Umbral Ascendancy [UA]
A long awaited Bump. UA is back after our break and bringing in new members. Join UA to become family!
Looking for more ambitious members to increase our ranks. Advancement is possible in our family to those who show initiative.
UA is warming up for the HOT expansion. Join us today for an excursive position in the upcoming expansion!
UA is still ongoing and strong, we are still openly recruiting new or old players.
Guild Lottery is now in effect. See our website for more information!
Umbral Ascendancy welcome 5 new members this week.
First attempt at a Guild Rush was successful!. Congrats to all that made it!
Thank you both! Yes, I agree more strangers would make things a bit more difficult. It already seems a bit “impersonal” but then how would I motivate my current member to be more vocal in guild chat or even TS?
I believe I am posting in the right section because this is not a thread about looking for a guild merger. This is more along the lines of asking the community some questions and getting some feedback on an idea I have had in my mind for awhile.
Obviously, I am a guild leader with ~100 members under me. We are fully unlocked, have a website, teamspeak3, and a Kik chat room. We do guild missions every week and for the most part we seem to be a very causal happy family.
But, I have noticed some issues within the guild that I am not sure on how to address by myself and my officers are just as clueless as I am. Those revolve around communication. Our TS3 is rarely used for anything but our missions and the guild chat can go quiet for hours at a time.
I became a guild leader so I can make long lasting friends and provide for them the best that I can. I miss the days in other games where guild chat would be non-stop banter between guildies and participation would never be an issue. I play an MMORPG for the people, If I wanted to be by myself I would just play Skyrim.
Now that you have some of the basics to my problem I will bring in the “idea”. With only ~100 members, we have space to take in more and expand. Being fully set up with all the tools a guild could need including a paid website and TS. Would a guild merger with another guild solve the problem?
So here comes the community questions. Would this be a healthy turn for the guild? Has a guild merger ever happened to anyone’s knowledge? What was the outcome? Does anyone think there would even be another struggling guild out there that would want to merge? [I mean who would want to give up what they had to becoming part of something bigger?]
I’m just curious because I want to fix the growing problem of silence… I could take the easy route and join a guild that had that talkative community already, but I cant give up on my family…
Any advice/input is appreciated…
Thank you for reading.
We will be doing our weekly guild missions tomorrow after server reset. Join now to participate!
Please visit our website ( for more information on our next contest!
[UA] Umbral Ascendancy
We rise from the shadow, We rule from the shadow. We rise and rise again with each new day.
UA is recruiting all players and play styles. We are a North American based guild that offers all end game content. We have our own website and TeamSpeak3 servers. We host monthly guild contests with prizes. We concentrate on quality members over quantity and try to get to know each person on our roster to develop friendships. UA is a family and we are opening up our doors to you!
Most guilds today focus on maximizing their roster, it is the quantity and not the quality of their members that matters to them. When you join a guild with this mindset you are quickly forgotten and lost in the mass. You are just another number and not a player who is really good at playing their class and has much knowledge to offer or a player who is new but is a lot of fun to explore the game with. At Umbral Ascendancy we genuinely want to get to know our members and experience Guild Wars 2 with players we become friends with. Guild Wars 2 is a enjoyable game, but this enjoyment is expounded upon when you are experiencing all the game offers with others. This is why Umbral Ascendancy was created.
Some guilds even go as far as telling you how to play your class and what gear and weaponsets you should or shouldn’t use. A big part of the game is experimenting with the different classes and finding what gear and weaponsets you like using most. Umbral Ascendancy does not limit you or tell you how your class must be played. If you want advice we gladly help you, but we do not enforce the current meta-builds; they are looked at as optional. This same view is followed when it comes to dungeons and other high-end content. Certain dungeons call for specific class setups. If you want to do a dungeon with five elementalists so be it! It is about having fun and not beating speedclear records. We want you to play what you enjoy most and feel most confident using. In the end Umbral Ascendancy’s success does not come from its accomplishments but rather from its member’s enjoyment of being a part of the guild. We look forward to playing with you!
GO TO: and click on the JOIN UA tab.
(OR) Send an in game mail to Anastasis.6705
[UA] Umbral Ascendancy
We rise from the shadow, We rule from the shadow. We rise and rise again with each new day.
UA is recruiting all players and play styles. We are a North American based guild that offers all end game content. We have our own website and TeamSpeak3 servers. We host monthly guild contests with prizes. We concentrate on quality members over quantity and try to get to know each person on our roster to develop friendships. UA is a family and we are opening up our doors to you!
Most guilds today focus on maximizing their roster, it is the quantity and not the quality of their members that matters to them. When you join a guild with this mindset you are quickly forgotten and lost in the mass. You are just another number and not a player who is really good at playing their class and has much knowledge to offer or a player who is new but is a lot of fun to explore the game with. At Umbral Ascendancy we genuinely want to get to know our members and experience Guild Wars 2 with players we become friends with. Guild Wars 2 is a enjoyable game, but this enjoyment is expounded upon when you are experiencing all the game offers with others. This is why Umbral Ascendancy was created.
Some guilds even go as far as telling you how to play your class and what gear and weaponsets you should or shouldn’t use. A big part of the game is experimenting with the different classes and finding what gear and weaponsets you like using most. Umbral Ascendancy does not limit you or tell you how your class must be played. If you want advice we gladly help you, but we do not enforce the current meta-builds; they are looked at as optional. This same view is followed when it comes to dungeons and other high-end content. Certain dungeons call for specific class setups. If you want to do a dungeon with five elementalists so be it! It is about having fun and not beating speedclear records. We want you to play what you enjoy most and feel most confident using. In the end Umbral Ascendancy’s success does not come from its accomplishments but rather from its member’s enjoyment of being a part of the guild. We look forward to playing with you!
GO TO: and click on the JOIN UA tab.
(OR) Send an in game mail to Anastasis.6705
Last day to qualify for the screenshot contest!
Another successful guild trek and bounty. We are no in the process of unlocking rushes! They will be available next Saturday!.
[UA] Umbral Ascendancy
We rise from the shadow, We rule from the shadow. We rise and rise again with each new day.
UA is recruiting all players and play styles. We are a North American based guild that offers all end game content. We have our own website and TeamSpeak3 servers. We host monthly guild contests with prizes. We concentrate on quality members over quantity and try to get to know each person on our roster to develop friendships. UA is a family and we are opening up our doors to you!
Most guilds today focus on maximizing their roster, it is the quantity and not the quality of their members that matters to them. When you join a guild with this mindset you are quickly forgotten and lost in the mass. You are just another number and not a player who is really good at playing their class and has much knowledge to offer or a player who is new but is a lot of fun to explore the game with. At Umbral Ascendancy we genuinely want to get to know our members and experience Guild Wars 2 with players we become friends with. Guild Wars 2 is a enjoyable game, but this enjoyment is expounded upon when you are experiencing all the game offers with others. This is why Umbral Ascendancy was created.
Some guilds even go as far as telling you how to play your class and what gear and weaponsets you should or shouldn’t use. A big part of the game is experimenting with the different classes and finding what gear and weaponsets you like using most. Umbral Ascendancy does not limit you or tell you how your class must be played. If you want advice we gladly help you, but we do not enforce the current meta-builds; they are looked at as optional. This same view is followed when it comes to dungeons and other high-end content. Certain dungeons call for specific class setups. If you want to do a dungeon with five elementalists so be it! It is about having fun and not beating speedclear records. We want you to play what you enjoy most and feel most confident using. In the end Umbral Ascendancy’s success does not come from its accomplishments but rather from its member’s enjoyment of being a part of the guild. We look forward to playing with you!
GO TO: and click on the JOIN UA tab.
(OR) Send an in game mail to Anastasis.6705
Less than a week left in our current contest. Join now for you chance to win prizes!
Guild bounty and trek this Saturday!
Welcome new members!
I believe a proactive approach is better then hoping someone will respond to a forum post. Players will spend their time in game. Not trolling the forums. When I see someone who is looking for a guild, especially a player new to GW2 who will spend the majority of their free time in game, I will send them an in game invite and speak to them in the medium that we will use on a day to day basis.
Guardian of Angles: I do apologize if I happened to “poach” your prospect who has since then joined UA and thank you for bumping my post.
in game invites sent to both of you
in game invite sent
in game invite sent
We have now unlocked Guild Treks! We are on a weekly mission schedule!
20 days remaining in our monthly screenshot contest! Join UA now to partake in our events!
New members continue to stream into UA, Come join us and the family!!
Welcome new members to UA
Another successful bounty! Proud of all of you!
We are and your in perfect timing. Our next Guild Bounty is tomorrow!
Guild Bounty will activate this Saturday! Join now for your commendations!
Guild Name: Umbral Ascendancy
Guild Server: Northern Shiver Peaks
Guild Leader: Anastasis.6705
*Build Queue reset Art of War level 6 at 100% completion (I did get the influence back just lost the 1 week 3 days build time)
*Build Queue is stuck at 100% for all other upgrades
*Guild Workshop is not functioning
*No longer able to see the background of my guild emblem.
Our monthly contest is active! Join UA now to be able to participate.
Umbral Ascendancy is having the same issue
UA is happy to welcome 2 new members to our ranks today!
If your still interested I thought I would throw Umbral Ascendancy into the hat. We are a NA based guild offering a friendly casual play environment. We have dungeon, fractal, world boss trains just about everyday and are stumbling through guild missions at the moment.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
If you are still in the market I would like to throw Umbral Ascendancy into the mix. A lot of what you posted is actually in our advertisement which I recommend you check out. I will post the link below. We are a casual PVX guild that focuses on quality relationships over roster size. So if you think any of that sounds like something that interests you, do some research and feel free to ask some questions.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
congrats to all who participated in our weekly guild bounty!
time for the daily bump
16 new members from this post so far! Welcome all!!!
Join now tobe just in time for our next guild contest!
Thank you and again, Welcome all new members!
Welcome all new members to UA!!! Our doors are still open! Come join the family!
Umbral Ascendancy [UA] is recruiting! We are a casual, PvE, N.A. based guild that offers: Fractals|Dungeons|TeamSpeak|Website|Monthly Contests with prizes and more! Join the family!
GO TO: and click on the JOIN UA tab.
(OR) Send an in game mail to Anastasis.6705
time for another bump
bumpy bump bump bumpy bump bump look at bump bump go
If your still interested I thought I would throw Umbral Ascendancy into the hat. We are a NA based guild offering a friendly casual play environment. We have dungeon, fractal, world boss trains just about everyday and are stumbling through guild missions at the moment.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
We are based on Northern Shiverpeaks but have many members on Jade Quarry as well. Unless you want to spent a lot of time in the battlegrounds it does not really matter which server your on.
If you are still in the market I would like to throw Umbral Ascendancy into the mix. A lot of what you posted is actually in our advertisement which I recommend you check out. I will post the link below. We are a casual PVX guild that focuses on quality relationships over roster size. So if you think any of that sounds like something that interests you, do some research and feel free to ask some questions.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
Hey Tammy,
If your still interested I thought I would throw Umbral Ascendancy into the hat. We are a NA based guild offering a friendly casual play environment. We have dungeon, fractal, world boss trains just about everyday and are stumbling through guild missions at the moment.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
If your still looking, Umbral Ascendancy always has open doors! Although off to a slow start this guild will be around in the years to come because it is a way for a lot of friends to keep in touch with each other over the distance.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message/mail me in game.
Check out our webpage and GW2 forum recruiting post @
See our website at
See our forum post at
Check out Umbral Ascendancy, We have many gay members and officers. We are a friendly environment that keeps judgments outside of game. If you think you would be a good fit please look at our webpage and forum post.
See our website at
See our forum post at
Thank you for your time and consideration! HAVE FUN!!!
Umbral Ascendancy [UA] is an established home for new players or old just looking for a friendly helpful environment! We would love to have you if you’d think you’d be a good fit.
See our website at
See our forum post at
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.