Showing Posts For Akkrem.8157:

Character creation hair bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


was already wondering did this hair always look like this

Venting over 2/7-17

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


i am not mad at anet, just keep doing your best.

what i however have a problem with is the city and the state. it snows like every year there. how can you forget it every year and then panic because of some snow. across the pond we hear EVERY YEAR how snow shuts schools and jams traffic and causes chaos in america. how can you be so oxymoron not to learn anything from last year? there’s no bad weather only bad equipment. how about upgrading yours?

cheers from northern europe. it’s -14 C / 7 F over here

Mordrem Invasion: Share Your Shots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


not. one. bloom.


Mordrem Invasion Rewards

in Living World

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


2 times 10 stacks and nothing. anet what the kitten???

Character creation camera bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


does anyone else think this is not normal?


Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


tiny asura trying to fill too big boots


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


i just love my ranger. she’s my main now


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


my guardian is here


Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


my firstborn


new living world story, please

in Living World

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


the thing is they used to patch every month. now with new release coming who-knows-when they no longer hold interest in releasing content before. people get bored and quit, you know?

new living world story, please

in Living World

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


i get anet is busy with heart of thorns but please, could we get some new content before the release? the last time was in january. three months ago! within these last 2,5+ years i’ve gotten used to having some new content to play every month or so. but now? all i have to play is personal story (for the sixth time), map completion (for fifth time) and playing living story once again from the start. or wait, i haven’t got the 5000 kills with shield yet! i can go and grind it. sorry but no thanks. there’s no more monthlies to do too. nowadays playing gw2 is like: go to gw2 wiki, see that there’s no new updates, go to gw2 page, check the new heart of thorns content, close server, turn off the computer.

newer players may have content which they have yet to play but please remember us older players too! sad to say but if there’s no new content to play i’ll probably just put my playing on hiatus until heart of thorns. if i have interest to restart then. keeping on playing for the sake of grinding money for new skins is not for me.

[Suggestion] storing gold in the bank again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


agree! bring back the ability to bank money in personal bank!

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns... Why?...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


you know… the only way to learn foreign languages is by listening, reading and using it yourself.

many foreigners seem to think finnish education system is so amazing every finn excels in english. sad to tell you but that isn’t right. i have friends who had totally no interest towards english at school and now they’re playing gw2 (thanks to me) with their poor english skills. but you know what? they have improved greatly since because they HAVE to use english for there’s no support in finnish. and i’m thankful for a’net for not having finnish because learning english through gw2 has made the life of my friends so much easier. thanks to gw2 and a’net they can handle english on their own now.

so what was the point of my post? if you do nothing but complain you are not good enough at english to play you certainly will not learn it. and thins comes from a person who spent a year on exchange in a foreign country without speaking the language. every language is learnable if you only want to learn.

and fyi, if i had to play gw2 in finnish i would uninstall it on the spot.

(edited by Akkrem.8157)

Error Code: 42:0:9001:4409:101 BLTC [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


the same. can’t sell or buy anything. seems like many are having the same problem :/

Use for mini Frames? (wintersday)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


i feel your pain. i have lost both my wing sets from dragon bash :‘/
and yeah, i too have two “extra” frames, princess and soldier because i’m missing 300 mystical cogs to build them!

gift exchangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


i just noticed gift exchangers also receive mystical cogs, drops of magic glue and wads of enchanted stuffing. i know glue and stuffing are buyable at trading company, but is there any way to get mystical cogs anymore? i’ve waited two years for them keeping the doll frames but have i done it for nothing?

friend can't even fill a bug report!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


yeah. yuyusshii.2876’s game is so bugged she can’t even report it on her account, i tried. she also can’t teleport after dying (nor while alive) but has to wait for someone to revive her, esc button doesn’t work (or rather it works like windows button while windows button does nothing) and she can’t open stuff in her inventory by double clicking it. instead, the game complains that “your messsage was suppressed due to excessive messaging”. same message is recieved when trying to open crafting recepies at crafting stations. in fact, nothing works by double clicking. not even changing armors. the problem with esc and windows buttond could be explained with computer problems but not double clickings and certainly not problems with waypoints or crafting stations.


Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


here’s my sylvari akkre is an ele and she has her war gear on


Craftable pets return?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


haha it seems my problem is totally opposite from everybody else… i have all the frames (3 complete minis and 2 frame-onlys) and cogs for one mini but absolutely no glue :/ so i’m not able to complete them either more cogs and glue anet!

Error 58:11:5:512

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


mine opened! ^^

Rate my Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


haha i have a male sylvari mesmer too just started with him though.

i like him, cannot say about the face though because of the mask. only thing i would change is the red color on armor because of his red skin color.

Error 58:11:5:512

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Akkrem.8157


haha i tried to correct my firewalls and everything and for nothing. should’ve come here straight away any experiences how much estimated times vary from the real duration?