Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nordzik.2357
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nordzik.2357
Hi GaileGray,
I just want to tell that I have never been so disappointed If I talk about support on GW2 and account security they use.
My account was hacked 2 weeks ago (stolen login) 3 days ago I get back my account , so I waitting to solve this problem around 12 days.
Of course, my 80 lev character in the game was without any items and my gold but nevermind , I was happy that I can play again.
After 12h on my first login I try login to the game and I get this error :
" Your Gulid Wars 2 account has beed terminated for modifying or tampering with the game , with is a breacg of the User Agreement and Rules Of Conduct. This action is premanent. Error code 45:6:3:2114"
So I guess the person who stole my account using for farming gold bots etc, but I am the victim.
I suspect that now and again I’ll wait long time for resolve this issue.
Ticket number : 120907-004183
If you can help me I will be very grateful.
Thank you
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: osirisneits.5940
Ticket number: 120917-004917
User name is Avalarra.8621
Stolen account has been used to farm Cursed Shore for the last week.
Thank you for attention to this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: alexandrov.8746
Hi GaileGray,
“we have detected that your account may have been accessed by an unauthorized individual, for your security, further account accesses has been suspended until this matter can be resolved. To restore access to this account, please contact support and one of our representatives will assist you”
Hello again, my account is locked again please quick solution to the problem.
I did not receive a verification message only once an account has been blocked.
my internet provider has a variable IP
Ticket #: 120908-007658 09/08/2012
(edited by alexandrov.8746)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: joonasp.9217
Ticket #: 120914-002613
Has been up for 10 days without anything happening.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JonasV.4209
Posting this for a guildy:
Ticket# 120920-000802
Guild functionality bug, lost 2500 influence on a cancled upgrade. Been 5 days and no follow-up from support.
(edited by JonasV.4209)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mickeye.4805
Ticket# 120919-004264, bugged out tournaments. No reply as of yet.
Can’t play tourneys for more than 10 days, which sucks donkey balls. Please look upon this issue, thanks a lot in advance.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Miring Soot.5739
Ticket# 120917-000444: Cannot Edit Guild
Started a thread asking about a guild problem I created, where I cannot edit permissions as guild leader, effectively making my guild useless. Cannot promote members, use points accrued, etc.
Got a response that gives me no update to the problem and basically told me “submit a bug report”, which I find less than useful.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: estrillin.7643
Guild: Tirayjala
Server: Sorrow Furnace
Tag: [TYJ]
Unable to promote player’s , write messages of the day, and can’t spend Influence on guild upgrades only thing i can do is invite players. pliz Help
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mervic the unholy.7895
Here is mine [Incident: 120829-002627]? [Incident: 120918-005638]?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nighthawk.6453
120915-000523 – replied, but can I see the answer in less then 5 days?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cataclysm.6210
Ticket 120917-000438
Opened 17.09., still not even an automated answer…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halabit.7205
I made a refund request 7+ days ago. Still no answer, nothing.
Ticket number : 120917-005163
I included all info required for you to processed with refund.
(edited by Halabit.7205)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Plinius.5709
Ticket # 120919-001486
due to XML error 48 i can’t link my accounts via account management
i’ve sent this ticket to ask for a manual link AND if it was possible to keep my GW2 email adress as login-name for both games
I think i provided all necessary information in the ticket – i have not received an answer yet
thank you for this review thread!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Takeko.8735
Update — Thursday, September 20
120913-000767 In queue, awaiting resolution
I am still waiting for a real resolution to this. After your post I did receive a message from support stating
The Customer Support department is unable to assist in changing this selection. The game design decision has been made that your faction be a permanent decision made by the player, and as such, undoing this decision or changing it for you is not a service that we provide.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
I replied stating that I understand the design decision that the order choice should be permanent, but my issue is that, due to a bug, the choice I made wasn’t respected. I haven’t heard anything back since then (the 20th).
I would expect this to fall into the same category as those characters who have had their storyline skip from the level 30 mission to the level 48 one which, it has been implied by devs on this forum, are going to be fixed. However at this point I would settle for any indication that someone has looked at the case, recognizes that it is the result of a known and not uncommon bug, and has made a decision one way or the other as to whether the results will be corrected. The lack of communication from devs about this bug is the most confusing part.
Thank you for your time,
Is there a reason why my previous post (made 4 days ago on page 24) was ignored?
It doesn’t seem fair to me that posts after mine are being resolved while my guild member has been stuck waiting for 2 weeks now.
Your friend has not provided his serial code — an essential component of establishing ownership of an account. The team is working with him on this issue, and he responded with details on Friday that may allow them to resolve this now.
I had not been able to log in until tonight and was excited to see on the forums while at work that you had supposedly fixed my problem. You state that my issue was “Resolved by bug fix”. Nothing has been resolved, I still do not have my items. Please tell me what I need to do and re-open the ticket.
I made a post in the CE/DDE thread about this. If you still do not have your items, please read this. Thanks!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: NearDeath.6129
I have had my ticket open for 13 days now and still no reply.
Incident: 120912-007045
I’ve made a ticket on the 16th of september. I got a respond on that ticket 1 week later if i can send a screenshot from the problem i got. Please tell me i dont have to wait another week to get a respond on that again.
Incident: 120916-004072
Guild: Tirayjala
Server: Sorrow Furnace
Tag: [TYJ]
Unable to promote player’s , write messages of the day, and can’t spend Influence on guild upgrades only thing i can do is invite players. pliz Help
I don’t see a ticket number. Could you please post one so I can review this issue?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Natebert.8432
Please note: Some of you are asking for replacement of CE or DDE items that you either received and accidentally deleted or which you never received. Please note that one replacement run has been done. I believe another has been done or will be done very soon.
Replacements are one per customer. If you were on a previous list, you will not be given another set of replacements. If you were not on a replacement list, please be sure your ticket is filed with support and update to say you are still awaiting your items. Please do not file a new ticket.
Hey GaileGrey,
Thank you for this information. Do you have an estimate of when we can expect this additional run to occur?This is in reference to;
ticket: 120825-033103
subject: Account Items Deleted
created on: 08/25/2012Thank you,
NateSorry, Nate, I don’t know a date for that yet, but I do know the team is aware that this will need to take place. I just want to say again that this is a one-time offer, and players need to be sure they do not request twice, and that they always keep enough space in their inventory to store the items, because the replacement run could be made at any time.
Seems that maybe this was missed during last week’s run?
Case: 120825-033103
Status: Awaiting Approval
Opened: 08/25/2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ithtorukk.8345
I just realized that I forgot to post the ticket number when asking for more information on my ticket. I used my tome of influence near launch, and it did nothing. It has had 1 GM response, 13 days ago. I mainly want confirmation that this is still being worked on.
Here is the ticket number:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: NearDeath.6129
OK I have had this ticket open for 13 days and today I finally get a response after I posted here but the response is just a standard response of things that might help all of which I have done many times even before I submitted the ticket.
All that needs to be done to fix my issue is to edit my guild leader role so that I have all of the correct roles that I was suppose to be given when I created the guild.
I would like to be able to do more than just edit ranks in my guild. Which is the only thing I am able to currently do.
Can someone please fix this issue for me.
Incident: 120912-007045
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MasterYoda.8563
Edit everything is resolved now, thank you Gail and everyone at Anet & Support teams
(edited by MasterYoda.8563)
Hello Gaile, I created my ticket 9/19/12. My ticket reference number is 120920-001271. I understand you and your staff are under a large amount of stress from the sheer volume of support tickets you go through, so thank you for your time.
[Incident: 120902-015078]
It has been over 5 days since my ticket was marked as “in review”
This makes it more than 22 days since I sent in my ticket. I have provided literally everything short of a DNA sample. I really don’t understand what could be taking so long. I have been patient and courteous. I just want to play this game.
Is there any way possible my ticket could perhaps fall under the eyes of someone who can actually help me?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JonasV.4209
Posting again:
Ticket# 120920-000802
Finally got a reply today which was another copy/paste response and still didn’t fix the issue. We lost 2500 inf on a canceled upgrade, with no warning that it would happen. Can we please get an actual resolution to this issue? It has been sent back twice now.
Guild: Prophets of the Infinite Edge
Server: Tarnished Coast
Update: Monday, 24 September 2012
Update: Monday, September 24
120917-003642 Resolved
120907-001562 Resolved
120917-004145 Resolved
120825-005940 Resolved
120908-007658 Resolved
120914-002613 Resolved
120917-005163 Resolved
120909-004321,120909-004502 Resolved
120918-000186 Resolved
120914-003281 Update sent today
120916-005117 Update sent today
120916-003020 Update sent today
120915-001298 Update sent today
120912-007045 Two responses sent; may need more time to address issues
120901-001721 Suggestion sent by CS Agent
120917-004917 Agent responded
120920-000802 Agent responded
120917-000444 Agent responded
120913-000767 Agent responded
120905-009534 Agent responded
120916-006054 Agent responded
120919-001486 Agent responded
120920-000802 Agent responded
120916-005007 Agent responded
120826-014247 Agent responded
120915-000081 Answered your question in the ticket
120916-004072 Requires review by senior agent
120907-004183 Requires review by senior agent
120920-001271 Requires review by senior agent
120902-015078 Requires review by senior agent (but I promise — no DNA sample required! )
120825-005940 In queue for distribution
120825-033103 In queue for distribution
120826-001727 In queue for distribution
120829-002627, 120918-005638 In queue for distribution
120919-004264 Bug Report — relayed to team 9/24
120915-000523 Agent responded
120917-000438 Agent responded
120910-005403, 120912-003964, 120913-005411, 120918-003080 It doesn’t appear that you’ve responded to the answers we have provided. Have you tried to log in using the email that Support sent to you?
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: annielumos.6498
I received another generic response on this issue (repeat of an earlier one).
The support team is not even looking at this.
tkt #120901-001721
also still have open:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shadow Blade.2516
Hi Gaile, I created my ticket 09/19/12. My ticket reference number is 120920-001237.
I haven’t gotten any kind of response, i know and understand other people have problems that are way more serious/important. but i would really appreciate it, if someone could try to help me
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Plinius.5709
Ticket # 120919-001486
Got the Agent’s response
Replied with all the information asked for via email
(hope “updating” the ticket via responding by mail was correct – I do not have a support account)
edit: oh, have a support account now – system created one automatically for me… that’s service thanks!
(edited by Plinius.5709)
One month old ticket on guild functionality:
The Tome of Influence I bought with the Digital Deluxe Edition did not work and never gave 100 influence. So far I only got one automated reply.
I would like my ticket reviewed, last time i submitted one they closed it without resolving it or contacting me, no idea why they would do that.
ref# 120918-005364
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kreist.5643
Hi, I am posting this for one of my good friends.
The reason I am posting instead of him, is that he got his account stolen. This means he can’t access it for the time being and therefore he aren’t able to make a post by himself.
He hasen’t been able to log on for over 7 days by now, his character is online because someone is using it for farming. This I know because I found his character in a zone roaming around killing mobs, I watched him for about 30 min.
The only thing he has gotten helpwise is a mail containing information about how to protect ones account and an email stating that the issue has been resolved because you have been able to see that the account has been accessed on the 24th of september. This is of cause the “hacker” who has been online and not my friend. Please just reset his password or something, so he has a chance to get online. And don’t make him wait to long.
By now he hasen’t been able to play for 7 days. Wich i personally think isen’t help enough. You have to get his account back from whoever stole it, so we can enjoy this great game together again.
He has made a ticket himself, but the problem have yet to be resolved.
His ticket number is: 120918-004454
Best Regards
(edited by Kreist.5643)
No we are unable to restore gold. It’s simply not something that we have the tools to do, and the account restoration system that would roll-back the entire account is not yet available. I’m very sorry for the loss, and I know we all look forward to being able to help with these issues in the future.
Sad, very sad that your programmers would not put this BASIC MMO functionality into the game. There should be a plan in place to help people that get hacked.
Note to game makers – make sure that your future CS has the tools it needs to help people.
#NotAAAserviceYou may not be aware, but spawning gold and handing it out like cupcakes — even if “basic MMO functionality” — isn’t good for a game’s economy. If you lose a dollar, the government doesn’t print up and hand you another one — that would cause huge inflation.
I worry Anet is worrying far too much about protecting its economy from inflation than it is about doing what’s right and what’s best for its players. If players get hacked and lose a month’s work )or more as the game ages) only to be told “tough luck” what percentage of those players will be willing to start all over?
Anyway, not everyone is “losing” their virtual “dollars” through their own carelessness. Some of us have gotten flat-out robbed of them. Having a Trading Post that frequently gobbles up money and items whenever it starts to lag isn’t good for an economy either. Disasters other than accounts getting hacked are going to happen so not having means to restore gold and items sound exceptionally near-sighted.
I am not even sure devs know about this as the only responses I can find in the dev tracker state it’s probably player error (it’s on another character, etc) and that you have zero proof of it every happening (despite dozens of us providing proof) so it wouldn’t be passed along to devs.
Update — Sunday, 16 September
120901-015507 Resolved
I’m afraid not. I was never helped. I just got a message being told it was resolved and being closed unless I had something else to add. This is 25 days old and incredibly irritating. The problem still exists and I’ve only had one reply the entire time.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
Grizzly, I totally understand your frustration, and again, I apologize. I added this to my review list on Sunday, and I believe that two or three agents are helping me with that list today, so I do expect to hear tonight (or tomorrow at the latest). Very sorry for the delay in answering this and a few others extremely old tickets I see in the recent posts from players who have been extremely patient (for which we are extremely grateful!)
Anyway, that is why we have this thread, so please bear with us. (Get it, a little joke, with Grizzly and… ok, I’m outta here for now. runs)
Well it’s nice to see someone finally take notice! If I’d known that my ticket had been added to your review list on Sunday then maybe I wouldn’t be quite so annoyed and frustrated! Ah well, I guess any progress is a good thing!
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120825-035702 In queue, awaiting distributionGreat, that’s my ticket, so the next question is, obviously, when will that distribution take place? This week, next week, next month? Please don’t give another “asap” reply either, at least give us somehing that narrows it down more than that!
Honestly? We’re still trying to figure that out. There are changes that may be made so that this doesn’t happen to people in the future. I believe there will be one distribution, but the question is whether to roll that out before the design change is in place, or wait and do the final distribution after the situation is fully resolved. I’m sorry I don’t know more, but it’s actively under discussion!
I’ve just found out that another batch of CE/DDE Item distributions took place on Friday 21st, yet I wasn’t included despite your post from last Tuesday (7 days ago) telling me that my ticket was “In queue, awaiting distribution”! Care to explain just what is going on here?
Ticket Number: 120825-035702 STILL AWAITING RESOLUTION
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209
Hi, I am posting this for one of my good friends.
The reason I am posting instead of him, is that he got his account stolen. This means he can’t access it for the time being and therefore he aren’t able to make a post by himself.
He hasen’t been able to log on for over 7 days by now, his character is online because someone is using it for farming. This I know because I found his character in a zone roaming around killing mobs, I watched him for about 30 min.
The only thing he has gotten helpwise is a mail containing information about how to protect ones account and an email stating that the issue has been resolved because you have been able to see that the account has been accessed on the 24th of september. This is of cause the “hacker” who has been online and not my friend. Please just reset his password or something, so he has a chance to get online. And don’t make him wait to long.
By now he hasen’t been able to play for 7 days. Wich i personally think isen’t help enough. You have to get his account back from whoever stole it, so we can enjoy this great game together again.
He has made a ticket himself, but the problem have yet to be resolved.
His ticket number is: 120918-004454
Best Regards
FYI, it’s never a good thing to include ANY personal info (name, email, etc) in a forum post, so you may want to edit your post to remove such info!
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
Grizzly, I totally understand your frustration, and again, I apologize. I added this to my review list on Sunday, and I believe that two or three agents are helping me with that list today, so I do expect to hear tonight (or tomorrow at the latest). Very sorry for the delay in answering this and a few others extremely old tickets I see in the recent posts from players who have been extremely patient (for which we are extremely grateful!)
Anyway, that is why we have this thread, so please bear with us. (Get it, a little joke, with Grizzly and… ok, I’m outta here for now. runs)
Well it’s nice to see someone finally take notice! If I’d known that my ticket had been added to your review list on Sunday then maybe I wouldn’t be quite so annoyed and frustrated! Ah well, I guess any progress is a good thing!
Update — Tuesday, 18 September: Part 1
120825-035702 In queue, awaiting distributionGreat, that’s my ticket, so the next question is, obviously, when will that distribution take place? This week, next week, next month? Please don’t give another “asap” reply either, at least give us somehing that narrows it down more than that!
Honestly? We’re still trying to figure that out. There are changes that may be made so that this doesn’t happen to people in the future. I believe there will be one distribution, but the question is whether to roll that out before the design change is in place, or wait and do the final distribution after the situation is fully resolved. I’m sorry I don’t know more, but it’s actively under discussion!
I’ve just found out that another batch of CE/DDE Item distributions took place on Friday 21st, yet I wasn’t included despite your post from last Tuesday (7 days ago) telling me that my ticket was “In queue, awaiting distribution”! Care to explain just what is going on here?
Ticket Number: 120825-035702 STILL AWAITING RESOLUTION
Dear heavens, I’m so sorry! I just sent an email and I believe this will be addressed today. Again, apologies for the delay!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jackalen.5698
Hi GaileGray
Ticket reference: #120918-005485
I reported this ticket about the gemstore rejecting my creditcard, then later on updated it by requesting a 24 hour window to purchase gems. I sent the ticket the 18th and got a respond from support the 19th saying that it may take up to 48 hours for them to do their job. I understand they used the relative term “may” but come on! Its been more than 5 days now. There is a line you can milk up the term “may”, and boy its dry like rattlesnake skin by now.
Please, help a customer get his gems.
Pre purchase Tome of Influence did not appy influence [Incident: 120826-006190]
Been a month now, only got an automated reply that had nothing to do with the issue at all.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: constantgeek.8371
Hi GaileGray
My ticket # 120828-005612
I havent included in DDE item distributions batch
I accidently deleted my first created char and would like my tome of influence and chalice of glory restored
120825-007873 31 days
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Natebert.8432
I just received a reply to my ticket saying that my ticket was resolved.
It is not.
Ticket title now reads: DDE/CE Resolved 9/21/2012
Ticket number: 120825-033103
Ticket status: Updated
Ticket created: 08/25/2012
I opened ticket 120921-000605 on the 20th an am still awaiting resolution; I sent a follow-up e-mail with my serial number and other information, but basically I encountered the same problem numerous others did in the missing gold thread which is merged in this same forum: roughly 14 gold vanished into the aether with the trading post and after checking daily for the interim, neither the goods nor the gold ever showed up again.
I have stopped playing while this issue is open and would really appreciate help getting it resolved. Thank you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: OvaltinePirate.6579
Ticket Reference: 120825-035490
Short Version of Story:
Sibling deleted a character with my pirate costume and pair of reading glasses when trying to make his own char (slots were full). A few weeks later I was given DDE/CE items, my request was renamed to “resolved” and have since then been in lingo with support, who keep saying my issue is fixed and try to close the ticket.
Long Version of the Story:
- Got GW2 and bought gems. Used them to purchase a pirate costume and pair of reading glasses.
- Showed off the awesomeness of GW2 to my brother, who (accidentally) deleted the character with the above items when trying to make his own (char slots were full).
- Submitted a ticket request to inquire whether these items could be reimbursed
- Was asked if my issue had anything to do with DDE/CE items
- Updated ticket to say that my issue had nothing to do with the DDE/CE items
- DDE/CE items were sent to my account about 2 weeks later and support attempted to close my ticket (items are still in bank unused)
- Updated ticket again to tell support that these had nothing to do with my original request
- 2 weeks later representative attempts to close ticket again saying that my issue was resolved when the DDE/CE items were sent to my account.
- Representative also incorrectly RENAMED my ticket request to “DDE/CE Items – RESOLVED”
Total Time in Wait: 1 month (ticket was filed on August 25) and original issue has not even been addressed and still in lingo with support. I just want my pirate costume and reading glasses
I am not sure where to go for help, it seems that support is not even reading the updates, nor did they read the original ticket request. Every two weeks a new support staff member incorrectly provides a canned response. I am also completely aware that my pirate costume and reading glasses are far less important than those who have had their accounts stolen and been unjustly banned. You have my sympathies. I am simply posting this here in the hopes that a support staff member might be able to properly help with my issue.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: grandmaster.4586
Gaile Gray,
My name is [redacted for privacy]. I originally put a ticket in last Wednesday, September 19th. I have been given the run around, and my ticket is still floating around. The ticket number is 120920-000975.
Originally, the ticket started out as me trying to get access to my Guild Wars trial account…that problem was solved. I have currently been trying to get an answer to a question, and that question is always unanswered and/or overlooked.
So…here is the deal. My girlfriend and I made a mistake and linked our trial accounts to our Guild Wars 2 accounts. Since an actual retail copy of Guild Wars or Eye of the North is not associated with the account currently, we are not eligible to the Hall of Monuments. So..we were lucky enough to track down a copy of Guild Wars Complete Collection at our local Gamestop.
So…my question is, if we attach the serial keys of Guild Wars Complete Collection to a “trial” account, are we entitled to the 8 character slots that a person who does not own Guild Wars Complete Collection is entitled to?
If the answer is yes, then that is awesome, and I would assume that would be fair, because we only have a “trial” account currently. If no, I ask why? I think that is an oversight in the system, and trial accounts should not be allowed to be linked. My point is Gaile, is that I have had Guild Wars Complete Collection since Friday, September 21st, and I am afraid to associate the key to my trial account until I get a firm answer.
Please help me Gaile Gray, you are my only hope!
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Avandis.6219
Post this in the 5 days or older ticket sticky.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: grandmaster.4586
Post this in the 5 days or older ticket sticky.
Avandis.6219. Thank you for your wonderful and quick reply of something I already did. I also wanted to post it here as well. So, I knew what I was doing and it was intended.
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MasterYoda.8563
Edit everything is resolved now, thank you Gail and everyone at Anet & Support teams
(edited by MasterYoda.8563)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Thalenduros.9502
I purchased a copy for my brother and he has been unable to create a game account now for 6 days.
Every time he tries to fill in information for a game account, he gets “you have a guildwars 1 account and need to link it.” He does NOT have a GW1 account to his knowledge.
He has no option to just continue without linking.
He has a key and cannot create an account!
He made a support account and submitted a ticket on 9/19/2012.
[Incident: 120920-001017]
While I know you guys are swamped, this seems like an easy fix.
1) have an admin create a game account using the support account info that should be listed with the ticket.
2) attach game key to that account
3) notify user that he can log into game with support account info and any other special settings or security options he must change
I would appreciate being able to play this amazing game with my brother.
Thank you for your time.
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