Showing Posts For Achilles Viper.4631:

A warning should pop up during Norn creation

in Norn

Posted by: Achilles Viper.4631

Achilles Viper.4631

jp’s and vistas arnt that bad on a norn…… ive done some of the hardest ones and have 80% map completions on my max height norn..not that bad..

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilles Viper.4631

Achilles Viper.4631

My friend is a HUGE DPS machine, i mean 23,000 damage on a person in WvW after hundred blades. BUT he cannot get hit or he will die. my tank can take damage from a dungeon boss but only does 300-400 damage with the mace. for a warrior there is no 50/50 if youre 50/50 you get torched in a fight becuase you dont have the damage to kill nor the tough to live. what im saying is what happened to automaticlly good damage then building onto toughness and some onto power? my GW1 warrior couldnt even get poked without dieing. but i could walk in and smash things up. and i agree 200% with the “eles are to OP” in WvW a Borlis pass ele was able to survive agianst me, my DPS friend, 2 guardians, and a ranger without losing more than 1/5th of his health. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE FOR LIGHT ARMOR!!!!!!!!! there is no reason an ele should stand there and get beat on like a ragdoll then run 300mph turn around pop 3 uber fast AOE spells then come collect loot. no. just no. this is the reason i hesitate wanting to do WvW. and you cant shield block the AOE stuff! necros traps arnt as bad for a tank but for a glass canon.. kitten man come on. when did magic users become the high damage high tank classes…….

Dungeon Mechanics: Res Rushing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Achilles Viper.4631

Achilles Viper.4631

this “res rushing” i must admit is a good {IDEA} i have had to spend upwards of 30 gold to make myself a tank to help my party get threw AC and COF. it use to be oh you died come on back. now its oh you died? we failed. and in AC when you get pushed threw the door on path 1 defending hodgins while killing burrows, if you could WP it would be fare but no! now you have to deal with 1 man down. i really dislike this patch. i know alot of you will say “you just suck youre bad at dungeons” yeah yeah yeah i whatever i dont care. but this spawn deal is bad. BUT! i will admit on COF when people would 1 2 2 and kite the ppl, they did rebuild it and make it doable with a tank. props on that.