Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: whackamoo.1382


Over 10 days and counting, still nothing from support. My account was suspended for no reason, is this going to be resolved at all? Shall I just cut my loss and accept the fact it’s a huge waste of 59.95USD? It’s a shame that the game itself is actually pretty good…

Ticket# 121115-000565

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

[Incident: 121113-003712]
Gaile, I can only assume Thanksgiving limited, or eliminated any work on my ticket for the past week. My hope, and expectation is to have my account back by the end of next week – Nov 30th. If I see no real progress by then I will have one last communication to post in an effort to regain my account.
My updated timeline:
Nov 8 – Played GW2 without issue
Nov 9 – Falsely banned for “real money” account sales on attempt to login.
Nov 9 – Ticket submitted requesting to restore my account, and a second ticket correcting an error in the email address for my game of the original ticket.
Nov 12 – Posted to this forum requesting help
Nov 12 – Response from support that my account was restored
Nov 12 – Attempted to login to the game which failed for same original reason
Nov 13 – Submitted a new ticket [Incident: 121113-003712] with attachment of previous ticket communications
Nov 13 – Received request from support for 25 digit game key
Nov 13 – Provided two game keys as I couldn’t tell which one was mine, and which one was my wife’s since I had pre-purchased both of them.
Nov 13 – Informed by support my ticket had been “escalated”.
Nov 15 – Posted to this forum again, and obviously still waiting…………………
Nov 18 – Posted to this forum again. Still get same ban notice when I attempt to login.
Nov 19 – Gaile’s update list for Nov 15-19 indicates my incident is “Under Review”
Nov 25 – Posted to this forum again. Still get same ban notice when I attempt to login with no further updates for my incident.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

posting on behalf of a friend (and guild member) that was mistakenly banned for using 3rd party software.

ticket number: 121115-001408

last updated by Gaile Gray was 6 days ago
“121115-001408 Under review; I added notes to the ticket”

please help!


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ADIos.3196


My account was banned for fraud payment. My friend contact
with support and they said I can update my account with a new serial code… I bought it and tried but I’ve got error with Invalid Region so tried to contact with Support to get info if they can do something with this, but instead any answer my tickets are automaticly marked as “duplicate” and they dont answer.
My ticket numbers are:
and now tried a new one:
Why its happening ? Why support dont want to help ? :/

New ticket is also marked as duplicate… -.-’

(edited by ADIos.3196)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


Having the exact same problem as ADIos
never did dublicates yet. Still had t owait many days since i first contacted support.

1 month soon!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BrownSamurai.7056


Original: 121102-000090
Reopen: 121121-001210

24 days since initial request for support, 5 days after opening a new case because the original problem was closed. Can I get this looked at soon?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


i’m posting this for my friend who got his account suspended and we do not know what happened. we already put up a ticket, please fix this.
the account name is:
yotsuba pat.4619

reference number: #121124-000543

This post, as the subject says, is for tickets that are 3 days old or older. The post was made instantly upon submittal of a ticket. Please post on or after November 27 for assistance, if it is still needed at that time.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slube.1570


I am posting for a friend his reference # is 121122-000034

Suspended for no reason on Thanksgiving day.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


My account was banned for fraud payment. My friend contact
with support and they said I can update my account with a new serial code… I bought it and tried but I’ve got error with Invalid Region so tried to contact with Support to get info if they can do something with this, but instead any answer my tickets are automaticly marked as “duplicate” and they dont answer.
My ticket numbers are:
and now tried a new one:
Why its happening ? Why support dont want to help ? :/

New ticket is also marked as duplicate… -.-’

Yes, the new tickets are marked as duplicates. Please do not file multiple tickets. You slow down the process of getting you help. Please only update your first ticket.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Original: 121102-000090
Reopen: 121121-001210

24 days since initial request for support, 5 days after opening a new case because the original problem was closed. Can I get this looked at soon?

You can reopen the first ticket by responding to it. Please do so and close the second ticket yourself, to avoid delaying your response.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Took me around 5 days to get my account back after being wrongfully banned for botting.

There are previous posts in this thread that taught me to provide as much details as possible in the ticket (eg. account name, character name, last 4 digit of credit card, serial code etc.) , hence reducing the time taken for them to investigate your account. Do check back the older posts to learn more.

Hang in there guys.

Glad you’re ok now. And thanks for this helpful post. Please note that the things you can provide to expedite your ticket are included in the How to Submit a Ticket – Account Issues thread.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: Wednesday through Monday — 21 through 26 November

121111-002402 Resolved
121112-000568 Resolved
121116-000437 Resolved
121117-000650 Account closed (potential fraud issues) and was not charged.
121118-003213  Both accounts were refunded. You will need to create a new account.
121109-002852 Charge-back; will not be reinstated.
121102-000090, 121121-001210 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121121-000735 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121121-001724 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121113-003712 I followed up on this today
121114-000212 I followed up on this today
121114-001375 I followed up on this today
121114-003259 I followed up on this today
121115-000565 I followed up on this today
121115-003771 I followed up on this today
121116-000813 I followed up on this today
121116-002285, 121118-002383 I followed up on this today
121117-003370 I followed up on this today
121118-002786 I followed up on this today
121121-001210 I followed up on this today
121111-001799 RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121120-001290 RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121116-000968; 121120-001414  RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121116-003126 RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121115-002154 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121119-001647 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121120-002237, 121123-001123 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121121-000300 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121121-000642 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121121-002141 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121121-002365 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121028-001758 Under review
121109-001736 Under review
121110-000763 Under review
121115-001408 Under review
121116-000556, 121117-000053 Under review
121120-000633 Under review
121120-001710 Under review
121121-002792 Under review
121122-000273 Under review
120917-005761 Updated today

For those issues still under review, please do not post again until Wednesday, to allow the team to answer your tickets. Thank you.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oski.9586



I have the following ticket open since 11/15/2012:


Bought the game 11/11/12, played for about an hour; played again for about an hour on 11/13/12; go to log-in 11/15/12 and it says my account is suspended. code:


Have not received any replies to my ticket, no reason given, nothing. Starting to think ANet is trying to scam me out of my hard earned money, or the place I bought it from, hoping I’ll buy another copy so they can just do it again. Not going to happen.

Tried changing password, etc., etc.

EDIT: My original ticket and first response has the serial number. When I look at it, I do not see this post, only the 11/17 follow-up I submitted and an automated response to it. If it is missing I can resubmit.


(edited by Oski.9586)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, I’m doing that thing you told me to do in my other thread!

Upgraded From Trial, No Reward and New ID Number [Incident: 121119-002879]

Original Ticket on 11/19/2012

Instead of using the in-game prompt to upgrade my account from the weekend trial to a full digital copy, I used the website to buy a digital copy and activated the serial code as described over in the support section of the site, located here: . Though this seems to have worked perfectly, I never received the set of boosters as a reward for upgrading to a full version. Additionally, my player ID changed from Steelfoot.1049 to Steelfoot.1052, which doesn’t seem to have affected the game experience yet, but it is making me a little anxious… Is there any way to fix the ID number change and award me the boosters? Thanks!

Additional Information
On the suggestion of a poster in my previous thread, the order number is 30458760 and it was for a Digital Edition. If there’s any more information needed, let me know and I’ll get it here as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Burto.9803


Hey thanks for getting me an answer Gaile!

121121-000642 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

I thought that it might be the case. Before I go and create a new account. Just wondering if there is any way at all to keep my character? if not it’s no biggie but it would be nice. Also if I create a new account, will I be able to use the same email address as before and use my (Burto.9803) name? or will this not be possible?

Thanks for getting this sorted out at least.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gemma.4830


Account has been suspended for the last 4 days, havent heard from customer support in 3 days, somehow this is an acceptable way to run a business, shame on you Anet!

Ticket: [Incident: 121123-000829]?

I have to use my wifes account just to write on the forums because youve blocked mine from accessing them, with no explanation or anything. Terrible support!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masaga.6072


Hi Gaile,

Reference Ticket: 121119-003748, Account has been suspended for over one week now with no further response after the initial escalation email from the team.

Long story short – my wife and I both bought copies of the game with the same credit card, but she purchased her copy a few weeks after mine. Her account was suspended and refunded, but I still haven’t heard back as to why my account was suspended with no further word (No refund request – just want to play on my account again ). I fear the account might have been hacked which led to the suspension about a week ago after hearing from my friends that they saw me online the day of the suspension (when I was not).

Thanks for any further info and please let me know if I can provide anything else. I’d really appreciate it if the matter could be resolved so we can get back to playing this great game together with the characters I invested a lot of time into.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kidribs.9417


Hi Gaile/Team,

Account has been suspended, similar with my friend who has the same fraudulent retailer. His account was reactivated by buying new game keys, so I bought new game keys from the website, linked it then submitted a ticket of reactivating the account.

As of today, my account was still suspended. [Incident: 121125-000598]

I appreciate your actions regarding on this issue. Thank you in advance.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: raiden.4958


Ticket 121119-002764

One of my guild member receive unjustified ban, and she cannot log in to forum and post her helps, sorry if is not allow to help someone to post their issue. She provided her actual receipt of the game purchase and other clear picture of the CD Key. However, her account is still considered as fraudulent purchase. I was caught in the same situation a month ago as well, but my account has been resolved already. This member plays with our guild for many years, so please helps her and review the issue.

“Hi, Gaile Gray
Sorry if this makes you feel annoying, but I will not give up my right as a loyal Guild Wars 2 game player when I had fully paid my game and proof my purchase with receipt and cd key.
Since Oct 19, my account receives the ban. The system determines my account was involved with real money trade. I was trying to be calm and patient, but it seems not going on the right path.

For the latest notice:
“121027-000291 (and 7 other tickets) Fraudulent purchase. Will not be reinstated. Please do not submit further tickets or repost. “

I will not give up until I receive a satisfied response, because I did nothing wrong and purchase the game thought legal and official path. I had the proof of my CD Key is legal and qualify to play (which I brought the CD Key in Toronto, Canada in person), because I also invite few friends to play the game, I help all my friend to purchase their game at EB GAMES Store during the same day. And I still have the receipt to proof my full purchase. Therefore, I really wonder how my account can be labeled against such charges, and keep being rejecting for resolve? I not paid for this kind of unjustified band. Please show me the evidences that the CD Key I purchase from EB GAME is not qualify to play, if there are not such of things, please do not ban an honest and loyal fans of Guild Wars2 for such unreasonable charges. The receipt I provide in the ticket attachments is the proof of pre purchase and the proof of pick up after the game official released.

PS. To explain, the other four tickets are not related to this issue, and it has been closed and resolved for long time ago. Because I need help to resolve this issue, I apologize if I send too much tickets, but I hope you understand it is because my account is innocent and I love the game so much, so I really want my account back. I wish to get more help in the forum, but my account is also ban by the forum cause the unjustified charges. It has been almost one month away from the game, I miss it so much, and so do my guild members. And I really don’t want my passion for Guild Wars 2 turns down by disappointment.”

Attachments: Receipt of the game purchase
Cd Key with game box and install Cd

Thank You"


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glenfiddich.5879



Hi again
Created ticket 11/13/2012
Last update 11/15/2012 11:12 PM
Waiting for refund

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey thanks for getting me an answer Gaile!

121121-000642 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

I thought that it might be the case. Before I go and create a new account. Just wondering if there is any way at all to keep my character? if not it’s no biggie but it would be nice. Also if I create a new account, will I be able to use the same email address as before and use my (Burto.9803) name? or will this not be possible?

Thanks for getting this sorted out at least.


Glad to help. I wish I could answer the question about continued play on the account (with a valid code, of course). But each situation is different and I think it would be good for you to update your ticket and ask if they can release your account and allow you to add a new, valid code to it, or if you will need to start a new account. It’s not a simple situation, so it’s best to get the word directly from the team. Thanks!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hi Gaile/Team,

Account has been suspended, similar with my friend who has the same fraudulent retailer. His account was reactivated by buying new game keys, so I bought new game keys from the website, linked it then submitted a ticket of reactivating the account.

As of today, my account was still suspended. [Incident: 121125-000598]

I appreciate your actions regarding on this issue. Thank you in advance.

This is only a day old, and the team will probably reply in the next two days. If not, please post in this thread and I’ll look into the matter. Thanks for understanding.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: burto.7026


Hi again Gaile, it’s Burto 9803, except now I’m burto 7026. I decided to just make a new account all together, I only really lost 5 days of progress, so like I said no biggie. I’ll let support know that I no longer intend to use the other account so they can get rid of it. Thanks again for your time!


Hey thanks for getting me an answer Gaile!

121121-000642 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

I thought that it might be the case. Before I go and create a new account. Just wondering if there is any way at all to keep my character? if not it’s no biggie but it would be nice. Also if I create a new account, will I be able to use the same email address as before and use my (Burto.9803) name? or will this not be possible?

Thanks for getting this sorted out at least.


Glad to help. I wish I could answer the question about continued play on the account (with a valid code, of course). But each situation is different and I think it would be good for you to update your ticket and ask if they can release your account and allow you to add a new, valid code to it, or if you will need to start a new account. It’s not a simple situation, so it’s best to get the word directly from the team. Thanks!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaleston.5671


Hello, I got this response according my ticket with reference 121118-001985

Response Raven via Email 11/19/2012 12:21 PM

I am transferring your ticket to a senior member of the Guild Wars Support Team for further assistance. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

The Guild Wars Support Team

The ticket was in “waiting” state. After few days I found out noone responded, but suddenly ticket is “closed”. I waited couple more days, but still nothing. Can you investigate for me, please?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ADIos.3196


My account was banned for fraud payment. My friend contact
with support and they said I can update my account with a new serial code… I bought it and tried but I’ve got error with Invalid Region so tried to contact with Support to get info if they can do something with this, but instead any answer my tickets are automaticly marked as “duplicate” and they dont answer.
My ticket numbers are:
and now tried a new one:
Why its happening ? Why support dont want to help ? :/

New ticket is also marked as duplicate… -.-’

Yes, the new tickets are marked as duplicates. Please do not file multiple tickets. You slow down the process of getting you help. Please only update your first ticket.

Hey Gaile,
Sorry for duplicateing a tickets, I just though I was asking about something else and I should write a new ticket. I guess this 1st one is:
121022-002506 Because all tickets were entered to this one (now i get it),
I didn’t get an answer since 21.11.2012, but now Im just posting it here and not updating.
Thenk You for any help and waiting with patience…

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Indubitably.6019


My account got suspended BEFORE HALLOWEEN (Yes, that long).
I was given no reason as to why it was suspended, and to my knowledge, I did nothing wrong and it has not been hacked.
I sent a ticket shortly after. I got a message that it was being looked at. And then found out later that it had closed unresolved.

I Made another, as the old one gave me this message “This incident cannot be reopened or updated. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question by clicking the Ask A Question tab.”
The 2nd ticket (11/11/2012) was made 2 weeks later because of your warnings against multiple tickets.

The 2nd ticket says it is a duplicate and also gives the message “This incident cannot be reopened or updated. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question by clicking the Ask A Question tab.” Number# [Incident: 121111-001040]

I never got sent an email about updating my ticket or re-prioritizing it. It has now been over A MONTH since I have been able to play this game.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Syrenia.7801


Hi Gaile,

This post is from my friend for he can not post here because of a unjustified ban.

“HI Gaile,

My account was terminated because of some reason like botting/extended unattended play/using macros at 11/17. but just before my character was banned from the game, I was buying some equipments in the Blacklion trademarket. I know I was just standed there idlely, but it’s just because there are so many items in the TP and I have to make some conclusion. So I was very confused when I was banned, because I have no clue why that happened on me! I have appealed a ticket. but the answer from support just like some template letter and from then on, there is no update to my problem, and my issue hasn’t been resolved. I hope you can check it out, thank you very much.

This is my ticket: 121118-000671"

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Indubitably.6019



All it says when I try to log in is “Your Guildwars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue. Please contact support for information”.
One month later, still no information, or fix. I have zero idea what the issue is.

However, that doesn’t stop ArenaNet from sending me emails asking for feedback on how I enjoyed the events I didn’t get to play

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bugbear.9652


Hi Gaile,

I was given the advice to post on this thread to escalate my ticket which was very sadly not solved and closed without proper investigation by the support team

My ticket reference number is 121123-000566

My problem is as follows (and you may also see in my ticket):

A few days ago a very nice exotic item with a rare rune in it dropped for me. The rune was worth about 5 gold. So I sent it to my boyfriend in the mail so that he could extract the rune with his Black Lion Salvage Kit so we could sell it and split the gold.
Problem is, he never received the item and I definitely don’t have it in my inventory. We made very sure that his mailbox was empty before I sent it. It just vanished in the mail.
Obviously I was very upset. This bug meant that 5 gold went down the drain because the item was lost in the mail I contacted support multiple times, was very polite and patient, and the final reply was that they are unable to restore any items that have gotten lost in the mail. I don’t think any kind of investigation was done, it was just a standard response. And then support closed my ticket.

Please may you help me with this problem It is pretty upsetting to lose such a rare item because of a mail system bug and I would really like some investigation to be done to see if the item can be returned.

Thank you!

(edited by Bugbear.9652)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Warpus.9153


Can some one please move things along…on the 22nd we used the support option and submitted tickets and its still not fixed/updated.
Here is what happened:
I bought 4 Guild Wars 2 games, 1 for me, 1 for my oldest son, 1 for my younger son, and one for a friend out of state. I used 2 credit cards and seems after a month of us 4 playing 2 got banned/suspended and I was refunded the money for the game. It also seems that the 2 that got banned/suspended were the 2nd purchases on each credit card. Neither one had an offensive name nor offended anyone as we mostly only team together and don’t join pugs. Can you please speed things up in getting this resolved, we just want to get back to playing the game. I know my son and friend submitted tickets on this and so did I since it involved my credit cards. My incident number is:
[Incident: 121123-001923]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crevox.5806


I have been unable to login to my account for, at minimum, 12 days now. I quit playing for a while and contacted support when I tried to login and it stated I was suspended. We talked, and then they stated they would contact me as soon as possible… and yet still, nothing.
Below are screenshots. I really don’t know what else to do, it’s been over 10 days since they’ve said anything. I even tried poking the ticket by saying something but still, nothing. Can’t play the game.
Customer Support:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: allysphere.5702



This is regarding [Incident: 121123-000247].

My husband (alberolingarn.8361) was banned/suspended last week “for an account issue.” He filed a support ticket with ArenaNet on Thursday November 22nd.

The latest response we have gotten from ArenaNet is the following:

“The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create your Guild Wars 2 game account was initially purchased from NCsoft has found that the purchase of the serial code was a fraudulent purchase. This resulted in the provided serial code and game account where that serial code is registered to be permanently closed.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to assist you further with this issue."

This shocked us because we pre-purchased the game directly from your site seven months ago. Our bank statements show the money was charged and went through to ArenaNet. We have not received any refund for the money, either.

He has participated in all subsequent BWEs and played the game since launch! We do not know why there is a problem now. He paid through debit and we have had no problems with that card. We are just baffled because the money shows it went through on our end, and I have no idea why seven months later we are being told it was bad.

We came home from Thanksgiving dinner to find his account banned and it made for a depressing Thanksgiving break. It hurts to be accused of fraud when we are innocent!

We would love some further help on this issue. Gaile, I’ve been going through all of these support threads the past few days and see how much you are helping people. I really respect the work you do; if you could help us with this issue I would really appreciate it.

Excelsior. :>

(edited by allysphere.5702)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gangstamech.8237


Here’s what’s up. I bought a digital copy of the game for my friend (early x-mas present) on Nov. 15 with my credit card. We played for three days and then his account was suspended without any warning. We only played together and explored PvE. Never did anything to break any kind of agreement. We just want to play and this is becoming frustrating. Can someone please un-suspend his account so we can enjoy the game like we want to. Please and Thank you

Reference # 121122-001534
Friend in question – PKay.5698
Order # 30387205

Gangstamech(Engee), Brute Chieftain(War), Unholy Potato Skin (Necro)
Yak’s Bend [FoW]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: Tuesday, 27 November

121113-003712 Resolved
121123-001923 Resolved
121102-000090 Account released 11/8; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121114-000212 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121114-001375 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121121-000642 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121102-000090 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121119-003748 I followed up on this today
121125-000598 I followed up on this today
121028-001758 I followed up on this today
121115-002569 I followed up on this today
121118-001985 I followed up on this today
121022-002506 I followed up on this today
121111-001040 I followed up on this today
121119-002879 I followed up on this today; the answers you got weren’t right and I’m sorry
Crevox.5804 Please provide you ticket number
121123-000247 Please follow up in your ticket, which was updated today
121118-002383 Purchase was rejected and you were not charged. Update ticket if you believe otherwise.
121119-002764 RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121118-000671 RMT — will not be reinstated. Please do not post again or submit other tickets.
121115-002569 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.
121121-002439 The team has the new info on your original ticket, they will reply as soon as they can
121122-000034 There was a charge-back on this account; as a result it was closed
121123-000829 Under review
121115-001408 Under review
121122-001534 Under review

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

[Incident: 121113-003712]
Thank you for following up on my incident. My account has been fully restored with support acknowledging it was blocked in error. I suspect without your assistance on this forum I could have been waiting much longer.

For the innocent GW2 customers ,
Thought you might like to see a successful outcome. They don’t come quickly though. I started on Nov 9th, repeatedly followed up, and today Nov 27th I got my account back with everything where I left it.

For the management of GW2:
I understand there were issues getting out of hand that you were trying to address after I started researching what was going on. However, I find your course of action used extremely poor judgment, and foresight. Casting a net that catches innocent customers is not a good decision. To compound that error with insufficient resources to address legitimate customer issues that you created in a timely manner is… shall I say “disheartening” to those of us who have spent a lot of our time in Tyria.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oski.9586


Update: Tuesday, 27 November

121115-002569 I followed up on this today
121115-002569 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

Thanks for following up on this, but maybe you can elaborate.

- “Charge authorization failed”: I didn’t think there was a monthly fee with this game. That is why I started playing it. When I signed up, I don’t recall being asked for a credit card. So what was being “charge[d]”?

- “Add a valid code to play”: I was playing, hence that should mean the code was valid. But now is not for some reason that isn’t clear to me.

The bottom line: I paid $60 for a game and now I am being told I can’t use it; that if I want to continue to play the game, I have to spend another $60. No way—that is a scam. So who is it that is trying to screw me over and steal my money: Anet or the place I bought the game?


(edited by Oski.9586)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Gaile Gray

121119-002879 I followed up on this today; the answers you got weren’t right and I’m sorry

It’s alright. I’m actually pretty happy to have received a response from support after issues with MMO support systems in the past. Better a polite, friendly, but somewhat off-the-mark response than “eh, tough cookies” or no response at all.

I just received the booster set about 5 minutes ago; got up to get a drink and they were waiting for me in my mailbox. Thank you so much for your help, Gaile!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BrownSamurai.7056


Update: Wednesday through Monday — 21 through 26 November
121102-000090, 121121-001210 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121121-001210 I followed up on this today

Same ticket number, two lines on the same post. The initial number was for ArenaNET reference, the second number is the reopen (which does not appear on my support page). I’m assuming your “Fraudulent code” comment was on the original ticket since I purchased the second code directly from ArenaNET?

I also saw this:

You can reopen the first ticket by responding to it. Please do so and close the second ticket yourself, to avoid delaying your response.

I replied to the last e-mail recieved from support as instructed in hope that this will be resolved. I did check after replying and it does not appear in my support history. A soon as I get a confirmation from support, or the re-opened case reappears, I’ll feel a bit more confident about closing the second issue.

Hopefully this does not place me in the back of the queue for another 26 days.

(edited by BrownSamurai.7056)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kamur.6048


account suspended [Incident: 121116-001561]

its 13 days now! worst service of mmo i seen!
????????, ???!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kirn.2378


Posting again on behalf of a suspended friend:

Ticket: 121121-002141
“The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.”"

I bought a serial from your online shop and PayPal charged me on your behalf. The money didn’t come back to this day.
I added this legit pre-purchase serial to an account which was created with an ebay-beta-key (I could let you know that serial as well).
Now I read (in the german forum) these beay-beta-keys are connected to fraud. Im sorry to hear that but didn’t expect that when I bought it.

Nevertheless, I think my gw2-page-pre-purchase serial should be valid (it cost valid money).
I don’t want to re-start. How can we solve this?
My updates to the ticket are all but ignored. Gaile’s info didn’t arrive in the ticket either.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YMS.9637


Hi Gaile,
It’s me. thanks for your follow.
I am sorry for bothering you again.
However, My ticket is still not updated.
And my account still be suspended. nothing change from 16/11
Is there anything I could help / provide ?
I bought it from the official site by credit card.

The one whose account got suspended by payment issue.
My ticket number is below.
121116-002285, 121118-002383 I followed up on this today

How can I get my account back within a short time.
12 days has gone ~ …..
And I suggest speeding up the service of payment team
12 is a long wait …

(edited by YMS.9637)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: phantomic.8745


Hi Gaile,

Still waiting for an update for ticket 121116-001629.

Could we please have this looked at please! Would be great if i could be answered directly


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Isidore.8140


My girlfriend has been wrongfully accused of using of third party program and has gotten banned for more than two weeks. Not even sure what caused ANet to suspect my girlfriend but she has definitely not used any third party program. We had been playing together for weeks before the incident and have never encountered such problems. Now both of us have stopped playing because of this.

We sent a ticket weeks ago to explain the situation but GM replied with an automated response and insists that my girlfriend is in the wrong without even providing proof. Sent another ticket (Incident: 121124-001746) on 24/11/2012 to appeal and has yet to receive any reply. Please help. It feels as if ANet has just robbed my girlfriend of her hard earned money.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: boogie.1368



Thank you for looking into my ticket, I do appreciate the effort. However, day 10 or so, Wednesday morning, and my daughter’s account remains suspended.

Ticket 121118-002786-

I have yet to receive a response from support since 11/19, and noticed via the forum that you were checking into it earlier this week. Not to beat a dead horse, but all info has been submitted, she played the game a whole ONE time with me, and in no way, shape or form, violated any TOS etc…

Please restore her account asap, she’d really like to see a bit more of the game than the opening, and for 59.99, she deserves to!

Thank You

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kvothe.2348


I’m posting this for my friend who got his account suspended (he can’t access forums) and we do not know what happened. It’s been a week now, since the last reply from support.

the account name is:
reference number: #121121-002828

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lightdevil.9316


I opened a support ticket on 21 said it would analyze for 7 days and no one has contacted at least to say what you’re being done, I am very upset about support, I am a customer besides being a player hope this problem is resolved as quickly possible.
ticket : 121121-002294

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


@Gaile: I just had been able to log in first time since our “romance” started. Thanks for all those matches and candles you used to get those guy and girls working.
I think im finally donw now. 1 Month exactly

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HukoJlac.8967


Hi. My account was suspended, 11/15/2012 i posted a ticket and provided all information support asked me, but i have no answers from 11/15/2012. i posted 4 tickets later, but they marked as duplicate, and was not answered. First ticket number is 121115-002366,
next tickets are: 121125-002502, 121125-000994, 121122-001533, 121118-001872.
Do something please.
Best regards, Mikalai.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: Tuesday, 27 November

121115-002569 I followed up on this today
121115-002569 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

Thanks for following up on this, but maybe you can elaborate.

- “Charge authorization failed”: I didn’t think there was a monthly fee with this game. That is why I started playing it. When I signed up, I don’t recall being asked for a credit card. So what was being “charge[d]”?

- “Add a valid code to play”: I was playing, hence that should mean the code was valid. But now is not for some reason that isn’t clear to me.

The bottom line: I paid $60 for a game and now I am being told I can’t use it; that if I want to continue to play the game, I have to spend another $60. No way—that is a scam. So who is it that is trying to screw me over and steal my money: Anet or the place I bought the game?


Sure, I can explain. You purchased the game, and on trust, you were allowed to create an account and play while the credit card was being processed. However, somewhere in the process, a question arose about the credit card and they order was voided. (The question could be the validity of the card, a mismatch between the card information and the billing address, any number of things that are given a blanket “fraud alert.”)

The important thing: You were never charged for the game. If you check your CC records, you may have seen an “authorization” at the time you purchased, but that authorization request was removed and again, you did not pay for the game.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


@Gaile: I just had been able to log in first time since our “romance” started. Thanks for all those matches and candles you used to get those guy and girls working.
I think im finally donw now. 1 Month exactly

I will remember our candlelit dinners with fondness.

I think you’re aware, but this is finally resolved, and I am very, very sorry for the delay. Add a new code and you’re good to go!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events