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Armor set

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Thx helps a lot
Ive got another question – which way of getting armor is the best? Crafting (now i have 249 weaponsmith nad 237 armorsmith) or buying?

Armor set

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I’m level 80 charr guardian and I was considering which type of armor wear. I want something that will give me enough toughness and vitality for good survivalibity, but also gives me good atack power. Generally speaking something balanced. I was thinking between mixed set of Knight’s and Soldier’s armor, weapons (mine is greatsword) and jewellery and Soldier’s armor and weapon with Berserkers jewellery. Which one is better?

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Realize that hammer’s Ring of Warding is different than Staff’s Line of Warding and learn to use it, it’s really useful and not so bad skill. And 1’st skill chain is long, but it’s beacuse of symbol you apply (you make this symbol under your opponent even when he run’s out of range, so maybe that’s why is so long).

Signet of Judgment

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Damage reduction means all damage is reduced. If it increases toughness, then only normal damage, but that’s why I think Signet Of Judgment is better than Dolyak Signet.
Passive effect is great, active is nice too, so this signet is solid choice.

Crafting for guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I’m sure that armorsmith, weaponsmith, jeweler and chef are good choices but when you have artificer you can not only craft scepters, focus, staff and tridents but also make potions which seems very helpful, specially on higher levels. So why not artificer? And when I have jeweler, armorsmith and weaponsmith at once how i will get enough materials (mainly ores)?

Crafting for guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Which crafting disciplines are best for guardian? I think armorsmith is the best choice, but what about second? Weaponsmith or maybe jeweler? Or maybe chef? Is it better to craft weapons, jewels or food? Also, I was considering artificer because of potions, but I still can’t choose.

Guardian or Warrior Please Help

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Warriors hit hard and are often hard to kill, but for me Guardian is better because he gives you more variety of playstyles and he’s not so boring.

Choosing race for guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I can’t decide between asura and charr. I would like to know which elite skill is better – asura’s golems or charr’s charzoooka and artilery barrage. Guardian elites are awful so I want to use racial skill – norn, human and sylvari are out so… Golems or massive firepower?

Ring of Warding sucks.

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


When you can’t use your skills effectively and you just cast them, they all seems tupid. Learning, my friend. See advantages, try to use it when some big nasty troll is coming to you, not when 5 bandits jump around you. Also, try to pair it with some combo finishers.

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Dizzyd: build with mace/shield gives me more survivalibity and I can also control the battle some way, defending against foes, pushing them back and then burning them. With greatsword and sword/torch, I deal more pure damage, burning is something additional, I use utility burning skills on some hard-to-kill foes or when I want to end fight quickly. It kills mobs faster, but my health also drops faster, and when few mobs atacks you or when you face a boss, mace/shield is better (se 1st sentence).
Ynna: Greatsowrd and sword/torch cooperate with each other in fight, killing mobs quickly and burning foes. When GS skills recharge, I change to sword/torch, and again to GS… Greatsword is my 2nd weapon, main is sword/torch. I don’t want to pair it with mace and shield because then I will have problem with traits (increasing Greatsword damage or spirit weapon recharge? Invest 30 in radiance, or maybe put 20 in honor for 20% faster GS skills recharge?) Greatsword with mace/torch is even worse (more traits problems). Sword/ torch and mace/shield seems better and they also gives me more pleasure, but I can’t choose between spirit weapons and burning skills in utility. For burning, traits feet better with GS, but with spirit weapons sword/torch aren’t so good (traits again).

Minion Master: We've been doing it all wrong.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


yeah when your minions draw damage and you stay behind they die extremelly fast but when you take most damage and go back only when your health is low minions are very good and useful
I’m glad that soembody finally show it, most necros think " my minions will take damage and I will kil everything muahahah" and then they think “OMG why they die so fast, minions are weak and their AI sucks”. Minion’s AI don’t sucks, their masters who plays that way sucks

(edited by Adayes.1425)

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


That the problem – build with greatsword and sword/torch kills fast, but sword/torch and
mace/shield give me more survivalibity and more fun too. Maybe there is a way to connect these 2 builds?

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I can’t choose build for PvE;TYAA2yoEQJhSFlCKA

1st uses spirit weapons to burn foes and as additional damage source, second is more focused on precison and burning. Which one is better for leveling in PvE?

Crafting for Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Is there any useful crafting discipline for Necros? Is it worth making your own armor, weapon or jeweler or it’s better to buy them on tradepost? Maybe crafting is useful only if you want legendary weapons? What do you think about crafting for Necromancer?

Earning money

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I’m 52 lv. Necromancer. I have 2 gold, but I had almost 3, but I spend them on crafting supplies, armor and travelling (waypoints). How I can earn money easily, because on 52 lv. doing daily achievements and completing NPC’s quests isn’t enough for me. How can I get money easily, instead of doing quests?

Minion Master gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Few advices:
- Use staff and scepter+dagger or focus, axe sucks because it’s weak and have little range, dagger in main hand is better but for MM best weapon is staff
- Traits are good, but pick up staff mastery instead of death nova, cloud of poison is weak and staff skills are important for your minions, and Reaper’s Might instead of Spiteful Spirit
- for armor I reccomend Rune of the Fighter (Power and Toughness)
- for weapons use sigil of bloodlust for staff and main hand weapon, for off-hand use sigil of accuracy or sigil of superior life
- focus on power, toughness and healing power, precison isn’t very useful for Necromancer, and condition damage only if you play conditonmancer.

Hope I’ve helped.

Axe build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Axe works best with focus and when you use it on 1 enemy, especially boss. Then you can make (with good traits) even 25 vulnerability. Hitting for 25% more, not only for you but also for another people seems really cool and it’s good, but when 5 mobs atacks you condition build is the best and in PvE more often you will be atacked by groups than lonely mobs. Try axe + focus in PvP, works really nice if you walk with other people.

Life Force Generator

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I wanna play DS Necromancer for high survivalibity. What weapon is fastest at generating life force and what skills should I use (signet of undeath is obvious)? Before I had scepter/dagger condition build, but I think DS is better. Also, how I should spend my traits? Now I’m 47 lv. and I think I shoukld finally choose my build for PvE.

What is the best armor set for necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I’m playing human necromancer. At level 26, I joined Durmand Priory. But then I saw that
their armor set and weapons give precision/vitality/healing power and Order’s of Whispers give precision/toughness/condition damage, which are better for necromancer. I’m palying scepter/dagger and staff and use consume conditions, well of suffering, blood is power, epidemic and lich form. Which armor set will be best for me if not Order’s of Whispers? And how I should spend my traits?