August 6, 2013 & WvW

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

WXP =/= “good players”. Sorry to break your heart. Not only that but “Good players” probably don’t need to be rewarded with even more of an advantage over other players.

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August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Punny.9210


lol Jscull is such a troller, lucky that he isn’t in our t1.

I really like these new contents every 2 weeks / 1 month. Most of game i have played they updated like every 3 – 6 months.

Keep it up Anet. You guys are awesome.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

WXP =/= “good players”. Sorry to break your heart. Not only that but “Good players” probably don’t need to be rewarded with even more of an advantage over other players.

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

lol Jscull is such a troller, lucky that he isn’t in our t1.

I really like these new contents every 2 weeks / 1 month. Most of game i have played they updated like every 3 – 6 months.

Keep it up Anet. You guys are awesome.

“our T1” is a joke in itself, who is to say you are better than anyone else just because you stacked a couple of servers to have 24/7 coverage in a pure coverage game… that isn’t skill, it’s mob-mentality.

I’d honestly love to see any 5man team from T1-2 transfer just to fight against PAXA, record it and put your money where your mouth is…

My fun laughs at your server pride.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rainu.6871


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

WXP =/= “good players”. Sorry to break your heart. Not only that but “Good players” probably don’t need to be rewarded with even more of an advantage over other players.

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

And yet you are arguing that there should be a system to make it even easier? No, having wxp improve your numbers (be it stats, damage, defence, etc) against other players is a bad idea and I think even the guard ones are a bit excessive.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

It wasn’t a valid attack I’ll give you that, hence the regular rams. We wanted to find people to fight rather than cata/trebing a wall for hours so just 2-3 portal bombs to knock it out happen and that’s the extent of the action.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

(edited by Feed Me Change.6528)

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


had to cut and paste from topic as "quote exceeded 5000 letters heh. This is adding to discussion with Jscull

Honestly, I am not trying to be contrary here, but I think we may be having two different discussions here, power creep vs play style. Fighting players, or keeps, or some stupid worm that gives wxp (totally hate that crap) are two different topics and not related to my issue of power creep. Players can choose to look for open field fights or any type of fight. I think ANet can make map improvements for this

Power creep does not change the basics of fights as WvW is designed right now. It would simply mean the gap between the casual, or new, or simply less WvW oriented would grow until these players could no longer compete. Now it may be that is what some players want, but I sure want more people not less joining WvW. Personally I would find it a lot more boring being able to dominate new players because of power creep, but that’s me.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

We attacked to pull people out into the open, tired of this siege warfare kitten

Then you’re playing the wrong game. Siege is and always will be a major part of WvW by design. You want to fight them? Rip down a wall or door and go inside. They’ll be waiting to fight.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

We attacked to pull people out into the open, tired of this siege warfare kitten

Then you’re playing the wrong game. Siege is and always will be a major part of WvW by design. You want to fight them? Rip down a wall or door and go inside. They’ll be waiting to fight.

We tried to “rip down a door” but where met by 6 instantly built arrow carts that we can’t destroy…

waiting to fight? or will they just run to inner and DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

I’ve honestly never seen people so afraid to die in any video game I’ve ever played.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

Couldn’t agree more. Like I said, anyone who crys about making the game harder just wants ez mode and is afraid of getting their kitten handed to them.

And yet you’re here crying about making the game easier for people who’ve been here longer instead of “harder” or leaving the real power effect in the hands of a players skill. I find irony in this.

If designed right, you would have the same opportunity as I do. How is that unfair?

Reality is not everyone has the same opportunity. Play time being number one, but to many other factors. Outside of T1 almost all match ups are unbalanced so this effects the Wxp people gain, time of day you play etc. Reality is power creep, will always favor those that can play the most and in the most optimum environment. This means the gap simply grows.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


There should be no WvW abilities to give an advantage in actual Player vs Player situations. The guard lines are already bad enough, no reason to dumb down this game even more.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


We tried to “rip down a door” but where met by 6 instantly built arrow carts that we can’t destroy…

waiting to fight? or will they just run to inner and DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

I’ve honestly never seen people so afraid to die in any video game I’ve ever played.

There are no arrow carts you can’t destroy, but you’re unwilling to learn to counter so that’s irrelevant apparently. You want fights? Come to the T1/T2 neck of the woods and learn what the expression “be careful what you wish for” actually means. If you’re making the conscious choices to remain on low population WvW servers and to not learn to counter siege then you’ve forfeited the right to complain and be taken seriously.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

We tried to “rip down a door” but where met by 6 instantly built arrow carts that we can’t destroy…

waiting to fight? or will they just run to inner and DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

I’ve honestly never seen people so afraid to die in any video game I’ve ever played.

There are no arrow carts you can’t destroy, but you’re unwilling to learn to counter so that’s irrelevant apparently. You want fights? Come to the T1/T2 neck of the woods and learn what the expression “be careful what you wish for” actually means. If you’re making the conscious choices to remain on low population WvW servers and to not learn to counter siege then you’ve forfeited the right to complain and be taken seriously.

I just moved off T1 because a group of 30 might as well be 3… I’ve been to T1 on 3 different servers. Not everyone wants to sit on ACs all day and map zerg around, some people enjoy skillful fights, of even numbers.

Lol. I can’t take out AC behind the door without running 3 monitors or using trebs/cata therefore I’m a bad player? Get off your high horse man…

My fun laughs at your server pride.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I just moved off T1 because a group of 30 might as well be 3… I’ve been to T1 on 3 different servers. Not everyone wants to sit on ACs all day and map zerg around, some people enjoy skillful fights, of even numbers.

Lol. I can’t take out AC behind the door without running 3 monitors or using trebs/cata therefore I’m a bad player? Get off your high horse man…

You have the tools available and choose not to use them. You can’t wish or complain them away. If people won’t bring the fight to you, you bring the fight to them. It’s that simple.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

This is the most backwards defense of “give players without lives free power so they don’t lose to less accomplished players with more actual skill and get upset” I’ve ever read.

had to cut and paste from topic as "quote exceeded 5000 letters heh. This is adding to discussion with Jscull

Honestly, I am not trying to be contrary here, but I think we may be having two different discussions here, power creep vs play style. Fighting players, or keeps, or some stupid worm that gives wxp (totally hate that crap) are two different topics and not related to my issue of power creep. Players can choose to look for open field fights or any type of fight. I think ANet can make map improvements for this

Power creep does not change the basics of fights as WvW is designed right now. It would simply mean the gap between the casual, or new, or simply less WvW oriented would grow until these players could no longer compete. Now it may be that is what some players want, but I sure want more people not less joining WvW. Personally I would find it a lot more boring being able to dominate new players because of power creep, but that’s me.

Your opinion is the one that sources from good taste. All others source from cancerous parasites which should be completely ignored. These are people who literally enjoy and prefer gear-based PVP where a player in white gear has a 5% chance of winning a fight against deep orange / purple regardless of skill difference.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

(edited by Zinthros.6589)

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

Couldn’t agree more. Like I said, anyone who crys about making the game harder just wants ez mode and is afraid of getting their kitten handed to them.

And yet you’re here crying about making the game easier for people who’ve been here longer instead of “harder” or leaving the real power effect in the hands of a players skill. I find irony in this.

If designed right, you would have the same opportunity as I do. How is that unfair?

Reality is not everyone has the same opportunity. Play time being number one, but to many other factors. Outside of T1 almost all match ups are unbalanced so this effects the Wxp people gain, time of day you play etc. Reality is power creep, will always favor those that can play the most and in the most optimum environment. This means the gap simply grows.

Great, my 5 man only runs 2-3 hours a night. We will have less opportunity than most zergers. That’s fine. I want to have at some reason to keep playing besides killing 10-20 mans of bad players who key turn and spam 1-2 keys…. I’d rather there was a reason for more competitive teams to exist. If killing players allowed you to gain levels with more skillful abilities or resistances …. More people would take part in that style of play because it would be valuable. Right now Anet encourages sitting on seige and more casual play. How boring.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

Couldn’t agree more. Like I said, anyone who crys about making the game harder just wants ez mode and is afraid of getting their kitten handed to them.

And yet you’re here crying about making the game easier for people who’ve been here longer instead of “harder” or leaving the real power effect in the hands of a players skill. I find irony in this.

If designed right, you would have the same opportunity as I do. How is that unfair?

Reality is not everyone has the same opportunity. Play time being number one, but to many other factors. Outside of T1 almost all match ups are unbalanced so this effects the Wxp people gain, time of day you play etc. Reality is power creep, will always favor those that can play the most and in the most optimum environment. This means the gap simply grows.

Great, my 5 man only runs 2-3 hours a night. We will have less opportunity than most zergers. That’s fine. I want to have at some reason to keep playing besides killing 10-20 mans of bad players who key turn and spam 1-2 keys…. I’d rather there was a reason for more competitive teams to exist. If killing players allowed you to gain levels with more skillful abilities or resistances …. More people would take part in that style of play because it would be valuable. Right now Anet encourages sitting on seige and more casual play. How boring.

This is the part I am having trouble understanding. How is widening the gap in players changing any aspect of WvW as it stands right now? If it is boring killing 10-20 bad players right now, how will you having even more of a gap killing the same bad players more fun? I honestly think I am missing what you are trying to say.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Evion.6298


when has wvw been about balance, never, and it never will be , because if you want balance you have to play pvp, in wvw a player can come with boosts from consumables and destroy you, or can join a zerg and destroy you, and thats the point, so you have to increase your rank and get abilities to have certain leveling in the battelfield aginst those situations.

if you are a ‘skilled’ wvw player your rewards should come in visual display so you can brag to everyone and if you want to sit and press 2 buttons to kill because you are lazy just find a couple of morons roaming, but i guess you are too lazy for that. if you dont enjoy the game make a pause and come back later nobody is charging you anything

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

Rewarded by imbalancing players against other players? Sorry… WoW is that way. —-—>

One of the basic premises behind the game is not having that form of required power creep and it’ll be a dark day if they ever cater to the crowd that want it.

Given the general prevalence of siege on small maps how is increased power/range/effects of siege growing significantly since the release of WXP NOT a power creep? I see no difference between siege mastery and a weapon mastery.

Also having useful abilities for non-siege users does not necessarily have to mean power creep. Siege bunker would be useful, but 5%?? Who gives a kitten about 5% less damage? How about some siege CC immunity/reduction or actual meaningful reduction to siege damage? Guard defense/killer, other then the 115 point abilities, are basically useless to anyone not running around naked in WvW. More impact, guard cc immunity/reduction, might make it worth while, but 10% for 85 points… what a joke.

~ AoN ~

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

It wasn’t a valid attack I’ll give you that, hence the regular rams. We wanted to find people to fight rather than cata/trebing a wall for hours so just 2-3 portal bombs to knock it out happen and that’s the extent of the action.

LOL. Your desire to merely bash heads with other players is perfectly valid, but it’s amazing to me that you didn’t bother to pay attention to the point mechanisms of the game you’re playing. You get points for having control of structures! You don’t get points for player kills. How is it possible that you couldn’t figure out you’re playing the wrong game for the style of play you want?

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic Sparklejunk.3514

Cosmic Sparklejunk.3514

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… .

Was this last night? If so I need to tell you that your estimate was a little off. When I cleared siege from Bay after we eventually took it I found 8 superior ACs aimed at the center gate. ;P

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

It wasn’t a valid attack I’ll give you that, hence the regular rams. We wanted to find people to fight rather than cata/trebing a wall for hours so just 2-3 portal bombs to knock it out happen and that’s the extent of the action.

LOL. Your desire to merely bash heads with other players is perfectly valid, but it’s amazing to me that you didn’t bother to pay attention to the point mechanisms of the game you’re playing. You get points for having control of structures! You don’t get points for player kills. How is it possible that you couldn’t figure out you’re playing the wrong game for the style of play you want?

Points that do what? Nothing. I do apologize if I want to be skilled in open field rather than hide behind walls all day, it’s just boring. Bashing heads is the only way to see other people point of views btw… If someone could explain their feelings when they sit on an AC for 2 hours a night, I’d be all ears but no one does..

This is the only place where you can find actual open field fights in GW2… spvp isn’t an option.

I love how people always say “you are playing the wrong game”.. kind of the go-to reasoning behind anyone’s valid concerns as to what they believe is a weakspot in GW2.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Skill effect culling no Bruno, I like the chaos of a AoE heavy battle. Hoping they make this a graphic option.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


We tried to “rip down a door” but where met by 6 instantly built arrow carts that we can’t destroy…

waiting to fight? or will they just run to inner and DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

I’ve honestly never seen people so afraid to die in any video game I’ve ever played.

There are no arrow carts you can’t destroy, but you’re unwilling to learn to counter so that’s irrelevant apparently. You want fights? Come to the T1/T2 neck of the woods and learn what the expression “be careful what you wish for” actually means. If you’re making the conscious choices to remain on low population WvW servers and to not learn to counter siege then you’ve forfeited the right to complain and be taken seriously.

This remark is silly, like T1/T2 has a cornerstone on thought. Been there, bought a t-shirt, don’t think it lives up to the hype.

~ AoN ~

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


This is a pretty good update, no longer will my machine stutter to a clusterkitten of AoE spam on a choke or on top of me, and I can finally re-purpose one of my mules to store other things than BoH.

Skill effect culling no Bruno, I like the chaos of a AoE heavy battle. Hoping they make this a graphic option.

Should be a slider if my past info/memory is correct.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

This is the same guy begging for more power to beat people with and expects to be taken seriously. I’m getting the impression he doesn’t actually play this game anymore if he thinks the fields are littered with rows of arrow carts or something. Either that or he got taken out by an AC and rather than develop a counter has been hiding in the forums ever since.

We bashed on Bay door for 1 minute (2 reg rams and 25 people) and were met by 6 insta-built arrow carts… I wanna know where the heck you play that this doesn’t happen…

What’s the counter to AC? Treb for 2 hours? Screw that. I want to fight people, not siege/walls.

Give me one treb and five minutes tops and you won’t have an AC in sight to worry about.

Now… your scenario… you had a Bay gate without scouts and didn’t build a field AC or two to keep the walls clear while you rammed? Only used regular rams too? Yes… obviously arrow carts are the problem.

None of the defender ACs were on the walls…

I can play for ~2 hours a night, I don’t want to spend half of that getting supply and building siege just to knock down more siege which will just be rebuilt because they have 1700 supply in a keep.. I want to kill PEOPLE.

It wasn’t a valid attack I’ll give you that, hence the regular rams. We wanted to find people to fight rather than cata/trebing a wall for hours so just 2-3 portal bombs to knock it out happen and that’s the extent of the action.

LOL. Your desire to merely bash heads with other players is perfectly valid, but it’s amazing to me that you didn’t bother to pay attention to the point mechanisms of the game you’re playing. You get points for having control of structures! You don’t get points for player kills. How is it possible that you couldn’t figure out you’re playing the wrong game for the style of play you want?

Points that do what? Nothing. I do apologize if I want to be skilled in open field rather than hide behind walls all day, it’s just boring. Bashing heads is the only way to see other people point of views btw… If someone could explain their feelings when they sit on an AC for 2 hours a night, I’d be all ears but no one does..

This is the only place where you can find actual open field fights in GW2… spvp isn’t an option.

I love how people always say “you are playing the wrong game”.. kind of the go-to reasoning behind anyone’s valid concerns as to what they believe is a weakspot in GW2.

Look … WvW was always supposed to be a game populated by lots of players doing LOTS of different things, each “thing” strategically (in theory) contributing in some way to the total point score of the team. The method of keeping score that ANet chose was simply granting points for the the time various structures were under control. You kill other players to capture or maintain control of a structure … period. It’s the means to the end in WvW.

sPvP and tournaments were supposed to be the places where folks like you, who mostly just want to kill each other and nothing more, would hang out. The fact that those facets of the game suck (brain dead objectives, small maps, total lack of creativity, etc) doesn’t mean that the premise of WvW should be altered to accommodate you. As I said, you’re playing the wrong game and you’re trying to change the wrong one. You need to be airing your complaints over in the sPvP forums.

I also happen to think that WvW sucks and needs a LOT of work, but I certainly don’t want to see it merely turned into “fighting in the road” (an old WoW term).

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Yza.2437


Lol supply mastery???? Are you kidding me… Anet get your head out of your rear. Give us PLAYER VS PLAYER bonuses.

Don’t be ridiculous. That would actually provide the kind of power creep ANet is avoiding.



Sharpening stones

Tower buffs

WvW buffs

Exotic/asc gear

Stacks of power/condition and vitality from killing guards

easy 25 stacks of power/prec etc

Lack of boon nerf/stealth reveal nerf

I got news for you..there is already a power creep. Why do you think thieves hit so hard?

Anet ruined the wvw stat balance since they needed to make money off of mats.

(edited by Yza.2437)

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


I also happen to think that WvW sucks and needs a LOT of work, but I certainly don’t want to see it merely turned into “fighting in the road” (an old WoW term).

How about adding a small scaling factor based on kills a world gets within a tick. So, for example, on an off tick where all that occurs is PvD, the structures will tick at their normal values because no one is fighting. But on a tick when defenders hold off hordes of people or some epic mass slaughter occurs on the open field, one tick (15 min interval) will scale.

This gives value to those last ditch defenses of Bay/Hills/Garrison, and also punishes mass-up-die-to-aoe-respawn-run-back-die-again-to-win-by-overwhelming-your-opponent strategies. And it gives open-field fighters something to gain from open-field fighting.

Of course… this may cause people to blob up even more.

I got news for you..there is already a power creep. Stop kidding your self.

I don’t think you know what a power creep is… everything you listed sans Ascended/Guard Masteries, has existed since launch.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Lol supply mastery???? Are you kidding me… Anet get your head out of your rear. Give us PLAYER VS PLAYER bonuses.

Don’t be ridiculous. That would actually provide the kind of power creep ANet is avoiding.



Sharpening stones

Tower buffs

WvW buffs

Exotic/asc gear

Stacks of power/condition and vitality from killing guards

easy 25 stacks of power/prec etc

I got news for you..there is already a power creep. Stop kidding your self.

Anet ruined the wvw stat balance since they needed to make money off of mats.

It’s not power creep if everyone has access to it out of the gate. They’re proposing individual increases in power above and beyond what is available to everyone when you first step foot in WvW, and power that directly makes it easier to kill someone simply because you were there longer. That’s the line that must never be crossed.

Everything on your list is available to everyone their first day in WvW. Nothing there is exclusive power gained over time.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


New WvW abilities…who cares?

New wallet to put all those badges in, permanent finishers and improvements to the effects system? Hell yes. Good update.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Yza.2437


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

Angry birds!

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I also happen to think that WvW sucks and needs a LOT of work, but I certainly don’t want to see it merely turned into “fighting in the road” (an old WoW term).

How about adding a small scaling factor based on kills a world gets within a tick. So, for example, on an off tick where all that occurs is PvD, the structures will tick at their normal values because no one is fighting. But on a tick when defenders hold off hordes of people or some epic mass slaughter occurs on the open field, one tick (15 min interval) will scale.

This gives value to those last ditch defenses of Bay/Hills/Garrison, and also punishes mass-up-die-to-aoe-respawn-run-back-die-again-to-win-by-overwhelming-your-opponent strategies. And it gives open-field fighters something to gain from open-field fighting.

That’s an interesting thought, but I’d bet it would be difficult to code … and therefore isn’t at all likely to happen.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


GW2 = Dungeon Farming.

Their WvW Developer(s) lacks any real insight to make something worth playing for years to come nor the ability to make WvW part of their “Living World”.

They have another 6 months of my time at most and then that’s about it.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

What I was really trying to get at, is this games WvW is more participation oriented then hard core PvP oriented. By not allowing the advantages that rank gave in DAOC they get more participation from a wider player base then other games. Not saying it is right or wrong since that is personal preference kind of thing. I think you can agree (if you played daoc) that a RR13, perfect set up group would stomp anything in its path without even slowing down except an equal group. Personally I hope they never add power creep to WvW rewards

What I don’t understand is why people want the power gap to widen. Right now skilled player groups can and do stomp other groups including much larger numbers based on skill, timing, group set up etc. So why do we need to make it easier? If it is truly about skill, don’t you want to be on an even playing field?

Rank 13 vs Rank 8 is a lot less then you think in terms of group viability in DAOC.

Again when you say Perfect setup group you’re forgetting that DAOC consisted of 3 realms with different classes, and a boatload more of them than this game (44) Having a Perfect Group in Hib didn’t mean you were going to be able to take a Perfect group in Alb for example, For example, My guild had me running on Valkyrie right after we came back from WoW (I traded in my Savage for this character, and a Savage was still amazing). Valkyries were god awful back then, but we still won most of the fights we got into during 8v8. When we went to Albion and ran our caster group, even though we were only rank 3 we were wiping the crap out of multiple RR10 and RR11 Midgard and Hib groups….Why? Because of the setup we were running, Had very little to do with Rank.

Rank played a factor in solo fights, But even then… I don’t care what rank you were on say a Wizard for example, if i came across you on a Valkyrie after their “improvements” at say Rank 3 or 4, I was going to kitten on you and there was nothing you could do about it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

This is the most backwards defense of “give players without lives free power so they don’t lose to less accomplished players with more actual skill and get upset” I’ve ever read.

had to cut and paste from topic as "quote exceeded 5000 letters heh. This is adding to discussion with Jscull

Honestly, I am not trying to be contrary here, but I think we may be having two different discussions here, power creep vs play style. Fighting players, or keeps, or some stupid worm that gives wxp (totally hate that crap) are two different topics and not related to my issue of power creep. Players can choose to look for open field fights or any type of fight. I think ANet can make map improvements for this

Power creep does not change the basics of fights as WvW is designed right now. It would simply mean the gap between the casual, or new, or simply less WvW oriented would grow until these players could no longer compete. Now it may be that is what some players want, but I sure want more people not less joining WvW. Personally I would find it a lot more boring being able to dominate new players because of power creep, but that’s me.

Your opinion is the one that sources from good taste. All others source from cancerous parasites which should be completely ignored. These are people who literally enjoy and prefer gear-based PVP where a player in white gear has a 5% chance of winning a fight against deep orange / purple regardless of skill difference.

The problem is you think that Rank = Automatic Win, When in reality it doesn’t always equal that if your game is balanced properly.

Same with adding stats, Again not always a guaranteed win. I know you probably come from WoW and that’s probably the only thing you ever known, but people who’ve actually played other MMOs can tell you that is not always the case.

Warhammer Online and DAOC are perfect examples of that.

Classes and Builds played far more roles in winning fights then Rank ever will in those games.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


The problem is you think that Rank = Automatic Win, When in reality it doesn’t always equal that if your game is balanced properly.

Same with adding stats, Again not always a guaranteed win. I know you probably come from WoW and that’s probably the only thing you ever known, but people who’ve actually played other MMOs can tell you that is not always the case.

Warhammer Online and DAOC are perfect examples of that.

Classes and Builds played far more roles in winning fights then Rank ever will in those games.

I don’t come from WoW. It’s a horrible game whose trial I couldn’t make it through and didn’t want to make it through because I knew gear-based PVP with a mandatory 200+ hours per character time investment to not get one-shot by DPS with legendary gear was waiting at the end. I am not interested in gear-based PVP or any rough approximation through time-gated power, period. Any implementation makes the game worse, it doesn’t matter if it’s too weak to ruin the game it is still an undesirable cancer from games designed to coddle people who failed at RL.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Lets clear something up real quick for people who’ve not actually played good PvP MMO’s

when you talk about things like Power Creep, please understand that this doesn’t mean new players would be screwed in this game.

This is no WoW, when it had the old ranking system where you had to play better then everyone else all day long to have the very best gear at the beginning which let you dominate those people even more.

This is a game where the absolute best way to gain Rank, is to stack in a giant ball of suck, and zerg around tagging as many people as possible.

it requires virtually zero skill to do this…. You do not have to play better then anyone else to get Rank in this game, You basically have to sign on and run around if a bloody circle all day long…That’s it… Hell in DAOC you at least had to actually contribute somewhat to killing the person to actually get realm points, I can basically pop someone with a Poison Cloud on my Thief, that does NO damage really, and get full credit….

You’ll see a slight Power Creep 1v1, But then again….as someone who solo’s a whole lot, The amount of people this will have an effect on is virtually nothing in this game, Because most people don’t solo..
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tellerion.8102


I’m getting fed up with this bullkitten to be honest.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The problem is you think that Rank = Automatic Win, When in reality it doesn’t always equal that if your game is balanced properly.

Same with adding stats, Again not always a guaranteed win. I know you probably come from WoW and that’s probably the only thing you ever known, but people who’ve actually played other MMOs can tell you that is not always the case.

Warhammer Online and DAOC are perfect examples of that.

Classes and Builds played far more roles in winning fights then Rank ever will in those games.

I don’t come from WoW. It’s a horrible game whose trial I couldn’t make it through and didn’t want to make it through because I knew gear-based PVP with a mandatory 200+ hours per character time investment to not get one-shot by DPS with legendary gear was waiting at the end. I am not interested in gear-based PVP or any rough approximation through time-gated power, period. Any implementation makes the game worse, it doesn’t matter if it’s too weak to ruin the game it is still an undesirable cancer from games designed to coddle people who failed at RL.

Again, DAOC proves what you said completely false, as its entire implementation made the game vastly better than 99% of the crap today.

It had both a Gear based PvP (for designing a Template) and Rank….

Yet it still better than everything else out there…

What you want is called SPvP, and its a bag of suck.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.


This is the most backwards defense of “give players without lives free power so they don’t lose to less accomplished players with more actual skill and get upset” I’ve ever read.

had to cut and paste from topic as "quote exceeded 5000 letters heh. This is adding to discussion with Jscull

Honestly, I am not trying to be contrary here, but I think we may be having two different discussions here, power creep vs play style. Fighting players, or keeps, or some stupid worm that gives wxp (totally hate that crap) are two different topics and not related to my issue of power creep. Players can choose to look for open field fights or any type of fight. I think ANet can make map improvements for this

Power creep does not change the basics of fights as WvW is designed right now. It would simply mean the gap between the casual, or new, or simply less WvW oriented would grow until these players could no longer compete. Now it may be that is what some players want, but I sure want more people not less joining WvW. Personally I would find it a lot more boring being able to dominate new players because of power creep, but that’s me.

Your opinion is the one that sources from good taste. All others source from cancerous parasites which should be completely ignored. These are people who literally enjoy and prefer gear-based PVP where a player in white gear has a 5% chance of winning a fight against deep orange / purple regardless of skill difference.[/quote]

The problem is you think that Rank = Automatic Win, When in reality it doesn’t always equal that if your game is balanced properly.

Same with adding stats, Again not always a guaranteed win. I know you probably come from WoW and that’s probably the only thing you ever known, but people who’ve actually played other MMOs can tell you that is not always the case.

Warhammer Online and DAOC are perfect examples of that.

Classes and Builds played far more roles in winning fights then Rank ever will in those games.


I agree and disagree at the same time (go figure). Lets take some unrealistic scenarios for the sake of why I disagree with power creep. 2 Identical DAOC groups, equally geared, and equal skill of players. One group is all RR13 and 1 group is all RR8. RR13 wins. I realize this is silly, but we would eventually see these types of gaps if power creep is added to this game. Now lets take the part that makes total sense in what you said. Skilled, coordinated, complementary group designs can beat most even groups and usually quite larger groups.

Most of the other MMO’s have had power creep increase the gap between players to the point that it becomes so unbalanced as to be silly and yes that includes DAOC, warhammer, Rift, Aion, etc. Your skills as PvPer will always be there without power creep. Once again I am not talking WvW design, zerg, siege etc. as those are completely different discussions. My hope is that power creep is never added but does not mean I would not love to see many changes to the existing WvW of this game

kitten character limits

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


ANET encourages a level playing field for PvP (or at least, in GW1). At the end of the day, you shouldn’t need additional bonuses for whatever rank you are.

In GW1, for winning GvG tournaments (aT / automated tournament), you were awarded reward points which could be used for PvP armor/weapons. HA rank (Heroes Ascent) awarded you with a /rank emote (which we have in sPvP now, but they are by far easier to get in GW2).

GW1 PvP was far superior to any other mmo and far ahead of it’s time. It eventually became watered down, but still is an exceptional example of PvP genius.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


HA rank (Heroes Ascent) awarded you with a /rank emote (which we have in sPvP now, but they are by far easier to get in GW2).

""I Will Avenge You!“… my pet dire wolf!”

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


My entire point of starting this convo today was that this end game provides skillful players (an well use that term loosely since it hurts some people’s butts) any end game to further their character development. My entire guild (all 6 of us) logs on, plays wvw only and logs off. When we’re running for our 2-4 hours a night we roam for kills and winning fights we have no business winning. My point is, we want to work towards something (like a fricken rank) that even in the ridiculously far off future gives us some abilities to work towards….

Right now zergers like the updates given by Anet because it 100% caters to your casual play. And yet you’re all the first to write, “Anet wanted wvw to be a platform for everyone” meanwhile we have zero updates geared towards making player vs player content any better…. In an ENTIRE YEAR besides culling (and that was a fix for everyone).

That’s embarrassing as a major gaming company.


August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: KingClash.3186


Power creep? Good players should be rewarded.. Supply mastery rewards casual idiots who want to build siege more. ZERO progress made towards a player vs player atmosphere.

WXP =/= “good players”. Sorry to break your heart. Not only that but “Good players” probably don’t need to be rewarded with even more of an advantage over other players.

You’re right. Why would we want an end game that requires more than spamming a couple keys, key turns, and fighting npcs that you can get defense against? Lol you guys realize you play the easiest mmo joke of a version of “player vs player” in mmo history right? Mario cart is more challenging that sitting on an arrow cart for an hour just to press 2 buttons.

You just described every game ever made.
Why are you even complaining about PvP in WvW.. WvW is a PvE environment, the only way a WvW or RvR would be is that—- its PPPPPPPPvP. Go play a 5v5.

(edited by KingClash.3186)

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: kRAVen.4195


New maps don’t count as better content?

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


When we’re running for our 2-4 hours a night we roam for kills and winning fights we have no business winning. My point is, we want to work towards something (like a fricken rank) that even in the ridiculously far off future gives us some abilities to work towards….

Work towards the masteries and guard track then? Our small group who does everything you just described while also trying to be helpful to our server by trying to take structures (and not just effectively playing sPvP in WvW like you seem to be doing) and harass larger zergs, are working towards the mastery lines that make us more efficient in being a threat (catapult, supply, guard lines)…


Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: LotuS.4378


Yeah moderator. Its better to delete posts that telling proofs about your crapy company, and about “care” of WvW.

[INC] Incendies