Showing Posts For Alot.1036:
She kind of reminds me of Jinx from League Of Legends, who seems to act evil purely out of boredom.
Ironically, you are currently complaining about people who are complaining.
Oh no, it’s quite the opposite, Gem Prices need to be privatized in order for GW2’s society to reach full Objectivism.
^You would think that people would no longer make the mistake of spam buying Black Lion Chests whenever something new can be found in the chest.
Are there people that suck with money? sure. That’s not even the point, the point is the economy is designed as such to basically funnel players into a certain play style or suffer for it. If the player base is earning toward their goal, no matter what style they choose, you wouldn’t be seeing as many threads about it. If RNG wasn’t the only factor in getting pres you wouldn’t have kitten off players. There are admittedly very poor design choices at work here.
What are these poor design choices? What is funneling players into a certain playstyle?
Human Guardian, no speed boost.
My reaction, 0,5 seconds after completion: YEAHHHHHHH!!!!
My reaction, 1,5 seconds after completion: [Spoiler]NEVER<NEVERNEVRNEVERTNEVER AGAIN.[/Spoiler]