Showing Posts For Alinora Targew.1679:

Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Sunrise I- Hawke Liberetor.
the event is stuck on the last villager.

Legendary Collector achievement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

I made 4 legendary weapons and today I made Nevermore as my 5th Legendary. However, Nevermore didn’t count towards the achievement “Legendary Collector”.
I believe that a Legendary needs to be soul bound for it to count towards this achievement, while Nevermore appears to be account bound (thus not counting towards the achievement).
Is this a bug? And if so – do you guys know about it?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

I don’t understand why people are raging so hard. I mean yes $50 is quite a lot but it almost seems like nobody here has ever bought another game before. Let’s have a look shall we:

Evolve: $60 Pre-purchase
GTA V: $60 Pre-purchase
ArcheAge: $50 Founderspack
Sims 4: $60 Pre-purchase
WoW Mists of Pandaria: $40 Pre-purchase
Wildstar: $56 Pre-purchase

And so forth…. and if you think you get way more content for that you’re terribly misinformed. From the glimpse we seen of HoT we’re almost, virtually getting a new game and knowing Anet they will probably add tons of more, FREE content thereafter.

People keep complaining all the time how they would pay a subscription if it meant more content, then they give you a big chunk of content at a reasonable price in comparison to the rest of the market and people complain???

You get a full new game for that price…I’d buy it.
But what do you get for HOT? so far i seen guild halls and a map nothing more then that, oh and 1 class and some new system they are going to put in game before hot anyways. So what am i paying for?

Adopt-a-Dev for the WvW Fall Tournament

in WvW

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Bad idea…

If you want people to defend give better rewards.

Make us “help” upgrading the tower/keep that will make us stay there longer or something that we wont feel bored waiting hours looking at the grass (i do love the view but…)

you want to liven up the wvw?

get the quaggens back..

or try to work on new maps that are not the same
(I know that’s not going to happen but let a girl dream :P)

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

and i just <3 this screeni!


Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

it was really fun ^^;


Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Israel here.
I have lag problems for the past week can’t really do much in game.
I was hoping its a problem from my end but its not.
Did lots of tests and it seems i have a big PL(20-35%) from a host server in Germany.

DNSName of the server is :


If you guys use it as a host please contact them if not i don’t know what other then this it can be.

I hope it will get fixed soon , I really miss playing the game <\3.

(edited by Alinora Targew.1679)

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

I got the reward but my Achievement still says 97%, Character says 98% and World says 100%. Still would like to know what else to do to get the title or if its just a bug.

Same problem here.

(edited by Alinora Targew.1679)

World Completion bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Alright, I logged in, and that is funny:
I got 2x Gift of Exploration for completing 100% world.
But – my achievement says I have 98% so I have no title.
When I click “M” – it says I have 100%.
In character select menu, next to mine name, it’s written I have 98%.
When I mouseover the world map icon in top-right corner, it says I have 97%.

Have the same problem but I didnt got the Gifts :\

World map 100%
achievement 98%
the medallion-97%


(edited by Alinora Targew.1679)

WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Well maybe they need to make a feedback forum that’s why I post here because there’s no other place
I get the Idea I guess I’ll just need to wait

WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

this is just the way I think-
First impression is what he will take for the rest of the game and if he’s not in a full one I don’t think he will like wvw or even try it later on…I think that this testing will cost for the player that want to play or try it…and give up because of that…
If your saying that your testing them now
Its not the first time we up against a full one that’s why I find it frustrating ,
How long its going to take? 3-4-weeks?
in the end it will be Population base?

B.T.W.-it will be nicer if you let the person who open the post to answer it before locking it


WvWvW - Server Population- full always win

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

I find it really unfair that Medium,High servers go against a full one they will always win. A FULL server have more people in WvW then the smaller servers.
It’s the Second time I see it , please make WvW based on server population and not random, full vs full, high vs high and so on..
That will give Equal Experience for everybody.
As much I like WvW I don’t see the point of playing it now…