error code 7:11:3:189:101
The spotify trick worked for me yesterday, but now that no longer works. This is getting absolutely ridiculous.
Born of Indecision [BORN] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
I have no issues while i’m connected by StrongVPN but with out it i get the error every 5 to 10 minutes not even the /clientport 80 works for me. I’ve try using my iphone to tether my PC and it seems to work fine i’ve played for 2 hours without a problem.
The same error for me…. when i log into my character i get that error and 1 hour ago i connected with out a problem but after 2 seconds when i teleported to other zone i got that error again and now i cant connect anymore…
I am0now in a different country on a different PC, using a different router and modem from a different ISP.
I remain logged in for approximately 30-45 seconds before I 7:11. Looks like this is the end of Guild Wars 2 for me – until the patch that fixes this, of course.
Reading threw this whole thread and I have come to one conclusion, just before the first beta weekend I did I clean reinstall of windows and updated “ALL” drivers this included the motherboard drives these drivers included network card drives. The point I’m am trying to make is you may not have to reinstall windows, but if you haven’t in over a year it might be time to. Threw all the posts no one has really talked about updating the either net drivers or for that matter your wifi card drivers to
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens
This morning I tried to update my drivers because someone stated that switching to a usb nic was working for them. I was thinking since I installed a new driver from asus and the previous was a windows 7 generic driver. The game was working with max 5 second latency when in battles with other players around. Almost made it to a second skillgiver when it happened I was running and got killed someplace I ran past and could not heal just watch my hit points drain. It costs me 1 silver to res and about 1 silver each death on repairs. I cant do anything but browse the trading post like this.
Why is this forum overlooking this thread ANET?
They told me to plug in directly which I am. Download Ping Plotter test to see where the disconnects are happening on the way to our server. Download and run HijackThis from the following link:
Thank you NCsoft Technical Support just when I was about to give up on this game you respond to save the day.
(edited by Hyogh Yimsko.8961)
I posted earlier, back on page 10, since then – I’ve downloaded 2 patches from Anet for GW2, updated my video drivers, forwared my ports, added the GW2 folder to my antivirus exceptions and used the /client80 tactic. After a small update from Anet on Thurs or Fri? No more disconnects.
I’ve played all weekend, over 10 hours of game time with no Error 7. All of my toons worked flawlessly.
During that time, I’ve rolled back the port fowarding and the /client command…and yesterday, about 3 hours of game time, no disconnects. I’ve done dungeons, WvW and SPvP…all good
I don’t know what it is but I think is was related to the patch…I didn’t see positive results till then.
If it comes back, then I suspect that it is a bug triggered by a certain condition that the game goes through…it could be related to all of the skill points missing around the map, as they were there before I kept getting hit with disconnects.
Anyways, wanted to share that there could be light at the end of the tunnel… if anything changes, I’ll share.
I have been playing fine ever since the support guys sent me a message. Maybe they got around to fixing it or PingPlotter did something. All I had HijackThis do was make a log file. Not fix anything.
The message that I’m sure most of you already got has some links to verify if you have connection problems and it really is your connection to the game. I did not need to use ( or because it is running fine now.
Taken from my support ticket:
If you’re still experiencing issues, I would recommend running a Ping Plotter test to see where the disconnects are happening on the way to our server. This program is not supported by NCsoft or ArenaNet. You can find the program and information on how to use it at
1. Please download and install the standard version of PingPlotter.
2. Run the program, and in the upper left corner, you will see an Address to Trace section.
3. Type in /IP while playing on your server in the chat box, then put that IP address that it returns into the Address to Trace section.
4. Click Trace and allow the tool to run for at least 30 minutes while playing Guild Wars 2.
5. Click on Stop then File → Save Sample Set and save the file to your computer in a location that will be easy to find, such as your Desktop.
Please note that the second to last hop will usually show red. This is due to our servers denying ping requests. If you bits of red before this, then it’s probably your ISP causing this issue. To verify, you can try using a gaming tunnel/proxy service such as or These have thirty-minute trials so you can see if your connectivity is improved while using these services.
If you still need assistance, please update your incident and attach the Ping Plotter report along with things you tried in this message. If you encounter a problem, such as excessive lag or Code=007, please tell us what time the problem occurred so that we can investigate that section of the report.
I find this upsetting. After donating $200+ dollars (yes, I will admit it) to buying gems, that I am still getting this error. Not only am I getting this error, but there is no real response from Anet on this issue, even though it is one of the most (if not the most) replied to thread on connection issues. None of the fixes have worked for me. It has been proven that it’s on Anet’s end. I understand they have a lot on their plate in terms of bots/hackers/bugs, but shouldn’t connections issues be a priority too?
Why haven’t we heard from anyone since one of the earlier pages?! This is really confusing! Do they even care about the people who support them? I hope they do but this thread has been going on for days and days and no real response from them..
sad face
I don’t know about anyone else, but this patch made my problems worse. The game was playable at one time, but now I literally cannot play. It disconnects me within seconds of logging in.
Ran HijackThis and PingPlotter. I refuse to believe it’s my ISP since I can play perfectly fine on my mac.
Born of Indecision [BORN] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
It started to happen me now after installing the new update to the game.
I been playing since the 3 day headstart without any problem..
Any idea ?
Since my launcher did an update this morning, I am no longer getting code 7’s in at least two of the areas in which I have been over the last week or so. I am still getting them on my personnal story which is instanced.
As I have said before, I can simply move zones and play all day/night with absolutely no issues or lag…I therefore conclude my end is fine and my internet is fine all the way to ANet so what conclusion should I come to?
No amount of tweaking/deleting/messing with third party stuff is going to work because the game is fine for me in most zones. It seems we are doing all the work when it appears to be someone else’s fault?
Adding My name to the list. In the mornings (GMT+2) I am able to play just fine, but starting 12:00 I get error 7 after a few seconds in the game, and then I get stuck on the loading screen when I try to log back in. I have forwarded ports, and that didnt help at all. I wish ANET would at least post something on this thread to show that they are aware of the problem.
Did this patch fix this problem yet? This is kind of ridiculous the game has been out for a month now and this error is not fixed. Its about time we get an ANET response on what they are doing. Atleast aknowledge they havent forgotten about us WHEN WE HAVE THE MOST POSTS IN THE TECH FORUM.
I’m in Switzerland, playing on the Drakkar Lake server. I started getting this error around 20:00 central European time today, just as I was about to do an instance with friends.
I had the exact same issue a few weeks back, just after a new patch as well. This is ridiculous. Get your [censored] together, ANet. You need to test future updates for network issues better.
@Hyogh Yimsko.8961
Are you playing from Europe?
What ip did u get with the /ip command?
Location : GVA – Switzerland
Provider : Swisscom
Trouble since 20h00 GMT +1
added files below
Had this error multiple times since the weekend. Tracert shows no problems until after two hops in the
Could we please get a response, because the quote from the ticket makes it seem like you guys still are convinced it is the ISPs or end users fault…
I got this error when I buy the game, like 3 weeks ago. The “/clientport 80” trick made the game playable, until the 18th september update.
I got the “3032:1002:3:4095” error code since, always related to network problem. Any other online game with a wired connection is fine, except GW2. The problem comes from the game, not the small part of users getting those kind of errors.
It’s been about 2 and a half weeks, maybe 3 weeks since I’ve first had this issue. It’s still happening all the time, but keeping a download going at low speeds seems to mostly solve the issue.
Its hard finding this many things to download until this gets fixed so I don’t have to use this workaround!
Hi guys, having same error message.. game was fine from the start, error popped up after last update.
Sent a ticket in, support was amazing.. sent a reply in 2 days with links to update my drivers.. unfortunately issue is not resolved.. still getting kicked after 5-10 min of play.
It feels like a huge lag.. then get kicked to char select page.
I wish i could play after all didn’t pay for the game just to look at the shortcut on my desktop I hope they can find a solution soon..
~heartbroken in Canada~
Adding my name to the list of the disgruntled. Oddly enough for me it only seems to be an issue when using my home connection, AT&T with a Netgear router. Did port forwarding, etc. to no avail. Haven’t tried the /client port 80 thing since it doesn’t seem to be doing much good for 99% of the people with the issue.
Problem here as well. error 7 disconnects to character selection. my internet cuts out for a few moments after words
bump, issue still there.
Yes, haven’t been able to do anything save for dying while the thing lags, log in to dead character FTW
anet has desserted us..
I’ve been playing since head start, a lot, and have never had this problem on Sea of Sorrows.
I did a transfer yesterday to another server, no problems, ran fine all day.
Transferred to HoD this morning, and I’m experiencing this now.
Unfortunately this problem is making it so GW2 Unplayable and im very very disappoint. Anet doesn’t respond to us and no fix seems to work(tried them all). Sucks i wasted 60 bucks but i know better next time to buy anything from them despite how good the game was when it worked for me. Just got to move on to another less fun game until further notice.
I’m getting this error constantly. What gives?
Now I got the 3032 code for the first time as well.
I’ve been talking with ANet via a support ticket and I cannot say how utterly disappointed I am with the service I’ve been getting. The guy who responded was rude, refuses to listen to what I’m saying, and keeps saying it’s my router.
Really ANet? My router? Because I can play literally any other online game without interruption, play on my MacBook Pro on the same wireless connection, and browse the internet at my leisure with literally no problems until I try to play this game.
This is just getting ridiculous. I want to play. But you’re making it impossible.
Born of Indecision [BORN] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
I think their login server is borked. Having a hard time loading client and this url.
Ladies and Gentlemen. I believe I have found the problem. After a week of analyzing my hardware and software, in relation to my network performance with this game, I have come up with a solution. IF you are using this game with a wireless connection, especially one that is shared, please try a wired connection. The problem that crops up with this game is that the upriver speed of wireless is not very good, whereas wired IS good. Until A Net can optimize this client further, it looks like this is solution number 1. Good luck to all of you out there!
Getting massive lag spikes when I can play for more than 5 minutes. Right now I can get maybe 30 sec. to 1 min. and then it freezes/kicks/gives the error. I was able to play the game fine, lag free, before the recent update. So I know it’s not my PC, router, drivers, or ISP. Come on ANet, fix this. Would like to play…
I’m not using wireless.
Ladies and Gentlemen. I believe I have found the problem. After a week of analyzing my hardware and software, in relation to my network performance with this game, I have come up with a solution. IF you are using this game with a wireless connection, especially one that is shared, please try a wired connection. The problem that crops up with this game is that the upriver speed of wireless is not very good, whereas wired IS good. Until A Net can optimize this client further, it looks like this is solution number 1. Good luck to all of you out there!
Sorry hard wired, 2 metres from router which itself is 1 metre from main telephone socket.
I’m about ready to file for a refund. Their server is obviously dropping people.
I am also getting this issue.
I can play just fine until peak times (7p cst-?), then i start chain disconnecting. It doesn’t seem to matter what zone i’m in.
Internet cuts out.. then i can reset the router remotely, and it works fine.
I did the /80 trick posted on the first page
updated video drivers
did port forwarding.
I tried different zones and different characters.
This is not my PC. I can play all other online games just fine, and i can play this game fine until PC.
Going to try a few more things today, and if they don’t work I’ll open a ticket.
Im now having this issue. NEVER had this problem before. Its not on my end. This needs to be resolved immediately or I will be buying Pandaria and sucking up my pride to at least be able to enjoy an MMO.
Im now having this issue. NEVER had this problem before. Its not on my end. This needs to be resolved immediately or I will be buying Pandaria and sucking up my pride to at least be able to enjoy an MMO.
You realize they already have your cash?
In the same with boat with you anyhow… :/
can I get a refund? kitten.
There’s a tab in the support ticket for a refund. On a side note I got maybe 30 mins of play time before I got booted again with this error.
Bumping to keep this on front page. The issue isn’t going away and neither is this thread.
Hey guys,
We have collected a very extensive amount of data in regards to this issue and from what we have found, the majority of tickets that have come through support have been connection issues on the player’s end such as high amounts of packet loss and latency spikes seen in network tests provided to us.
There have been some “workarounds” for players that have resolved this issue if their connection is not the case, such as reinstalling Windows, the /clientport 80 command, removing the router, disabling application overlays, running Msconfig, and performing a Winsock reset.
Please keep in mind these workarounds seem to resolve the issue for very few players and in very rare cases. For the most part for any connectivity issues, especially if they’ve been prevalent since launch, I would recommend getting in contact with your ISP as they are the only ones who can make any adjustments to your connection.
In other words:* We’re on our own. *
Every other game in the universe works. I don’t see why Guild Wars 2 is an exception.
While it may be on our ends. The only reason why it’s on our end is because Guild Wars 2 requires it to be, when every other game iskitten and span, clean and tidy.
Spose’ the only option now for people is to ask for refund. I’m moving to a new apartment in a month or two, with an entirely new internet setup. So I’ll just wait it out…
Good luck out there.
Greetings! about the ISP’s end, specifically what kind of adjustments do we need in order to play GW2 in peace?
I think I’ve found the problem.
Incompatible registries.
Run CCleaner to clean up your system and registries.
CCleaner Download
I did some testing today, and after CCleaner, I’ve stopped crashing with error:7.
Oh, and @Ashley, when a large group of customers experience a problem, it is up to the vendor to provide a solution. It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is… If you want us to use your software, it has to work in all environments. This is a lot of players experiencing the same serious issue causing the software to be unusable not an isolated incident on the side of the players.
The problem was an interaction of the guild wars 2 software crashing the router connection.
Don’t get it….what do I tell my ISP?
The game works fine for me in a large % of the game so they are going to blame who?
I can play in one zone for hours, port to another zone or instance and wham code 7
Port back again or go to another zone, fine can play for hours no lag no DC…if I go back to the zone DCing me it does it again on Que. How is this my ISP, are they selecting small parts of your software for special treatment?
My internet is fine it is highly unlikely to stop working in one zone and not another in the same two minute period and accurately repeat the same problem all night/week in the exact same zones.
The only time it clears is when you update the client and then It normally starts up again in different zone.
Zones that I am currently having problems with : (just ones I have encountered since recent update)
personal story: The hatchery
Frostgorge Sound
Straits of Devastation
I have tried everything I can think of and the problem remains.
I am fortunate that it only seems to effect a few zones at a time for me unlike the more severe problems others are having
(edited by Domestos.1598)