Showing Posts For Alea.7625:
I think this is one of the best collection achievements they introduced : it’s funny, it requires you to wander in several different areas to get everything, you can’t buy the required items from someone else so you gotta move your bottom and stop earning AP’s and rewards by just having a big wallet, which isn’t a punitive restriction ‘cause it’s not too hard to complete it.
I don’t care about minis but a friend of mine was really excited about the changes the feature pack introduced for them. He played for hours and the only place he managed to actually display his mini was a WvW map
I play GW2 with my boyfriend
We found out today that for the first time, one of our daily achievement wasn’t the same for both accounts: he had Daily Interupter while I got Skill Point Accumulator.
Have you noticed somthong similar today? Was a small part of the dailies randomized? I didn’t saw that in the patch notes but I read them quickly so I might have missed it…
They did a nice update for minis. Too bad no one can display one anymore.
Supposition: I’m a PvP player, I want to play a new profession so I create a lvl 1 character of the desired profession. The PvP button isn’t shown bacause I don’t have the right lvl (18 or 22 I don’t remember), but as a veteran I know how to join the PvP lobby.
Now I enter a random PvP server. What happened when my HP drop to 0 ? Am I downed, or do I simply die because I’m only lvl 1 ?
All these weeks of being rofl-stomped by mega-zergs 2-3 times the population of our server is actually not enough for a weapon and we have to live through another season to make one?
That’s exactly how I feel.
An Augury Rock player
Please bring 8 vs 8 back. I used to only join 8 vs 8 servers, now sPvP seems so slow… I miss the dynamic fights.
(edited by Alea.7625)
I really enjoy SAB and I think most songs in it are great. My favorite one is W1-2, the part that plays from after the dark forest till the end of the level.
Why wasn’t it implemented in the Boom Box? T_T I mean, the Shortcut Wurm theme was added, what the hell? o_o"
I was so disappointed with the Boom Box :( It would be wonderful if that song could be added.