Showing Posts For Adrian.4563:
im stuck aswell
Hi, my friend Zero Entity was perma banned for no reason he was just farming for his frostfang 50gold away he’s been working really hard for it and then today he was perma banned for botting when he never really was he was just farming in Cursed Shore like everyone else.
Hey, ima guardian bunker/offensive and im trying to join or form a team whisper me in game. Thank you.
Hello, im trying to form a guildwars2 paid and free team. If you want to join me just add me and wait till i log in or just whisper me. Thnx
I need a damage class that will be fun to play(not too op), because i already play a bunker engi for tournaments. Whats your favorite class that you consider me playing.
I can’t argue with that, but lets just wait and see what they will do for us.
They will fix them eventually they can’t just leave it hanging.
The PvP was fun ill agree with you on that so maybe that would work too.
I’n future patches i would like to see some new game modes if you can please:
Capture The Flag
Death Match
1v1 Arenas
2v2 Arenas
3v3 Arenas
I really want advanced to come out Monday so i can get more tickets to play more paids.