Low FPS - [merged]

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mustachio Marauder.7210

Mustachio Marauder.7210

I can barely get above 20 fps with my crossfired 6950’s and i7, while my wife with an i5 and a 6850 single gets 75+ fps. before anyone says it, I have already disabled crossfire and the only thing that happens is I get even lower fps than I did with it crossfired.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stormkitten.8219


From today’s patch notes:
“Updated the Barrel and Green Plant environmental weapons to disappear after lying on the ground for a set time. This will prevent map issues caused by hundreds of these bundles idling on the ground.”
Please can this also be done for the Bandit bombs in these caverns? There are hundreds of these causing a frame rate drop.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leto.5642


I can confirm this as well. I was doing a quest in Bandithaunt Caverns (Queensdale) a few hours ago and my FPS suddenly dropped to 10. As soon as I left that cavern FPS went back to normal.

(edited by Leto.5642)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: michaeljhuman.3940


MM, I also tried 6950×2 in xfire with an i7, and I was able to get 60fps in many cases using default video settings (forget what button I clicked to get the default settings.)

20 fps seems low to me based on my own experience. Have you ensured your PC is boosting clock properly? There’s a number of monitoring tools which could show if you are hitting your boosted peak (3.7 Ghz or whatever it is for your CPU.)

I can’t think of anything else obvious. Oh, some people did report seeing evidence their GPUs were not using the bus properly. It seemed like they were not getting x16 speeds. I am a bit fuzzy how to check on that though. GPU-Z?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: funforums.4850


Generally, also power settings can alter the turbo boost of the i7s. Are you sure you aren’t on “Power saving” ?

Core 2 Duo E6850 @ 3.5 GHz – 4GB RAM – GTX 470
Windows 8 Professional

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IPunchedyour family.7294

IPunchedyour family.7294

Hey everyone.
I was posting on here in regards to bad FPS on these specs:

AMD Phenom II 550 x2 3.1
Gigabyte mainboard (?)
8gb 1333 Ram
2gb 6970
Win 7 x64

I made up a new PC last night with the following Spec. Obviously I transferred most of my parts from my old PC.

i5 3570k clocked to 3.4 as standard
Asrock Z77 ex.4
8gb 1333 Ram
2gb 6970
Win 7 x64

Performance increase has been over 100%. Now I’m getting 74 FPS minimum in intensive areas and big fights. Lowest FPS has been in LA where I’m still only getting 45-50 FPS.

It’s very clear what the common denominator is here. The game is totally dependent on the CPU. We already know this to be the case, and while many people (myself included) think it’s unfair I would suggest that if it hasnt already been fixed it’s not going to be changed at this point.

I installed this variety of games last night to test the new CPU over a variety of engines and builds: new MohAA, LoL, Crysis 2, Homefront, New Vegas and Stalker COP. These were all (except LoL) games I had FPS issues with my old PC. Set to high settings the only game that didn’t run flawlessly was GW2, and it was by far the least consistent performer.

While I understand that this post might seem a bit of a nose-rub for people who can’t afford to upgrade to something new, and feel like they shouldn’t be expected to, I have to say I still completely agree. The problem is that Anet has built a really badly optimised game and currently, I believe regrettably, the only real solution that will actually get you better frames is to get a higher end intel CPU.

Those of you who are rocking 3770k and are still experiencing pisspoor perfs?
Your guess is as good as mine.

i53570k, HD6970, 8gb Ram – 60FPS

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alphacentari.7692


Well its nice to know i have to spend 300-400 bucks to upgrade if i wanna enjoy a 60$ game woot. I guess it will have to wait cant really afford to spend that atm.

Fort Aspenwood -RET

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


I have one, very serious question.

I have:

Phenom X6 II 1090T @ 3.8 Ghz
16 GB Ram
2 x Radeon 6870 in Crossfire
Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD Mainboard, 750W PSU

I bought my rig two years ago. At the time it was the top of the line AMD CPU.

How the KITTEN is that a bottleneck ?

Why the KITTEN is that CPU giving me 10-15 frames per second on sieges at LOWEST possible settings ?

Surely, there is nothing wrong with optimization right ?

Right ?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grinchey.8142


Hello all,

I am getting approximately between 30-50 fps averaging around 38-40 fps in Lions Arch on a GTX 560 Ti and a Core i5 2400 @ 3.1GHZ. I run on best appearance. Is this normal and can someone give me a comparison with their system?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: michaeljhuman.3940


Sounds pretty good to me! A lot of people report issues in that area. If it seems smooth you are doing fine.

Standing on steps near the fountain (trader waypoint) and looked south, I am getting 56fps. This on max appearance with reflections reduced. i7 3770 and GTX 670 SLI. 1080p rez.

It can go lower than that, depending on exact area.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mustachio Marauder.7210

Mustachio Marauder.7210

i have even tried oc’ing my cpu clock speed to over 4 ghz’s with no change in fps, still utilizes roughly 20% of available. my temps are good too I rarely get to 90 degrees farenheit even at max load. also because im using crossfire pcie speeds are automatically throttled on most motherboards to x8. i have also already changed my power settings to high performance to make sure core parking wasnt affecting my performance

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daftlapin.8493


Just got the new PC Gamer. And they suggest we play it on a 2GHz, 2GB Ram computer. Not even a mention of a GPU.

I have a funny feeling it was better optimized when they reviewed it.
By the way, they gave it a 94 out of 100

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swordbreaker.2581


I have one, very serious question.

I have:

Phenom X6 II 1090T @ 3.8 Ghz
16 GB Ram
2 x Radeon 6870 in Crossfire
Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD Mainboard, 750W PSU

I bought my rig two years ago. At the time it was the top of the line AMD CPU.

How the KITTEN is that a bottleneck ?

Why the KITTEN is that CPU giving me 10-15 frames per second on sieges at LOWEST possible settings ?

Surely, there is nothing wrong with optimization right ?

Right ?

Top of the line AMD cpu is still not that great for this game. They just dont do as well as intel processors.

Asrock X79 Extreme4 mobo / I7 3930k @ 4.7ghz / 16gb Kingston HyperX 1600mhz
/ 2x XFX R9 290x in Crossfire

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moshart.4739


I’m return in WoW.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ze Dos Cavalos.6132

Ze Dos Cavalos.6132

I still didnt update my hardware because before 2012 i could run all games at maximum in full hd (ex: Skyrim).
Then Battlefield 3 came out

But i asssumed i could play GW2 at least in medium with constante 30fps on the big fights.
I can play all 2012 games smoothly on medium settings (some at maximum), but gw2 not even on minimum.

Gw2 for the Minimum requirements should have gone for a quad core, because the game becomes impossible to play on the big fights with a Core2Duo.
So yea i fell like Anet lied to me with those “minimum requirements”.

[DIE] Death is Energy

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: turel.7901


Anet – Can we have an update on this FPS nightmare please?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I have one, very serious question.
I have:
Phenom X6 II 1090T @ 3.8 Ghz
16 GB Ram
2 x Radeon 6870 in Crossfire
Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD Mainboard, 750W PSU
I bought my rig two years ago. At the time it was the top of the line AMD CPU.
How the KITTEN is that a bottleneck ?
Why the KITTEN is that CPU giving me 10-15 frames per second on sieges at LOWEST possible settings ?
Surely, there is nothing wrong with optimization right ?
Right ?

I’m using a X6 1090T also @ 3.8GHz, and I still get over 30fps in siege fights with mostly high except post-processing and reflections turned off. Try disabling crossfire or take one of the 6870’s out.

But in yesterday’s patch it introduced a bit of fps stuttering for me now.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

(edited by Teknobug.3782)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: psyway.4356


the strangest thing is that when you record game with fraps and play it says on video that performance is good usage never go above 40,both cpu and gpu and temprature is very cool but when you dont record you have issues.each new update i just hoping to see `fps fixed` in notes.can you give us some updates anet?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


Top of the line AMD cpu is still not that great for this game. They just dont do as well as intel processors.

Phenom X6 II should be MORE than enough to run this game when you consider the minimum requirements.

I just fail to see, how is an X6 “bottlenecking” my crossfired 6870’s ?

The answer is – it isn’t.

The bottleneck is the shoddy programming by Anet. The game does not really scale will with multiple GPU’s, AMD guys said, crossfire gives around 7-10% increase in framerates.

All in all, just browse the forums, I see people with i7’s complaining about poor framerates just as much as I see AMD owners.

And for support people to come here and suggest that MAYBE you have put your second GPU in a wrong PCI slot is well…. kind of insulting.

It’s like ALL the support people, anytime an unoptimized game comes out think that we ONLY play this one game (since obviously if the rig was at fault, the problem would manifest in other games), hence it is safe to blame it on our machines.

(edited by CptBadger.5918)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Mininum system requirements only indicates that it will boot GW2 up, not that you can play with good fps.

The minimum system specs should be:

I7 extreme 920 – Radeon 4850 <—-60fps overal on high settings.
WvW i have 40/60 untill we zerg then it drops to 10/30 fps.

I was trying to check out a new system, but if i read posts about GTX 670 and I7 3750K not getting 60 fps in WvW i decided to wait it out and see what happens the upcomming months.

Ati confirmed their 8000 series in 2013 Q1 or Q2.
Intell prices of their 39xx series willbe lower also then.

Play some other game in the meantime or eat low fps in WvW / Big Events.
Also they are working on Engine improments 10000% so have patience or leave and come back when its fixed.

But when your running a 5 year old system you should not be playing PC games.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dacooli.6712


issues with gtx 680 and i5 2500 4.2 still… kittenit, this games optimize is really crappy :///

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paul.9081


You’re right dacooli. It’s over really… I haven’t played the game like I’ve wanted to in the past few weeks.

Me and my girlfriend ran into a cave in Queesdale… nothing happening and 4-11fps. She has an i5 and I have i7. Graphics.. she has 640m and I’m using HD 7950. I would get average 1-2 fps more than her lol.

It’s been too long now. If it was going to be fixed it would’ve been fixed or at least we would have some kind of recognition that this is an issue.

Why would a game require such ridiculously high end hardware? Even other games that are released with DX11 in 2012 on max settings don’t show the strange fps drops and dips that GW2 does.

The inconsistencies are another thing that bugs (haha) me. Reading some of you are able to handle the game at around 60 fps with lower hardware than me (and a lot of other users on this thread).

Another bug is the character neck on my Asuran. I’ve noticed that they haven’t fixed the running animation so my Asuran runs around with no neck (looks even shorter lol). Does not happen to other character models.

A good example of a game that scales well is unfortunately WoW. Yes I know it’s an older MMO it’s not as high graphically but low end systems can enjoy it and high end systems can enjoy it.

For those of you enjoying 40-50-60fps average. I congratulate you! You’re enjoying the game it was suppose to be but I feel for the people (with real) inconsistent frames and stutter.

Anet have already celebrated their successful release there is no real reason to worry about the users with poor fps problems or try to scale and patch the graphics so its more diverse. This thread is kinda proof.

It’s a shame cus this game is actually really good but has left a vomit after-taste of the word’s Free-to-Play in my mouth forever.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

I think Anet is not realy ignoring the issue, i think they are working with full manpower to make this game a succes.
The biggest problems is cpu+gpu optimasation.
There is a lack of balance between high end system and medium systems.

Running this game on a HD4850 + I7 920 = 60 fps on most zone’s except WvW where i drop to sub 30 fps in massive zergs.

Last patch i gained massive fps increase in Black Citadel avarage of 40/50 fps.

There is a whole tech team working on improvements, patience is what we need to have and if we dont have that we can play another game untill it is resolved.

They already stated to keep sending in reports with DX’s info to assist their tech support with as much data we can muster.

I dont believe for a second they are happy with the current performance drops in WvW or massive Dragon Fights.
If there is one studio out there caring for their people its Arenanet.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lotyh.8795


Lotyh – Guardian – Inglorious Basterds – Piken Square

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lani.1429


Well said Paul. I’ve also tryed any possible way there is to get at least a stable 30 FPS with the minimum requirements I HAVE. 2 weeks i enjoyed playing. Now i barely login anymore because a game with 1-15 FPS is unplayable.

This game has by far the most pathetic performance i’ve ever seen. Let me tell you something. When i started doing the first dungeon in Queensdale (Level 40), i remember my FPS was 30-40, so i was curious yesterday and wanted to check it out again. 8 FPS throughout the whole dungeon from start to finish.

No way in hell i’m buying a new computer with such a bad optimized game. Heck i can get 80 FPS in some caves where my CPU is actually working. In any case, i’m pretty sure Anet knew all about this, since they are so awefully quiet about it.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lotyh.8795


@Lani.1429 “Anet knew all about this, since they are so awefully quiet about it.”

Not so quiet any more…again check this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/FPS-and-Performance-based-issues-1

Lotyh – Guardian – Inglorious Basterds – Piken Square

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


Rofl, what they posted is completely and utterly useless and sometimes kind of insulting.

Basically, update your drivers (lol) and set reflections to none (lol).

I love companies that treat their customers as morons.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eiksto.2076


I quit playing this game because of FPS issues, at least they said something after all this time. I do hope they fix these FPS issues soon because i like the game but i wont play while performance is so poor on high end system.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Revolutia.6507


I find hard to believe that they would actually FIX the horrible performance. Yeah, they might get like 5-10% increase in FPS, but it still means pretty much nothing. They promised the same with RIFT and one year has passed and the game still runs like crap in bigger events.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


dropped a small fortune on a gtx 680 last night… getting 25fps on average . cant wait until this gets resolved. every other game i own plays incredible now except for this one

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lani.1429


I feel sorry for you Rin i really do

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shalldoom.8673


I had poor fps with a gtx 670 and a phenom II 940, so last night I upgraded to an intel 3570k and a gtx 690 along with a new motherboard and ram, basically a new pc and guess what???!?!?!? im still getting crappy fps……!!!!!! Im pulling my hair off!! my old rig, I had 10-30 fps in LA and now with the new pc im getting 15-40 in LA and WvWvW is unplayable with a constant 5 fps in any 20+ fight ?!?!?!!? WTH!!! all my other games are running super smooth now with my new rig but GW2 is just crap…..going back to wow …since I bought this game all I did was troubleshoot problems…starting with purchase problems, login issues, tons of in game bugs, errors and now I reached my limits….I have never been so disappointed….most frustrating experience I have ever had with a game..

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


im pretty much in the same boat. everything is running like a dream except for this game for whatever reason. it sounds like an optimization issue to me. hopefully they resolve it for everyone that has a high end gaming rig. our rigs should be eating this game for breakfast

(edited by Rinbox.2570)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eiksto.2076


shalldoom I use GTX 690 as well and get crap performance have tried a ton of things, such as core parking, HPET, nvidia inpector SLI profiles with 306.23 and 306.63 same stuff no improvements. I have also tested my FPS while looking into fog and i get 48 to 50 FPS depending on the area, sometimes in some events when there is fog i get 23 FPS no matter what settings on ultra or on best performance FPS is the same. Not to mention the horrible camera turning problems and FPS drops that come with it because GPU usage falls to 5% or 50% depending on the area again.

With the latest patch FPS got even worse if i turn shadows to Ultra and reflections to all the game gets even worse FPS like 30 to 40 FPS cant even imagine what FPS i would get in WvWvW probobly even worse, not to mention the camera turning problems that come with shadows and reflections it’s even worse than normal but as i mentioned i gave up on a game but i do hope developers fix it or Nvidia fixes it with new drivers that are not developer version.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


any chance someone from Anet can comment on this thread? Theres now 25 pages worth of people looking for answers only to be met with dead silence. Its obviously a widespread problem and im sure everyone would love to know what the status of optimizing this game really is

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GalaxyRed.5032


@Lani.1429 “Anet knew all about this, since they are so awefully quiet about it.”

Not so quiet any more…again check this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/FPS-and-Performance-based-issues-1

You know what’s funny about this post they added? It’s the exact same message you’ll get from them if you report a ticket about this. Word for word. They just copy/pasted what was being said to everyone in support tickets, for nearly a month.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abhorash.2915


it seems like ANet made this game in order to help cpu/gpu manufacturers sell their high end products. If that was their plan, they succeeded.

AMD X6 1045T @ 3.4GHz | 8GB DDR3 | Sapphire HD 7950 OC 950Mhz

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyxyxylyth.8974


Tip from another thread that worked for me (Win7 x64): Control Panel → Hardware and Sound → Power Options → High Performance, and WHAM, double frame rate. Enough for me not to complain.

No other game or graphics demo appears to be dependent on that setting.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Omtak.2495


Tip from another thread that worked for me (Win7 x64): Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options -> High Performance, and WHAM, double frame rate. Enough for me not to complain.

No other game or graphics demo appears to be dependent on that setting.

Can you link to that thread please? Want to read more about that.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyxyxylyth.8974


Tip from another thread that worked for me (Win7 x64): Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options -> High Performance, and WHAM, double frame rate. Enough for me not to complain.

No other game or graphics demo appears to be dependent on that setting.

Can you link to that thread please? Want to read more about that.


I did the timer thing too, but that didn’t do much for me. i7-860, AMD HD 7850, 8 GB RAM, SSD.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Omtak.2495


Tip from another thread that worked for me (Win7 x64): Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options -> High Performance, and WHAM, double frame rate. Enough for me not to complain.

No other game or graphics demo appears to be dependent on that setting.

Can you link to that thread please? Want to read more about that.


I did the timer thing too, but that didn’t do much for me. i7-860, AMD HD 7850, 8 GB RAM, SSD.


Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Various Meat Products.4371

Various Meat Products.4371

I just want to chime in and say that ever since the latest patch on 10/1, my graphical performance has also been awful. I used to get a solid ~60 fps during pve, sometimes closer to 80 with not much going on. Now I am lucky to break 40 fps at all, and sit below 30 any time there are a lot of models around (Lion’s Arch, for example). WvW is not viable. Note that I have made absolutely no changes to my system recently, and have all the most recent drivers/updates installed. Whatever change was implemented in that patch has really screwed me over. Please rectify this soon.

i5 2500k
Radeon HD 6850

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734



I’m very confused by this. I set up all the settings this way, and only one of the settings actually made any difference…but it was a surprising one.

Disabling reflections gave me a 7-10FPS boost….even when there’s nothing reflective on the screen. I can disable it and enable it and instantly see a difference in the framerate, but I can’t imagine why, if there’s nothing reflective on the screen.

I DID NOT enable Vertical Sync, which was oddly recommended, because that recommendation makes ZERO sense. That will HIT performance, not improve it, and it caused a ~1FPS drop by enabling it. Logic Fallacy there…

Color me confused about the reflections thing though.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grinchey.8142


Is there anyone else that could give me a comparison to ease my mind? thanks.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you’re getting that performance with that system, you should be thrilled. I’m one of the sufferers of the big underutilization performance issue (huge thread titled “Low FPS”), and I get 15-30 in LA with everything maxed, depending on what I’m looking at. My system is technically better than yours too.

AMD FX-4100 @ 4.0Ghz
Radeon HD 7870 (2GB, DDR5)
8GB of ram.

Seriously, that performance should thrill you. Hardly anyone is getting that, especially with your hardware.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


Based off what I see running a 2500k @ 4.8, those look fine.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grinchey.8142


Thanks for the reply Hickeroar. It is true, I guess I should be happy with that

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: michaeljhuman.3940


Using unlocked i7 3770 K, I can see a small gain via overlocking. As much as 2 fps raising ratio from 41 to 45. which is a fair overclock at 103 Mhz BCLK (from 4223 to 4636)

So no big gain here, but some indication that the game is CPU bound even with what should be a pretty fast i7.

(edited by michaeljhuman.3940)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Virri.1789


Pretty much at my wits end here, about to uninstall. I can not for the life of my get my game to run above 25fps in open zones with nothing around, it barely even functions in events with more than about 10 people skirting 1 to 2 fps. I’ve tried the recommended fixes, updated my drivers, etc., etc. Nothing seems to work and I’d hate to uninstall such a fun game… and waste my 60 bucks to boot.

MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz
8.00 GB RAM
1023MB GeForce GTX 560 Ti (EVGA)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Simon De Borovsk.7460

Simon De Borovsk.7460

this is weird… i run this game on a Q6600 Intel, which is way older than yours. and also weaker. i get everything between 60fps down to 20 during Zerg events. when the average in pve is 35-42. something in your system doesnt work right. card perhaps?
did you try to overclock your CPU a bit? it might help squeeze some more fps from it.
my specs:
Windows 7 64 Ultimate
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4@3.4
8.00 GB DDR2 RAM
RADEON HD6870 1GB GDDR5 (Sapphire)
TT TP 600W
(just to be fair, my other AMD Phenom II BE 560 x2@x4 (2 cores unlocked) is bit faster than the overclocked Q6600 with a 4870gpu)

if i were you i would try to seriously overclock the i7 920. it should be able to do 3.6-3.8ghz with a medium range aftermarket cooler like cm212+