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Twenty feet, two inches.

in Asura

Posted by: Alcix.7954


That one is very obvious and doesn’t sound anything like “20 feet, 2 inches”.

I’m inclined to believe that if there is not “20 feet…” line then it will have to be the “Body heat, diminished” line that StinVec mentioned.
Haven’t heard him say anything like that lately so haven’t been able to listen closely with headphones, but I also have been doing other things. The most I heard him say that line was when I was fighting Inquest in Dry Top, and most of them use some sort of chilling ability…so that is most likely it, since I cannot find anything else that more closely sounds like what I initially thought he was saying.

Twenty feet, two inches.

in Asura

Posted by: Alcix.7954



I’ll pay closer attention to see if “Body heat, diminished” fits the scenario. I don’t remember being chilled during those times, though. I’ll try listening with headphones on to see if I can hear what he says clearer.

Twenty feet, two inches.

in Asura

Posted by: Alcix.7954


What is this in reference to? Does it have any particular meaning?
My Asura says this often enough, typically after winning a battle. He says “Twenty feet, two inches.”

So, yeah. Anyone else? I’ve googled this over and over with no results. Not even listed as Asura dialogue.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alcix.7954


At first, I was a bit frustrated with how the event started. The lag made playing the first part almost impossible. Though this was greatly improved with the patch.
For the first two events I thought they fell a bit short of my expectations. Maybe this was because you guys built it up, maybe I built it up too much in my own head. Who knows.
That being said, I enjoyed this whole event. Yeah, it had some bugs and such, but seriously, the game has been live only since August and you’ve kicked out two events in a short time. I’m still enjoying the game immensely.
Really enjoyed the frustration of fighting these new creatures, offered a new challenge. The new dungeon is also really well done. I’ve haven’t tried all the fractals yet, and while I do find a few of them (the swamp in particular) mind-numbingly frustrating, it was designed to be that way. To be a challenge to get the group to work as a team instead of mindlessly hacking and slashing their way through.
And the final event? At first I thought it was a bit too long, though I did go straight to the event right after FotM, so that was my fault. Felt a bit slow, but it picked up pace with all the ways to drive the Ancient Karka back to the nesting ground. And seriously, the way to kill it? Awesome!
I did wonder, during the long battle(s), with the boss if this final event would be worth it. Then lo and behold a giant chest with several items nothing less than a rare. Granted, not many useful items for my character, but stuff I can save for other characters, or sell (probably save).
My biggest complaint would be the Consortium chests. When you guys said the gem store would be full of new items, that’s what I thought. New items. Not a chest that would be a gamble for said items. If I could pick what I wanted, I’d spend the gems on them, but I don’t like to gamble. That’s why I will never buy black lion keys. I did, however, go against my better judgment and purchase 1 chest. After opening I immediately regretted it. Some crafting material and a shoulder skin that 1) I could not use for my main character 2) didn’t look all that great. So, yeah, the chest was a very big disappointment.
Yeah, there were some issues, but I had a blast regardless. So, I give this event a 7/10. Could have been a bit better, but still pretty good.

(edited by Alcix.7954)

The happy thread

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


Haha! Have only played through part of Act II and am loving every bit of it. You guys are really outdoing yourselves. The Mad King Clock Tower is driving me insane…and I love it. Having a blast, Anet. Thank you.

The happy thread

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


Been loving the event so far. The decorations, the doors, the pumpkin carving. Great job Anet, really looking forward to the rest of the event.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


“OMG This event is a few days old and I don’t have anything rare after gambling away my money! Therefore it sucks! /ragequit”

Did I get the gist of it?

Anywho. As a person who has no event skins, recipes, or anything beyond candy, tonics and a handful of crafting items…and who has not spent any real money on anything…All I have to say is, this event is really a lot of fun. Having a blast with the event content and am looking forward to the remaining acts. I’m also glad that for every complainer I see quite a few people who are enjoying themselves.

When does pumpkin carving end?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


Thanks, that’s what I figured. Just wasn’t entirely certain.

When does pumpkin carving end?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


Just curious as to when pumpkin carving will end. Will it be available the entire event or end when act II comes about?
Almost done with with the achievement, and would like to get the title…Hopefully I still have more time.
(Tried searching for this, and didn’t find a topic or answer)

Not all casuals , working folk , etc agree with the gimme now gimme all crowd.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alcix.7954


I agree with the original poster of this thread. Not all of us are QQing here.
I am having a blast knocking on doors and carving pumpkins.

Really enjoy the festivities, Anet! Looking forward to how this progresses!

(edited by Alcix.7954)

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Alcix.7954


I can’t read too much of this thread, as I am just getting into the Trahearne parts, but I’ve heard enough and can see the shift from My Story to This Tree-Who-Came-From-Nowhere’s Story.
One of the things I loved so much about GW2 was the personal story. Just about every other MMO out there has your character a small part of what is actually going on, you’re just a soldier in an army who is slightly elevated above fodder.
Following the Personal Story was so much fun, made it so much…well, personal. Then, suddenly (and really, I mean suddenly, out of the freakin’ blue) this Sylvari comes along and it is rapidly becoming all about him. From my character’s story I didn’t even know who he was until he showed up and now everything is all about him. It is something I really dislike…borderline despise.

After all, “This is My Story” is how it starts off. Now, I don’t know how all the quests go, like I said this is just how it is currently showing, but from what I hear from people further along the story line is that it is still all about him. It makes me dread continuing the story, because frankly I don’t care about Trahearne at all, not the slightest.