Showing Posts For Aevis.4061:

Content from the Dev livestream

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


I can’t verify but it looks like hills is getting some design changes.

From the angle, it looked more like the new symbol in front of hills. Although a redesigned hills makes more sense than an entire new castle right there.

edit: Actually with others mention, that the lake was drained, that could’ve been where the island of storm currently is.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

(edited by Aevis.4061)

Content from the Dev livestream

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


did anyone take a screenshot from the castle in the back, while he trolled us showing his armor?

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Well today’s status is the expected outcome from what we experienced during yesterday’s evening on Elona. We were outmanned on every BL for pretty much the entire prime. Once Piken took our T3 keep on homelands, we were down to a couple camps already and what was left on EB.

With our guild raid of 10-15 members, we tried to make the best out of the situation but wiped in seconds to [VII] or [GH] as soon as they saw us. Can’t blame them, would’ve enjoyed some longer fights tho. Still got a few bags here and there and I enjoyed the T3 keep fight, albeit we lost it at the end.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

7/26 - Baruch Bay / Elona Reach / Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Thanks to MD from Baruch for the fun fight at Stargrove on ER BL yesterday evening. You kept fighting until your last one went down and it was quiet a close call, especially mid-fight.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Yeah, JS border was very intense tonight. Every time we thought we could actually attack something, either SFR attacked our spawn/lowlands or JS on lowlands/hills. Enjoyed a 5-10min battle vs a JS guild (DK?) at stargrove and lots of encounters with ZDS/BOOM, which could swing either way.

Thanks for all the great fights and the constant pressure. Good wake-up call after playing some “easier” match-ups.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

Frog King bug ?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Same thing just happend to our group. We’d have to hit him one more time with the shards, but they didn’t drop anymore. Couldn’t do anything with him sitting around 10% and left the instance.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

(edited by Aevis.4061)

Why are EU WvW servers hosted on NA servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


I’m not sure how you figured you’re connected to JQ/FA. If you refer to a simple traceroute and the IP you get, then that’s the login server which is located in Texas. Neither the US nor the EU gameservers are located in Texas.

This is a hot topic on german forums right now, as a lot of users (mostly from the largest german provider Telekom) experience horrible lags and freezes. Here’s the official answer (in german):

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

Easy solution to "problem of nightcapping"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Yes, population has to be taken into the score formula. It can’t be that 50 blue vs 10 red can accumulate the same points for blue in 1hr as 100 blue vs 100 red in 5hrs (numbers made up). Like EasymodeX said, there are some other factors to consider too but a simple multiplicator based on pop red vs pop blue percentage would already help a lot.

We’re enjoying some great battles in T1 EU atm during prime, but it’s devastating to wake up seeing server red ticking with 500+ again.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


We hope that will give to all servers a mind reboot for playing hard on WvWvW.

It’s not a question of playing “hard” if you can’t stem enough people for night coverage. Right now I can’t see any server beeing capable of bringing enough numbers during the night to be a threat to VS. Desolation did decent last two weeks but were still no match. Maybe the new Jade Sea can bring you some of that “hard” play.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

(edited by Aevis.4061)

Thank you ArenaNet!!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aevis.4061


Just finished two runs, so 2 × 3 dungeons + boss level and myself + guild party were blown away. Amazing art design and fun + challenging mechanics. kudos.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

26/10 Blacktide vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Elona's Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


To FSP, please don’t let yourself down on the fact that you don’t have any night/morning presence. Each encounter with you has been extremely fun and demanding. There’s no question about your skill and to me, you’re still the number one server to compete against. Even on our german forums, we pitty the fact that you guys have to struggle so bad with night coverage. Keep your heads up, another round with you would be awesome.

To Blacktide, you were the unknown variable this week. IMHO you didn’t start that well to give a good impression. The weekend was filled with mass zergs and on monday, your high early morning/morning presence was cleary showing. However, the further into the week we got, the better the fights became. You clearly demonstrated, that you aren’t just a superiority during the odd west europe times, although it is still your strongest point. Looking forward to the remaining two days, it’s been a pleasure.

To Red Guard, holy kitten. Yesterday evening on Blacktide Borderlands, you completely devastated us (Reno) two times, back to back. The first time, we didn’t even know what just happened. It also looked like you were around 20-25, which was only a bit over our size. I can tell you, you left some impressive mark and I can’t wait to face you guys again

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]

26/10 Blacktide vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Elona's Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Aevis.4061


BT strikes back
(pic from other forum)

Yeah our NPCs already complain that they always get bodied in the morning. Please, show some mercy! You know, they have feelings too.

Elona Reach [DE], Tamok [TA]