Showing Posts For Aeo.1453:

The Sylvari who keeps drinking wine in LA...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


She drinks, what I have calculated, at least several boxes a day, so, since shes a Sylvari, she should start to grow grapes on her body :P


No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aeo.1453


So I was gone since 1 until 3 today, running around, doing errands and stuff, and I came back to find that the ONE TIME EVENT that I had been forced to miss due to IRL responsibilities concluded with an epic battle that ended with everyone getting 20 slot bags, exotics and even many, many legendaries. One of my friends got Dawn, sold it and bought his legendary bow and still had 80g left over.

What message I have gotten is: Because I have a life, not only did I miss a one-time event, but I missed out on awesome gear, an awesome bag and possibly a legendary weapon and/or at least 50+ gold.

The amount of legendary gear that dropped was enough to nearly cut the market price in the TP by 40%

So, because I have a life, I miss out? This is crap. Want to know how anet can fix this? They make the event recurring, and those whom have already completed it get nothing at the end. This allows people with lives, like me, to not miss out.

Final thoughts: These one time events, though cool for the minority who are online, are, in truth, crap. Pure crap. Make them recurring or dont make them at all because its not fair to people with lives, people with randomly times jobs, or gamers in your community who may have connection issues, because if they DC during a point, things get screwed up because of the bugfest known as GW2.


Swamp Fractal: depends too much on luck and others

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aeo.1453


this swamp one is WAY too hard because it IS, as the original poster of this thread, based on luck.


Fractals sucks for DCd people...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aeo.1453


So, the client decided to disconnect me and when I got back on, I coulden’t rejoin my party because the fractal portal was taking me to other, random fractal places. WTF…. Your client disconnects me then I can’t continue??? this is crap…


Flexing and other animations :D

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


i wish there were a flexing animation, for times where it would really help funny things said in chat.


Dredgehaunt Cliffs Very Hard VIsta (south-western most)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


Alright then, until anet makes either the puzzle less lethal or moves the vista, I guess im not going to get 100%


Dredgehaunt Cliffs Very Hard VIsta (south-western most)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


Dredgehaunt is the worst zone. This is only the second worst vista in it though. The view from the top is actually pretty nice.

You could always try and find a mesmer to port you up.

Something like this should not require outside help to complete. As for the view, I honestly don’t really care. I don’t play this game to get a good view, if I want a good view, I’ll go to NYNY again and chill at the top of the Empire State Building. All I do at these vistas is hit F then immediately Esc 90% of the time. anet should really move that vista or just auto-complete it for everyone and if anyone really cares about fake views in a video game, they can do the hardest jumping puzzle and eventually get it.


sexyness ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


Female Charr are sexy <3


What are good dungeon token warrior armors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeo.1453


Ever since Gauntlet, I have almost always been playing melee classes, be it warrior in WoW, Sith Warrior in SWTOR, Barbarian in Diablo 3, and now, warrior again in GW2. I am ALL about max damage, with little to no care about personal safety. My motto while playing like this is “run in, swinging everything, until either everything is on the ground, or I am”. So, in GW2 stats, I am mainly power, secondary precision. What is a good set of warrior gear with those stats possibly with good runes? And if this gear doesn’t have said runes, what are the best runes/gems/other things to put in sockets that have power, precision, and other damage things?

I am also thinking of having a 2nd armor set, but with the 3rd thing being magic find, any gear like that, too?

Premature thanks!


Trying to find a certain chestpiece...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeo.1453


The Charr leader commander person at Claw Island had it, its a chestpiece that has pecks. I found the armor not to long after but then I mystic forged it. I would really like this piece again for transmog because it makes my female Charr look sexy :P


Alliances Elite [AlEl] Tarnished Coast Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aeo.1453


We are recruiting, now and forever! Alliances Elite is a guild open and welcome to players of any gaming style. Be you a PvEer, constantly looking for dungeons, a PvP or WvWer, seeking out fellow players to slay, or an old-school role-player whom puts on the persona of their character and plays a double-life via the internets, you are welcome! Currently, we are mainly focused on building up our roster, getting points to spend on upgrades to and for the guild and its current and future members. However, we are, as I said before, open and welcome to having “wings” within the guild for PvPers, WvWers and RPers. Come on in, the water’s fine!


Dredgehaunt Cliffs Very Hard VIsta (south-western most)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeo.1453


I am nearly done with this zone, I just have one more vista to get, but its at the end of one of the most difficult jumping puzzles in the game. This JP is very long, every fall is guarenteed death, and theres a boss at the end. I am not a player who values jumping puzzles nor any game with rogue/ninja qualities (like assassins creed). So, to force every player of every gaming style to, on occasion, play aspects they dont like is somewhat acceptable, to force players like me to, if I want to get 100% world map completion, to do one of the hardest jumping puzzles (which I hate, if you havent figured that out yet) just to do this is really unfair to me as one of your players. I understand that this is a F2P game, and eventually I will spend IRL money here and there of stuff, but I really wish that you, Arenanet, would move this vista to an easier location for better obtainability.
