PC Shutdown but only in instances

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395



I see a fair few people have the unexpected complete PC shutdown problem, but I have it only when in an instance – and not just groups things, but personal story. I can play the game for hours do events, pvp, pve and all that with no problems.

But personal story? Nearly always results in a complete shutdown.

Not sure why, I’d assume PvE is more taxing on the processors?

Anyone else have the same?

All drivers etc, are up to date and the game works fine except for this

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

if its a complete power down of the system
check your power supply, check your cpu for overheating.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Yes I understood that from your other posts. However, 5 hours playtime with no shutdown and into an instance and shutdown?

What do instances do that ramp up the power to that degree?

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jorius.5617


Open your computer case:

Are you able to distinguisly see all the components?

Yes –
Maybe there’s not enough thermal paste on your processor or the thermal paste is really bad.
Clean physically your computer, dust increases heat on systems.
Check if the fan is working right or not.

No –
Clean. Your. Computer.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

try the following


Squall is to quick to assume that its the psu, could be cpu overheating but i doubt that since its instances only and they are less stressful then areas with lots of people.

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Cheers, will try a checkdisk, you never know!

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Jazhara, you show a fair amount of inexperience and lack of understanding how a file system error would manifest. It wouldn’t power the system down completely for starters.

Now, in the case Nephilim meant Shutdown, based on how a BSOD screen is worded, thats another matter, but the BSOD screen would provide you with STOP 0×22 FILE_SYSTEM or Bug Check 0×24 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM in that instance.

Since he never posted a stop code, i assumed he meant a full power down, which would only be a CPU overheat event, or the psu is on deaths door.

(edited by Squall Leonhart.2075)

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sousui.1635


No bugs can ever shut down a system. They can lock them up.. they can slow them down, they can crash them. But to send the code to the bios to power down? never. You could request windows to do a reboot.. but that still requires a prompt.

Systems powering down is either the PSU not delivering enough power, or some older systems and I think AMD CPUs still power down everything when criticle temps have been reached. INTEL processors for a long time now will not shut down, but reduce speeds and voltages to cool themselves down.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Squall Leonhart shows lack of experiance dealing with the real world effects file system errors can show under windows.

I have been doing this since the 90’s and despite it making zero logical sense, I have seen this kind of thing for over a decade how, windows and software logically would tell you its a file system error, but they more times then not do not tell you this, be it the os shutting down due to a fault or whatever, the fact is, tech’s who have been doing this for decades will tell you to run a chkdsk /f as your first move when you have had unexpected shutdowns, if only because they tend to cause drive bitmap errors and unallocated space to be marked allocated, these 2 errors are very common and, despite the fact that as squall says, they shouldnt cause this kind of thing, many times they do…..

sorry Squall, but, I have alot of exp with this, it very well could be psu or cpu, but then again, it could also be file system errors, despite that making little logical sense given you dont get a bsod or an error screen from it, its one of those crazy things you just have to accept in the world of gaming pc’s(you see it alot less if you deal with office systems from oem’s that people dont tend to tinker with at all)

please, explain why the fix worked for the fellow who tried it in the other thread…….when it couldnt possibly help at all…..

the more i read your posts, the more you remind me of a guy I use to deal with on IRC who insisted you should never run chkdsk because he said it didnt do what i thought it did and it could damage your hdd(lies and bs….chkdsk is a built in tool to repair file system errors nothing more, it cant damage your hardware)

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Intel laptops still power down when a critical temperature is reached.

But desktop processors throttle down to the lowest multiplier possible

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

No bugs can ever shut down a system. They can lock them up.. they can slow them down, they can crash them. But to send the code to the bios to power down? never. You could request windows to do a reboot.. but that still requires a prompt.

Systems powering down is either the PSU not delivering enough power, or some older systems and I think AMD CPUs still power down everything when criticle temps have been reached. INTEL processors for a long time now will not shut down, but reduce speeds and voltages to cool themselves down.

again your wrong on a few counts.

file system errors can manifest in many ways, including non-bsod shutdowns, i know its illogical and makese zero sense, but, thats MS for your…..why they removed the auto chkdsk after unexpected shutdown I will never understand….

intel systems will for the most part from oem’s like dell will auto shutdown if they hit a critical temp and cant cool down quick enough, most custom systems dont have the auto shutdown enabled so they wont(why board makers set this to disabled or removed the critical temp shutdown i will never understand)

Infact, I had an i3 here a couple weeks ago my friends father had, turned out the cpu fan had died, thing kept shutting down when he would try and convert videos to put on his phone, using aida64 i watched the temp hit over 90c then the system just powered off…..

opened it up, found the fan didnt spin at all(even with a finger you couldnt get it to spin) called the oem up, they wanted him to ship the whole unit to them at his cost…..he decided to just have me replace the cooler as that would be cheaper.(he also opted to have me upgrade the ram and videocard as well since it was already open on the bench)

dosnt matter what i say tho, these 2 wont listen because their books tell them it cant happen(the only people i have seen talk like this learned out of books but have never worked in a real computer shop with real gamers.)

I still say try running chkdsk /f, it cant cause any harm and could fix your problem…..and its far cheaper then buying a new psu just to find it didnt fix the problem.(their next fix after dusting off the cpu cooler and replacing psu would be to tell you to reinstall windows…..because that would wipe the file system and fix the error!!!)

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Intel laptops still power down when a critical temperature is reached.

But desktop processors throttle down to the lowest multiplier possible

depends on the desktop and how quick they hit critical, he the case of the i3 i mentioned it took about 15-20sec to hit critical, (the cooler was so warm by the time i opened the case that it was still uncomfertable to touch) also didnt have what i expected of an intel cooler, it had a circular cooler that had thicker alum fins then the intel oem coolers have…..probably because they where cheaper then intels coolers for the oem…..

first move : dust out the system with compressed air.
second: run chkdsk /f and then ccleaner
third: replace psu if the above didnt work

theres no harm in step 2, and it could fix the problem….the ONLY time i see people insist that you skip it is when they work at a place that makes more off selling hardware then off fixing software(the shops I have worked for and not quit have always been about saving people money not about selling them stuff they may not need)

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart shows lack of experiance dealing with the real world effects file system errors can show under windows.

Sure thing bub.

I have been doing this since the 90’s and despite it making zero logical sense, I have seen this kind of thing for over a decade how, windows and software logically would tell you its a file system error, but they more times then not do not tell you this, be it the os shutting down due to a fault or whatever,

I see, the issue here lays in the fact that you assumed BSOD when Nephilim said Shutdown, based on the bsod standard “Your computer has been shutdown to prevent damage”. If this was the case, i think Nephilim would be reporting a blue flash and a restart, unless his system was otherwise set to not restart on a critical stop error, which he would have posted that it was a stop error instead.

the fact is, tech’s who have been doing this for decades will tell you to run a chkdsk /f as your first move when you have had unexpected shutdowns, if only because they tend to cause drive bitmap errors and unallocated space to be marked allocated, these 2 errors are very common and, despite the fact that as squall says, they shouldnt cause this kind of thing, many times they do…..

Years of experience often leads to jumping the gun. Though I can’t absolutely fault you for assuming BSOD when the terminologies are all messed up these days.

sorry Squall, but, I have alot of exp with this

No doubt, but

it could also be file system errors, despite that making little logical sense given you dont get a bsod or an error screen from it

It was never mentioned anywhere that this was a stop error event.
Which is where we have diverged. A magnetic layer fault or corrupted files will never Power Off the system.

A HDD connected to an overloaded PSU on the other hand……. particularly where the PSU has some from of OCP implemented.

please, explain why the fix worked for the fellow who tried it in the other thread…….when it couldnt possibly help at all…..

His was a stop error.

the more i read your posts, the more you remind me of a guy I use to deal with on IRC who insisted you should never run chkdsk because he said it didnt do what i thought it did and it could damage your hdd(lies and bs….chkdsk is a built in tool to repair file system errors nothing more, it cant damage your hardware)

Guy sounds like an idiot, i’ve resolved my fair share of failing to boot laptops with a simple chkdsk. usually stop error 0×24 or 0×20 though.

file system errors can manifest in many ways, including non-bsod shutdowns, i know its illogical and makese zero sense, but, thats MS for your…..why they removed the auto chkdsk after unexpected shutdown I will never understand….

Its still there, but the dirty bit is just less likely to be set on a bad shutdown. NTFS journaling improvements have reduced the cases of actual file system corruption a good deal in these cases. when forced the only thing a chkdsk usually does is tidy up some orphaned indexes and security descriptors for files that have been removed (Since windows doesn’t remove these by itself)

(edited by Squall Leonhart.2075)

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

bsod’s dont always even show n screen and dont always happen, i really wish they did, but, in my years doing this, i have come to accept that sometimes the system dosnt give you time to read the error, and sometimes it wont even show it.

this gets worse with people who have followed tweak guides and have dont stupid stuff to “make the system faster” that makes it so bsod’s dont even show the system just powers off or restarts….

and yes the guy is an idiot, he actually got fired from a data center job because he wiped a clients vps and reinstalled windows due to a minor error……wiping out the guy website, email and database servers in the process(he didnt even make a backup he said that should have been the users responsibility) he cried in irc for around a week about it then got glined for being a kitten to a sysop…

i really do wish windows would tell us every time theres an error, but, sadly some/many of these errors are not detected/reported unless you run chkdsk at least not on modern windows. xp and 2k where more prone to the bsod or forced chkdsk on restart, vista and 7(and 8 im sure) seem to rely on the user to run them if theres a problem.

sorry our convo had taken a turn for the “hostile”, just annoys me when people would rather tell people to do the most expensive thing first, makes me think of the month i worked for geeksquad…….(and the week each i worked for 5 shop in the portland area)

I always go by the belief that you should test first, do whats cheapist, then if that dosnt work move to the hardware replacement step.

not saying your wrong, his psu could be a dieing pos, but then again, it could be file system errors as well.

what leads me to believe its not his psu is the fact it only happens in instances…..thats not what you would expect if it was system load, Lions Arch would cause this if it where system load issues(Temps or bad psu) far quicker then entering any instance would…..

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


expect if it was system load, Lions Arch would cause this if it where system load issues(Temps or bad psu) far quicker then entering any instance would…..

Sure you are all having fun but just to add, all 5 cities are absolutely fine. I had a complete shutdown just now on lvl 8 Asura story “funhouse” which, lets face it, compared to any city or event, is negligible in power drain. Hell, it’s 3 npcs standing around talking.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

whats happening in the background though.

or more importantly, how high is the GPU load at that specific time.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


PC wise, nothing is happening, the only thing I run other than anything OS like is MS Security Essentials. Clearly entering an instance is causing problems, quite severe ones.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Ah, woops, i meant in in game background. Is there are room behind these guys filled with water, or fog/smoke, or other particle bits that chew through graphics hardwares till they cry mercy.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Not even vaguely I’m afraid, it literally starts with nothing that could even be described as graphics intensive unlike, say, the 10 man event I just did in Metrica filled with flame AOE (flame elemental boss)