Showing Posts For Alteony.3168:

Recipe issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


PLEASE put a Yes/No checker when learning new recipes. Just spent a lot of time farming 425 Geodes and then accidently clicked on the recipe that was next to my champion loot bag. This is extremely frustrating and a huge waste of time! This is an easy fix on your end.

(Don’t worry about the category of the thread. Save yourself some typing.)

Thief or Ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Quit my Ele when nerfs began a while back...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Never looked back until this patch. Part of me feels kittening kitten ed and betrayed, but part of me feels happy that I moved on.

Now if I could only transfer my bag slot unlocks and a mostly completed dye list from that Ele on to my actual main, that would be great!

Anet, thank you for making me waste my gems and gold on a character that you clearly obliterated and have no clue what’s its purpose. Have fun with the halloween patch guys!

PS. I’m sorry Eles. <3

Our mobility is!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Your title is extremely misleading.

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Oh really? Well I’m looking forward to that then. Was this based on a leak or just the dev responses around the forums? I’m just wondering how you heard about that.

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Well that was quick! Cheers Xyonon!

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Lol, hold off on your accusations. I’m happy with my build so count me out!

All I’m wondering at this point is if vulnerability boosts condition damage. Does anyone know for sure?

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


I think you’re right about the Vulnerability; which is terrible. I could never find an actual answer if condition damage is in any way affected by it. Wish that trait actually applied a random condition like it says instead of just one of the three.

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Yea, it’s ‘Chaos’ trait V. Clones apply a random condition to nearby foes when they are killed.

Thanks for the answer!

Debilitating Dissipation range?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Hello there,

I was just wondering the distance of Debilitating Dissipation since I couldn’t find this on the wiki.

Side question:
Based on your experience, do you think this trait should allow for a larger variety of conditions? (Simply due to the fact that only one of them, bleeding, does damage; the tooltip is slightly misleading.)

I would like my Laurel and Badges back please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Hi Navi. They didn’t refund me the laurel or badges, however they did replace the ring with another ring of equal value. Which solves my problem entirely. Thank you for originally suggesting to contact them, it was greatly helpful unlike some of the other posts in this thread. Good luck and cheers all the good people, especially Navi ;P

I would like my Laurel and Badges back please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Yea, who am I kidding. They will never address this issue or reimburse me. Thanks for all the replies though.

PS. It’s funny to see that one quintessential smart-kitten pretend to know what happened while ignoring the glaring problem at hand.

I would like my Laurel and Badges back please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168



I would like my Laurel and Badges back please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


When have I ever encountered a unique item (with such a rule) in the game other than that time; never. More importantly, how was I suppose to know such a rule exists.

I would like my Laurel and Badges back please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


I can’t express how frustrated I am about this, and I can’t believe there would be no warning message about this.

I purchased 2 of the same Ascended rings last night only to find out I can’t equip both of them. This story sound familiar?

After speaking to countless other people, many have made the same mistake as well. This frustrates me so much. I’m trying really hard not to use every swear word possible to express myself better.

Laurels take a long time to obtain, and if I knew this, I wouldn’t have bought something that’s gonna be sitting in my storage. PLEASE return my laurel and badges to me, or let me pick another item. I don’t have all the time in the world to invest in this game, so please don’t take away something from me that took a long time to earn. Thank you.

Also, add a warning message so countless other people don’t end up getting screwed over as well.

2 bugs with World 1 Trib mode

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


The waterfall water that is….

2 bugs with World 1 Trib mode

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Following a fellow players tutorial, I found that a specific platform is missing out of the stage.

It the panel he lands on at 1:54 time.

The 2nd issue is with the first store in W1Z3 trib mode… the water kills you no matter what.

"Swift Closer" achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alteony.3168


I did this SO MANY TIMES and it never works. There is NO buff indicating a timer. Arena Net PLEASE fix this so I can get my achievement. Thank you!

A serious question that will be ignored

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Why create an invasion event when you’re going to disconnect us right before it’s over?
Now go ahead and ignore the question devs.

keybinding for autotargeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alteony.3168


I’m bumping this… for the love of goodness.

keybinding for autotargeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Exactly! Thank you. SO PLEASE ANET! PLEASE!

keybinding for autotargeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alteony.3168



Please add a keybinding option to toggle Autotargeting on and off. I am not talking about the existing autotarget option that allows you to autotarget while holding another button (this is not intuitive). This can’t be hard to implement. Please add this. I’ve been asking for this since Beta. PLEASE! How many more ‘pleases’ do you need?

PS. I hate writing in caps lock but you made me!

Autotarget Toggle PLEASE!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Please please please let us be able to set a custom key where we can turn the autotarget on and off. PLEASE!

Mist Form needs work

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alteony.3168


This is why I jumped on here today. This is either not working as intended, or the tooltip description is incorrect. Please consider fixing this. <3

Autotarget Toggle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alteony.3168


Thank you for the suggestion, but I think you missed my point. I’m not looking to toggle my Autotarget through the Options menu, but to toggle it by using a BUTTON on my keyboard. If you read my original post, it says… “Autotarget Toggle button (or if we were able to create our own shortcut)”.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion! Have fun in game.

Autotarget Toggle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alteony.3168


I don’t know where to make this suggestion.

This is extremely frustrating. If there was only an Autotarget Toggle button (or if we were able to create our own shortcut), this would help me out tremendously. This is just a suggestion but PLEASE take it seriously.