Showing Posts For Ace.5607:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ace.5607


Yeah I’m not too hopeful it’s gonna happen, but I was hoping for a response at least. It’s a major bummer to have just been left hanging on the subject after the GvG CDI being in the talks for months.

Personally, I don’t really care about GW2’s unofficial GvG. I was hoping it would develop into an original GW GvG thread. However, with stronghold announced, I had my doubts and am truly disappointed… Rather than stronghold, something more akin to GvG or HA from GW would have the potential to be amazing.

On a side note, the basis for GW GvG is there for it in stronghold, I just feel they went too far in the MOBA direction, which is already dominated by LoL. They could make changes to stronghold and create something highly unique and similar to the original’s GvG system and cater to their own crowd.

(edited by Ace.5607)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ace.5607


Is the GvG CDI still going to happen? Or has this been abandoned….? I’d like to know for sure so I can give up hope now rather than being led on for any longer if it’s not.

How Stronghold should/could be!

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


I agree with this on many levels. These are all good suggestions and honestly I think ANET should back up and reconsider how to make this game mode, even if it means delaying until the map is recreated and/or they have at least 4 maps for it.

I think your biggest point is your first one: They need to make this for GUILDS. This will drive the competition of the game and would be enormous for the mode and game in general. I’m sorry if it steps on people’s toes, but this mode should not be casual. Design it for guilds like in GW, with only Ranked (with an in game Ranking system like GW) and Scrim and then Tourney for those who signed up. Redesign and make Stronghold for Guilds and competition; leave conquest for casuals and lesser form of competition.

This game mode needs more effort and focus and it could be amazing. Expand the size of the map, bump it to 8v8, include a flag stand with some form of bonus (maybe even consider death penalty in this mode because it would help matches end faster because of the nature of the combat; time was a problem on GW GvG for some people), make the map designed around 3+ lanes and send npcs down all of them, and include in game ranking and ladder for this.

Disappointed by the small scale of Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


Are you seriously hijacking threads to advertise your videos? wow.

No, I feel like he is just providing an example of how the original GW GvG was better than the current pvp system… Here’s another example, perhaps the most famous GvG video:

There was a glimmer of hope....

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


They put a lot of effort into this

Really? i actually dont think Anet put any effort at all in spvp, since day one. It has been the least popular mode since lunch and you have the same 5 maps you had since. I mean, maps people, it chump change for anet to sit down a couple of artists and a programer and release a new map every couple of months, yet the game mode that needs support the most is the one that gets the least.

Spvp and pvp in general need
-Reduced particle effects.
-UI customization options, full moding alas WOW.
-Needs to slow down a lot.
-Needs to bring the trinity back.
-Needs casts bars.

I disagree with every suggestion you made aside from decreased particle effects.

Yeah. I’m for less particle effects, and actually a bit slower pace overall might not be a bad thing.

- But absolutely not, I hate WoW’s UI customization. It becomes way more of a UI whack-a-mole. they did the right thing having everyone on a similar playing field.
- They have their own trinity, bunkers, support and zerker- with various subsets and bruisers.
- They have castbars, its reading the enemy’s animations. What they need more than animations is fewer instant cast abilities that can stack together, especially on Fresh Air eles. They can be compensated otherwise, but instant burst like that is the wrong way to design a build.

There is definitely a need for a decrease in particle effects because it’s really just a cluttered mess of kitten, for lack of a better term.

UI customization in the original was great, they should have gone to a scheme similar to that where you could move stuff around and resize to your hearts content.

This trinity isn’t really a trinity, it’s just differing levels of damage and defense: overly simple. (To me, this is highly important because they removed complexity and the importance of working as a team by doing this).

The original actually did a great job of animations, I knew many players (like myself) who interrupted off of casting animation in certain situations and off the cast bar in others.

There was a glimmer of hope....

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


They put a lot of effort into this

Really? i actually dont think Anet put any effort at all in spvp, since day one. It has been the least popular mode since lunch and you have the same 5 maps you had since. I mean, maps people, it chump change for anet to sit down a couple of artists and a programer and release a new map every couple of months, yet the game mode that needs support the most is the one that gets the least.

Spvp and pvp in general need
-Reduced particle effects.
-UI customization options, full moding alas WOW.
-Needs to slow down a lot.
-Needs to bring the trinity back.
-Needs casts bars.

LOL! Let me restate to say that they have put effort into it (without declaring how much). To emphasize again, they should have stuck with what they had in the original GW and built onto it. GW2 pvp is nothing in comparison to the pvp in the original.

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


Here’s wondering why HA (Heroes’ Ascent), a simple Team Death Match with few extra mechanics did far more better in GW1 than GW2 is doing (PvP).
Why do they have to go after all these gimmicky game modes, mix moba, conquest, buffs, and all the other things.

Because we don’t have Monks and proper supporters/interrupters.

This is the total and honest truth. The limiting factor is that there are no Monks. GW pvp (GvG/HA namely) was great, GW2 pvp is meh….

There was a glimmer of hope....

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


I completely agree, this was their shot to really expand the pvp system. This could have been a great original GW-like GvG system if they played their cards right. They could have made it 7v7/8v8, added numerous guild halls to choose from, a ranking system like GW’s….

For me, this game will never match up to the original. They put a lot of effort into this and tried to try something new, and I applaud them for that; however, the combat, pvp modes, and game mechanisms for GW made for the basis of a great PvP game and that’s what they should have stuck with and built off of. I know many people like this type of gameplay and pvp, but I know far more who preferred the original…

To this day, I miss playing Prot and Fuze and I think that “holy trinity” really wasn’t like any other game because of how the healer/protection worked so pro-actively. Let alone, you actually had to work as a team to push kills or put yourself in position to make kills. I miss everything about that game from Pressure to Dedicated Spikes to Honor Balance and all the roles professions played in each of those team builds. I miss the basic mechanics of the game and the intricacies of the combat and gameplay. Hell, I even miss the PvE!

GW had its faults but it was a highly well-designed game. They took solely the faults of the original and changed everything rather than taking the positives and building off of them to avoid the negatives.

State of the Game comment/question thread!

in PvP

Posted by: Ace.5607


1. Are there plans for improving the team play of the game? If so, what are some of those plans? Currently, GW2 does not present many options for the coordination of team play that would make the game much more comparable to the original and much more of a competitive, tactical, and skill-based PvP game.

2. I know this is asked a lot, but is there any plan to work in GvG? It was definitely the most appealing part of the original Guild Wars, and it would be nice to know if there is any hope of seeing the mode or something similar make a return. I understand that it would have to be vastly different to work in GW2. However, it would be enormously beneficial to GW2’s PvP if a game mode with the same level of complexity, team work, skill, strategy, competition, and fun that GvG had was implemented.

3. Also, what about Heroes’ Ascent? It was yet another example of the successful and entertaining PvP that the original game had and could add to the playability of this game.

4. Are there other plans to improve the complexity of the gameplay? The first step is improving how team play works, but after that is there anything you are planning to add that will make the game more interesting?

Thank you for holding the SOTG every month and thank you ANET Team for listening to your community.

Jade Quarry WvW Guild Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Ace.5607


Just to make sure people don’t get confused, Stone and I are GW1 vets, but it is not a requirement of the guild

Jade Quarry WvW Guild Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Ace.5607


Anyone interested feel free to PM me on forums or in game

Jade Quarry WvW Guild Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Ace.5607


Disclaimer: We’re not a GvG guild (only cuz it isn’t in the game…)

What Happened To Honor Balanced [GvG] is recruiting! We’re a new guild with a focus on medium-sized, tactical play in WvW | GW1 Vets | Friendly & Laid Back | Looking for dedicated people!

Our general play times are around 5-11 PST, but we are on as much as possible during other times of the day as well. We are searching for members who are competitive and willing to stick out the beginning of starting a guild. We’ve had experience in numerous different competitive games, including the original Guild Wars.

Contact in game either me, “X Ace X” or “S T O N E W A L L”

- Ace

(edited by Ace.5607)