9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Adlanaa.6172


Dear Fc ,

being a former fergusons crossing soldier , I was happy to see we got you guys in a match. If anything else it was to see who was still playing there and have some trips down memory lane.

After 2 short sittings of playing ive found very few of the ole school guys left. What replaced them is even more disturbing. Seems like the whole Olympic track team of runners transferred in. Not only do most run for even fights. They run from outnumbered fights in there favor..

I normally make a video or two with some music that fits the mood. But.. wow all I have clips of is people running from me.

What’s going on here ?

I even keep an eye out for this |HP| guild as they show screenshots of slaughtering people 12v2.. I find a few of them.. they run too… Wtf?!

Please .. don’t let the week end like it has started people of Fc. I would hate to have my last memory of my former server as chickenkitten pvpers.

I don’t even know if I put up my Obs song of the day video.. chasing people into towers and into the water isn’t a fun watch..

That is all.


I ran solo from 4-5 angry XOXO members 2 days back and lived. I hope that didn’t contribute to any of this frustration. . I just wanted to admire the.. assets.. of that mesmer you had running around in a bikini top, but you folks wouldn’t stand for it.
Anyways no offense with my running, but I just hate watching 4-5 people or more melt away a single target helplessly with a bunch of brainless CC spam as if it were skill of any kind.

So anyways…. the bikini XOXO mesmer. And Oh, and that adorable asura warrior. Had the pleasure of fighting the two of them mano a mano. Talented players right there. Especially the mesmer. Next time I will be more careful with my movements so I don’t get caught with my pants down when you pop those clones on me though.

Bikini top? Was it orange and black, or was this perhaps the day that I decided to run around without gear on?

Just so there isn’t confusion about this, when we roam in a group it’s not because we’re angry, we just all have fun playing together, and ultimately we’re out to have fun. Well, at least I like playing with them because they’re fun. They probably just hang out with me because boobs + someone to make fun of easily.

Lana | NSP | XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joe.4178


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Would you care for a 2v2-5v5 to confirm that? I don’t remember the last person in tM being “easy” except for one of my friends that just started the game.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


Mucho respect goes out from me to XOXO and tM on your mad skills….Best scuffles of the week with you guys. Even though I think you beat us more times (kitten YOU DANK!) than we beat you it’s always interesting to say the least when we face off with you guys. I don’t care if I lose as long as it’s a good fight. What the hell am I saying…screw that bullkitten….I do care if I lose. I’m aiming for ya now! ;P

Shout out to I believe SET (sorry I don’t remember the exact guild tag) – I’ll give it to ya, you guys got us once last night but it was great to return the favor a couple times after that first encounter.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


XOXO will always be the mesmer/thief guild to me.

Gate of Madness

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


Mucho respect goes out from me to XOXO and tM on your mad skills….Best scuffles of the week with you guys. Even though I think you beat us more times (kitten YOU DANK!) than we beat you it’s always interesting to say the least when we face off with you guys. I don’t care if I lose as long as it’s a good fight. What the hell am I saying…screw that bullkitten….I do care if I lose. I’m aiming for ya now! ;P

Shout out to I believe SET (sorry I don’t remember the exact guild tag) – I’ll give it to ya, you guys got us once last night but it was great to return the favor a couple times after that first encounter.

We love you PD you are our BM brothers from another mother. I know me and Xumn (human war + asuran war) had fun running into a couple of you several times while we were wxp grinding for our stacks.. Sorry we bailed on the fight a couple times but it was taking too long and our bday boosters were wasting away..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Would you care for a 2v2-5v5 to confirm that? I don’t remember the last person in tM being “easy” except for one of my friends that just started the game.

We could duel if you want, atm no one from my guild is on, we are very low pop guild with 6 or so max that rep, i could 1v1 you or whoever

Btw I somehow remember your name, where you in FC before?

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Its 2 warriors, 1 ele and me , and some casuals who rep at times to roam with us, we arent big enough to do 5v5 lol maybe 2v2

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


XOXO will always be the mesmer/thief guild to me.


JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Dear Fc ,

being a former fergusons crossing soldier , I was happy to see we got you guys in a match. If anything else it was to see who was still playing there and have some trips down memory lane.

After 2 short sittings of playing ive found very few of the ole school guys left. What replaced them is even more disturbing. Seems like the whole Olympic track team of runners transferred in. Not only do most run for even fights. They run from outnumbered fights in there favor..

I normally make a video or two with some music that fits the mood. But.. wow all I have clips of is people running from me.

What’s going on here ?

I even keep an eye out for this |HP| guild as they show screenshots of slaughtering people 12v2.. I find a few of them.. they run too… Wtf?!

Please .. don’t let the week end like it has started people of Fc. I would hate to have my last memory of my former server as chickenkitten pvpers.

I don’t even know if I put up my Obs song of the day video.. chasing people into towers and into the water isn’t a fun watch..

That is all.


I ran solo from 4-5 angry XOXO members 2 days back and lived. I hope that didn’t contribute to any of this frustration. . I just wanted to admire the.. assets.. of that mesmer you had running around in a bikini top, but you folks wouldn’t stand for it.
Anyways no offense with my running, but I just hate watching 4-5 people or more melt away a single target helplessly with a bunch of brainless CC spam as if it were skill of any kind.

So anyways…. the bikini XOXO mesmer. And Oh, and that adorable asura warrior. Had the pleasure of fighting the two of them mano a mano. Talented players right there. Especially the mesmer. Next time I will be more careful with my movements so I don’t get caught with my pants down when you pop those clones on me though.

Bikini top? Was it orange and black, or was this perhaps the day that I decided to run around without gear on?

Just so there isn’t confusion about this, when we roam in a group it’s not because we’re angry, we just all have fun playing together, and ultimately we’re out to have fun. Well, at least I like playing with them because they’re fun. They probably just hang out with me because boobs + someone to make fun of easily.

you had me at boobs + , sorry I scanned the whole paragraph and only understood Boobs, so you must be cool around these parts xD I keed I keed

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

And Os would care..

If we were a roaming guild.


What I do care is stuff like we did in SM after midnight(east).

It has been a while since I had this much fun.

Heiann – NSP

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mallechos.9876


Oh hi Kaineng. You’re not supposed to be here.


Aralyth/Ralyth/Captain Ara [OP] – Darkhaven

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


What the kitten is going on. Hello SF and GoM. Nice to see you.

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: highlandria.7941


Was nice for gom to have sm with a wp for once. Tried to take the momentum to nsp’s blue keep but boy did they put up a fight. Great job prepping ac’s as fast as you did. 5 golems just wasn’t enough. Oh well. Maybe next week we’ll get your keep. Oh btw …." just between us" map hop sf late at night and you’ll get some good ppt off them. Anyways see you guys in the near future. GO GOM!!

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Korruptkai.8527


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

[Holy] Warrior/Guardian

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Fact is I dont fight duos I fight solo, my philosophy is that if you cant stick up for yourself and need to rely on others to do well then it is not your victory rather a joint team work, XoXo showed me they are awesome alone and together.

Also another fact is I mostly roam solo or with a group, and i don’t have much friends on at times so I am used to being alone, so I am used to 1vX or 2vx and etc. If TM wants to duel me, send me a whisper I will duel as many will come.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


The HP warrior that wiped is one of our new warriors, who runs yellows and hasn’t gone to exotics yet, he roams solo , so if oyu want a good match whisper me or adverse or severus.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joe.4178


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Fact is I dont fight duos I fight solo, my philosophy is that if you cant stick up for yourself and need to rely on others to do well then it is not your victory rather a joint team work, XoXo showed me they are awesome alone and together.

Also another fact is I mostly roam solo or with a group, and i don’t have much friends on at times so I am used to being alone, so I am used to 1vX or 2vx and etc. If TM wants to duel me, send me a whisper I will duel as many will come.

Its not a matter that you’re sticking up for yourself, its more of a who has a better cheese build for 1v1’s. 1v1’s doesn’t define any spec of skill whatsoever, for example the cheese phantasm build, cheese condi mesmer build, cheese condi warrior build, cheese d/p perma stealth, etc. You can 1v1 and lose then go change your build to counter X build and say you’re good. Its completely irrelevant and meaningless and anyone can swap to those builds and say they’re good at 1v1.

The fact is that you say tM is “easy” and you refer to my whole guild is the reason I asked politely for a 2v2-5v5. You said your guild is small man roamers the real deal, shouldn’t you be able to at least do 2v2s-3v3s? Nonetheless when my members get on they’ll give you the duel you asked for. I lose all duels since I’m group speced on my shatter mesmer and could care less about cheese builds in 1v1s.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Fact is I dont fight duos I fight solo, my philosophy is that if you cant stick up for yourself and need to rely on others to do well then it is not your victory rather a joint team work, XoXo showed me they are awesome alone and together.

Also another fact is I mostly roam solo or with a group, and i don’t have much friends on at times so I am used to being alone, so I am used to 1vX or 2vx and etc. If TM wants to duel me, send me a whisper I will duel as many will come.

Its not a matter that you’re sticking up for yourself, its more of a who has a better cheese build for 1v1’s. 1v1’s doesn’t define any spec of skill whatsoever, for example the cheese phantasm build, cheese condi mesmer build, cheese condi warrior build, cheese d/p perma stealth, etc. You can 1v1 and lose then go change your build to counter X build and say you’re good. Its completely irrelevant and meaningless and anyone can swap to those builds and say they’re good at 1v1.

The fact is that you say tM is “easy” and you refer to my whole guild is the reason I asked politely for a 2v2-5v5. You said your guild is small man roamers the real deal, shouldn’t you be able to at least do 2v2s-3v3s? Nonetheless when my members get on they’ll give you the duel you asked for. I lose all duels since I’m group speced on my shatter mesmer and could care less about cheese builds in 1v1s.

I knew you were a group spec, as soon as you said 2v2 or 5v5 i knew you were a group build, the thing about cheese builds is that they abuse a mechanism, but have a major flaw, even cheese builds have a weakness, and if not they can be rendered useless if all they do is run away or hide forever.

Im a mesmer . I dont cheese build and my reasoning why i like 1v1s, is because I usually don’t have anyone to rely on most of the times I fight, so for me , my philosophy is all about survival on your own.

group fights are all about focusing one one target and relying on someone else to cover for you when you can’t for yourself, if you like group fights fine, but for me I am all about survival alone and with a group. So I wouldn’t mind, and Im not saying all TM is bad, just the first 2 i fought , but then again everyone has a lvl of skill so it shouldn’t be fair for me to assume about Tm beign bad.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Fact is I dont fight duos I fight solo, my philosophy is that if you cant stick up for yourself and need to rely on others to do well then it is not your victory rather a joint team work, XoXo showed me they are awesome alone and together.

Also another fact is I mostly roam solo or with a group, and i don’t have much friends on at times so I am used to being alone, so I am used to 1vX or 2vx and etc. If TM wants to duel me, send me a whisper I will duel as many will come.

Its not a matter that you’re sticking up for yourself, its more of a who has a better cheese build for 1v1’s. 1v1’s doesn’t define any spec of skill whatsoever, for example the cheese phantasm build, cheese condi mesmer build, cheese condi warrior build, cheese d/p perma stealth, etc. You can 1v1 and lose then go change your build to counter X build and say you’re good. Its completely irrelevant and meaningless and anyone can swap to those builds and say they’re good at 1v1.

The fact is that you say tM is “easy” and you refer to my whole guild is the reason I asked politely for a 2v2-5v5. You said your guild is small man roamers the real deal, shouldn’t you be able to at least do 2v2s-3v3s? Nonetheless when my members get on they’ll give you the duel you asked for. I lose all duels since I’m group speced on my shatter mesmer and could care less about cheese builds in 1v1s.

Btw if everything is a cheese build then where do good builds come from? most cheese builds, cookie cutter builds etc, but when you look deep enough you start to understand where some builds can be gimik builds, like perma stealth, compared to an actual build that doesn’t just spam 1 thing to win, problem about most builds, is when people find oen build that dominates everything else they tend to flock to it.

For me i tend to play anti cheese builds, I tend to play anti CC warrior, Anti cond engi, anti ranger, anti perma retal regen guard and anti burst, I am bunkerish but when people complain of me being bunker, or w.e. i ask them if they are bunker, and if not they are zerk. TBH even zerk builds can take out a bunker build, so when people complain of one or the other, it isn’t the build.

Also I fight guardians and warriors, sometimes I am deemed bunker but half the time I have people running from me to heal when I haven’t even taken much damage and being *bunker i shouldnt even be dealing much.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Flerch.4817


lol, anti ranger build

Timada Thief|Poof Poof Bang Mesmer
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joe.4178


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Fact is I dont fight duos I fight solo, my philosophy is that if you cant stick up for yourself and need to rely on others to do well then it is not your victory rather a joint team work, XoXo showed me they are awesome alone and together.

Also another fact is I mostly roam solo or with a group, and i don’t have much friends on at times so I am used to being alone, so I am used to 1vX or 2vx and etc. If TM wants to duel me, send me a whisper I will duel as many will come.

Its not a matter that you’re sticking up for yourself, its more of a who has a better cheese build for 1v1’s. 1v1’s doesn’t define any spec of skill whatsoever, for example the cheese phantasm build, cheese condi mesmer build, cheese condi warrior build, cheese d/p perma stealth, etc. You can 1v1 and lose then go change your build to counter X build and say you’re good. Its completely irrelevant and meaningless and anyone can swap to those builds and say they’re good at 1v1.

The fact is that you say tM is “easy” and you refer to my whole guild is the reason I asked politely for a 2v2-5v5. You said your guild is small man roamers the real deal, shouldn’t you be able to at least do 2v2s-3v3s? Nonetheless when my members get on they’ll give you the duel you asked for. I lose all duels since I’m group speced on my shatter mesmer and could care less about cheese builds in 1v1s.

I knew you were a group spec, as soon as you said 2v2 or 5v5 i knew you were a group build, the thing about cheese builds is that they abuse a mechanism, but have a major flaw, even cheese builds have a weakness, and if not they can be rendered useless if all they do is run away or hide forever.

Im a mesmer . I dont cheese build and my reasoning why i like 1v1s, is because I usually don’t have anyone to rely on most of the times I fight, so for me , my philosophy is all about survival on your own.

group fights are all about focusing one one target and relying on someone else to cover for you when you can’t for yourself, if you like group fights fine, but for me I am all about survival alone and with a group. So I wouldn’t mind, and Im not saying all TM is bad, just the first 2 i fought , but then again everyone has a lvl of skill so it shouldn’t be fair for me to assume about Tm beign bad.

1st Paragraph: Wouldn’t that means you would fit in that category? I was one of the tM char mesmers you fought with kevin the guardian that pushed you to spawn with 2 people when you said it was 10vs3. Doesn’t that mean you ran away from 2 people that rely on each other vs 2 people that rely on themselves? Doesn’t that mean you should’ve had the advantage?

2nd Paragraph: Survival on your own? Doesn’t seem fun to just run away all the time if its 1 vs more than 3 in wvw, never mind 1 vs more than 1 if you can do that. You don’t like cheese builds? You asked obs for his condi mesmer build/fotm build, aren’t you contradicting yourself? That statement just collapsed on itself there.

3rd Paragraph: So you’re conclusion is me and kevin are bad for pushing you back to your spawn with 2 when you claimed it was a 10 vs 3, maybe it was my clones when I double shattered your warrior instantly to 0 many times. Everything you said so far refer’s to you only playing 1v1 or like 1v1’s, so how much do you really know about group spec when I’ve been playing that since March 19, 2013. All your statements you talk so proudly about yourself has been 1v1 related, so I guess you really don’t know anything about group spec.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

(edited by Joe.4178)

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mepheles.2087


CC Warrior wasn’t always cheese, till people started using it… been using hammer since I was level 50 with para sigil. I’m not good with math, so I didn’t think about how much extra stun there was. /shrug maybe after the october patch the build will be underused, and I can have it all to myself again, wahaha!

Gates of Madness

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shu.6981


Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.

I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….

Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD

Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.

Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.

Opinion, the Mugi and Joe duo can destroy the Raiden and Stalagta duo.

Mugi [-tM-][Holy]

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


Obs plays that cond build nicely, one thing, another thing is I want to know because the damage output of that build is nice, and I haven’t ran across much builds like those lately, I saw your version it was alright but nothing like the one he runs.

As for the asuran guardian all props to him, Seriously that guy could tank like a mofo. So I guess TM isn’t bad, but the asuran guardian was the one sustaining the whole fight. those circles kept me in place most of the fights.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joe.4178


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

What when you just sit in the back 1 1 1 1 on me with mesmer gs? o sorry i forgot you added a 4 in there, and the guardian doing work on you? He was full support. You over exaggerated a bit there on how many times I killed you and everyone else. Lemme clarify what I last saw, you on your mesmer/ your blond hair guildie mesmer/ your mace stun/gs warrior/ your staff bunker ele/ yarr phantasm mesmer all siting on 916 toughness. The amount of times I backed out compared to the amount of times I’ve made you go back for repair fee’s is uncountable, actually maybe takes 2 hands to count if you can count that high. Unlike you I have all of it recorded, but I deleted clips like that to save you from the embarrassment and humiliation since I’m nice. You can thank me later.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


lol, anti ranger build

Look up focus reflect builds, they tend to make ranger cry lol. All about that reflect.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

What when you just sit in the back 1 1 1 1 on me with mesmer gs? o sorry i forgot you added a 4 in there, and the guardian doing work on you? He was full support. You over exaggerated a bit there on how many times I killed you and everyone else. Lemme clarify what I last saw, you on your mesmer/ your blond hair guildie mesmer/ your mace stun/gs warrior/ your staff bunker ele/ yarr phantasm mesmer all siting on 916 toughness. The amount of times I backed out compared to the amount of times I’ve made you go back for repair fee’s is uncountable, actually maybe takes 2 hands to count if you can count that high. Unlike you I have all of it recorded, but I deleted clips like that to save you from the embarrassment and humiliation since I’m nice. You can thank me later.

Idk why dont you post it? as for sit in the back and spam 1111, lol dont talk like you didn’t pull out like, and yes the guardian was the one doing the most crowd control on me, I kept trying to kill your kitten charr, but most of the fight it was the guardian focusing me, as for the times you killed me, it was unless i was being hard focused by everyone, as for 2 of you, that is one big lie, it was more, and on top of that idk which blond hair guildie, we dont have a blond hair guildie , we have a norn mesmer with orange hair.

As for the yarr mesmer, they showed up after, and in fact most of the guys fighting with me were pugs, it was 3 of us in the beginning, and as for you saying you didn’t have more then 2 I guess you should really show that clip cus I want to see.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

2x on a row? are you high , lol please send me some ss, because it was 2 fights, the first one i ran bunker, the second one i ran GS with foucs, so idk, and if i bore him , how did he have 20% Hp when i downed him and i still had nearly 60%+, he sat down when he had 20% left and i just finished him there.

You were running zerk yet you couldnt even dent me GG please retry a diff build enxt time, because if i kept you running in and out to heal then idk about you, tbh only Obs from XOXO can tlak kitten at this point, you’re a bad warr

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

(edited by Narsil.6579)

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Omg.. plz leave me out of this mess.. Ty

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

2x on a row? are you high , lol please send me some ss, because it was fights, the first one i ran bunker, the second one i ran GS with foucs, so idk, and if i bore him , how did he have 20% Hp when i downed him and i still had nearly 60%+, he sat down when he had 20% left and i just finished him there.

You were running zerk yet you couldnt even dent me GG please retry a diff build enxt time, because if i kept you running in and out to heal then idk about you, tbh only Obs from XOXO can tlak kitten at this point, you’re a bad warr

Run in and out to heal? lol please there was nothing to heal.. Seriously you ran a traited focus against a melee warrior, please explain that reasoning. The only time you even got me under 90% was because I just stood in your iWarden jumping up and down. I was already beyond bored at that point and just tooling around.. ’

And yes that DARK mesmer beat you 2x easily before you switch to bunker with GS and 1 spammed him till he got bored and /slept.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

(edited by dank.3680)

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Omg.. plz leave me out of this mess.. Ty

I’m just surprised it’s Joe instead of you! Work is boring.

Gate of Madness

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


atm im running around 13 – 10 fps, if i could have better fps i would fraps most of my fights, so if anyone can have clips on me, im fine with them being posted, specially even if i get owned, lets me see where i go wrong and etc..

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: AKLbow.2463


Fact: tM/SPCA/XOXO are all good. tM/SPCA has better group roamers because most of XOXO likes to run around solo but will group up when people are on.

Another fact: Joe & Mugi are probably at the top of my “top 5” best players in game.

Another fact: XOXO is now Warr/Thief/Mesmer guild. We had to retaliate to warr cheese builds by making our own.

Last fact: I party harder than you do. (Note: Party does not mean group in this context.)

Viohlent – Thief

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

2x on a row? are you high , lol please send me some ss, because it was fights, the first one i ran bunker, the second one i ran GS with foucs, so idk, and if i bore him , how did he have 20% Hp when i downed him and i still had nearly 60%+, he sat down when he had 20% left and i just finished him there.

You were running zerk yet you couldnt even dent me GG please retry a diff build enxt time, because if i kept you running in and out to heal then idk about you, tbh only Obs from XOXO can tlak kitten at this point, you’re a bad warr

Run in and out to heal? lol please there was nothing to heal.. Seriously you ran a traited focus against a melee warrior, please explain that reasoning. The only time you even got me under 90% was because I just stood in your iWarden jumping up and down. I was already beyond bored at that point and just tooling around..

GS #5 on your warrior bro don’t even start, when in fights you run out with that, it makes the signet of healing go off and you regen back up, and not once did you make me flinch, if you were running zerk you would have done a ton of damage, as for your thief friend, he did way more damage then you and i was running same build.

As for focus and the reasoning behind it against stun or burst build,s I would explain and any mesmer with some experience around how things work, would understand why a focus and a sword hand in hand can be useful against burst builds, specially against warriors or guardians. I would explain but then I would give away how my build works and etc.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

2x on a row? are you high , lol please send me some ss, because it was fights, the first one i ran bunker, the second one i ran GS with foucs, so idk, and if i bore him , how did he have 20% Hp when i downed him and i still had nearly 60%+, he sat down when he had 20% left and i just finished him there.

You were running zerk yet you couldnt even dent me GG please retry a diff build enxt time, because if i kept you running in and out to heal then idk about you, tbh only Obs from XOXO can tlak kitten at this point, you’re a bad warr

Run in and out to heal? lol please there was nothing to heal.. Seriously you ran a traited focus against a melee warrior, please explain that reasoning. The only time you even got me under 90% was because I just stood in your iWarden jumping up and down. I was already beyond bored at that point and just tooling around..

GS #5 on your warrior bro don’t even start, when in fights you run out with that, it makes the signet of healing go off and you regen back up, and not once did you make me flinch, if you were running zerk you would have done a ton of damage, as for your thief friend, he did way more damage then you and i was running same build.

As for focus and the reasoning behind it against stun or burst build,s I would explain and any mesmer with some experience around how things work, would understand why a focus and a sword hand in hand can be useful against burst builds, specially against warriors or guardians. I would explain but then I would give away how my build works and etc.

Oh you think I don’t know about the retal from focus? Pls, that was so 6 months ago forum fotm ty.. Pls note I took 0 retal dmg in that fight.

Oh and signet regen is always going, nothing “makes it go off” lol wtf are you even saying here..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


No lol dont flatter yourself, the asuran guardian was alright he survive dliek a champ, you on the other hand got ganked several times, and as for even fight, times we had them, times you outnumbered us, times we outnumbered you, as for the cheese builds, didn’t you say that 1v1 is all about cheese builds? I said when it comes down to it, some builds exploit a mechanism, which when rendered useless, makes the build dumb, as for the whole spawn thing, again don’t flatter yourself, the guardian, asuran one was doing all the work on me. you were retreating and running away when ever i got you down to a low hp mark.

For all that anti-cheese you run, you sure got destroyed repeatedly by that [DARK] fotm perplex mesmer.

Also, calling JOE or any of tM bad is just too much lolz..

1 fight lol, 1 fight, how about the other time around? lol as for you, running that axe shield, signet regen running out of the fight to reheal and running back in, you didn’t do kitten damage lol.

#1. I saw you get owned by him 2x in a row then you go full bunker on him and bore him to death to a stalemate. I even told you how to beat him ez without switching to bunker bs but you didn’t bother to listen..

#2. You also switch to full bunker to duel me and I get kitten bored and just troll jumping around in circles. Sry but a bunker mesmer is not a fun duel you will never kill me with that kitten and I won’t kill you either so whats the point. Waste of my time…

2x on a row? are you high , lol please send me some ss, because it was fights, the first one i ran bunker, the second one i ran GS with foucs, so idk, and if i bore him , how did he have 20% Hp when i downed him and i still had nearly 60%+, he sat down when he had 20% left and i just finished him there.

You were running zerk yet you couldnt even dent me GG please retry a diff build enxt time, because if i kept you running in and out to heal then idk about you, tbh only Obs from XOXO can tlak kitten at this point, you’re a bad warr

Run in and out to heal? lol please there was nothing to heal.. Seriously you ran a traited focus against a melee warrior, please explain that reasoning. The only time you even got me under 90% was because I just stood in your iWarden jumping up and down. I was already beyond bored at that point and just tooling around..

GS #5 on your warrior bro don’t even start, when in fights you run out with that, it makes the signet of healing go off and you regen back up, and not once did you make me flinch, if you were running zerk you would have done a ton of damage, as for your thief friend, he did way more damage then you and i was running same build.

As for focus and the reasoning behind it against stun or burst build,s I would explain and any mesmer with some experience around how things work, would understand why a focus and a sword hand in hand can be useful against burst builds, specially against warriors or guardians. I would explain but then I would give away how my build works and etc.

Oh you think I don’t know about the retal from focus? Pls, that was so 6 months ago forum fotm ty.. Pls note I took 0 retal dmg in that fight.

Oh and signet regen is always going, nothing “makes it go off” lol wtf are you even saying here..

Again when you are in combat that healing signet is working, but you kept running away and coming back, if you were tanking you would have just took it like a pro, if i wasn’t doing damage you would have just stood there whacking me, so idk how zerk you are because i barely took any damage from you, I even stood in your 100b to see if it even hurt.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


As for the retaliation, i keep retal and regen up 90% of my fights, saying it is so 6 months ago, well idc, it works fine in combat, it keeps most burst builds at bay and the focus has another use besides reflect and retal, and its useful for a reason apart of just tanking, but again i won’t explain much more through that.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


As for the retaliation, i keep retal and regen up 90% of my fights, saying it is so 6 months ago, well idc, it works fine in combat, it keeps most burst builds at bay and the focus has another use besides reflect and retal, and its useful for a reason apart of just tanking, but again i won’t explain much more through that.

Well I was wrong, it was 8 months ago.


The only other reason for focus is to pull so noobs can land ileap since so many baddies have issues landing it.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Ok guys , lets all stop the madness.

what we really should be talking about is how bad the pvp has been this week.

I normally have a song of the day music or video up by now. But my clips this week are all ez wins or people running. so lets just relax. sit back and let my music do its thing!

welcome to todays

Obs song of the day!!

btw , my feet hurt

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


As for the retaliation, i keep retal and regen up 90% of my fights, saying it is so 6 months ago, well idc, it works fine in combat, it keeps most burst builds at bay and the focus has another use besides reflect and retal, and its useful for a reason apart of just tanking, but again i won’t explain much more through that.

Well I was wrong, it was 8 months ago.


The only other reason for focus is to pull so noobs can land ileap since so many baddies have issues landing it.

Look into whirl finisher and light field = AoE cleanse

reason it work for some targets its because i always have some way to make it happen

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: dank.3680


As for the retaliation, i keep retal and regen up 90% of my fights, saying it is so 6 months ago, well idc, it works fine in combat, it keeps most burst builds at bay and the focus has another use besides reflect and retal, and its useful for a reason apart of just tanking, but again i won’t explain much more through that.

Well I was wrong, it was 8 months ago.


The only other reason for focus is to pull so noobs can land ileap since so many baddies have issues landing it.

Look into whirl finisher and light field = AoE cleanse

reason it work for some targets its because i always have some way to make it happen

  1. your warden was never in the focus field you put it on yourself while your warden was in the middle of the field(not combo field) doing nothing. #2 Still doesn’t explain why you used it against a melee warrior with no conditions..
#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Omg.. plz leave me out of this mess.. Ty

I’m just surprised it’s Joe instead of you! Work is boring.

Lol… Why me ><

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


As for the retaliation, i keep retal and regen up 90% of my fights, saying it is so 6 months ago, well idc, it works fine in combat, it keeps most burst builds at bay and the focus has another use besides reflect and retal, and its useful for a reason apart of just tanking, but again i won’t explain much more through that.

Well I was wrong, it was 8 months ago.


The only other reason for focus is to pull so noobs can land ileap since so many baddies have issues landing it.

Look into whirl finisher and light field = AoE cleanse

reason it work for some targets its because i always have some way to make it happen

  1. your warden was never in the focus field you put it on yourself while your warden was in the middle of the field(not combo field) doing nothing. #2 Still doesn’t explain why you used it against a melee warrior with no conditions..

Again if i explain how i work around this, it would make what i do seem obvious and so i won’t tlk further about how i work, so lol yeah yeah you know my build so well mate :P

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


lol, anti ranger build

Is there a ranger ranger build? You know where they do more than death by a thousand cuts over the span of about 30minutes?

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Omg.. plz leave me out of this mess.. Ty

I’m just surprised it’s Joe instead of you! Work is boring.

Lol… Why me ><

Come now, don’t pretend like you don’t have an exciting conflict filled forum history.

Gate of Madness

9/27 Fergustan, Derkhueven,North/South Peaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


lol, anti ranger build

Is there a ranger ranger build? You know where they do more than death by a thousand cuts over the span of about 30minutes?

mesmer have a GS , it makes for great range killshots, by anti ranger i mean most rangers I run into wont do much to me, uptime retal and uptime reflect, can make for great combos, downside, my fat legs wont let me run 100 yards to catch up to them if they are tanky …

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon