HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Hey guys, I wanted to pop in and make a few points about the siege disabler.

  • This is a thrown projectile, and as such, can be countered by abilities that block or reflect projectiles (Shield of Absorption, Swirling Winds, etc)
  • It has a ~5silver, 10 supply and 15 badge cost. This cost coupled with the above point, will likely limit the amount that these items are used to important tactical plays.
  • Siege is not permanently disabled, the disabler is just meant to open up a window of opportunity. Players may choose to spread their siege out more to be less vulnerable to this tactic.
  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.
  • The traps we’ve added in the past, have seen low use. So we intentionally created this trick to be a bit on the stronger side. However, it’s still hard to say exactly how it will play out in the live game, but if it ends up hurting gameplay more than helping it we are open to adjusting it in the future.

what is the range of said projectile? 1500? 2000? 2500? and how is projectile arc? Like ranger arrows or engineer grenades?

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Hey guys, I wanted to pop in and make a few points about the siege disabler.

  • This is a thrown projectile, and as such, can be countered by abilities that block or reflect projectiles (Shield of Absorption, Swirling Winds, etc)
  • It has a ~5silver, 10 supply and 15 badge cost. This cost coupled with the above point, will likely limit the amount that these items are used to important tactical plays.
  • Siege is not permanently disabled, the disabler is just meant to open up a window of opportunity. Players may choose to spread their siege out more to be less vulnerable to this tactic.
  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.
  • The traps we’ve added in the past, have seen low use. So we intentionally created this trick to be a bit on the stronger side. However, it’s still hard to say exactly how it will play out in the live game, but if it ends up hurting gameplay more than helping it we are open to adjusting it in the future.

what is the range of said projectile? 1500? 2000? 2500? and how is projectile arc? Like ranger arrows or engineer grenades?

Considering it’s a grenade, anet would just use the already in place system for grenade trajectory and copy that. They aren’t very keen on developing brand new things when they can just copy something else and add a new name or skin to it and call it “new”.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: xev.9476


what is the range of said projectile? 1500? 2000? 2500? and how is projectile arc? Like ranger arrows or engineer grenades?

See page 1 of this thread, where that information is not only in print, but there’s also a vid.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


This will be interesting for small scale, flipping that north camp with bazillion ballis will be a tad bit easier. I’m not going to be too happy if this is all the feature patch has to offer for wubwub tho.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


what is the range of said projectile? 1500? 2000? 2500? and how is projectile arc? Like ranger arrows or engineer grenades?

Answer is in wiki and video.

Catapult siege bubble is already being used to defend trebuchets

You mean against slow moving, easily predictable incoming projectiles? Why yes, they are.

Uh huh.

the defensive siege bubble rotation.

“This is hard” is not a valid reason to change the rules. It isn’t too hard.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: storiessave.3807


Catapult siege bubble is already being used to defend trebuchets

You mean against slow moving, easily predictable incoming projectiles? Why yes, they are.

^ That.

This “projectile” is neither slow nor noticeably telegraphed.

Why the heck would it be? The point is to change up the ridiculously stagnant siege play in WvW. You can’t do that with some baby step attempt that never is really useable like the last traps.

Why should there be a way to completely shut down siege permanently – both defensive siege on walls, and offensive siege – with no counter to it? How is that any better than “siege” play? Is PvDooring really going to be that much more fun for you?

They could have made it better telegraphed without making it lock you in place for a long time like traps. They could have put a lengthy CD on it so you can’t spam them. They could’ve used a smaller radius, or not made the deployment range 1200. All of these things together make it so you can completely lock down siege if you have the supply, and the enemy can’t do a single thing about it. That’s not balance, and it’s not an improvement.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.

You know what piece of siege has a low-cooldown ability that negates projectiles? Golems.

This is useless for stopping a golem rush when a group of golems can keep their projectile bubbles up 24/7.

Fort Aspenwood

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.

You know what piece of siege has a low-cooldown ability that negates projectiles? Golems.

This is useless for stopping a golem rush when a group of golems can keep their projectile bubbles up 24/7.

Dont forget golems are accompanied by a zerg that can also use swirling winds and other skills to block that

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Here’s a video of it in use: Guildmag Video

The projectile velocity seems pretty fast.

Went back to watch it from the beginning. Less than a minute in:

Which is not specifically for WvW, but it’s where, you know, it gets a lot of the most support

I laughed and cried when I heard that!
WvW gets support?!

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Odyssey.2613


This ‘update’ if you can call it that, is going to blow up in Anet’s face.

Or to quote another blunder, “This won’t end well.”

The dev team has proven they can’t balance a 2×4 on a cinder block.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


Hey guys, I wanted to pop in and make a few points about the siege disabler.

  • This is a thrown projectile, and as such, can be countered by abilities that block or reflect projectiles (Shield of Absorption, Swirling Winds, etc)
  • It has a ~5silver, 10 supply and 15 badge cost. This cost coupled with the above point, will likely limit the amount that these items are used to important tactical plays.
  • Siege is not permanently disabled, the disabler is just meant to open up a window of opportunity. Players may choose to spread their siege out more to be less vulnerable to this tactic.
  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.
  • The traps we’ve added in the past, have seen low use. So we intentionally created this trick to be a bit on the stronger side. However, it’s still hard to say exactly how it will play out in the live game, but if it ends up hurting gameplay more than helping it we are open to adjusting it in the future.

I’m sure you mean well, but your reasoning is rather awkward.

The idea of blocking siege projectiles with swirling winds is something that was removed a rather long time ago presumably because it isn’t fun and chained elementalists to siege. It was bad enough when it was re-added to catapults. Why is it being added in yet another form now?

Does the trick require line of sight? If not, how is it expected for players to counter the trick when placed behind the gate? The only way I can figure is by spamming the ability on the gate; this is only feasible with golems since elementalists don’t have the health pool to sit on the gate.

Golems have an intrinsic projectile-absorbing shield bubble at 1000 range as their third ability. Are you quite sure this is an effective counter to 10+ 20+ 30+ 40+ etc. golem rushes? It sounds more like this trick + golem mastery is making golems the end all of gate attacks.

Traps aren’t used often because most tiers are underpopulated; when you leave a map, the trap pops, so more often than not you’re just throwing down a trap for no reason if you have to move between maps. Even then, the traps are weaker forms of other siege abilities that already exist with less recurrent cost. Supply Gas is flatly better than the supply trap.

They are also limited to one per player per map, and other players can’t use supply on them— since a significant number of players are free riders (it’s not profitable to spend money on traps), this also significantly diminishes the number of times the trap is used.

The amount of time that you need to tear down a ram with free-casting might be significantly less than you think it is. If we’re allowed to graveyard rush rams via waypoint, then it should only take 4-5 traps to clear any rams on a waypointed keep. Even then, the 45 seconds is an eternity when chained together.

Three or four players can inhibit rams for at least 2 minutes- this is long enough for an omniblob to reach the objective from almost any point on the borderlands and eb maps.

A 1600 supply keep can throw these down for two hours; even in that extreme case that should never happen in reality (players will not sit on rams for two hours, and it will not take two hours to get defenders to the rams) the cost is not prohibitive.

The tools to disable rams are already immensely powerful; they are only ineffective when there are no players to defend. Supply gas, inner cannons to outer gates, death from above, and trebuchet damage require ram rushes to be very fast already; why is it necessary to add yet another defense to the already formidable kitten nal against rams?

How will you determine if this is overpowered? Rams are already exceedingly weak as a result, and mostly limited to situations where you can spam them before being scouted— what do you see as their place in the overall WvW game?

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


I like the idea of this trick

Just the WvW

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


So what is to prevent defenders from spamming these on a gate so rams effectively cannot be used, or some bored player sitting in a paper tower with 100 supply effectively locking out the gate for 7.5 minutes (an eternity if there is a blob response). Will catas out of range of this new trap effectively replace rams as the standard easy flip siege because being trapped even once or twice makes rams far too risky and possibly annoying? Is that good or bad for the game?

If the above is true, you can also pretty much forget about ever ramming an waypointed keep that has tons of supplies in it. Even one trap buys a big chunk of the time needed for the zerg to port in. No one is going to do rams + catas or ram multiple gates as the dev in the video seems to think. But…on the other hand, maybe 40 players with potentially 800 supplies shouldn’t be able to show up at a fully upgraded keep and use 5 sup rams per gate to suddenly flip the keep before the enemy has any chance at all to defend.

I don’t think this was completely thought out, but I won’t pretend to have a crystal ball that can see the future either. It would probably be good for the game for keeps to be more defensible without loading them up with arrow carts and gate trebs. Hopefully though more defensible doesn’t mean even more hiding in keeps.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Does anet even play their own game?

1. be a thief or have a thief nearby.
2. shadow refuge
3. throw trick on rams
4. repeat as necessary

grats, now nobody can ever ram a building ever again unless it’s pure pvd and nobody is defending. great addition to gameplay

They don’t think of the abuse that any one thing can be used for before presenting it to the vipers who will abuse them.

What a pity.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


So now it takes only one person to completely kitten up your small 5 man havoc squad trying to ninja something when theres just one person inside..This is just, really dumb.. now multiply that by 10,and thats how dumb this really is.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


So now it takes only one person to completely kitten up your small 5 man havoc squad trying to ninja something when theres just one person inside..This is just, really dumb.. now multiply that by 10,and thats how dumb this really is.

I really want to know why we don’t see Anet in WvW any longer….

They really don’t understand the dynamic they are about to mess with…

This makes no sense whatsoever…

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


This ‘update’ if you can call it that, is going to blow up in Anet’s face.

Or to quote another blunder, “This won’t end well.”

Can you say ‘WvW killer?’

Guess they are pushing us all into EOTM and giving up on any kind of real strategy game that will be fair and not impossible.

An Archer can outshoot me as a Ranger.

A thief can kill anyone while in stealth.

A warrior can stunlock and no stunbreaker works.

Let’s see… oh yes, jumping into the enemy Citadel and destroying all their NPCs.

How does this (ridiculous as the 300 gold tags upcoming) and not fixing the above make this game more competitive?

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Eowin Of Rohan.2619

Eowin Of Rohan.2619

All that raging, and that “I don’t like it, so it is stupid” reasoning …

This is a change, and of course it will affect the gameplay. What’s the point of a change that doesn’t ? It will introduce new ways of playing & strategies. People will have to learn to reflect those, spread siege ; scouts will be made more useful an actually able to try and keep their tower while waiting for assistance ; being able to use loads of rams to reset a T3 tower in a matter of seconds while the enemy is away will not be a 100% successful strategy anymore (and it’s a good thing. Odd we never saw people complaining on how ram stacking is OP ?) ; unlike what you say the use of this will not be infinite, because of the supply cost (I see messages about "resupply the tower/rinse/repeat to defend it for a long time while allies are coming back. Are you serious ? How do you resupply a tower while an enemy zerg is at the door ? A single guy throwing several of these on spread catapults will need to use the supply of the tower !)

So before coming here, cry, and call dev stupids, please try to think a bit more about all the consequences of this addition, both good and bad ; and wait to see how it behaves IG after a few weeks of people adapting strategies.

The most incredible part about you guys, is that when things are done, that don’t really change ho WvW works, you all complain on how Anet doesn’t care about WvW. When something is done, that may actually shift the meta of WvW gameplay, you all come here and cry about how it … is a change.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


All that raging, and that “I don’t like it, so it is stupid” reasoning …

This is a change, and of course it will affect the gameplay. What’s the point of a change that doesn’t ? It will introduce new ways of playing & strategies. People will have to learn to reflect those, spread siege ; scouts will be made more useful an actually able to try and keep their tower while waiting for assistance ; being able to use loads of rams to reset a T3 tower in a matter of seconds while the enemy is away will not be a 100% successful strategy anymore (and it’s a good thing. Odd we never saw people complaining on how ram stacking is OP ?) ; unlike what you say the use of this will not be infinite, because of the supply cost (I see messages about "resupply the tower/rinse/repeat to defend it for a long time while allies are coming back. Are you serious ? How do you resupply a tower while an enemy zerg is at the door ? A single guy throwing several of these on spread catapults will need to use the supply of the tower !)

So before coming here, cry, and call dev stupids, please try to think a bit more about all the consequences of this addition, both good and bad ; and wait to see how it behaves IG after a few weeks of people adapting strategies.

The most incredible part about you guys, is that when things are done, that don’t really change ho WvW works, you all complain on how Anet doesn’t care about WvW. When something is done, that may actually shift the meta of WvW gameplay, you all come here and cry about how it … is a change.

A proper change is a new map,new sieges,something changed to the environment of a current map Etc.Adding a Siegetrap that completely kittens up a small scale squad is Horrible,especially when you think about it.If all you do is follow the zerg like a sheep you probably can;t even comprehend how terrible this really is.Before you come and cry about people crying you should start to realize how hard it can be for small scale groups to already get things done,which will be nearly impossible now with a 45 sec siege breaker and 1 or 2 people inside.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So, people have been complaining about how strong siege is and how everything in WvW is tied to using siege.
Now ArenaNet comes up with a way to change or at least disturb that meta, and now it is suddenly the worse idea ever to limit siege?

There really is no pleasing people, is there?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Oh now i want to see a new trick consumable , where ppl can equip out of combat a siege repairer and nutrilize the siege’s debuff (or only nutrilize the Ram’s Debuff).
With a repair/wrench iocn on their head and permanantly cripled as you long as you holding it .
You need to be in meele range and you have to challen it for 3 sec :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: babak.3654


What would please me is if the revised combat log made it easier to report hacking/exploiting players. Just now I was killed by a permanently invisible & invulnerable player with no prospect of being able to report it.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


(and it’s a good thing. Odd we never saw people complaining on how ram stacking is OP ?)

we did
a year ago
it is kittening op, ram mastery screwed around with the balance by buffing their damage about 50%.

and then anet never changed it. nor did they do anything about cata mastery.

so now we dont bother defending anything paper. thats how weve adapted. we now consider an entire class of objectives an already lost cause.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

So, people have been complaining about how strong siege is and how everything in WvW is tied to using siege.
Now ArenaNet comes up with a way to change or at least disturb that meta, and now it is suddenly the worse idea ever to limit siege?

There really is no pleasing people, is there?

Have you even watched the video on how to use this new siege disabler?

You have to throw it. A lot of AC placements are hard to hit even with an ele’s meteor shower, how is one supposed to hit something they cannot see?
People will buy a few to try out, but then realise how useless these things are and never touch them again!

Anet will never please anyone if they just add something without any communication with the community and doing things the way they like!
And let’s face it the dev dont play WvW, and if they do they dont know how! What am I talking about, of course they dont know how, they are on Blobgate, just follow the zerg!!

Useless siege is useless.

That said, the only time they will be useful is if you are defending a tower from rams. Just throw on onto a ram and it’s disabled for 40s (or 45, even they dont know!) But that doesnt stop the 80 man zerg from aoeing you preventing you from destroying the rams.

Again the real problem with the game is the zerging.

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: LunarNacht.8913


Hey guys, I wanted to pop in and make a few points about the siege disabler.

  • This is a thrown projectile, and as such, can be countered by abilities that block or reflect projectiles (Shield of Absorption, Swirling Winds, etc)
  • It has a ~5silver, 10 supply and 15 badge cost. This cost coupled with the above point, will likely limit the amount that these items are used to important tactical plays.
  • Siege is not permanently disabled, the disabler is just meant to open up a window of opportunity. Players may choose to spread their siege out more to be less vulnerable to this tactic.
  • As you are probably aware, we are adding Golem Mastery in the same update. This provides a new, viable option for countering a golem rush.
  • The traps we’ve added in the past, have seen low use. So we intentionally created this trick to be a bit on the stronger side. However, it’s still hard to say exactly how it will play out in the live game, but if it ends up hurting gameplay more than helping it we are open to adjusting it in the future.

I have only one question about those. Do they work on oil and canons? Both of those are already really vulnerable to the point that most canons are completly useless.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


All this means is that for undefended keeps/towers, you’ll use rams and PvD like usual.

For lightly defended keeps/towers, you’ll just take a few minutes longer max with rams. If they have a map hopping blob you might lose to reinforcements.

You’ll have to change your tactics to choose between rams, catas, or golems.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Carighan.6758


This is good and bad for both attackers and defenders. Defenders to counter this would need to place ac’s and other siege in places the tricks can’t reach. Attackers, in my opinion, now have it worse. A single guy with 10 supply can stop 5 rams or catas (maybe 10) from firing for 40 seconds. That guy could then go back get more supply and throw another trick once the siege is active again. This would make defending easier. And since its a thrown trick all you have to do is step on the walls edge and toss.

But that’s a positive change, in my book.

The big issue we have left on a conceptual design level in WvW is how our large fights are essentially pointless because offence is so much better than defence. Partially due to the point-mechanic of using siege:
A defender has to be ready to defend on any side. The attacker has to only train all siege on one point, then smash in once through the walls and siege.

This trick, though IMO not the ideal solution to the problem (I’d have preferred a more radical one with limited siege spots and minimum distances between siege, with trebuchets needing large areas used for ammo supply and such), does help a bit. It allows a defender extra time to “get into position”.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Zoom hack + siege disable. Yeah, this will end well for defenders.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


So, people have been complaining about how strong siege is and how everything in WvW is tied to using siege.
Now ArenaNet comes up with a way to change or at least disturb that meta, and now it is suddenly the worse idea ever to limit siege?

There really is no pleasing people, is there?

No. There is no pleasing people, when “people” includes all of them. There have always been people on both sides of this and any other argument.

They don’t think of the abuse that any one thing can be used for before presenting it to the vipers who will abuse them.

What a pity.

I am going to use this trick item A LOT: as often as possible. I will make my use of it as inconvenient to opponents as I can. I alone will burn an entire keep supply depot through disabler use.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I alone will burn an entire keep supply depot through disabler use.

Oh yeah , there is the troll factor too
If you dont hit anything or if you dont hit a target that is already disabled , you loose the trap (lose of money and badges) but you dont loose any suply ? In order to prevent the ‘’troll your own faction’s keep ’’ ?

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: storiessave.3807


So, people have been complaining about how strong siege is and how everything in WvW is tied to using siege.
Now ArenaNet comes up with a way to change or at least disturb that meta, and now it is suddenly the worse idea ever to limit siege?

There really is no pleasing people, is there?

Have you even watched the video on how to use this new siege disabler?

You have to throw it. A lot of AC placements are hard to hit even with an ele’s meteor shower, how is one supposed to hit something they cannot see?
People will buy a few to try out, but then realise how useless these things are and never touch them again!

Seriously? MS can hit every spot on the walls in some towers. There are very few areas that can’t be reached by it, so we have to be smart with siege placement as it is now. This Disabler is much bigger in radius than MS, so it will likely reach whatever eles can’t currently. No ACs are safe, unless they’re on the ground.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Nice WvW breaker…

I don’t see how that could be used differently than:
-defenders will throw these things ad vitam aeternam (or rather ad copiam licendam) to prevent anything but zergs on the gate.
-attackers will throw these things to prevent anything but zergs to protect the keeps/towers.

Improvements have their place in the game, but they should come once broken things are fixed (or, but that’s just me, when we’ll have all the things promised so far, or also more than 2 useful skills per profession).

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Anyone complaining about this is most likely a siege hugging Yaks Bend scrub. This is one or the best updates I’ve see to WvW. It will make defending easier while you disable enemy rams or golem waiting for backup to arrive, it will also be nice to send a thief into an enemy group that flash built open field siege like the scum bag baddies they are. It will also be funny doing the same thing in EOTM since every fight is some idiots building 5 ACs… This will make it to where people have to learn to play a bit instead of it being siege wars all the time..

So for this one, I say thank you, ANet.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


I would rather them just remove ram mastery (or reduce ram’s base damage), buff AC’s, and then restrict AC’s to only be able to be placed inside a structure. I’m not a fan of an item that more or less stops gameplay for 45 seconds. It just makes the gameplay boring.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

If they should remove anything its arrow carts.. The reason for something like a siege disabler would be to reduce the abuse of ACs to me.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I’m willing to give this Siege Disabler a go. I’m guessing there’s going to be a Disabler immunity to prevent chain disables or a personal cool down to prevent Disabler spam?

If not, I will enjoy buying up stacks of disablers, with the intent of creating ridiculous situations where attackers cannot do a single thing other than to cata or treb from afar. Even then, I will just get a Thief to Shadow Refuge me at this afar location for more disabling. So much troll potential.


HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Grimm.3972


Hey guys, I wanted to pop in and make a few points about the siege disabler.

  • This is a thrown projectile, and as such, can be countered by abilities that block or reflect projectiles (Shield of Absorption, Swirling Winds, etc)

Wow. I quit playing my Ele back in the days of swirling wind rotations to protect siege. This is nuts.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Oh yeah , there is the troll factor too
If you dont hit anything or if you dont hit a target that is already disabled , you loose the trap (lose of money and badges) but you dont loose any suply ? In order to prevent the ‘’troll your own faction’s keep ’’ ?

Since we already have to deal with the guys building troll siege, I really doubt this will be a issue… Let’s say it’s just another way to do it.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Nope…building troll siege doesnt exist :P

I really wonder what other traps we will see in the future to spice up the WvWvW .

Will be an out of combat ‘’Sonic Drill’’ that stealth you for 30 sec (or your zerg) for some ‘’backdoor/undergroung sneak/kill stealthy the ranged sieges’’ pvp action
implmant some other bundle that detects ’’underground’’ activity in a 600 yard vicinity (like the Mine in the Dry Top part 1)

Edit: (with some bynoculus icons on their head-easy victims for some stealth guy – that will force them to unequip his bundle or they will be killed and your zerg will succefully move throught underground and destroy the ranged siege) ?

Edit 2: Or a bundle that can create a ‘’untrusty wooden zik zak ramp’’ in the keeps walls and help your zerg to hijack the keeps :P
I am kinda exciting :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


The root of the issue is in the poor design of towers and keeps and rather then fixing the flaws they add more gimmicks. Siege placed on a wall is easily taken out by a large zerg with no threat to them whatsoever. Cannons and oils can be taken out by standing against the wall where you are “obstructed” from above. If you are defending you are forced to stand on the lip of the wall in order to target the enemy but the enemy can aoe you anyplace on that wall. With the proper siege mastery any outer keep wall can be opened up before the swords pop which hurts smaller servers. Now add to all of that the issue with arrow carts and FOV manipulation or with the problems involved with placing ballistas on the walls where they can do some good and you can see the design flaws. It is interesting to note that the elite skill with ballista mastery is practically useless unless you are firing point blank, straight into an enemy zerg. Any elevation advantage and the arrow spread goes into the air.

So now they want to add a siege disabler. Think about the above design flaws and then on where a defender would have to stand to “throw” that disabler. Yep, on the edge of the lip or he will be obstructed but if he stands on the lip he will be yanked into the zerg below. Yet the attacker can easily stand below and toss the disabler up especially if it works in the same way as grenades do now.

Fix design flaws before adding gimmicks or it will just end up making things worse then they are now.

Theftwind (HoD)

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987


death to siege wars

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


Nice WvW breaker…

I don’t see how that could be used differently than:
-defenders will throw these things ad vitam aeternam (or rather ad copiam licendam) to prevent anything but zergs on the gate.
-attackers will throw these things to prevent anything but zergs to protect the keeps/towers.

Improvements have their place in the game, but they should come once broken things are fixed (or, but that’s just me, when we’ll have all the things promised so far, or also more than 2 useful skills per profession).

How do you claim that this breaks a game that you don’t know how to play?

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

In most cases, throwing the disabler on the inside of the gate will be sufficient to take out the rams. When defending, this new trick works in favor of a prepared defender.

If anything this works best vs open field siege, since it’s far easier to target from 1200 range than a well placed AC in a structure. Open fielders should be cheering.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Caroline.4987


I already do a lot of what the siege disabler does with cheap ballistas and arrow carts. Costs less, and the disabling tends to be permanent. >_>

This one’s just gonna be for the trickier spots to reach. And yeah…Ram Mastery did need something of a counter.

Disabler doesn’t hurt Catapults and Golems so much…especially with the incoming Golem Mastery alongside.

Also, anybody with any sense in ram placement knows exactly how to place them to keep just out of the reach of a door knocker treb. So no, the disabler can’t just be thrown at the inside of a gate to disable, unless your opposition is silly. You’ll have to climb up and expose yourself, all the same.

Brynnhylde – Norn Warrior, Jehanette – Human Guardian, Shaelynne – Human Engineer
TrZ | Stormbluff Isle

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

In my personal experience, a lot of people aren’t that precise with their ram placement.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Caroline.4987


The two heavy classes (which make up like…80% of drivers) in their usual zerg set ups have moves that are basically built in ram range finders. I imagine some other classes have something similar as well.

No excuse if people don’t care to use ’em, heh.

Brynnhylde – Norn Warrior, Jehanette – Human Guardian, Shaelynne – Human Engineer
TrZ | Stormbluff Isle

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

In my personal experience, a lot of people aren’t that precise with their ram placement.

Sadly true, and all you have to do is look at good enemy placement of rams to figure out where they should go. Too many times I’ve come across rams that are thrown dead center of a door and 1 or 2 more piled up next to them.

That said, door trebs can knock any ram out if someone has the increased radius from mastery. There’s no “perfect” way to toss them.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Caroline.4987


Even increased radius isn’t perfect, actually. At the minimum, if you spread the rams, you need to hit at least two, maybe three spots on the door to knock all of them out. With current ram mastery ramming rates, the door will be down before you destroy all the rams.

Brynnhylde – Norn Warrior, Jehanette – Human Guardian, Shaelynne – Human Engineer
TrZ | Stormbluff Isle

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

I suppose I’m coming from more of a perspective where we have 2 rams on a door most times, not 4. One ram will be dead when the gate hits 50%, and the other one will be dead before the door goes down. Something that we’ve been doing/I’ve seen others on our server doing is placing a cata out of any door treb radius while the 2 rams work it down, and the cata finishes it off. You do what you gotta do, I guess.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

HUH? Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


  • The traps we’ve added in the past, have seen low use. So we intentionally created this trick to be a bit on the stronger side. However, it’s still hard to say exactly how it will play out in the live game, but if it ends up hurting gameplay more than helping it we are open to adjusting it in the future.

It might be a good idea if you gave us some more info about what you are hoping to achieve with this and how did you arrive at the capabilities ie. time disabled, size of the aoe.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro