7/26 SF/GoM/ET
lol, so a foreigner. Explains even more.
you’re sounding more and more like a xenophobe.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
@brah, Its intervention time, you are outposting by word count the two you’re arguing with at a 10:1 rate. That is not a sign of winning, slow down and work on something with wit or sarcasm or just plain shock value forum ban nasty, that will get a +1.
to the tools that just interrupted my 1v1 with a LYSS necro, you’re not helping my faith in humanity.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Wow. Thanks to all who kept talking about me when I was no longer here. Makes me feel even more special.
Wow. Thanks to all who kept talking about me when I was no longer here. Makes me feel even more special.
You’re special alright…
Roamer and Troll
Wow. Thanks to all who kept talking about me when I was no longer here. Makes me feel even more special.
You’re special alright…
Aww, after all this time you just couldn’t resist. Someone was affected.
Wow. Thanks to all who kept talking about me when I was no longer here. Makes me feel even more special.
You’re special alright…
Aww, after all this time you just couldn’t resist. Someone was affected.
Think whatever you want buddy.
Roamer and Troll
Wow. Thanks to all who kept talking about me when I was no longer here. Makes me feel even more special.
You’re special alright…
Aww, after all this time you just couldn’t resist. Someone was affected.
Think whatever you want buddy.
Why thank you. You seem upset. I hope it all works out for you.
Stay classy [BS], asked for a 20v20. Showed up with 16 with full stacks claimed they needed a handicap….
Then killed all the spectators when they tried to res for the 2nd round…
So much for the GvG
No respect. I’m sorry.
Official match results
Round 1 : 16 [BS] against 20 [VS] (a mix of people had stacks)
Results : 14/16 alive, BS wins
Round 2 : 17 [BS] against 20 [VS] (no one had stacks)
Results : 17/17 alive, BS wins
Thanks for the match VS, posting vid soon.
On a side note There was no agreement to a best out of 5. After round 2 there was no point in any further matches, was a lopsided victory and people needed to go.
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”
(edited by Geoski.1407)
Bobby Bushay called me up after that GvG just to TELL me that we opened a can of whoop kitten yeee haaaa!
Roaming God of ET.
And I thought WvW was GoMs skill group?
What? No.
*I liked Zombieland. They did good work on the server. People who complained about the work they did to get people out of Queensdale and Lion’s Arch to karma trains while our matches were easy don’t get it and are the people who don’t go to meetings, don’t try to involve themselves, and apparently only sit on the sidelines to complain. We’ll be weaker without ’em but life goes on. *
Also you say people sit on sidelines and complain, those people who complain are paying for upgrades, encouraging people in map chat, letting new commanders know in pm what they might have done differently especially the use of a ballista in a funnel situation, sending new players siege, scouting paper towers for a zerg to take easily for the PPT and a variety of other tasks.
We all do WvW, yes. There’s not many people comin up with fresh ideas on how to move the server forward though. Just lots of people are there to say they don’t like this or that.
Stay classy [BS], asked for a 20v20. Showed up with 16 with full stacks claimed they needed a handicap….
Then killed all the spectators when they tried to res for the 2nd round…
So much for the GvG
No respect. I’m sorry.
Stacks were removed as demanded for the second fight we still won with zero deaths. If we seemed a bit restless its because you killed people that walked up and let you remove stacks instead of just downing them, that got some people mad including me.
The whole thing was pointless and honestly boring, 10 v 20 would of been a better fight take that as an insult if you want but its the in game reality.
Next time you GvG dont kill people that agree to let you remove stacks. Do you honestly not understand why that would get people worked up that just stomped you? I was ready to wipe everyone with the Vs tag at that point but the guild wanted to do one more GvG without stacks just to remove any doubt.
Done wasting time arguing with Vs forum warriors, we have been a fairly quite respectful guild until this point so grats Vs you did for a moment bring us down to your level.
Anyway good news I got some solid drops and ranked up, thanks.
I actually agree with Xom on this one. I was there and killing someone who is offering stack removal is disrespectful I have been on that side of the coin myself.
My guild has disappointed me today however I can say the same for [BS] as well Guys this is suppose to be a fun friendly rivalry but all everyone seems to be doing is blowing every small thing out of proportion and leaving bad impressions on everythng.
[VS] we lost get over it. Doesnt matter what character the opponent shows.. lose with some dignity.
[BS] even though you won.. please show some respect.
I appologise on behalf of my guild for killing your player that was asking for stack removal. (I was there guys I know it happened) Next time please dont let anger take control and kill everyone present that was just uncalled for. I hope we all learned something tonight.
Thats all im going to say on this topic and I urge my guild to follow suit. Happy hunting.
Official match results
BS disqualified themselves from the GvG.
- Caught with sigil stacks in the first fight. VS attempted to move back to the starting area 2 seconds into it after the 20+ stacks were pointed out on the majority of their members. BS continued to engage.
- BS Killed the peaceful spectator before hand that was only counting numbers as 20 were expected
- BS Pre-emptively attacked on a follow-up fight, continued to attack, killed all spectators to prevent any rezzing. Most VS just stood there, as no match began
- BS continued to attack VS members as they were returning to the starting area from spawn, to see if a real match was going to happen
Edited for accuracy.
If you don’t know the rules of GvG, just say so. People will certainly point you to the valid links. If you don’t know how to count, people can certainly point you to the proper educational system. (FYI Perma stealth thieves count in your GvG numbers and black powder fields aren’t invisible)
But of course, as even you, the leader of BS mentioned; You do not give a kitten about the rules. Well I’ll be nice here, and we can just all say that your DQ wasn’t a loss for BS, ignoring the proper definition, and let you all learn from this point as well as others that you may challenge.
Our videos and screens are soon to come, Just for the laughs.
I can’t help but feel bad for ET.
Thankyou to this fella for the 15 minute fight we had in ogre camp, was a lot of fun. Shame a zerg came steam rolling through it but eh kitten happens in EB I guess
….. And Elementalist.
Official match results
BS disqualified themselves from the GvG.
- Caught with sigil stacks in the first fight. VS attempted to move back to the starting area 2 seconds into it after the 20+ stacks were pointed out on the majority of their members. BS continued to engage.
- BS Killed the peaceful spectator before hand that was only counting numbers as 20 were expected
- BS Pre-emptively attacked on a follow-up fight, continued to attack, killed all spectators to prevent any rezzing. Most VS just stood there, as no match began
- BS continued to attack VS members as they were returning to the starting area from spawn, to see if a real match was going to happenEdited for accuracy.
If you don’t know the rules of GvG, just say so. People will certainly point you to the valid links. If you don’t know how to count, people can certainly point you to the proper educational system. (FYI Perma stealth thieves count in your GvG numbers and black powder fields aren’t invisible)
But of course, as even you, the leader of BS mentioned; You do not give a kitten about the rules. Well I’ll be nice here, and we can just all say that your DQ wasn’t a loss for BS, ignoring the proper definition, and let you all learn from this point as well as others that you may challenge.
Our videos and screens are soon to come, Just for the laughs.
I can’t help but feel bad for ET.
To be fair you guys are at fault mostly here. You have consistently wiped them in a roaming capacity. This is the only way to judge a guild in WvW. You can’t just make a GvG match up and not expect people to show up with specific builds/classes beforehand just to make sure a win is at hand. Pretty certain VS didn’t go with a tpvp mind set either. I’ve seen you guys break down zergs and whatnot, and thats what you’re good at.
You shouldn’t have allowed yourselves to be roped in with a gvg when it shows no skill. One round and they ran off crying a win. When that shows nothing consistent.
Should have just stuck to working them over when you saw them running away from you in BL’s.
Official match results
BS disqualified themselves from the GvG.
- Caught with sigil stacks in the first fight. VS attempted to move back to the starting area 2 seconds into it after the 20+ stacks were pointed out on the majority of their members. BS continued to engage.
- BS Killed the peaceful spectator before hand that was only counting numbers as 20 were expected
- BS Pre-emptively attacked on a follow-up fight, continued to attack, killed all spectators to prevent any rezzing. Most VS just stood there, as no match began
- BS continued to attack VS members as they were returning to the starting area from spawn, to see if a real match was going to happenEdited for accuracy.
If you don’t know the rules of GvG, just say so. People will certainly point you to the valid links. If you don’t know how to count, people can certainly point you to the proper educational system. (FYI Perma stealth thieves count in your GvG numbers and black powder fields aren’t invisible)
But of course, as even you, the leader of BS mentioned; You do not give a kitten about the rules. Well I’ll be nice here, and we can just all say that your DQ wasn’t a loss for BS, ignoring the proper definition, and let you all learn from this point as well as others that you may challenge.
Our videos and screens are soon to come, Just for the laughs.
I can’t help but feel bad for ET.To be fair you guys are at fault mostly here. You have consistently wiped them in a roaming capacity. This is the only way to judge a guild in WvW. You can’t just make a GvG match up and not expect people to show up with specific builds/classes beforehand just to make sure a win is at hand. Pretty certain VS didn’t go with a tpvp mind set either. I’ve seen you guys break down zergs and whatnot, and thats what you’re good at.
You shouldn’t have allowed yourselves to be roped in with a gvg when it shows no skill. One round and they ran off crying a win. When that shows nothing consistent.
Should have just stuck to working them over when you saw them running away from you in BL’s.
You take the words right out of my mind….
I told one of my guildies who gets super sensetive over talking on the forums I wouldn’t post anymore.
If any of you have ever seen actual GvG videos from the best guilds IE: RG, Votf, VII, GH, Scnd etc you’ll all know there are certain rules to GvGs. BS showed up with 25 stacks in things, then when we asked them to let us clear it only a few of them came up while the rest sat in the back. They were very hesitant on removing the stacks claiming they wanted a handicap in whisper. They beat us on rounds one, I didn’t notice the stacks as I didn’t think they’d come with them. Round 2 I noticed it, and we cleared them. They beat us again then after they beat us that round ran over and killed all the spectators who weren’t playing. That in itself is silly acting. I told Lil Homie (the leader of BS) best out of 5 before it started. We were regrouping to come back for round three, as we changed out some players so some of my other guildies could get some GvG experience as this was our 2cnd one, and a lot of mine are new to the whole GvG thing. When we arrived back at the windmill, they just attacked us right away as we sat there. The last picture Xom posted is when none of us were playing.
TLDR: After two matches, we went back for the third round, they killed us the second we showed up while none of us were playing and basically DQd themselves started dancing on the bodies and killed all the spectators.
The basic rules of GvG are explained here starting at 1:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCCnSLCKMic&feature=c4-overview&list=UUzoRcgOH6TQxvW54b0Dqy8A
Here is what an official GvG looks like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwVRdCYL4ng
If you don’t know anything about the guilds i’ve mentioned, then you probably don’t know anything about GvGs. BS’s attitude was ashaming the way they acted. I can’t believe I hear they’re a respected guild worth fighting.
I don’t know what makes them want to gloat over not finishing a GvG as they skipped out on the last three rounds lol. Here is what lil homie thinks about GvGs basic rules
(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)
I find it impressively disturbing that the folks in BS appear to be proud of the shenanigans they pulled (killing afk’ers, false starts, full stacks, etc.) by having the audacity to not only dismiss the agreed upon standard practices in arranged GVGs but also by fabricating the events that occurred that evening.
Fortunately, the folks in VS appear to be level headed and mature when it comes to not calling BS out on the “BS” that was pulled.
By the way, ROFL at the SS of the afk’ers BS killed as though it was a legit matchup. Are you for real?
While I can understand the mentality of no rules, the whole “match-ups” and arranged GVGs are for a measure of competence in a spvp-like setting. I guess I really don’t understand the whole point in disregarding the “structured” part of the match-ups and then claiming victory… when it is literally a failure to even competently participate in arranged GvGs and be successful. In reality the only success BS had that evening was showing us spectators how bad they are at arranged match-ups.
ET You better control them gutter street thug punks before we go all crazy mad on them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juSKjz8aOgo
@breh jumping in the middle to troll because I commented on what a clown you been for pages, fair turnabout I guess.
We have GvGed for months without issue, multiple guilds from multiple servers, its a great way to improve and my friends list is packed with people from those GvGs. Insult away I said I was not going to argue anymore and I wont.
Hey FYI for breh and pancakes, no one thinks differently when you write and essay long forum post pouring your little hearts and souls into your baffling arguments. With that said I would like to take this time to golf clap to you guys for having nothing better to do with your time than write forum post all day.
Cheers mates
Roaming God of ET.
VS should be anything but GLAD to have met BS lol. We have showed you the potential your guild could have. But yet again that will prolly never happen so the hell with it LOL.
Roaming God of ET.
I find it impressively disturbing that the folks in BS appear to be proud of the shenanigans they pulled (killing afk’ers, false starts, full stacks, etc.) by having the audacity to not only dismiss the agreed upon standard practices in arranged GVGs but also by fabricating the events that occurred that evening.
were you there? you seem to just take VS’ word for what they say. id like to clear up some things. in the first fight we did have stacks most of the prior gvgs we’ve had in or current tier both sides showed up with stacks. i think this has more to do with miscommunication; Pancakez thought we were going by a set of rules from whatever guilds he watched/played against . however many big guilds also gvg with stacks ie. emp v choo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvaE6dwZpQo, or emp vs tsym: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n43H28yWnkI, or sf v agg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE4TVTQyqoc [mostly agg with stacks]
in fact agg transferred to et for a while and i guess when we searched them up we thought it was common practise to stack to fight.
either way all of you charged full force and attacked without backing out. so we thought it was acknowleged that stacks were allowed.
during the interim before the second fight. we agreed to unstack. one of your guildies decided to stomp one of ours. that guildie happened to be a new recruit [not new to wvw] so of course all of us got mad. it even made me and a couple of the remaining of us unsure whether or not to unstack. eventually everyone unstacked and the fight began the same way as the other did. both parties buffed and started to charge each other the fight started without hestitation from either side. however we were still mad and decided at the end the fight by wiping the spectators as well.
i agree with omega arts that both of us were in the wrong. VS for killing while destacking and BS for killing spectators and for killing those that returned. the stacking issue is more of a communication problem and both sides assumed things. to address us not finishing the match set, a lot of us were kitten ed and did not feel it was worth it to continue. even lil homie got mad as apparent in the screenshot from pancakez. small group is obviously not your strength but you did decent. still i find that if it was an even 20v 20 the stacks would have been a huge issue, however we only fielded 16 tonight.
tl;dr – dont take everything someone from VS or BS says. watch the videos when theyre uploaded and judge for yourself since both groups did wrong. i am probably omitting some things, its late, im biased towards my guild, but id just like to clear some stuff up before more drama or some type of blame game happens.
ps. of course good fights tonight got 2 fights in was just an ugly ending. and pancakez dont hate on my bunker. also another note lil homie isnt our guild leader.
Hey FYI for breh and pancakes, no one thinks differently when you write and essay long forum post pouring your little hearts and souls into your baffling arguments. With that said I would like to take this time to golf clap to you guys for having nothing better to do with your time than write forum post all day.
Cheers mates
You don’t say LOL… How does it feel to be a complete moron?
Hypocrite much… /facepalm
ET You better control them gutter street thug punks before we go all crazy mad on them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juSKjz8aOgo
This is what Xom posts a screenshot about lol. We’re sitting there, as you see no spectators as the mighty BS killed them all, we’re sitting by the windmill ready for round three, and here comes the best guild in the world getting in a cheap one. Nice 2 rounds of GvG, you guys are pretty kitten boring. Nuff said.
I find it impressively disturbing that the folks in BS appear to be proud of the shenanigans they pulled (killing afk’ers, false starts, full stacks, etc.) by having the audacity to not only dismiss the agreed upon standard practices in arranged GVGs but also by fabricating the events that occurred that evening.
were you there? you seem to just take VS’ word for what they say. id like to clear up some things. in the first fight we did have stacks most of the prior gvgs we’ve had in or current tier both sides showed up with stacks. i think this has more to do with miscommunication; Pancakez thought we were going by a set of rules from whatever guilds he watched/played against . however many big guilds also gvg with stacks ie. emp v choo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvaE6dwZpQo, or emp vs tsym: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n43H28yWnkI, or sf v agg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE4TVTQyqoc [mostly agg with stacks]
in fact agg transferred to et for a while and i guess when we searched them up we thought it was common practise to stack to fight.
either way all of you charged full force and attacked without backing out. so we thought it was acknowleged that stacks were allowed.during the interim before the second fight. we agreed to unstack. one of your guildies decided to stomp one of ours. that guildie happened to be a new recruit [not new to wvw] so of course all of us got mad. it even made me and a couple of the remaining of us unsure whether or not to unstack. eventually everyone unstacked and the fight began the same way as the other did. both parties buffed and started to charge each other the fight started without hestitation from either side. however we were still mad and decided at the end the fight by wiping the spectators as well.
i agree with omega arts that both of us were in the wrong. VS for killing while destacking and BS for killing spectators and for killing those that returned. the stacking issue is more of a communication problem and both sides assumed things. to address us not finishing the match set, a lot of us were kitten ed and did not feel it was worth it to continue. even lil homie got mad as apparent in the screenshot from pancakez. small group is obviously not your strength but you did decent. still i find that if it was an even 20v 20 the stacks would have been a huge issue, however we only fielded 16 tonight.
tl;dr – dont take everything someone from VS or BS says. watch the videos when theyre uploaded and judge for yourself since both groups did wrong. i am probably omitting some things, its late, im biased towards my guild, but id just like to clear some stuff up before more drama or some type of blame game happens.
ps. of course good fights tonight got 2 fights in was just an ugly ending. and pancakez dont hate on my bunker
. also another note lil homie isnt our guild leader.
SF? Never heard of them. Heard of Choo and AGG. AGG isn’t too good, while they’re better than us, I wouldn’t consider them one of the best. I don’t know much about Choo.
RG does though http://gw2gvg.com/guild.php?id=38 there is the match history
As you see, all of the matches are 5-10 rounds. Not two then they think they’re so good they don’t need to fight anymore. What’s a video going to prove? You won two matches and quit. Third match you just jump everyone at the windmill. You guys are a bunch of giant ego’d trash.
Oh btw, only one of my other guildies posted here. More of your kids are whining than ours. You guys could learn a few things from IoM, don’t be shy asking them for help.
(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)
Lol, nice double edit, you done with your QQ’s yet?
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”
Lol, nice double edit, you done with your QQ’s yet?
oh boi lil homie, I better not make u mad u might come kill me while im spectating
i bttr learn my place
@breh jumping in the middle to troll because I commented on what a clown you been for pages, fair turnabout I guess.
We have GvGed for months without issue, multiple guilds from multiple servers, its a great way to improve and my friends list is packed with people from those GvGs. Insult away I said I was not going to argue anymore and I wont.
I never knew you were paying attention to me. All my attention was to the ones from GoM who were actively playing with me here. Otherwise I might have replied to your if I had seen it.
But good to see what I said spoke so much truth for you that it actually affected you.
And its cute for you to have said you weren’t going to argue anymore and yet here you are arguing my point. Again thank you for obviously pointing out that all I said was true if it got to you so bad you contradicted your own words.
Small egos, small behavior.
Pancakez say we have giant egos
Breh say we have small egos
Which one is it? o.O
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”
Stay classy [BS], asked for a 20v20. Showed up with 16 with full stacks claimed they needed a handicap….
No respect. I’m sorry.
Official match results
Round 2 : 17 [BS] against 20 [VS] (no one had stacks)
Results : 17/17 alive, BS wins
The whole thing was pointless and honestly boring, 10 v 20 would of been a better fight take that as an insult if you want but its the in game reality.
You shouldn’t have allowed yourselves to be roped in with a gvg when it shows no skill. One round and they ran off crying a win. When that shows nothing consistent.
VS should be anything but GLAD to have met BS lol. We have showed you the potential your guild could have. But yet again that will prolly never happen so the hell with it LOL.
I enjoyed reading through these last 2 pages. They’re a goldmine for fantastically hilarious quotes.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego.
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego.
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Glad you agree you’re small ego. Kudos.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
That’s a /facepalm
Check [Mate] | Darkhaven
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
Oh snap, You’re AR. No wonder you crying so hard. Whooped you so bad on our match up. My bad, had I bothered to view your signature I would have gone easier on you. I mean jesus, even ET beat you guys, right? lol.
EDIT: Regardless of that the post still clearly addresses what you whined about since you are AR.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
Oh snap, You’re AR. No wonder you crying so hard. Whooped you so bad on our match up. My bad, had I bothered to view your signature I would have gone easier on you. I mean jesus, even ET beat you guys, right? lol.
EDIT: Regardless of that the post still clearly addresses what you whined about since you are AR.
lol @ you thinking that beating all 30 of us is an accomplishment.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
Oh snap, You’re AR. No wonder you crying so hard. Whooped you so bad on our match up. My bad, had I bothered to view your signature I would have gone easier on you. I mean jesus, even ET beat you guys, right? lol.
EDIT: Regardless of that the post still clearly addresses what you whined about since you are AR.
lol @ you thinking that beating all 30 of us is an accomplishment.
Numbers whine. You should transfer to Et.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
Oh snap, You’re AR. No wonder you crying so hard. Whooped you so bad on our match up. My bad, had I bothered to view your signature I would have gone easier on you. I mean jesus, even ET beat you guys, right? lol.
EDIT: Regardless of that the post still clearly addresses what you whined about since you are AR.
lol @ you thinking that beating all 30 of us is an accomplishment.
Numbers whine. You should transfer to Et.
You’ve obviously never been in a drastically underpopulated server. Maybe you should transfer to ET and save yourself the embarrassment of being so ignorant. Woops, too late.
The guild [VS] has been undermined by mutants with insufficient brains. Report lives says [VS] engage in doing prohibited things of that which cannot be named. People of the city are gathering in streets demonstrating there anger in ignorance of the so called kittenl Secretions (VS) guild. Other networks are denying any contact with these people due to their undeniable stupidity. This is FOX news report, channel 7 eye witness , news.
LUL GET IT? you’re probably to wakakakakstupid to understand this.
But its okay, read it twice if you have too.
Roaming God of ET.
I win I win I win!!!
Roaming God of ET.
I don’t care what pancakez says. I’m not in his guild, nor do I know him. But if you must know who speaks the most truth about ET than you definitely must take my word into more account. Pancakez is new to SF, otherwise he would have never been baited by an ET small ego guild. Et itself is small ego. SF from beta and your server has continuously proven itself to be pointless and cowardly.
Just from WvW experience. No idea in your other aspects.
Sorry, but how do you not consider a GvG to be the highest form of skill-based PvP?
I don’t zerg, ever, but something tells me the zergs don’t run special builds to help them combat the mighty doors they fight all day. They probably run team/support builds (if they’re smart) which is what would help them win in a GvG. If everyone ran 1v1 builds they’d be at a disadvantage. I kind of feel like that’s blatantly obvious, considering they’re not 1v1ing. Also, saying that running into them on the field is a better way to see who is better is just stupid. How often do you think two random groups running into each other are fielding the exact same number? One side will always have more, and considering BS didn’t even bring 20 to this fight, one can only assume that they wouldn’t be the larger side of the matchup.
I had to write you this little paragraph because I’m not sure me just laughing at your earlier quote is enough to clear your delusions.
Still stuck on that numbers whine? I don’t get why you’re all upset with me. I merely pointed out to VS their error. They just should have never agreed to a gvg when they weren’t ready for one. When they didn’t go into it with a tpvp mindset and especially when they took players new to the guild from SF to it that I recognized from the screenies as being bad at pvp in general. Which I have no idea why they did in the first place. Lack of member, who knows, don’t care.
In the end they have consistently beaten you in roaming. They should have left it at that and just enjoyed your whine about numbers. What you believe in guild roaming differs from mine, but of course it would because you’ve been beaten over and over in that area. One win does not dictate superiority. Especially after you guys threw a fit after that win.
And I don’t speak on them without some knowledge. I’ve followed them on 5 difference occasions just to see what they were about and they broke up zergs much bigger and did it quite well and I’ve seen them fail and wipe.
And on BS I can attest to all of you being cowards. I’ve been in smaller zergs where you have been chased back into your spawn. I can’t personally speak for my whole server, but I can speak with confidence that for the most part Et and its supposed “WvW guilds” are considered a massive joke in SF.
Tl;dr: You cry.
I’m not even in ET dude.
Oh snap, You’re AR. No wonder you crying so hard. Whooped you so bad on our match up. My bad, had I bothered to view your signature I would have gone easier on you. I mean jesus, even ET beat you guys, right? lol.
EDIT: Regardless of that the post still clearly addresses what you whined about since you are AR.
lol @ you thinking that beating all 30 of us is an accomplishment.
Numbers whine. You should transfer to Et.
You’ve obviously never been in a drastically underpopulated server. Maybe you should transfer to ET and save yourself the embarrassment of being so ignorant. Woops, too late.
SF was pretty low pop near the start when all the pvp guilds left. Never whined about it like you though. Oh well, Guess I’m just better like that.