Lol you need to get over yourselves. There’s a profanity filter and a block option, if you can’t take people swearing, or talking about sex and drugs, then filter them out.
They’re not obligated to mind their manners around you. Remember, online actions and interactions are not rated by the ESRB.
It’s not there so players are free to use vulgar and profane language.
Then what is it for? I say the f-word in almost every single sentence I make. That’s how I grew up, that’s who I am, that’s the way I speak. Many many people have blocked me because they don’t like to hear the f-word so much. I understand and respect that, but I am never going to stop saying it because of how others feel. That’s what the filter/block is for.
No, you’re absolutely wrong. If you have so little self control that you can’t avoid saying a word that is offensive to a majority of people, then stop talking in the game. It’s that simple. You do not have a license to swear because of the filter. You do not have permission to offend others because of a lack of self-control, or your personal belief system, or your feeling of an inherent right to do as you want.
Our games are played on private game servers, and everyone who plays our game — everyone — agrees to abide by the User Agreement and the Rules of Conduct. If you cannot uphold the agreement that you freely accepted in order to join our game then again, I encourage you not to use any of the public chat channels but instead restrict yourself to those that are of a private nature, such as party chat amongst like-minded friends.
Edited to change “vast majority” or “a majority.” Arguments about percentages, global interpretations, personal preferences, or semantics will not be entertained. This is an important topic that should be joined only with the intention of legitimate and helpful participation.
Gaile Gray, I would like to ask a few questions then: You are saying that it is basically the inablitiy to control one-self when cursing. I curse, as do many others. It is part of a language that is spoken, and uncontrollable. It can often roll off the tongue (or the fingers in this case). So I would like you to specify the difference between cursing and excessive cursing (innappropriate language in general). Of course if I am wrong that you see no difference when it comes to ingame chat, then please clarify that one personally for me.
Also, much like yourself, I have not seen it as a massive problem. I haven’t seen (too many) instances of people being extremely excessive with their language. But I personally do not use curse words in every sentence, but it does happen. I would hate to be reported when I use such a word while I am NOT belittleing or being rude to someone, but just using a curse word or a joke of some sort. I understand reporting and taking care of those who are outright rude, but please do not begin punishing those who have no ill-intentions nor use excessive “offensive” language just because SOME people do not like it.