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Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


We all going to die down here

Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


I still have connection errors. Can’t log in.

Also i want to share some observation. Today at early morning Tequatl, near event’s end i had lag spikes. Knowing about recent DDos attacks, this could be related.

+ some of my party members, had a chat lags.

Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


There are 3 servers: Log-In server-Character server-Megaserver. You also can see 3 NCSoft nodes in trace.

If there is a problem with my ISP i should lag and see everyone around me lagging – walking into walls, teleporting, etc + i should suffer from disconnects. Thats not happening.

If there is Log-in server problem i should suffer from disconnects, not happening

If there is some problem between character server(wvw server) and megaserver, i alone should suffer from lags(big delays in gathering, using skills, sending messages), while others from different servers on same map will be fine, thats what i see on random zones.

If there is a problem with megaserver, everyone on map should lag, just like ISP problem. Not happening.

I said all i could about this problem. and will be waiting a solve.

Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Your first image clearly shows where the issue is. And guess what? Anet doesn’t own that node. Node 8 from shows a 26% packet loss.

Anet can’t fix that. Anet’s ISP can’t fix that. Telia (who owns it and isn’t affiliated with Anet or their ISP) is the owner and needs to fix it. Your ISP has a way to send the information to Telia about that node to let them know there is a problem.

Not quite sure what you want Anet to do. They don’t own the internet. And before you go “Other games work fine”. Well of course they do, they most likely take a different path from your house to those servers. That is how the internet is. And I bet you there are people in those other games with ping issues because a node from their house to those servers are having issues, but they could connect to Anet just fine. The internet is a lot bigger then “Well, if I can do this, everything is fine and it’s the servers”.

I belive you haven’t noticed that same node that is lagging at Divinity Reach is not lagging at Cursed Shores.

Today i’ve noticed a very curious thing. When i am lagging(even with 4k+ ping), everyone around me playing just fine, gathering woods, killing mobs and so. That could be character server’s problem. Something wrong in information exchange between character serever(WvW server) and Megaservers. My Server is Blacktide.

Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Ok guys, here i did trace using WinMRT on one of GW2 servers, which, at that moment, been holding a very laggy(atleast for me) Divinity Reach
As far as i can see, there is no problems with route from my provider’s side. But Begining with Telia and NCSoft there are high pocket loss.

Here you can see Cursed Shore ip, which wasn’t lagging for me.
Pocket loss is minimal and won’t effect any game aspect.

Yesterday Divinity Reach wasn’t lagging at all for me, but today. Well you can see it yourself in trace result. please look into that problem. I can’t blame my provider for anything. Not a single game is lagging, and GW2 is lagging only in specific servers\maps.

Ofc i will send those result to provider aswell

(edited by Aeon.4583)

constantly disconnecting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


If there was a problem with internet provider then all games should lag.
But, from few of my online games, only GW2 is lagging, on random maps, like hell.

Simple example for today. I’ve visited Guild Hall which was same server-ip as yesterday – no lags. Then i went to Home Instance with different ip than yesterday and my Home lagging. Cursed Shore yesterday – no lags, today – lags.

P.s. to be honest those lags remind me of DDos attacks.

(edited by Aeon.4583)

Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


After few days of this, i’ve noticed that high ping happens randomly, on different maps. Every map have their own server-thingy, and eventually server changes map. That means those lags are server-based.

Massively high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Yes, about 4 days. Everyday it’s higher and higher. Yesterday i had big lags, today disconnects.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4583


-Collapsed sections in Craft-List.

-Queue for craftings.

-Salvagable minor runes.

-Unique Skill and Trait set for Fractals of the Mists. ( Like Pve-WvW-Pvp have different sets )
- Hotkeys for bag slots ( or atleast shared slots for food\potion\etc activation without using inventory )
- Hotkey for show\hide helmet armor slot
- Indicator of how many of same items you have in inventory in loot list section

(corrected) for ex. i have looted mithril and it shows like this in loot UI side:
(1) mithril ore
(2) mithril ore
(4) 2 mithril ore
- Make Peppermint Omnomberry Bar cost less Candy Cane to craft or add Candy Cane recipe for crafting using Candy Corn items.

- Add a drop chance for rare-exotic trinkets from Treasure Hunter into Echanted Treasure Chest.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4583


-Collapsed sections in Craft-List.

-Queue for craftings.

-Salvagable minor runes.

-Unique Skill and Trait set for Fractals of the Mists. ( Like Pve-WvW-Pvp have different sets )
- Hotkeys for bag slots ( or atleast shared slots for food\potion\etc activation without using inventory )
- Hotkey for show\hide helmet armor slot
- Indicator of how many of same items you have in inventory in loot list section

(corrected) for ex. i have looted mithril and it shows like this in loot UI side:
(1) mithril ore
(2) mithril ore
(4) 2 mithril ore

- Make Peppermint Omnomberry Bar cost less Candy Cane to craft or add Candy Cane recipe for crafting using Candy Corn items.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4583


I will repeat my old post with some additions.

-Collapsed sections in Craft-List.

-Queue for craftings.

-Salvagable minor runes.

-Unique Skill and Trait set for Fractals of the Mists. ( Like Pve-WvW-Pvp have different sets )

- Hotkeys for bag slots ( or atleast shared slots for food\potion\etc activation without using inventory )
- Hotkey for show\hide helmet armor slot
- Indicator of how many of same items you have in inventory in loot list section

for ex. i have looted mithril and it shows like this in loot UI side:
(1) mithril ore
(2) mithril ore
(3) mithril ore

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Collapsed sections in Craft-List.

Queue for craftings.

Salvagable minor runes.

Unique Skill and Trait set for Fractals of the Mists. ( Like Pve-WvW-Pvp have different sets )

Authorized Networks - Suggestion

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Authorized Networks or, Remember Network option it’s a very good and usefull option for people who like to spend lot of time in game. I am, aswell as many others, use that option for long play. But, in the end i prefer to remove my current Authorized Network because of the vast IP-range it holds. It is very unsafe, especially for people who don’t have static IP.

There few suggestion i have in mind to make Authorized Networks more safe.
1 – Expiration period.
As i understand, all Authorized Networks stay Authorized until player will do some management in account. Will be easier if Authorized Networks, after some time, will remove themselfs ( 6-12 hours maybe? ). But maybe i am wrong and networks do have some kind of expiration period. But, my last check was – atleast 48 hours for a single network.
2 – Network management in GW2 Launcher.
If Expiration period is not an option, then adding Network management in GW2 Launcher won’t be a bad idea. GW2 Launcher makes account authorization, from where you should be able to manage your networks. With such option in Launcher, there will be few less steps to remove unneeded networks.
3 – Log-in notification for Authorized Networks.
This is the last good thing i have in mind to make Authorized Networks more safe. When Authorized Network is active, we have 0 log-in notifications. It won’t be bad if log-in server will be sending us email notifications regardless. I mean, no digit codes, but a simple log-in notification with IP and location.

Even with static IP. Authorized Network hold very long IP-range that can be used for… well, you know. Little bit security or easier management will be cherry!

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


I am still can’t log in into game after getting those network errors. If i was sad, now i am very sad. Everything else works fine. except gw2. Seems like log in server have troubles.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Today after a 2 hours of playing ( after a normal log-in ), i had invite from one of my friends to gather up near Tequatl position. When i tried to accept invite i had same network log-in error. When i tried to wishper my friends, again, same error. Tried to restart game, ’can’t connect to log-in server’ message appears. Me sad…

Also forum log-in worked after a 6th time.

Could we make crafting be instant?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Well, ever since GW2 release, there was lot of updates. Changes for traits, transmute charges, skills. Changes for PvP WvW and lot of other things. But nothing for Crafting Stations at all. My suggestion is not to make them instant, but to add a Queue system to it.

For ex. While my 150 elder wood logs to 50 elder wood planks in progress, i can’t start another refine unless current ‘150logs into 150planks’ is finishes\canceled. But with queue system you can place another refine in queue, so it can start immediately when current one is finished.

I am trying to do a daily ascended material farm ( it is after all about 16-18 gold per day ) and i need to wait and place every refine one by one. I could have placed them all in queue order and go make food or samething

Queue system won’t make crafts fast, but it will save some time if you have lot of them to do one by one. And of course things like pre-made queue lists will be good too. Click one button and wait.

Logging in....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeon.4583


You are not the only one having problems with delayed emails. I’ve been forced to turn off SMS stuff because my operator blocked arena net sms, thinking it is spam. So i use email method, and almost every time emails have huge delay from 30 min up to 24 hours. Doing multiple logins helps get email in time, but still problem exists. Good to know i am not alone in this.

For those who can't afford $50

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Well since there is talking about movies, comparing that to expansion. I watched Iron man ( first movie, it was good ) in cinema (movie theatre, if you prefer that word for it). Then i heard about 2nd movie, and i noticed a actor re-placement, and i understood that movie will be bad ( and it was bad ). Now we see, have made a rule: first buy original game, then buy expansion. few days later they have changed that rule. Got my point? It is kinda actor replacement for bad movie.

New Player vs. Vet Player value

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Check the WoW xpac prizes (to release) again.
BC 40$
CATA 40$
MOP 40$
WOD 50$

Really? Those are prices for WoW in your country? So i am not totally screwed after all

New Player vs. Vet Player value

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Let’s call everything by the real name. Site says: Expansion + free orginal game for newcomers… this is totally wrong. They are selling original game + free expansion for new players who doesn’t have a game ( Original game (50$) + FREE EXPANSION (0$) ). It is still same price from orginal game, it means expansion goes for free, and old players just been screwed. I’ve never seen an expansion with price of core-game in my life, unless it is a standalone-game.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


If think about this, selling original game + free expansion for new players from this moment. Is it what they wanted? Free expansion?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Oh yes, one thing i wanna add. I am currently at boss tour, and i see cut-in-half amount of people there, compare to yesterday. HoT already killing Guild Wars 2

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


Ok, my last comment was reasonable, but now… I have base-game already, i will re-buy it, what will i get?

Precursor craft? – I am not planning to make legendary, i enjoy game itself without showing people shinies. Anyway i have Sunless Dagger + Pistol skin set, this is more pricy than any legendary for me. Will give me all other sunless skins that i am missing for free, as a gift from -rebuying core game? Think not.

Elite specialization? – I enjoy my thief with D\D P\P in PvE ( well and some other combo in PvP ) I really won’t be using any other weapon sets paying 50$ for something i won’t use ( i don’t even know what Thief’s elite spec is all about).

Revenant? – yes i will make one just for curiosity, but that character won’t be my primary, – so it is kinda wasted, again paying almost for nothing.

New story\zones? – Well maybe this is something i should pay for but not 50$, only if New Maguuma zones will be equal to basic-game map and story line will be as long as base-core game, maybe even more longer. Tooks one day no finish original story with insta-level new character ( knowledge books ).

New items\skins? – I won’t change any of my current gear ever! It is a pefrect Aeon Illuminate cosplay!

In other words, new expansion will slightly improve my game play. 50$ too much.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeon.4583


It is really distubring what happening right now with HoT prices at pre-order ( but i really think it is made for benefits of new players). But really, i have core game already, i am willing to pay right away a 50% of standart pre-order pack to have only HoT upgrade for my existing core-game account. But, if Heart of Thorns was a stand-alone game from begining, it is something you should warn us about.