

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mac.1936


Thanks so much for the reports everyone! Just know that we haven’t forgotten about you all and we’re still looking into this issue. One thing I would like to note, however, is of the many causes for low performance for players with high end graphics cards is that their PCi-Express GPU is plugged into a 1x|4x slot rather than a 16x slot. For players who have recently upgraded their video cards, we recommend ensuring that the GPU is plugged into the proper PCi-Express slot for maximum performance.

This is a joke, right? I do PC hardware support for a living. There is no such thing as a high-end video card that goes in a 1x or 4x slot. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

A PCIx16 video card cannot physically fit into a smaller slot.

Perhaps you meant to say that some users were using a SLI-compatible PCI-e x16 slot which when used alone (without other SLI cards installed) runs at 8x, and therefore the user should consult their motherboard manual to determine the proper slot to use when using a single video card. This is literally the only situation that could be somewhat similar to what you’re describing.

Also, to clarify, even if a user was using it in a PCI-e x16 slot running at 8x, they would not see the level of performance degradation as reported in this thread. Many SLI systems default the ports to 8x on the secondary or third video card slot anyways, with relatively marginal difference.

In addition, new PCI-e 3.0 slots run much faster than their 2.0 counterparts. So an ‘x8’ speed 3.0 slot is at least as fast as an ‘x16’ 2.0 slot.

I don’t intend to be mean, but this is a tech support forum, perhaps someone with basic PC knowledge should be the one communicating with the users.

I also work in IT… and I find it quite disturbing that you don’t know that on a lot of motherboards there are 16x size PCI-e slots that run at 8x or 4x or 1x no matter if anything else is plugged in other lanes. The denotation 16x/8x/4x always refers to the size of the port, but does not always reflect the link speed due to the physical slot only being wired with the contacts for the lower speed. This has nothing to do with sharing lanes. Refer to your motherboard manual for more info. Kids these days.

(edited by Mac.1936)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: smjiko.8314



I’m playing on a relatively new laptop and I am experiencing ~30fps all low on subsample. When I put things on low and go to native rendering I drop to ~10fps. I should be expecting more on my system, right?

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Compal
System Model: PBL21
BIOS: InsydeH2O Version 03.60.471.71
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 4078MB RAM
Page File: 2577MB used, 5576MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
System DPI Setting: 120 DPI (125 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce GT 540M
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Display Memory: 3782 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1999 MB
Shared Memory: 1782 MB
Current Mode: 1920 × 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: unknown
Monitor Id: AUO10ED
Native Mode: 1920 × 1080(p) (60.009Hz)
Output Type: Internal
Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
Driver File Version: 9.18.0013.0479 (English)
Driver Version:
DDI Version: 11
Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
Driver Attributes: Final Retail


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: syntax.2465


core i3 @ 2.3+2.3 GHz
nvidia gforce 520M (with recomended by gw2 client beta drivers)

30 in open areas
25 in cities
about 3 in WvWvW on low, setting all on hi-res eating 3-4 fps, so i play on high



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wreck.5610


Intel® Core™ i7-3820 CPU @ 3.6GHZ, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memoru (RAM) 16.0 GB
Graphics HD Radeon 7950 3GB
2nd Card HD Radeon 7950 3GB Crossfired
Driver Version 8.982.0.0
Windows 7 Pro 64bit

I’ve noticed the FPS drops usually occur when viewing from an angle that shows mists, clouds, some mountains, cities (from a distance), and almost all the time when there are lots of trees. Usually my FPS is stable at 55-60 because i have vertical sync turned on, but when the FPS drops in the previous scenarios it drops to 5-15.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jofisheries.7182


Hey all, I just bought the game today, couldn’t wait to play it… my comp meets the minimum system requirements but I’m getting nothing over 5fps and that’s on the lowest settings



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


As many others have mentioned, this is not restricted to 64-bit or NVidia cards. I’ve been having this same problem on my Win7 64-bit OS since launch and using two different video cards and I’ve done memtest with 100% success.

The only thing I can think of is one or more corrupt files since running with -repair results in failure messages in /Documents/Guild Wars 2/VerifyResults.log.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Switch.7806

The Switch.7806

I’m running into the exact same issues that everyone here has been talking about, except I feel like my FPS seems to be even more extreme than most. I’ve been able to hit a MAX of probably 5-7 FPS no matter what zone I’m in. It’s made the game unplayable. I was able to run the first open beta fine, the second a little, and the third not at all. I even doubled my ram today hoping that would help. I’m not the most tech savy, so maybe I’m missing something, but I’d sure love to be able to play the game I paid $70.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512
Windows Vista 32bit



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexgoll.6378


Vista 32/ AMD Radeon HD 6xxx series

Since 25 Aug work well played about the week without crashes
after 1 Spt update crash evey launch, only 5-15 min maximum playing time.
All characters.

All video options set no min, Anti-Aliasing off,
in Catalyst – “Use application settings”

PC immediately reboot after crash, so no ArenaNet.log


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


I have tried every suggestion, nothing works. it still crashes.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadeblast.5231


I’m running into the exact same issues that everyone here has been talking about, except I feel like my FPS seems to be even more extreme than most. I’ve been able to hit a MAX of probably 5-7 FPS no matter what zone I’m in. It’s made the game unplayable. I was able to run the first open beta fine, the second a little, and the third not at all. I even doubled my ram today hoping that would help. I’m not the most tech savy, so maybe I’m missing something, but I’d sure love to be able to play the game I paid $70.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512
Windows Vista 32bit

What drivers are you on? I have the same specs, apart from you having a better processor and Vista instead of Windows 7 (Might be an issue?) and I average 30 fps in PvE…..


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shastawong.3486


my fps issue was caused by one of my pcie 16x slots the first one ran at 2x instead of 16x so i switched it now my fps is now awsome you guys should check that use cpu-z to check or gpu-z


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

CPU: Intel COre i-5 3570k 3.4GHZ (3.8GHZ boost) – stock clock speed
GPU: EVGA 570GTX 2.5GB – not overclocked
8GB G-Skill DDR3 RAM 1600
Corsair 120GB SSD

Settings: All on high/ultra, Native sampling (only setting not on Ultra is the one which renders textures as they approach, forgot what it’s called :P)
-V-Sync enabled
-1600×900 Resolution

FPS in most explorable areas, even during big events with many players: 50-60FPS
FPS in Lions Arch, The Grove, Rata Sum: hovers around 35-max 45FPS, never/rarely 60
FPS in Divinity’s Reach: steady 60FPS…weird eh…
FPS in PvP, WvWvW: never tried. But now im afraid to after all these posts.

Sometimes display stutters on load for 1-2 seconds, then smooth.

I was actually thinking of upgrading to a GTX670FTW, but after seeing the issues here, i think i’ll hold out…


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Red Comet.5912

The Red Comet.5912

Sometimes my fps will dip to around 4 as I walk through areas, maybe I might be too close to a DE, but I’m usually in an underpopulated zone.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaotica.9673


I seemingly managed to fix the crashing by underclocking my gpu by 200 mhz or atleast I played for over an hour with both gpu’s on my 295gtx enabled. I ran into another issue though msi afterburner seems to have put a green vertical peformance monitor graph from the top to bottom of my screen on the left side. I even uninstalled afterburner and it is still there. Could it have possibly corrupted the game files?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Buster.7814


im running a HD 7970 as well with an i7 2600k @3.4 GHZ and im currently getting about 30 FPS in gendarren fields with everything on ultra, including shadows but the render sampling is set to normal. I just expect to be getting alot more, should i be? :/ its abit disheartening



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bwillb.2165


For the most part my FPS has been acceptable. It drops significantly in WvW, but I understand why that happpens, there’s a lot happening. What I don’t understand, however, is why I get about 4fps inside Sorrow’s Embrace, even when I’m alone with no fights going on.

Core2Duo 2.7ghz
6gb ram
gtx 550ti w/ beta driver 306.02

Also, on the subject of FPS drops, there is an odd glitch that happens in the Chantry of Secrets. If I have shadows on, even at Ultra, it runs pretty well. But if I turn shadows completely off, it stutters horribly.

edit: Oh also, when shadows are on medium or higher, I get flickering super-bright lights in some locations. It was real bad in the caves in Sparkfly Fen.

(edited by bwillb.2165)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crueltylizer.2136


After last nights update I keep crashing every 5-10 mins. Haven’t been able to avoid it yet.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tanker.7542


System specs:
CPU: phenom II 1045t OC 3.3ghz
RAM: 4Gb
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
GPU: Radeon 7950 OC

all settings high, Sampling native
20 fps in WvWvW in large battles
40-60+ fps in pve (30fps in large events)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DerpinDerp.5437


2600k @ 4.8ghz, 6950 @ 1000/1400 – shadows off, reflections off, supersampling off and everything else max @ 1900×1200 – Catalyst 12.8

Low FPS in WvW. Running up to Garrison last night there was a big 3 way fight. We had 20ish defenders, both walls were down and there was 50+ attacking from the opposing servers. FPS at spawn was fine, 100+. Swimming to the back door of garrison, FPS begins to dip. No enemies are at back door attacking, all up front. FPS steadily drops as I approach the back door, and finally settles in the low 30’s. This is before I have seen one friendly or enemy player or any particle effects. FPS looking over the wall was high 20’s to low 30’s, pretty much the same FPS as not seeing them. Also, character pop-ins are very slow. This is on a 20+meg line.

Bottom line — What’s with the massive FPS drop without even seeing a single player on the screen?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thud.4712


So I’m sitting in a 5 star restaurant trying to eat a perfectly cooked porterhouse steak, but I’m only allowed one bite before the waiter takes my meal away. When I ask the waiter why this is I am told I have to replace my fork. So I replace my fork, but the meal is still taken away after one bite. I ask the waiter again, and am told I need to replace my steak knife. I replace my steak knife, but the waiter still takes the meal away………. perhaps my silverware is not the problem.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treacle.2654


Not on the gaming rig right now, but I too am having these problems.

I’m running Win7 64(hp), off an i7 960, 12GB 2000mhz DDR3, dual 6870s. Since getting the game last week, I ‘tend’ to have crashes like those described by others where the screen goes black after about an hour, with the audio still playing(mostly music and environmental. A couple of times the games recovered on it’s own(usually will crash again in about 10-15 minutes) or a few times a crash to desktop(reloading the game results in a crash within a few minutes too).

I don’t get the crash at any specific times or events(not from zoning). My longest non-crash play cycle was for 4+ hours when I was having my main jumping back and forth to and from Divinity’s Reach, I would guess maybe no more than about 30 minutes in or out of the city at a time.

A few of the crashes, just before they’d happen I’d get a feeling like it was about to happen, so I think something is happening to the gameplay that’s leaving that impression, but I haven’t yet put a finger on it.

I’m really hoping this becomes a top priority because the game is insanely good aside from the crashing.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadeblast.5231


Bottom line — What’s with the massive FPS drop without even seeing a single player on the screen?

It has to start rendering all the player models and their actions, even though they are out of your eyesight. Seeing from a distance you can’t see them either.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rrroman.4180


core 2 duo e8400
radeon 4870 512Mb Catalyst 12.6

9-15 FPS in low or high settings droping to 1-5 in any bigger fight. changing resolution (from minimum to 1920-1200 dont change fps)
game using almost 100% CPU, GPU activity is close to 0%! (<30% when turning on shaders etc)

i hope you will fix it soon.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DerpinDerp.5437


Bottom line — What’s with the massive FPS drop without even seeing a single player on the screen?

It has to start rendering all the player models and their actions, even though they are out of your eyesight. Seeing from a distance you can’t see them either.

I understand that. But if my CPU can’t keep up with the rendering, there are few on this planet that can.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyds.6780


Intel Core 2 Duo E5200 (2.50GHz)
3GB Ram
Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 306.02)
Windows 7 64-bit

Game settings:
Recommended=8-22 FPS
All low=10-25 FPS
All medium=8-22 FPS
All high=7-18 fps



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


After running about 6 hours of testing yesterday. I found that performance wise running no page file removes the random lag spikes and fps drops. However once the game hits roughly 1.4 gb in loaded memory the performance drops drastically, even with 2+ gb of memory still free.

Using a page file on a freshly formatted WDCV Black 1tb of 8gb, removed the performance drop but the fps drops and lag spikes returned. I would try to load the entire game into a ram disk but alas I do not have a board capable of 64 gb or more at my disposal.

I am going to try using a 32 bit patch program to allow the game to run above the 2gb limit on 64 bit systems and will report back with results. Unless Anet treats it like a hack and bans me.

edit Forgot to mention if you turn of “Core Parking” you see a noticeable increase in performance also at the cost of heat and more power draw.

(edited by Remembrance.2639)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MeefChurrito.2793


I am going to try using a 32 bit patch program to allow the game to run above the 2gb limit on 64 bit systems and will report back with results. Unless Anet treats it like a hack and bans me.

This is something no one’s thought of yet: Can we use a large address aware patch safely? It’s worked wonders on games like Skyrim and in this day and age should be activated out of the box.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DerpinDerp.5437


I assumed GW2 was large address aware already. I will check when I get home and see if there is improvement from enabling if it is not.

GW2 is on it’s own Sandisk Extreme with a couple other games, no OS, so that should not be holding it back.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frozen.9831



Today my fps is just horrible, nearly unplayable. I used to play with around 30 fps at max details, not mentionning that ppl with lower pc specs than mine are having better results.
Today with max detail, I get like less than 5 fps?? And even with the lowest configuration, I get a max of 40 fps, that is absolutely not normal. Is that because of the new update or so? Below are my hardware specs. I really hope you can help, because this ruined my day.

Intel I7-3610QM
nvidia GTX 670M – 3GB GDDR5 (latest driver 306.02)

Thank you.


(edited by Frozen.9831)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: himmelweiss.1469


Thought i should add a few screenies for you guys to see CPU and GPU usage while ingame, not sure if it helps.
As you can see, currently running the game with max settings having 44FPS with both GTX 680s in SLI.
It’s like that in pretty much all areas. In WvW it can drop below 30s, about 26 – 30FPS.

That perfomance would be really okay for me if i wouldn’t have such an high-end PC Setup. In other games i have zero issues.

Cards, the entire PC are correctly setup. Yes the cards are in the right slow, yes the PCIE 3.0 slots give what they can just give.
Yes the ram is correctly Setup to use the QUAD-Channel technology.

Oh and turning V-Sync on or off makes no difference.
Playing in full-screen and changing the default refresh stuff thingies doesn’t make any difference.

To avoid confusion i added the dxdiag again in this post.

Yeah bro u need to turn that supersampling down to normal, otherwise you get cra**y FPS…trust me I’m on Ati 7950, and with supersample off I get on high to max settings about 70 Fps…

Trust me, i have tested already everything. Using Native only gains me about 5 FPS….
And Supersample just looks better :p

There is no reason why we should set down any setting in GW2 with such an system we have.

BF3 with everything at max/ultra i get 130 – 150 FPS


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SeanIsFail.6783


Fps Has been okay, but still suffering from drops or low FPS

GPU: Nvidia Geforce gtx 460m
CPU: intel I7-2630QM @2.00 GHz

Ram: 8GB



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: himmelweiss.1469


Thought i should add a few screenies for you guys to see CPU and GPU usage while ingame, not sure if it helps.
As you can see, currently running the game with max settings having 44FPS with both GTX 680s in SLI.
It’s like that in pretty much all areas. In WvW it can drop below 30s, about 26 – 30FPS.

That perfomance would be really okay for me if i wouldn’t have such an high-end PC Setup. In other games i have zero issues.

Cards, the entire PC are correctly setup. Yes the cards are in the right slow, yes the PCIE 3.0 slots give what they can just give.
Yes the ram is correctly Setup to use the QUAD-Channel technology.

Oh and turning V-Sync on or off makes no difference.
Playing in full-screen and changing the default refresh stuff thingies doesn’t make any difference.

To avoid confusion i added the dxdiag again in this post.

you are running windowed fullscreen you are loosing about 15% perfomance because of that alone, change to fullscreen and you should get a boost to your fps

Please read my post you quoted again :/
I wrote already that i changed to fullscreen, made no difference, same low FPS.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: himmelweiss.1469


I want to add, thanks for everyone trying to help me.
I’m an IT dude as well, i’m fully aware of alot of basic things you need to check.

But it’s an serious issue here, the GTX 680 GPUs don’t get used to 90 – 100% like in BF3 or any other games out there.
GW2 only uses 50 – 56% of both GPUs and my CPU is ULTRA COOL almost idling arround with 20% usage.

I want that GW2 uses all i have, i don’t want my GPUs to use only their half power….

Now i hope that Nvidia also works hard on this….


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cartman.3178


I’ll chime in as well to report that I’ve had these problems since purchasing and installing the game.

My system started out as a Asus P6X58D-E Mobo with I7 930, 12 Gigs of Corsair Dominator Triple Channel RAM, and 2x GTX 470 Fermi cards in SLI.

Since I was having the crashing issue at random intervals I used the opportunity to upgrade my system to now:

Asrock Extreme6 1155 Mobo, I7 3770k proc, and 16Gigs of Corsair Vengeance RAM, and still the same video cards (Those GTX470’s have been amazing).

I continue to have the problem after the upgrade, which included a full system reinstall obviously because of the new hardware. There isn’t any specific event that I can recall happening to cause the crash. Sometimes I get a BSOD and sometimes I just get a black screen or pixelated screen. When I get the black or pixelated screen I’m not able to alt-tab or ctrl-alt-del out of the program, I must do a hard reset.

Tonight I’m going to try underclocking my GPU’s to see if that makes any difference as I see a lot of people are reporting that this is helping. As a side note, I am running the latest beta driver from nvidia as well to no avail.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fischer.7495


Same deal, 64 bit system, ATI card, runs every other game fine. I played GW2 np for about 2 days, and now the screen goes black just in character select or creation, and I need to hard reset my computer.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadeblast.5231


I want to add, thanks for everyone trying to help me.
I’m an IT dude as well, i’m fully aware of alot of basic things you need to check.

But it’s an serious issue here, the GTX 680 GPUs don’t get used to 90 – 100% like in BF3 or any other games out there.
GW2 only uses 50 – 56% of both GPUs and my CPU is ULTRA COOL almost idling arround with 20% usage.

I want that GW2 uses all i have, i don’t want my GPUs to use only their half power….

Now i hope that Nvidia also works hard on this….

Are you using the frame limiter option? Instead of limiting fps it just throttled my gpu+cpu down to 60-70% and giving me lag. I went from 30→60 fps while the limiter was on 60.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chambeastly.6217


I have a not amazing, but should be running higher. I only get around 25 when running recommended, when I get 60 on WoW ultra settings.
Pentium Dual Core E5300 @2.6 Ghz
4Gb of Ram
Win 7 64 bit
Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 v2



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



It’s not really fair to compare WoW to GW2. GW2 came out a week ago, WoW almost 8 years ago. So of course they run differently. Now, I read your DxDiag and what I can’t help but notice is that you have 4 GB of RAM and over 3 GB of pagefile. You should not have to use that much pagefile and that indicates to me you have a lot of running processes or a computer that is performing subpar.

if I were you, I would start with disabling all non essential startup items and services and of course update your Windows as well as your Nvidia drivers to the 304 or 306 release.

Lastly, a program like CCleaner can help clean out space on your drive which hopefully would speed up how well the game runs.

Knowledge is meant to be shared


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chambeastly.6217


@Creature I have updated my drivers to the 306 Beta version, Disabled my nonessential updates, and ran CC cleaner? Anything else I can do or you want me to check? Windows is also up to date.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sins.4782


7-8 fps at 1920×1080, 12-14 with subsample. ~5 in cities.
ATI Radeon HD 4200, AMD Athlon II X4 645(3.10 GHz), 6 GB RAM.

Yes, I realize the graphics card sucks, but I can’t afford a new one(+ power supply) atm. Any way to raise framerate would be wonderful.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: miiksu.3741


I have stopped using Super Sample and V-Sync for the moment. It’s now somehow playable in most areas but still struggling with low fps when fighting big fights like group events and WvWvW. I have overclocked my PC to it’s limits and still not getting enough “horsepower”. CPU was FX-8150 and GPU Radeon 7850. I am waiting that day I get smooth fps with Super Sample and Vsync on without buying 400-550€ graphic card.

(edited by miiksu.3741)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Creature.9476



If you cleaned your computer and no non essentials are running you should see some improvement. Without any game running you can press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to start the Task Manager and see what your resources are like. But it sounds to me like the game is not running impossibly slow. It sounds like you could gain a few FPS by making tweaks but I doubt you can make it run at 60 FPS

Knowledge is meant to be shared


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phaze Delta One.2834

Phaze Delta One.2834

7-8 fps at 1920×1080, 12-14 with subsample. ~5 in cities.
ATI Radeon HD 4200, AMD Athlon II X4 645(3.10 GHz), 6 GB RAM.

Yes, I realize the graphics card sucks, but I can’t afford a new one(+ power supply) atm. Any way to raise framerate would be wonderful.

Set render sampling back to native, reflections to none and shaders to medium. Set everything else to either meduim or low. see if that helps any.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mareth.3791


The game played fine until yesterday. It has such a bad frame drop that it renders the game unplayable. After servers went down it fixed. Then today I get on and it’s bugged again.

Hopefully others are experiencing this so it can be fixed soon. Really want to get back to pvp.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BAMFZILLA.1850


CPU: Amd athlon II x3 425 @ 2.70 ghz OC’d to 3.15 ghz
GPU: Amd Radeon HIS 5770 running driver version 12.8
Memory: 3 gb ddr2 sdram 800 mhz
OS: Windows 7 64 bit SP1

I’m averaging about 30 fps, it will drop down to about 20 fps in certain areas such as divinity’s reach or ares with a lot of open space or on screen characters. WvW isn’t going above 15 fps as soon as I get within the reach of a battle and turning my graphics settings down really isn’t effecting anything. My gpu isn’t going above a 40% load even whenever I’m getting 5 fps. Adjusting the graphics settings isn’t doing anything for me either. FPS remains the same.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vaul.7069


I can’t play the game for more than 45 minutes. The screen just freezes. I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 285 video card.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reese.9572


I redid the DxDiag with the 64-bit version, in case that would make a difference. I also included the Game Advisor report and the crash report.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


I think the freeze is the game crashing but not minimizing for the crash wizard to work correctly, thus freezing your system. I have notices that on my system.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaron.1687


Assertion: Received incorrect amount of data from HTTP server.
That seems relevant, from your Arenanet.log.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sithlord.2460


CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition (Stock speed @ 3.2 GHZ)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 580 running 306.02 drivers
Memory: 12 GB DDR3 SDRAM
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit Ultimate Edition (SP1)

All graphical settings at max (set to High/Ultra). Turning Reflections off and Shadows to Medium adds about 5-6 FPS

Average FPS: 30
Min FPS: 20
Max FPS (no players, surrounded by simple landscape): 45

Haven’t tried WvW yet, but I’m expecting abysmal FPS