UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013
so 4/5 ppl stay in and we didnt see? do you believe that by you’re self?….
als UW and AS nice teamup this evening and kitten us like hell
i think we deserved it?….
good luck after friday… and UW guys stop cheating… you guys are terrible
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
so 4/5 ppl stay in and we didnt see? do you believe that by you’re self?….
als UW and AS nice teamup this evening and kitten us like hell
i think we deserved it?….
good luck after friday… and UW guys stop cheating… you guys are terrible
Ahh.. so now we’re not ‘cheating’ so ofc, now we’re teaming with AS. :/
Ymilia – Elementalist
Shade of Underworld – Thief
both where in garri, didnt attack eachother…
1 guy whas in party with UW they had a alliance, but we dont care guys…
you where not able to get our keeps a few days in homeborder, now when you teamup you can.. i think feels good for u guys enjoy it man…
yeah many glitch work from UW thats not cheating?
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
We actually were in AS Bdl and capped everything except 1 tower when we went to defend Underworld Garrison from RoS Golem rush. And now you are crying on the forums we are teaming up with AS?
I sometimes invite people from RoS or AS into my party to chat when im bored does that mean i’m teaming up with them?
Pax was in RoS bdl the last 2 days but we didn’t really care about capping hills or garri or w/e. We just wanted to get some fights because this matchup was already done. Twice we found DeX in open world area we stack, DeX stacks and then DeX procedes to build an arrow cart. Both Times. Stay classy!
To be honest when we fought RoS a couple weeks ago i thought you guys were amazing and i had loads of respect for your server. It was really close up until the end and i was looking forward to fighting you guys again. These last few days made me lose alot of that respect for you guys. Constant whining on the forums about everything and everyone, the generalizing and overall kitten attitude.
Guess what? Every server has cheaters. And since Underworld has a higher population than yours, odds are we are gonna have some more. There is nothing we can do except report them and move on. The Guilds that actually care about WvW hate cheating and think it ruins the game.
@The Umpire.9510
Maybe UW didn’t engage AS because the commander didn’t want to get sandwiched between an AS zerg and your ACs? This isn’t a massive conspiracy theory where we’re all out to get you. The same way you went to UW Bdl while we were ravaging AS, AS decided to take advantage of our invasion on yours. It’s just smart play from a server who probably doesn’t want to finish third (Yes, some people want their server to win)
It’s a shame this week is gonna end like this on the forums but what are you gonna do?
Shame we couldn’t do that GvG this week due to our schedules. i’m sure we would have learned alot. Hopefully next time!
Some really good fights and you guys are amazing keep rocking WvW. (but please tone it down on the forums a bit with the jumping to conclusions)
Whenever we saw you in a keep or in a tower we would just start throwing ACs and Balistas up on the walls to help you get more sieges up. Thanks for the lootbags and keep rocking those AC wars.
Pax Commander
Rank 149 and counting
both where in garri, didnt attack eachother…
1 guy whas in party with UW they had a alliance, but we dont care guys…
you where not able to get our keeps a few days in homeborder, now when you teamup you can.. i think feels good for u guys
enjoy it man…
yeah many glitch work from UW thats not cheating?
@ The Umpire
Yes, you are correct, I had the whole of the Arborstone server round for tea and cakes on Wednesday and we cooked up a massive conspiracy to get you…
Oh please… it is called reading a map.
Also, we have seen too many enemies fight each other in a keep while we were defending it and do our work for us, to prematurely engage Arbour in Garri. We were working out how we wanted to take the inner and seeing if we could be lazy / clever and use an arbourstone breach to get in, instead of doing it ourselves. In fact if there was a consiparcy Arbour certainly got shortchanged as all your map turned a lovely shade of green.
I know because I was there…
‘’UW cheated this Matchup’’
‘’GuM, you used cheats to win’’
Came back yesterday and I see this mess here. So lets make some things clear:
Personally I dont think that such a great guild as GuM would let anything like this happen and destroy their reputation.
As far as the Battlefield is concered:
Thanks Arborstone for the nice fights yesterday.
Thanks RoS for the fights was really awesome to see DeX and RiOT zergs and fighting with them. Was really funny from RiOT to pretent that they are rushing and then going back but what made me laugh more was RiOT building arrow carts in an open field Zerging. That was really funny. Thanks everyone for the Lootbags !!!
-Typhons Bane
(edited by Panos.9427)
I’m glad this is over in a few hours. Hoping for better matchups. Maybe 1 french and 1 german server again? Then no whining at the forums cause they each go only to their own language forums and no threads/ no talking with the other server. Lol.
Too much whining here about 1 or 2 guys going into the keep… as if they could do anything and solo cap the keep. Others would just have killed them with a zerg… but of course if you don’t have a zerg only at that time you can’t do it(and you will lose the keep even if they 1-2 weren’t in there cause shortly our 10 times bigger zerg opens the door). Then only whining. I bet if they won nobody would have posted it at the forums.
Just report… but then send a video of how they got into the keep. Then ArenaNet can send them a “warning”(don’t think they can ban for minor stuff lol – in fact it is their fault this stuff even if possible… more like “clever use of game mechanis” if they still haven’t fixed stuff… should be allowed).
Indeed most of RoS (read MOST not all) seems to be more whiney about anything and I really getting tired of people making a whole server being called as cheaters. You know what you guys need to do ? grow up! really coming in here with your video’s boosting how awesome you guys are in a video game and the next time we face each other it’s just utter complaining and crying.
Play the game whine less, if you see someone you REALLY suspect of cheating report him/her then and don´t come in here crying that the whole server cheats since guess what every server has them.
Now for those who where not whining and not pointing fingers I say it was a pleasure too play vs you folks even though it was on my upscalled engineer :P
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
I lol’ed Curzed, we try to fight on open field because we can improve from that, sadly we NEVER had the chance to fight 1 uw guild at the same timer, you allways have 2 guild staying close to each other in the prime time and both builds are as big or bigger than DeX. We tried it often to fight you, the random people all die in the first push and we see us outnumbered against 2 guilds.
This only counts for the prime time i dont know what happened in the night there it might have been different but i dont think you can count our zergs at that time as DeX because we dont do raids in the night.
We wish we had more awesome battles, for us the reset night was the most enjoyable for a long time.
The next time we meet hopefully we have a bit better coverage and enough guilds to protect the stuff we cap (i remember we and RiOT turned everything except garri to paper yesterday and when they took garri we had 70 AS in bay building AC’s with 700 supplies, was hard to get in there, we had to blob up which we dont really like).
Indeed most of RoS (read MOST not all) seems to be more whiney about anything and I really getting tired of people making a whole server being called as cheaters.
If you want to (justifiably) be upset about people generalising and dragging guild’s names in the mud, as has unfortunately happened in this thread. You may not want to generalise and say ‘most of RoS’ is whining. I quickly went back and counted only 3 (5 if you’re being really cynical) people who made claims against GuM (for my own 2 cents, i’ve found them staying true to their good reputation every time we’ve fought!).
If ‘most’ of our server is made up of 5 people, I think we’ve done pretty well in this matchup :P
Moving on from all the rubbish, it’s been a fun matchup… trying to blunt the morning UW zerg until the rest of RoS start to wake up is getting old, but once we have some semblance of numbers to fight back, had some awesome fights!
Well RiOT has had lots of fun this week, wiping 50+ groups from both sides. Some excellent fights and lots of profit. We must of made around 100g each this week, its been crazy. I too have lost some respect for UW, couldnt find many guild fights apart from PaX, they were good. Everyone else seemd to blob up and its very frustrating. Hopefully we get less of this next time. I think its the american guild you guys have that kept you up top Good game everyone
I quickly went back and counted only 3 (5 if you’re being really cynical) people who made claims against GuM (for my own 2 cents, i’ve found them staying true to their good reputation every time we’ve fought!).
The reason you only counted 3 (5) is that I had the other 5+ deleted.
Good luck in the next match-up, hopefully we won’t be matched for a while.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
The VcY corporation would like to express their thanks to the Underworld server in netting us excellent profits way above our projected revenue targets for this week.
In future, should we meet again, can you please ensure to bunch up tight and keep mashing that 1 button, we approve.
Yours Sincerely
Song Weasel
Director of Corporate Relations
[VcY] Velocity – www.velocityeugaming.com
@ comacat
I’m also speaking about the previous encounter :p and it seems as veeber mentioned some have deleted their post’s
@ Cradorell
This is my personal opinion and maybe i’m wrong but why does RioT sound so arrogant ? Really do you think it’s skill to stack and attack with TS vs a pug zerg ? Also just because guilds don’t want GvG in WvW is maybe because they don’t want the fuzz about organizing it and don’t have or want to proof something? I don’t want too generalize your whole guild as arrogant people, I guess in real life your are some nice people, but please lay down the **** waving on how you wipe other servers zerg groups etc.
Not that I’m fond of people who only stick too the zerg blobs either…
For the rest I say it was fun too play vs any of you but I just hope it would be less **** waving or people generalizing a whole server of cheating while it’s just a few the next time we face each other /bow.
Oh yay another “mature” person who feels the need too accomplish something in a game… thanks for the sarcasm.
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
(edited by JeroenXP.5364)
@ comacat
I’m also speaking about the previous encounter :p and it seems as veeber mentioned some have deleted their post’s
@ Cradorell
This is my personal opinion and maybe i’m wrong but why does RioT sound so arrogant ? Really do you think it’s skill to stack and attack with TS vs a pug zerg ? Also just because guilds don’t want GvG in WvW is maybe because they don’t want the fuzz about organizing it and don’t have or want to proof something? I don’t want too generalize your whole guild as arrogant people, I guess in real life your are some nice people, but please lay down the **** waving on how you wipe other servers zerg groups etc.
Not that I’m fond of people who only stick too the zerg blobs either…
For the rest I say it was fun too play vs any of you but I just hope it would be less **** waving or people generalizing a whole server of cheating while it’s just a few the next time we face each other /bow.
Oh yay another “mature” person who feels the need too accomplish something in a game… thanks for the sarcasm.
Of course it is, you cant fight 50+ with 25 pugs, its gota be organised or it fails.. simplez. Ive certainly wiped your group with pug zergs but still! GG anyway.
Edit: Im sorry you feel this way, we are not arrogant… just proud of what we can and have accomplished.
(edited by Cradorell.3941)
That was Maltor – I’m sure. And I’m sure he does not hack. I also saw him in still in the keep. Maybe you did not check and he was still alive there. First we took your keep. Then a few of us stayed to defend(Maltor was there) and you took it back and we arrived to capture it again… maye he hid there that short amount of time – especially with us coming again to attack and you probably only looking at our zerg maybe you did not notice.
And I already knew someone would post it lol. Make a video on how he got there first.
I already have and sent it to Anet.. multiple people saw it happening and I know the person in question as he transfered to our server for a week specifically to roam with me. I already said it a 100 times, he glitched into Bay that time as well.. It’s simple math really, 1+1 =2..
If people spot a thief exploiting into a keep and ressing a dead mesmer and that thief is a person you know is known to use that exploit.. my only mistake is that I dragged GuM into this, I regret that.. but the real perpetrator is the thief that exploited so I would like people to stop quoting my name on here already. It’s dealt with, over.. thank you
Ps. no need to tell me how to play a thief, just sayin’
@ cradorell
Well if you feel accomplished too stack and attack the right moment and feel its a lot of skill.. well if it makes you happy. And i bet you folks are not arrogant but I know how people can be different while gaming so it’s ok.
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
@ cradorell
Well if you feel accomplished too stack and attack the right moment and feel its a lot of skill.. well if it makes you happy. And i bet you folks are not arrogant but I know how people can be different while gaming so it’s ok.
Thankyou for your kind words.
@ jeroenXP
Learn to recognised a RP post.
Also our videos are not meant to show us wiping pugs. They are just some highlights of the match up and piece of entertainment and to show good fights can still be had in a game where servers are leaning towards blobbing instead of splitting.
Well, this was a great week of double teaming, especially right now with the golems in RoS BL.
Well guys it’s been an interesting week to say the least, I hope the next time we meet there will be less drama and all that, it’s a shame because I usually enjoy playing against RoS. Haven’t seen as many RiOT zergs/groups around as I had hoped, it’s always nice seeing them in action. Good luck with your next matchup
Its not teaming up we on UW call it friday farm day we are mostly on lower lvls just getting as much xp from wvw as possible we were on EB ROS and AS all day
Edit: Im sorry you feel this way, we are not arrogant… just proud of what we can and have accomplished.
What have you accomplished? Only matches you can accomplish something is if you are matched up against Vabbi. Lol. I hope this for your next match up.
I already have and sent it to Anet.. multiple people saw it happening and I know the person in question as he transfered to our server for a week specifically to roam with me. I already said it a 100 times, he glitched into Bay that time as well.. It’s simple math really, 1+1 =2..
If people spot a thief exploiting into a keep and ressing a dead mesmer and that thief is a person you know is known to use that exploit.. my only mistake is that I dragged GuM into this, I regret that.. but the real perpetrator is the thief that exploited so I would like people to stop quoting my name on here already. It’s dealt with, over.. thank you
Why are you quoting me then when I talked abou the video from EB? That got nothing to do with the thief in bay you posted ages ago in this thread. The person in EB keep was not a thief. Afaik he is playing Necro(at least the char/name he was online at that time).
so 4/5 ppl stay in and we didnt see? do you believe that by you’re self?….
als UW and AS nice teamup this evening and kitten us like hell
i think we deserved it?….
good luck after friday… and UW guys stop cheating… you guys are terrible
Yes, of course it is possible that you did not see them… we attacked back very fast… buff on keep lord just timed out the moment our zerg destroyed the gate. If you only ran to the front to look at our zerg you don’t see other people… maybe he hid down – inside near the watergate where nobody is checking usually(especially not your noob guilds lol).
Well, this was a great week of double teaming, especially right now with the golems in RoS BL.
Yes, was fun to farm RoS. Even the VcY could not do anything lol. And fun to see them run away against our bigger zerg. Lol. That’s how WvW is played.
RoS and RiOT the thing is under a check of uw commanders(i’m not a commander) after being provided proofs.
don’t worry i’m sure no one angry because you reported it actually i believe uw thank you for it.
we worked very hard and we got good guilds and great commanders and even great randoms and casuals. we don’t want it to be ruined because a thief is allegedly exploiting it. we really hope no exploits will be used on either side.
I want to thanks and salute all RoS server.
I’ve been with you for a week but now its time to come back at home, on Ring of Fire.
You play well and have very strong guilds and commanders.
I hope we meet again in the future.
Godspeed friends
Mat Blake – HxH Guild
Ring of Fire Commander
Ring of Fire
Regards from the Underworld Friday Farm Day group, we’ve had a lot of fun!
~ Archi The Cub
In spite of numerous concerns, was a tres beautiful week and of beautiful night fight between Arborstone and underworld on CBE.
Thank you has all!!
SirKo / Arborstone !!!!
Last time we fought against RoS it was really close and probably the most fun matchup i’ve ever had. This week i felt RoS gave up after half a week and it was a letdown. Thumbs up for Arborstone, you are the real winner of this matchup.!!
Pyre yo- Engineer
We did not gave up, we had less members and guilds on our server, we were outmanned on many maps for long times this week. Also UW and AS got stronger than when we meet them the last time. Also we suffered a bit under the bugged dollys in eb.
I already have and sent it to Anet.. multiple people saw it happening and I know the person in question as he transfered to our server for a week specifically to roam with me. I already said it a 100 times, he glitched into Bay that time as well.. It’s simple math really, 1+1 =2..
So.. how many times did you report him when he was on your sever?
Let me guess, not a single time?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square