hacked Account as suggested but here is the reference number and I have been waiting since the 31st to get this sorted out.
This is the newest ticket with the same information IF you need it
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
I cannot re title my first ticket only update it which I did.
Also I am not sure how to close out the duplicate tickets.
This is the newest ticket with the same information IF you need it
I would recommend you to update your oldest ticket and close all others.
(edited by Dahgoth.4617)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nescience.2954
So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues.
I have updated my oldest ticket (from Sep 01) with as much information as possible, but can’t edit the subject line, and I don’t see any options on to close any of my other tickets. How do we close tickets? Is there anything else I can do to get the ticket prioritized correctly?
For reference, my ticket numbers are: 120901-029729 (original), 120902-010427, and 120905-004646.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
How do we close tickets? Is there anything else I can do to get the ticket prioritized correctly?
To close a ticket open it and choose “No…” in menu “Do you want a response?” just above “Submit” button.
To prioritize your ticket simply update it (with or w/o any info in text field).
Hi Gaile,
My original ticket regarding a Hacked account on 1/09/2012 has not yet been resolved. The only feeback i have received are the automated response requesting additional information. I did resubmit in order to prioritise my support request but have yet to hear anything back from your support team.
I am unable to login to the support site in order to close my additional tickets – how can i go about closing these tickets?!
My reference numbers are as follows – 120901-000502 (original), 120901-000911 and 120905-005?004.
I can’t help but feel if there was a support number we could actually call, a lot of this could have been resolved sooner.
Very frustrated and increasingly angry, i hope to hear from someone soon….
note: posting from my wife’s account
Edit: cut and past from email account posted odd characters in ticket number…
(edited by Emmeh.6251)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Paranoia.3689
Ok I have closed my other two tickets only one remaining is
# 120829-012357
it has been updated
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dudemanjac.5184
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that? That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
I’ve followed the new procedure for my ticket from 08/31/2012 09:17 PM (support server time). Everything else is closed and a full update in the last entry on the original ticket.
Ticket: 120901-002179
Hoping for some good news soon! Thanks.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
Ticket number 120830-007345 from AUGUST 30!! I have reprioritized it and now I can’t access it. Please fix this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: titoxavi.7425
i have been banned for 8 days now… Please, i would be very grateful if my tickets were answered soon …
i made a ticket in the 29th but i wrote it in spanish and without information, these two tickets are sooner because i sent them for prioritizing my issue.
120904-006767 —> this is the latest ticket but i think it’s the most useful.
If i need to prove my 29th ticket say it to me and i will write it here for you.
Sorry for sending more than one ticket, but i didn’t know at first how to update tickets.
Thanks in advance.
(edited by titoxavi.7425)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If it help you I’ll post it here 1 more time
August 31 – 120831-006906
I think that it’s happened cause we made another tickets 2-3 days after initial ticket.
(edited by Dahgoth.4617)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nescience.2954
How do we close tickets? Is there anything else I can do to get the ticket prioritized correctly?
To close a ticket open it and choose “No…” in menu “Do you want a response?” just above “Submit” button.
That…makes sense, thanks! I’ve closed my other tickets, just the oldest (#120901-029729) remaining.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dahgoth.4617
That…makes sense, thanks! I’ve closed my other tickets, just the oldest (#120901-029729) remaining.
It should help a bit I think… You’re welcome, mate =)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: elegen.6130
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that?
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
I’ve been waiting since the 29th. My ticket number is 120829-014884.
Gray I am unable to change my ticket title to Hacked Account as suggested but here is the reference number and I have been waiting since the 31st to get this sorted out.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Trapped.7389
Hi, a friend of mine, who obviously cant login right now to write this, send a ticket in august 30, and customer service finally answered him today, saying as follows.
“We were able to locate the Guild Wars 2 account, update the email address, and reset the password. Please use the following to login:
Account Name:
Password: xxxxxxxx
To update your Guild Wars 2 password to something new, login using your current information at and follow the steps below:”
However, he is unable to login usinh that username and password, it just says there is no such email/account name related to a gw2 account.
He immediately, answered the email, and updated the ticket, but no response yet. I hope he doesnt have to wait another week for it.
The ticket id its as follow: 120902-003337
Can you have someone check it please?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Randy ryan.6280
my number is 120902-017365 but i read one post that said make a whole new ticket to figure out what is actually a hacked account so i did that to i didnt mean to duplicate anything i just thought i had to make a new one for these forums that ticket is 120905-004615
well i dont think im banned i hope not but i think all that was changed was my password idk about my email cause iv been waiting to hear word on what happening. i created a new email like u said and i already know the password i will be using idk i know ur busy i just would like to try to reset my password and see if they changed the email on my account or not it sucks waiting not knowing whats being done
yes my account name is maxakhan.5148 im on my real life friends account to figure all this out and get some answers till i can get my own account back
(edited by Randy ryan.6280)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: spinner.4287
I was wondering how long it normally takes to resolve accounts that have been hacked. My friend was hack on 9/1/12 ticket number 120906-001145. Hes email was change and is not able to use the Gw2 forums so i am writing this for him. He hasn’t heard anything about his account and wants to know what steps to take next to get his account back. Can someone please help
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bluewolf.3812
…………………………… If you would like to update your ticket for clarity or to provide more identifying information, simply update in the Support interface or respond to the most recent emailed copy you received and include as much of this information as possible………………..
Ok so what is meant by Support Interface? is that the box where it says on the top Update this question – Add additional information to your question, is that the one? Because if thats the one then I already updated it several times, trying to give as clear picture as I could. I mean if you check my ticket, it can’t get any clearer, even crystals are not that clear. (Ref #120903-004993). All the detail that is asked for is there.
Can you please confirm if this is what you mean by Support Interface? I submitted my ticket with Hacked Account as Issue Type.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tryphena.1379
Ok, guys. I’m surprised to see some of you who have been out for several more days than I expected. And that tells me that your issue may have been put in the wrong queue. So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues. The oldest tickets should be worked on first, so I’m going to gather some numbers from various posts in this forum and ask our top agents to give them a look. Will post when I know more, but if you can take the steps I’ve outlined above, that would help you (and us) a lot!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. After days of waiting my daughters account has been fixed she is playing and very happy! =)
Okay so it has been 4 days since I submitted my first ticket(120902-007643). Then I read I should submit a new one under new instructions and did so(120904-005461). In both of those messages I thought I was pretty clear that my account had been hacked and subsequently banned. According to the response that was not clear, please unban my account. At the rate this is going I am beginning to lose interest in playing this game.
I understand that there have been several problems, but 4 days for a response that did not solve the problem is very frustrating.
Thank you and have a great day/night.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: St Jimmy.5703
Hi, I’m posting from a friends account, I got hacked aswell Incident: 120903-012058 I know my ticket was sent on the 3rd even though my account name was changed on the 2nd, still I got a response VIA email by GM Lloyd about 4 hours after i sent my ticket which he asked me to reply to that email with addictional information, and I did. Still ever since then i haven’t heard a thing from support. What I don’t get is that Anet sent me an email saying “Someone -hopefully you!- has requested to change the email address associated with your Guild Wars account.” my reactiong was like ( word? o.O ) why would this kind of email be sent when within it the new email which it has been changed to can’t be found? I know it might not have been of much help knowing the new email but maybe just maybe the hacker could have just changed the email and if i knew which name it was i could access my account and change it back by myself… just saying… since I didnt get any email saying my password was altered…
Anyways sorry for the long post guys I feel everyones pain and hope this gets solved, and to those of you such as myself that managed to play for awhile and have characters with alot of hours invested… I hope we don’t end up losing our characters and the stuff we already aquired. Peace
PS: Someone call the hackers mom so he can be taught a lesson or two -.-
(edited by St Jimmy.5703)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Beachboylol.6583
accidently deleted my hero band and i tried to make a new character in my same account and tranfer it. but it said soulbound on another character. can u guys please make me one back ? i miss it. its like a memory for me… please
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Enivid.8670
Posting on behalf of a friend who can’t access his account to post on these forums for help:
“Ticket #120905-007421 Belonging to a friend (White Zetsuu, Fooly.6174) is a ticket that was submitted for repriotizing as per your request on September 2nd and still never got looked at.”
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TaliosFalcon.9765
I have a ticket from the 27th, so over a week and a half old now that contains all the required information, and hasn’t had a single response. 120827-011410
Kinda at the end of my rope here as with no other contact options i’m not sure what to do other than contest the credit card charges since no one seems to respond to their email support =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dudemanjac.5184
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that?
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
Gaile, If you can fix this problem or make any headway, you can call me whatever you like. I look around and I see people asking for refunds and threatening chargebacks, but I love the game and I really just want to get back to playing it. It sounds silly to say, but all of my other games have really just lost their luster to me and I don’t want to touch anything else. Here are my tickets. The last one is the prioritized ticket.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Apathy.3749
On behalf of my friend: Deminent.9123 has been locked out of his account since 08.31 and has the following tickets regarding his E-mail / Account name does not belong to an account. Please jump on this when possible for he has waited a long time and help is greatly appreciated.
[3:15:26 p.m.] Kurt Johnston: Priortized ticket: 120905-002469
[3:15:43 p.m.] Kurt Johnston: First ticket on the matter: 120831-015265 (August 31st)
(serial code is in first ticket)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
My retail serial did not apply to my pre-order account, and I submitted my original ticket on 8-30. Support has not gotten back to me and all I have gotten here is the run around. I have followed all steps for re-prioritizing and done everything I can. I am now locked out of my support account as well, and there is nothing else I can do.
After a week, my patience is wearing very thin, and Arena Net goes on their wiki and boasts that they have finished all tickets up until 9-03? Um, no?
It seems like since we don’t pay a monthly fee, you guys aren’t loosing any money by making us wait. This is unacceptable.
Again, my week old, properly prioritized ticket is 120830-007345.
I had my hope restored that help was on the way when this forum was opened, but so far, it has made no difference.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ONEone.4823
my original ticket number is: 120902-003411
thank you!
Thanks for the info, it seems i’ve done it correctly this time. Created a new with the date and ref# and closed the other ticket I had.
I hope this gets looked at faster.
I closed my redirecting ticket to my older ticket. But i kept my 9 day old german support ticket open as i think/hope/guess that i may get an answer someday.
But i also made a “new” ticket (3 days old) with the english support as i can priorize tickets there with tags (Hacked account) which is impossible with the german support… so no i won’t close that ticket :P
I closed out my additional tickets as per this post. Please don’t be steering me in the wrong direction, Gaile =/
lovely, that doesn’t help me. i created a new ticket (as suggested) and closed my old one (as suggested). i guess i will see if i can re-open my old ticket or i will be waiting even longer for a response…
Any idea on when the ‘prioritised’ tickets prior to Sept 2nd are actually going to be complete then?
Can each of you give me your 12-digit incident or ticket number (or numbers)? Please post them in your post above, when possible, to add to the thread. Thank you.
I’m doing this for my friend because he hasn’t had the chance to add his serial code because his account has been blocked. He wanted me to post this on his behalf.
Ticket number 120826-004269
Ticket was submitted August 26th(2nd day of head start) When you guys responded to him you asked for some information for verification on 8/30/12, he hasn’t heard back from anyone sent. The ticket was last updated by my friend on September 1st. He has not received any information since. My friend had his Ncsoft account and Guild Wars account blocked, no email explaining why it the account was blocked was ever sent.
Please unblock his account or at least tell him what happened. We both have been trying to figure out what happened but we have been unable to find any answers.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: The Drunktopus.7802
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that?
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
I’m the very first person posted here and im now on day 7. What’s the deal? I haven’t gotten any repsonse or anything. I know you guys are swamped but getting ignored is getting frustrating. I was hoping to have access so that after my surgery tomorrow i could play in recovery.
EDIT: Sorry im the first post in the people awaiting support. Ticket 120831-021599
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
Come on Gaile, I have faith in you. Please don’t let me down. A PM would be fantastic.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cablecing.2487
melas.5164 has updated his ticket #120903-000528
good luck
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
120830-007345 opened on 8-30. Come on guys, lets get these moving. I’ve done everything that I can. The ball is in your court.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JonasX.6045
Wow that would be great if he reply, do update us with whats happening
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
I definitely will. If they fix this, my faith will be restored and I’ll sing their praises on the mountain tops, but the longer it takes, the quieter I feel like singing.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zodiak.6875
Ticket: 120827-009187
Date: August 27, 2012
(removed some account info — I can get it in the ticket)
A detailed description of the issue that you’re experiencing:
I pre-ordered a second account, for someone in my household. I received a purchase confirmation and I regiwred it. I have proof of doing both. Whenever I try to login. I can login to the website using the second account and change the password.
Whenever I attempt to login using the second account, even after registering using the email and the key provided, I get the following error message:
“Grace period has ended!
You have not applied a retail code to your account and the grace period has ended. Until you apply a retail serial code, you will be unable to continue playing Guild Wars 2. Please visit the retailer where you pre-purchase or pre-ordered Guild Wars 2 to obtain your retail serial code.
And This was a pre-order for Guild Wars 2 Digital Edition. I was unable to login during the headstart and I am still unable to login to this date.
I have received little to no support. The little support I have received was very bad and I have not received any support since
Please help!
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Vortex.7498
Ticket: 120830-016639
Date: August 30, 2012
(removed some personal info. will get it in the ticket, thanks.)
A detailed description of the issue that you’re experiencing:
Can not log into the website or into the game I am having a friend post this for me.
I am getting the email authentication error. I have not received any more emails responses from support.
I have also not been getting the email authentications. It is not going into my spam folder.
I have tried to respond to the ticket after the email but no one responded.
Please help.
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: HellsChicken.3284
Yup, I know that the accounts are separate, and I know the login information. The fact that I can’t even reset the support account password is what leaves me believing it’s been banned, for some unknown reason.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.