Showing Posts For Abellus.2615:

Seeking Raid Guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Abellus.2615


While these tips are enlightening, I’m still not any closer to finding a raiding guild.

Seeking Raid Guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I’ve watched the videos, read Reddit, paid attention to stat details and mechanics… none of it is helping me get a team.

I just want a guild that can do raids, or a team that does them. I’ve been pugging for a solid week and haven’t got into a group because they all ask “Experienced?” and then when I say “No”, it’s an instant kick.

I really honestly just need a foot in the door here.

Seeking Raid Guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Literally no one is saying raids can only be completed with meta gear.

I just want an opportunity to learn the raids, that is all I asked for. I’ve already been told my gear is ‘worthless’ and that I need meta, now you say I don’t… Can you offer me an outlet to learn raids?

I am a skilled long-time player who simply needs an opportunity to start learning this particular content. I’m not asking for day 1 completion or guaranteed clears, just a chance to head in the right direction. I would appreciate help with this.

Seeking Raid Guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Abellus.2615


As other guys mentioned before, if you look for a somewhat “proper” raid guild, you might wanna change your gear to fit the current meta.

I am sorry, I did not realize that every single team that ever completed the raid was comprised entirely of members that 100% matched meta specs with meta play. My misunderstanding. I thought the raids were more diverse but, clearly, I was wrong. Nobody who has ever completed raids has done so without a meta build, as you are clear to announce. Thank you for helping me understand this.

New Trading UI is Too Slow to Sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Whoa, new info.

Do NOT type “Dwayna” into the search. It instantly causes an error and crashes the game.

Seriously. Don’t do it.

Hard Content please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I see most content as being released for the average, casual player to complete in their spare time around school/work schedules.

Then you have dungeons like Arah and Aetherpath, and bosses like the three-headed Jungle Wyrm, that people still have trouble finding groups for, and even more trouble finding someone willing to teach them the fights so that they can do it regularly.

It’s not that difficult content doesn’t exist, it’s just not the focus of most releases. The current difficult content isn’t being done enough to warrant making more. Large portions of the playerbase already complain that the current hard content sets too high of a bar for everyone else to get in on. And, let’s be fair, there are plenty of other MMOs that cater to players looking for more difficulty, and very few that have both promised and successfully maintained a casual atmosphere; GW2 is the latter.

I play GW2 for its casual nature, for the fact that I can complete pretty much anything without mind-numbing difficulty. When I am looking for a challenge I play something else. When I want a fun and friendly social community where I can play casually and still get somewhere for doing it, I play GW2. =P

My new Engineer has to wait 12 levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I don’t see the reason to push back things that thousands of players and millions of alts got used to. I am glad my lowest-level class is above 40 already; leveling the first time it was already a drag to get from one trait to another. But now traits and abilities have been pushed back so far the player has to drag their feet through the mud for 40 levels before even getting a hands-on experience of what their class can do on a basic level.

AC is still 30/35 for Story/Explorable. Are the dungeon modes going to be made easier to account for the fact that at-level players now have less to work with? Or are we going back to a “80-or-get-out” setup for all dungeons? It’s legitimately concerning when I can’t teach a new Ranger or Warrior to use Rampage to get through a skipping sequence, or explain to an Ele why their FGS would help kill a boss. Without these basic, core class features available, I don’t want watered-down versions of the classes in dungeons. I’m not likely the only one.

Who likes the new leveling changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The game is now easy enough that I will be buying my five-year-old son a copy to play with.

As an adult who is experienced in MMOs and has a full selection of characters, I would never want to play GW2 in its current state as my first-time experience. They’ve slowed down basic progression to a crawl for no apparent reason, and I would put down the game in ten levels or so with no clear incentive to continue in sight. TBH in my first play I did almost put the game down before traits unlocked at 10 and gave me something to look forward to.

However, the new system will be perfect for my son and will serve well as his first introductory MMO. As much as I don’t like the changes from a “What I Prefer” standpoint, they did just earn a sale by making the game more palatable to a younger and less-experienced audience.

So, eh, I have mixed feelings.

New Trading UI is Too Slow to Sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Having to open an extra drop-down menu to set filters is rather annoying as well. A clean UI does not equal a functional one, and this new UI seems to trade looking pretty for its actual functionality. Doing almost all actions now takes more clicks, more corrections, and more waiting than it did before. That is the opposite of ideal UI redesign.

New Trading UI is Too Slow to Sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Coming onto another issue; sometimes I will max-out the ‘quantity’ of an item I am trying to sell, set it up to be instantly sold to the highest buy order and… Sale Confirmed popup… then I’m right back in front of the item with several of its quantity remaining, even though the buy order was asking for Hundreds and I only tried to sell about a dozen.

This further slows the system, adds more clicks, more confusion, and ultimately more frustration, as I am spending vastly longer staring at the Sell screen than I would really like to between adventures.

New Trading UI is Too Slow to Sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Hey all,
Compared to the old system, the new trading AI seems clunky and slow. Previously when selling a list of items after a dungeon or some such event, I could click the item, click to sell it, and move on to the next item.
Now, I have to click the item, wait for a UI to fade in, set the quantity (it always defaults to one), set the price (I usually instant-sell, it now defaults to setting a sell order), click to sell, then click another dialogue that confirms it was in fact sold.

All of these extra clicks to do the exact same thing I was doing just fine before is vastly slowing down the experience of selling large inventories at once. This in turn slows down the entire party between multiple dungeon runs, where every party members generally needs to sell excess items. I’m not understanding how slowing down our ability to sell was an improvement; has someone found a trick to this that makes it more viable?

Reward tracks, not enough

in PvP

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Noting that the first reward track open is Arah (?!) and it only seems to take 40 wins to obtain a full set of Arah dungeon gear, I have to wonder, is there any attempt at equalizing the amount of time spent in Dungeons to equal the amount of time it now takes in PvP to earn a full dungeon set? 40 wins in PvP does not take nearly as much time as the 30+ Arah runs it takes to earn the same rewards. Handing out the armor that dungeon runners have spent months organizing and running for in just a fraction of the time to a section of the game that was never meant to have cross-over is insulting.

So at what point will the dungeons be updated to where I can earn PvP rewards for a fraction of the time investment that it would actually take in PvP? I’d like to wear that fancy new Balthazaar skin and have the Dragon finisher, and don’t care to actually put forth any time or effort into the game mode it was intended to be earned in. Since they’re handing out the most prestigious PvE skins to PvP players, what is the PvE side getting out of it other than having to spend more time doing vastly more time-consuming game modes for the same rewards?

So sorry about your obby shards not being ‘enough’. You’re currently enjoying the fastest track to some of the most difficult to obtain dungeon skins in the game, while the dungeon runners are getting kitten in return for it. We’ve spent months earning the same gear you can earn in… oh how long did that track take you… 13 hours? Cool story.

Double WP Fees

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The WP fees are currently very small. As it is now, after a WP, I grab 1-2 nearby gathering nodes. This usually completely offsets the cost and then some. Grabbing 3-4 with the new system won’t be difficult and can offset the cost immediately.

Legendary effects toggle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


While they are at it, maybe Minstrel could be given some effects worth toggling. Checking the Wiki it’s very visually underwhelming compared to all other Legendaries. Feels unfinished.

Report reason on exploiters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


That’s not an exploit. If they have unceremoniously kicked a party member who was not aware of the switch and then sell the run, that might be considered LFG abuse. However, selling party slots is not against the rules currently.

There are Plenty of AC runs that are available in LFG all day long. I’d dare say it’s one of the most commonly completed dungeons beside CoF1. You’re under no obligation to pay for a run, and can choose a group not advertising such (paid runs for AC are very rare anyways), or start your own group in LFG.

How to push "weak" builds closer to the meta?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


It’s worth noting that the current meta revolves around speedrunning dungeons. There’s nothing about the meta that makes it mandatory. Fact is, most of the playerbase does dungeons for the loot, and the more money they can make in the least amount of time, the better. That’s where our all-DPS Stacking Meta came from.

To clarify, there will never, ever be a time when non-speedrunning builds are accepted by the meta or the dungeon-grinding playerbase. It won’t happen. What is quickest is what is best, is the general idea, and no amount of patching or stat reworking is going to make a speedrunner say “Hey, maybe I do want to run with a mace/shield Guardian and a BearBow Ranger today”. As mentioned above, MMOs are a competetive environment, even in PvE, and the people who see it as a competition to get the best stuff the fastest aren’t going to put on brakes for the players who play for the fun of it.

Other build combinations, the “weaker” builds, are viable in a well-balanced group. All dungeons in the game can be completed with a well-balanced non-meta party who knows their class, skills, role, and gear. Mind that doesn’t mean a team of 5 support roles, that means an appropriate mix of different playtypes. But people have the idea that bosses should be felled in seconds, not minutes – played ‘as intended’ with build variety and mobility mechanics, bossfights take longer. Dungeons take longer. And the playerbase isn’t doing the dungeon for the fun. They want that money, fast, and anything that slows them down is seen as a plague on their playstyle.

I’d suggest finding likeminded players to run with, and developing a coordinated group. There’s a lot of players who do enjoy the dungeons and combat system for what it is, and you can form a coordinated group for that. Just understand it won’t be easy – it’s not like you can all run in and facesmack bosses with a bunch of hodge-podge builds and expect to win. Game is harder than most players think because the meta makes it easy. Playing non-meta will shatter that illusion, fast.

(edited by Abellus.2615)

PvP rewards in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


[…] Nobody really cares if a skin earned from PvE can be used in PvP, or vice-versa. It’s a sign of showing off what we have accomplished.

Uh, I care. I think a lot of people care, actually.

Let titles be prestigious. Heck, there’s leaderboards and W/L records if you really want your ego stroked. I just want to use PvP Masquerade armor on my PvE character. That’s it. I’ll work for it if I have to, but I favor PvE, so that’s where I’m gonna use it, and it looks like this update will let me do just that, so I’m all for it.

Oh, sorry, maybe I was misunderstood, my wording was bad. I meant it shouldn’t be a problem if the skins are shared. Not that nobody wants to use the feature. I think it’s a great feature too, I also favor PvE.

Sorry for the confusion. =)

PvP rewards in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I think what the issue is, isn’t the skins themselves. It’s the exclusivity of the reward.

Currently, and with the new Wardrobe system (but before the PvP update was announced), the idea was was players who were running around in dungeon skins had earned those from repeatedly completing team-based time-gated content. There is a level of prestige associated with proving what we’ve accomplished. Similarly, if the new system were put in place prior to the PvP update, a player running in PvE content with their PvP skins was showing prestige for their accomplishments. However, with the new rewards system, having a full set of dungeon (or any other location-exclusive armor skin) doesn’t come with the prestige of having actually done the work for it. Instead, players can run around in high-tier dungeon armor as if they have experience in dungeons, while actually knowing nothing beyond click a different reward track and go do identical PvP for a few more hours. However, on top of this, PvP has its own exclusive PvP-only skin rewards that can -only- be earned from completing the new tracks.

Nobody really cares if a skin earned from PvE can be used in PvP, or vice-versa. It’s a sign of showing off what we have accomplished. I’ll never have a PvP-exclusive skin unless I choose that game mode, and I’m fine with that – it’s cool to see the people who do have them and know that they earned it. Makes me think better of them. But now that players who have never touched a dungeon can wear full dungeon armor by doing PvP, the prestige is lost.

At this point I’m sitting right alongside the other players who want PvP exclusive skins and such to be available in PvE. We now know how a PvP’er can earn dungeon-exclusive skins without ever touching PvP, so now I’d like to know how a PvE’er can earn PvP exclusive skins, finishers, and ranks without ever touching PvP. Oh, we can’t? Then why am I spending days in dungeons, fighting world bosses, and otherwise playing the heck out of PvE if there’s nothing there that can’t be earned by facesmashing myself into other players in the same arena forty times a day?

Reach r55+ (current) to Craft a Legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The new PvP reward system will directly give things like Gifts of Mastery, completely bypassing many of the most stringent requirements for Legendaries. With the upcoming update, PvP will be the -only- game mode where a Legendary can be obtained without ever doing anything else.

So yes please, let’s hear about how hard it is for PvP players now that rewards from all aspects of the game are going to be handed to you for casual arena matches. How many dungeons do I need to grind to unlock the Dragon finisher exactly?

"Reduce opportunities for griefing."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I assume that they didn’t emphasize the changes because anything they will be changing in this regard is still exploitable now. =)

Trait hunting for old characters.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I cannot create topics, but luckily found yours already here. I also want the option to have all 480 traits locked on patch.

When reading about the upcoming trait changes with the feature patch just around the corner, I was really excited about the prospect of re-exploring the world on all of my characters to earn their traits. Even though I have a handful of level 80’s, I rarely have need to play any of them outside of the few built to do dungeons. World exploration has been by far my favorite part of the game, though having completed the full world twice there’s been little reason to do it six more times with my other characters.

Then hearing about this update I became really excited for the idea of dusting off the old characters and sending them around the world, slowly building up my traits again and making them into better versions of what they once were (new traits, yaknow?). Then I read on and find out the kicker… all 480 traits already in the game, 480 new ‘things to do’ that this patch brings, are all already done for me because I already have the characters.

While I understand why it is being done this way (if I PvP’d I would be very upset if my fine-tuned build was thrown out the window and I had to explore a different part of the game to reclaim it), I also think it defeats the purpose of adding all of this content to push world exploration and then essentially telling the current players that we cannot have it.

That being said, would it be possible to have the Option to have all of our traits locked? Perhaps on log-in to each character after the patch, a simple pop-up explaining that we can have all current traits unlocked OR have them all locked and be forced to explore/buy them to use them again? This would ensure that the players who want to keep what they had can keep it, and the players (like me) who were really excited about 480+ new reasons to explore the world don’t feel punished for already having played the game.

And yes, there will be 40 traits added that I have to hunt for. 40 things-to-do is nowhere close to 520 (480 current traits plus 40 new ones), and I would really like the whole experience.

WHAT Builds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abellus.2615


It doesn’t have the trinity in the sense that one player doesn’t stand still holding all the aggro, one player does not stand still blasting all the heals, and the remaining three players aren’t reduced to role-less DPS-machines.

Granted the push towards the zerker meta goes against this, and exemplifies the fact that people will go for the easiest possible options. What is mind-boggling is that they will then blame the developers for their choice to stick eight characters on one gearset, play every dungeon identically, and then wonder where the fun went.

In the current game, it is 100% viable to make a team of offensive, defensive, and support hybrid roles. This game does an -amazing- job with well-built hybrids, and they are necessary towards completing dungeons without skipping, stacking, or abusing other broken mechanics. The common problem is players try to go all or nothing; all DPS, all Support, or all Heals/Survivability. Of those three, only One is viable consistently in every dungeon in the game; All-DPS. Naturally players would gravitate towards it. It’s easy to gear for, has predictably repeatable role in every dungeon (think back to other MMOs, specifically the disproportionate amount of DPS players to tanks/healers. The concept isn’t much different), and is the epitome of speed clears which a large portion of the playerbase prefers over full dungeon clears.

The problem with this, as exemplified many times by many people on the forums, is that it was not -easy-. It’s not easy to retrain yourself to play a mace/shield Guardian in active, non-stacking combat, leaping in front of your allies to shield them from large attacks, or constantly switching weapons to keep up Protection stacks on allies while still using your higher-than-average Toughness to keep the majority of the mobs on you and off your allies.

This game does have aggro mechanics; Wiki them, and learn to use them correctly. Healing is viable, but not as one sole healer keeping bars up for the whole team; multiclass, learn to deal suitable DPS while still watching out for your team. With a few players doing this, healing turns out to be surprisingly powerful. In getting rid of trinities, the game did not mean that we could throw all ideas of teamwork and strategy out the window and focus one one archetypical build over three. It meant we need to learn to use a multitude of skills and abilities, be able to actively engage in multiple ‘roles’ at once while participating in active combat.

It boils down to no one player should be standing around doing just one thing to win the game. Sadly, this happened with the Zerker meta. ANet is not trying to eliminate DPS roles, they are toning them down so there is more value in keeping the party alive longer. Whether or not this will work as intended is yet to be seen. There will still be speed clears, there will still be a majority of players who do dungeons to get money as fast as possible and have absolutely zero desire to learn any other aspect of their classes or team play. With the current reward system, that is unavoidable.

But there are players who embrace the current hybrid-class system. We get in groups, coordinate our classes, builds, and gear, and run dungeon after dungeon without stacking, skipping, or exploiting anything. It’s a ton of fun, and we pretty much never die. Are we ever going to race a group of speed-clearing Zerkers stacking in a corner? NOPE! But we’re certainly not going to resign to one repetitive playstyle and blame ANet for an unwillingness to learn anything different.

Go Zerg or go home!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


You’ll learn as you do these events; never, ever suggest anything that is counter-zerg. They have a mob mentality and will assume that the mere thought that the zerg is not ideal for once means you are attacking their way of life. If you were in person, they would probably punch you, almost like watching the superbowl and accidentally sneezing something that could be misinterpreted as a cheer for the other team.

There are many great solutions to the zerg problem; ANet refuses them. ANet releases these events designed around not-zerging, but adds no mechanics to prevent it, and then tells us that not-zerging and getting the full reward is ‘optional’. Which is just more frustrating to the coordinated, serious players who have no ‘option’ to abandon the zergers in their own flow and have another instance for the people who plan on playing instead of spamming 1.

For an interesting point of view, check out the CoC’s definition of griefing, Wikipedia’s definition of grieifing, and then consider what happens when a zerg runs past a small group event and chooses not to do it. That’s right, they’re knowingly and willingly griefing every player trying to do the event, and having fun doing it. ANet approves of this form of griefing, as does the majority player base. It’s just the game we play right now.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


While we’re on the topic, I report zergers for griefing, since when they knowingly and intentionally run past events my small group is trying to complete, it bumps up the difficulty scale substantially and then they leave. And they have fun doing it.

By definition, they’re griefing every event they run past and don’t finish. Report them.

Report AFK people?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Definition of a griefer: “A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.1 A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.”

This does not match what AFK players do. Can we please get developver confirmation if this is a reportable offense or not, as the average player’s ability to interperet the rules has proven less than stellar in the past.

Scarlet Briar: Felicitations to ArenaNet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Opposite over here. I read all the material, followed the releases and couldn’t shake the feeling that this villain just didn’t hold water.
For now I just hope we focus on Mordremoth and never talk about this Scarlet thing again.

I’m with you here. We’re getting a lot of “She’s the best villian”, as if it’s forgotten that she’s really the -only- villian thus far that hasn’t been a one-shot appearance. They spent so much time developing her as this really dangerous, powerful, super-intelligent entity, and then the majority of her plans don’t even connect to or make sense with the ending. She proved she could annihilate a zone with her giant death laser but fails to use it on LA. She proved she could create noxious hallucinogenic fumes so dangerous that the hallucinations would spring to life and kill hundreds – still, failed to use on LA.

It seems like everything prior to LA was just a show-off of how great Scarlet is supposed to be, then they decided to toss it all, kill her in a lack-luster showdown, and hope we forgot that everything that happened to date was supposed to mean something.

I still feel like we’re lacking any form of adequate explanation as to why she needed to form those specific alliances – an update or so ago there was a big point made of telling us how each of the alliances were somehow elementally attuned, but I suppose that plot element was forgotten as well.

So pretty much, Scarlet causes a lot of trouble for no reason than to show how cool and dangerous she can be. Then she drill one hole in outside of one city (which she did pretty much unchallenged with a massive super-weapon she imaginated out of nowhere), and lets herself die to a bunch of average people (who didn’t even have a good plan mind, other than “Walk in and kill her”) despite the Tremendous amount of resources, technology, and sheer manpower she has spent so much time proving she has.

We shouldn’t have stood a chance, if Scarlet was played properly. One mega-laser fire into LA to kill everyone, dump some nightmare toxin to keep everyone who enters from getting anywhere, and drill the hole in peace. Instead she uses weaker versions of all of her technology, fights us as if there’s a point to it, and then practically lets herself die.

Yeah, best villain ever for sure. Let’s hope the next LW enemy isn’t so devious and dangerous as to take the throne from here… ::rolls eyes::

*Spoilers* No choice at the end?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Hi, I mean no offense, but have you ever played MMORPG’s before? Making choices is not a staple of MMOs at all, the vast majority of popular MMO’s (Guild Wars 2 included) are primarily linear. The only illusion of decision is during Living Story, and even that will come to the exact same conclusion no matter what the player selects.

If players could make a different decision here, it would cause a split between players that did and did not save Briar. That or, the decision would have to be rendered obsolete somehow, which just puts us back where they are now. Quite frankly I am very happy that the event played as it did, instead of a fake “make-a-choice” followed by “trololol, it happens like we want anyways”.

Tricked into a dungeon!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I don’t think mass zerging should be considered a dungeon. It doesn’t require the same level of team coordination, skill, and knowledge of game mechanics by the whole group.

Then again, there are many people who like the idea. That being said can we expect to see future updates for both types of players? It does seem like the zerging crew gets all the love.

**Spoiler** What did scarlet do?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The Nightmare Tree is corrupted. Probably by a dragon. One that deals with dreams. ‘Cus you know, ’nightmare’. Maybe one that’s pretending to be dead.

Ohhheck I should have spoiler alerted that.

**Spoiler** What did scarlet do?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615



I just have to wonder how Colin thought this was a “one in a million” prediction.

Yet in another thread where I say this is obvious, players are saying it wasn’t obvious at all and nobody could have seen it coming. To each their own I guess, I saw Mordremoth’s association the moment it was realized that Scarlet was Sylvari…

I Won Game of Thrones! *spoiler*

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


It was strongly inferred. I knew there would be a dragon involved before Marionette. I’m sorry it had to be written in big bold letters for some people, but good storytelling involves being able to present information that the reader/viewer/listener can use to come to accurate conclusions without having to state everything outright. I got it. shrug

I Won Game of Thrones! *spoiler*

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Who changed the title of this thread? It’s not about Dragons and Pale Trees.

ANet specifically said in the linked article that if we guess what happens we can say we won Game of Thrones. I did it, darn it, don’t change the title on me. >.>

""It’ll be really fun in three months when the ending happens for those people to be able to stand up and say, ‘I got it right! I nailed Game of Thrones!’"" – Quote from Colin Johanson

I Won Game of Thrones! *spoiler*

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


But really, who didn’t? The Mordremoth connection to Sylvari was obvious long ago, and Scarlet’s obsession with it wasn’t very well hidden either. And while there will be those who say it was never directly spelled out for us before, there were vastly enough inferences to come to a correct conclusion far before this ‘reveal’.

What I am left wondering is, what happened to all the other plot? Who is E? Why did Scarlet need to create a series of alliances, and what was the meaning of pointing out their elemental association when in the end that had nothing to do with awakening the dragon? Why did Scarlet spend so much time (so many of our LW updates) developing all of these weapons of mass destruction and then fails to use anything but miniaturized versions of them to attack LA?

Anyways, while we’re still Winning the Game of Thrones, here’s a few more things for everyone to say isn’t true now but for us all to say was obvious later: Zhaitain isn’t dead, he’s getting more powerful. The Pale Trees are not under Mordremoth’s control as both were corrupted in unique ways, but one of them is under the control of a dragon already. The dragons aren’t friends and it will be fighting each other, but we can expect a wait of a good couple of years for that reveal.

*Spoilers* Scarlet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The Sylvari always came from Mordremoth. It was obvious.

*Spoilers* Scarlet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


It was super obvious, not really a thing to ‘deal with’ here. Anyone who didn’t predict it was either not paying attention or letting an overactive imagination get in the way of thinking.

Dragon painted in Scarlet's Secret Lair

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


After finishing the LW that just released, you’ll discover it means spoilers nothing.

This plot element is dropped and forgotten like the majority of them. Have fun with the ending, hope loose ends are your thing!

No crafting stations at Vigils Keep

in Crafting

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I’m shocked this is such a big issue when there’s crafting all over the world. Every major city has crafting stations. It’s really not difficult to find them.

Jebro crafts the Ascended backpiece! Vid

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


This isn’t the final step. This info is all well-known.

Jebro Crafts Ascended Tempered Spinal Blades!

in Crafting

Posted by: Abellus.2615


The final pieces aren’t released yet, there’s one more step to the crafting.

Azurite and Exotic Soldier's Trinkets

in Crafting

Posted by: Abellus.2615


They also drop from a fractal that mimics the LS dungeon, if you mine the Orichalcum inside it. Still, getting that fractal is random, and with the current drop rates even if every party members mines all the Orichalcum in the fractal they still have a small chance of getting just 1 between the lot of them.

And since it takes five orbs or so per trinket, the amount of runs it would take to build just one is relatively high compared to other Exotic stat spreads.

I did find there are comparable trinkets in WvW, they just take Badges of Honor. Guess I’ma start working on that. In the meantime, ANet if you’re reading thing (lol) can we consider reinviting a way to craft Pow/Tou/Vit gear? It’s a standard stat spread, listed on the Wiki as craftable, yet has extraordinarily bloated prices due to the unavailability of 1 ingredient.

Azurite and Exotic Soldier's Trinkets

in Crafting

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Hey all,

I’m wondering about the availability of Azurite and the Exotic Soldier’s-stat trinkets it makes. This seems to be a normal stat spread available on all other armor types, but for some reason Azurite is extraordinarily rare (for a basic stat spread), launching the price of trinkets with these stats into the 40g+ range.

What I wonder is, is it necesary to keep this one stat type so rare above all the rest in Trinkets alone? What’s the purpose of this rarity and obscenely high prices? Has this been covered in the past and, if so, did ANet have anything to say about the lack of availability and bloated market? Is there an alternate way to get trinkets with this stat spread?

When I saw the price for these trinkets I was blown away. There has to be something that can be done to bring crafting this stat set at a price that’s comparable to the others; Zerkers is the most sought-after stat spread in the game and it sells for 1/10th as much.

Please design Bosses around Traitlines.

in Living World

Posted by: Abellus.2615


I agree with this idea and have thought the same thing for awhile. It would be a strong push away from the DPS-meta if all of the bosses weren’t HP-sponges, and a good first step to making this happen would be to create bosses that specialize in different ‘trait lines’, emulating a ‘build’ of their own to make them unique. Five Engineer bosses, for example, should be able to fight and combat a group in very different ways, and should require a different strategy to overcome.

It would also make Support roles more viable, as they would need to be used to properly counter the enemy’s own tactics.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Abellus.2615


Dragonbrand run failed, died at the very end. Sorry to everyone who helped. =(

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Abellus.2615


We’re trying to organize a run in Dragonbrand right now. If there’s a server already open though let us know!