Lag issues
I’d like to agree with this. There are more than enough threads in the tech support forum to justify some kind of response. Instead, there’s nothing. Please address these problems that are making the game unplayable for many people.
Yup, there’s certainly no shortage of affected users.
Only just started playing this tonight while trying to play WvW with my guild, people warping everywhere. At one point my squad was in spawn on my screen but on TS they were saying they were in bay. Would love a response here.
I’m guessing you are not using the Mac client. “Mac Beta Tech Support Forum” is more like Mac users helping Mac users until they come in once a week or less and randomly close a helpful thread, wave, and say goodbye.
same problem for me.
Same, its like good good good… pause… ;aslfjkd;salkdna;lsvnao (thats it catching up)
It’s utterly unplayable for me now. If anything, worse than it was yesterday. I get perhaps 10s of reasonable gameplay, then it stops responding and eventually d/cs.
It’s madness.
How does one go about getting a refund? I’ve seen ancient threads on related lag issue, and I’ve raised a private ticket. If I don’t get a response on either, I think I might get my money back and head off.
Unplayable for the 3rd day in a row now.
Hi there!
A possible solution.
Aaaaaand… swept under the carpet.
kitten you very much.
About that refund?
I had to log out tonight due to 5+ seconds guild chat delay, WVW was totally unplayable.
I’d also like to add that Ashley replied to the thread below asking for people to submit diag reports stating that it appeared to be a “” related issue, That was a month ago and we haven’t heard from her since.
Did Ashley get abducted by Aliens?
I haven’t played since last night but the lag was pretty terrible. I was playing around 10pm PST and I couldn’t stand playing much longer than it took me to finish my daily.
I haven’t changed anything with my system recently.
Running i5 3570K OCed to 4.5Ghz
Radeon 7950
Installed on an SSD
Drivers haven’t changed recently
Maybe it was just one bad night but it’s the first time I played since the update and it sounds similar to those suffering from lag problems now as well.
It wasn’t completely unplayable but it would have a steady delay in most of my inputs that really made the game feel disconnected and not fun.
Oh and I played some Marvel Heroes right afterwards with no lag issues.
I’ve been having similar issues since the dragon bash update. I’m posting here because I understand some of the other lag issues were ongoing problems whereas mine has started only since the last update.
PVE and WVW both lagging to the extent that the game is unplayable (sometimes 30s before the game catches up with my actions). In off-peak time the game seemed to be playing alright but since ~5.30 it has been affected. The same situation happened yesterday.
I am playing from Britain with Sky as my ISP and my internet is otherwise unaffected; can play other online games fine, watch online tv etc (checked download speed and it’s fine too). No other devices are currently connected to my router either.
Hey guys we’re currently looking into this issue. To help us along with our investigation, could you please provide your location in addition to your ISP and Netdiag reports. To create a net diag report, please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Right-click on “GW2.exe – Shortcut” and select “Rename.”
4. Rename this file to “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.”
5. Right-click on “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” and select “Properties.”
6. Locate the “Target” line and add the following to the end “-diag”
Your target line should look like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -diag
7. Click “Ok” to save your changes.
8. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” to start the test.
Once completed, please click “View Results” and save the results to a text file on your desktop. Once saved, please attach that to this thread (be sure to click “More posting & formatting options…” at the bottom).
Location: Sheffield Uk
ISP: Sky
Location: Plymouth UK
ISP: Virgin Media
Hey guys we’re currently looking into this issue. To help us along with our investigation, could you please provide your location in addition to your ISP and Netdiag reports. To create a net diag report, please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Right-click on “GW2.exe – Shortcut” and select “Rename.”
4. Rename this file to “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.”
5. Right-click on “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” and select “Properties.”
6. Locate the “Target” line and add the following to the end “-diag”
Your target line should look like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -diag7. Click “Ok” to save your changes.
8. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” to start the test.
Once completed, please click “View Results” and save the results to a text file on your desktop. Once saved, please attach that to this thread (be sure to click “More posting & formatting options…” at the bottom).
Same automated response over and over!
Lag seems to be tied to zones, borderlands etc. You can have no lag at all in red borderlands while its totally unplayable on green bordrlands.
Same with PvE zones. No lag at all in Gandarran Fields, while lagging like hell in Harathi Hinterlands. Going back to Gandarran and no lag at all…WTF?
Hey guys we’re currently looking into this issue. To help us along with our investigation, could you please provide your location in addition to your ISP and Netdiag reports. To create a net diag report, please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Right-click on “GW2.exe – Shortcut” and select “Rename.”
4. Rename this file to “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.”
5. Right-click on “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” and select “Properties.”
6. Locate the “Target” line and add the following to the end “-diag”
Your target line should look like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -diag7. Click “Ok” to save your changes.
8. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” to start the test.
Once completed, please click “View Results” and save the results to a text file on your desktop. Once saved, please attach that to this thread (be sure to click “More posting & formatting options…” at the bottom).
how come you’re quoting the same post as the top thread? instead why not tell us why and what is going on,like others have said before,its happening on quite a few maps some with no lag at all.also it starts at peak times and in wvwvw alot in eternal battlegrounds.
we need a fix or a answer to this a.s.a.p please!
Guys, please understand that in order to further investigate this issue we need information from our players in order to locate commonalities. Since players are updating several threads we need to make sure all are seeing our responses for these requests.
I am not blaming anyone’s ISP here. We’re actively looking into this issue at the moment. The more information that players are able to provide the better idea we will have in regards to the lag and disconnect issues being reported.
Within the last 30 minutes I have had 6 crashes all stating the error “c0000005”, memory at address 000000000 (all zeros, cant remember exact number) could not be read/rewritten or something like that
I didn’t play for a few days but prior to patching I had no problems whatsoever.
Here is my diagnostic log.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Guys, please understand that in order to further investigate this issue we need information from our players in order to locate commonalities. Since players are updating several threads we need to make sure all are seeing our responses for these requests.
I am not blaming anyone’s ISP here. We’re actively looking into this issue at the moment. The more information that players are able to provide the better idea we will have in regards to the lag and disconnect issues being reported.
You know that this is not new right? this is happening in the last month or more…and we got 0 respond, you should make a thread and stick it with this problem. And in the Latin forum not one single respond.
Put something like…. “we are aware of the situation bla bla bla ,please do not make any more thread and post the useless diag test”
(edited by Laphyduss.8217)
I am experiencing unusually high pings too. Everything I do takes 0.7~2 seconds to happen, it never was this high. This is a constant lag, not a occasional spike.
having same issues everyone else is having , but am also getting guildwars2 isn’t responding messages from win 7 64 when it lag spikes to 1 fps / freeze – gw2 doesn’t actually crash after that message, goes back to normal and message disappears. Never saw that happen with gw2 before last patch.
It won’t allow me to add the -diag into the target line claiming the command was invalid
Ashley PLEASE can you keep us updated with any information you find regarding these issues and don’t leave the community hanging for a month like the other thread because this is what causes frustration.
Thanks for your hard work.
Location: Shropshire, UK
ISP: Virgin Media
Server: Piken Square
I’ve been getting constant lagging and disconnects from 6PM BST till around 11PM BST for the past 4 days. I also have the Error 7 come up after disconnecting.
Thank you for finally taking the time to respond to all us players suffering from this lag issue, I think a lot of the frustration we have had in regard to this has been the lack of communication from Anet. So please do continue to give us updates as often as possible so we know we are not being ignored.
One other thing I would like to add to the issues is the fact that all the players who suffer this problem are always missing out on rewards whenever there are events happening…this dragon bash is a perfect example, so many times I’m running to a hologram and then i rubberband or freeze for a short time and so completely miss out and forget about doing the dragon ball pvp event
Will add diags in another post
Location: Dublin, Ireland
ISP: Eircom
Server: Aurora Glade
Location: Leics, UK
ISP: Sky
Server: Piken Square
almost time for the daily lag slot again :P
Thank you all for the reports. I have forwarded this information off to the appropriate departments but unfortunately I don’t have any kind of ETA for a status update.
I appreciate all of your patience and I want to apologize for any kind of inconvenience these issues may have caused.
Location: Edinburgh, UK
ISP: Virgin Media
Server: Seafarers Rest
Within the last 30 minutes I have had 6 crashes all stating the error “c0000005”, memory at address 000000000 (all zeros, cant remember exact number) could not be read/rewritten or something like that
I didn’t play for a few days but prior to patching I had no problems whatsoever.
Here is my diagnostic log.
You are posting in the wrong thread, this is for LAG (latency) issues in game and disconnections. It is not for game crashes due to software bugs or physical hardware faults.
512GB Samsung 950pro | 2TB SATA-3 | AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
Thank you all for the reports. I have forwarded this information off to the appropriate departments but unfortunately I don’t have any kind of ETA for a status update.
I appreciate all of your patience and I want to apologize for any kind of inconvenience these issues may have caused.
Thank you for acknowledging the issue.
I will be asking for a refund if we don’t get communication and a solution in a timely fashion, as I imagine a good number of my fellow players will be. While I can appreciate you may not be able to wave a magic wand, I’ve paid for a product which has (through no fault of my own) ceased to function.
Please keep us updated.
The staff doesn’t reply to 328 identical threads, qq. The staff gives the same reply to 328 threads, qq. Stop saying they don’t care, because they obviously do, and they DO look into all issues. It doesn’t mean everything can be fixed in 3 days. They are taking their time to answer threads they have time to answer to, it doesn’t mean they don’t give a crap about you just because they haven’t replied. Acknowledging =/= replying.
I’ve had the same problems as you have, most likely. And while I am annoyed some issues still haven’t been solved, I know they are working on them.
Also, please read:
(Please don’t take this the wrong way, I feel your pain, especially in WvW)
(edited by Khally.5103)
Right Khally, and the way you can tell someone cares is if they ignore you for a month? That’s what happened with the long term lag thread before this sudden increase of massive lagspikes.
I’m not exaggerating here you know – the game is literally unplayable from 7pm to 11pm, with constant heavy lag, 3-5s lag spikes, and 30s lag spikes which turn into d/cs.
This isn’t just WvW, it’s all other areas, at all times, between those hours. I can’t do a world boss ebcause I d/c halfway through, and if I don’t d/c by some fluke (if I arrive at the end) I can only pray I can hit him once to tag him for the reward. Quite often I’m suddenly dead, with no warning at all.
What I’m asking for is for the product I paid money for to work. I accept software has glitches (I’m a tech analyst for a power firm, I get problems happen because I spend most of my day fixing them) but this is non-functional.
When a product or service is non-functional, at least in the UK, I’m entitled to ask for a refund. I do not want to ask for a refund because I really like this game, but if I have no other choice I’ll get my money back and move on.
So, in short, unless you’ve found this game to be utterly unplayable in all instances, all zones, WvW, PvE and sPvP, no… you’ve not felt our “pain”.
So, in short, unless you’ve found this game to be utterly unplayable in all instances, all zones, WvW, PvE and sPvP, no… you’ve not felt our “pain”.
Then I guess the game works better for me. Luckily.
Thank you Khally, sorry for being snarky but it really is a nuisance.
Breakthrough though chaps, wait for the next thread.
Location: Stansted, UK
ISP: Sky
Server: Aurora Glade
Thank you Khally, sorry for being snarky but it really is a nuisance.
Breakthrough though chaps, wait for the next thread.
Yea, and I understand where you’re coming from, of course. I’ve had my share of problems in the past regarding various different subjects, which just wouldn’t be fixed. Sure enough, in the vast majority of times, they were fixed. And while I do believe lag issues are/should be amongst the top priorities for the staff, dealing with them is no easy feat.
I looked at a few of the diag logs, and mine included.
It seems to all point to losing a lot of data packets. Maybe it’s time to have a chat with
I looked at a few of the diag logs, and mine included.
It seems to all point to losing a lot of data packets. Maybe it’s time to have a chat with
Good spot, definitely something going wrong when it reaches them.
Location :- Hastings, East Sussex, UK
Been playing since headstart and only had problems with lag and random D/C in the last week.
completely unplayable tonight for 3 hours of prime-time, sort this out Anet kitten .
I also am going to be asking for a refund
“I can’t give any status update” is unacceptable. We have been experiencing this lag for months now and you have even collected the information you have from this thread from a previous thread months ago and never replied to it since.
To jog your memory…
Game is totally unplayable… lag varies between areas. in some areas have 5 secs lag in others havent. This is ridiculous…
Experience lag every day since a day before pach. Lag stops around 10 PM
Virgin Media
Same lag problems since 2 weeks ago or so.. high latency and delay everywhere.. can’t play like this.
A few weeks ago the game was working with a really good latency.. fix it please
PD: I’m from Chile, South America btw
(edited by Elysios.9274)
since todays update the lag is awful, i never have any normally. and now i have a good 10 second delay for all skills and everything
Edinburgh, UK