Showing Posts For Andar.9107:
Dont forget to add in the 150% when you add up your crit damage. You cant compare a % loss without looking at the full crit damage.
People also hugely overestimate how much of their effective full outgoing damage is even based on critting attacks. They forget about, well, just about everything. The boons, the procced conditions, the skill-based conditions, the time spent not hitting but still contributing to the fight progressing, etc.
Overall, there’s no really perceptible nerf in PvE IMO. Yes if I screenshot the numbers they’re lower but it doesn’t feel lower.
You weren’t doing that much damage then, plain and simple. Losing 35-45% crit damage, while perhaps only being a 10-15% overall nerf, is VERY much noticeable. A warrior’s Evicerate would go from 14k to 11k for example. People get used to the numbers on their dps so when they see a poorly designed nerf like this, they’ll obviously react negatively. I’m glad Arenanet got what they wanted and all these new non-zerker builds are viable now….oh wait…nevermind we just kittened a bunch of customers off for nothing.
Anet logic: There’s a problem with conditions and PvE. And there’re 2 ways to fix it:
a) Address it directly by changing how conditions are stacked or how to solve their damage.
b) Mess other things so it seems you’re doing something, but it ends not solving the problem (conditions are still useless is PvE), and even more killing power build in all WvW scenario (cause they also had that amazing idea to have both massive PvP and PvE areas ruled by same rules).
Didn’t expect them to take the wrong one… Seriously, now roaming is just so lame with those condi-spammer builds and cheesy mechanics…
Yes they went for the “kitten everyone off in PvE whiel fixing nothing with the other builds” route.
How was it higher than announced? They said 10% OVERALL damage nerf but crit damage % would be higher. Some builds/classes are hurt more than others but I don’t see a huge deviation from 10%.
Not that I agree with the nerf, just saying it was announced correctly.
According to their own article – 10% overall for full zerker build. Lets see warrior…
Acended trinkets, armor, scholar runes and weapon used to be 109%. Post-patch is 72.6%
36% are simply missing. Not even close to 10. But almost 4 times higher than the announced.
learn2math, 10% crit damage is NOT 10% overall damage
Sadly you’re wrong.
It’s – "ping zerker gear or kick " from now on. No longer does the current dps of a party afford to carry slackers.this^
less damage – zerk more viable.
classes like necro/engi/ranger – no no, only high dps classes – thief war ele
if before patch i wasnt care about party gear or classes, play how you want – i have enough dmg to cover your ptv kitten . now I care, i dont want to carry ptv/cleric/bearbow other words – zerk or kick.
for pve? maybe, but i expect to see more groups fail because they are doing 40% less damage and not downing the boss fast enough.
How exactly are they doing 40% less damage?
I’ve calculated my damage – I lost about 10% depending on buff and food and whatnot.
The average zerker damage – the OVERALL damage nerf was around 10%.
Yes – the critical damage loss was bigger but the overall damage loss isn’t much over 10%.So if a party of 5 zerkers had the damage of X before the patch, they’ve lost roughly 10% of damage output – making a 100 second fight last 10 seconds longer.
I doubt it’ll impact/ change much.You lose a lot more than that lol. On your traits, if you do 30 in the crit damage line for the 300 plus to ferocity, thats 20 crit damage instead of 30 now. Thats minus 10% crit damage from traits alone. Also, just for the zerk amulet alone, you go from 9 crit damage to 5.6. You can keep calculating the loss in crit damage and you’ll see its more than 10% on your crits.
Read what he said, it is >10% crit damage but that does not equate to 10% overall nerf. Certain builds derive more of their damage from crit and will be hurt a little more than 10% (perhaps a lot more) but on the average it is supposed to be 10% overall damage (not crit damage).
Sadly you’re wrong.
It’s – "ping zerker gear or kick " from now on. No longer does the current dps of a party afford to carry slackers.this^
less damage – zerk more viable.
classes like necro/engi/ranger – no no, only high dps classes – thief war ele
if before patch i wasnt care about party gear or classes, play how you want – i have enough dmg to cover your ptv/bearbow kitten . now I care, i dont want to carry ptv/cleric/bearbow other words – zerk or kick.
you guys sound like you are upset at anet and now you want to rebel against them by doing the thing they didnt want you to do. like little kids.
Umm no just stating that their intentions for the change won’t match the result. It isn’t out of spite, its just math. There are certain PvE mechanics that can’t be avoided unless you have a certain damage threshold. Nerf overall damage, and group dps matters more, hence non-zerker is tolerated less as it isn’t optimal and thus reducing build diversity.
Non-zerkers aren’t non-viable cause zerker is so good, they’re not viable because they don’t work. Condi’s don’t work in group PvE due to stacking rules and they scale like crap. Control builds don’t work due to boss defiance. Tank builds don’t work cause too many things one-shot you no matter how much defense you have so zerker dodging is just as effective.
For PvP sure, in PvE non-zerker will be tolerated even less now.
How was it higher than announced? They said 10% OVERALL damage nerf but crit damage % would be higher. Some builds/classes are hurt more than others but I don’t see a huge deviation from 10%.
Not that I agree with the nerf, just saying it was announced correctly.
At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.
Well… Nope.
Now basically Warrior’s Discipline is 20% from 30%. Zerk weapon is 8.5% from 10%.
Ring from 8% to 4.5% etc.
It looks to me the nerf is higher than the announced.
Anet dev to come here and explain it.Ye the nerf is higher than they said, I have no idea how the devs could have gotten their calculations wrong? Technically we could have figured out this nerf before the patch though because we already know the stats on secondary stats. For some reason no one really did the calculations which is quite odd.
Lol name one new build that is viable in PvE now that zerker is a little less effective? Guardian Condi? Lol a condi build built around a single condition that doesn’t stack and a buidl that’s screwed by a single other party member applying burn.
Other builds aren’t viable cause zerker is so effective, they’re not viable because they either don’t work in group PvE (condi) or they waste stats on things you don’t need in PvE that can be used for dps.
They should have just introduced more dps stats like haste to compete with zerker.
No, it would not have. See point #3. Using a different ratio would have resulted in the armor going over budget instead.
And as for incentivizing people to wear all zerker gear, that’s intentional. If you want that high damage output, you need to have a high investment in it. No more getting the best of both worlds. They wanted to hurt those people only getting the accessories.
Yes and I disagree with #3 in a world where the alternative is to flatly reduce zerker and non-zerk damage alike without fixing the alternatives first. It makes the player base mad by seeing reduced damage output and group performance, and it makes me think they don’t understand the underlying problem pushing people to not want non-zerkers in the first place and are only interested in clunky band-aids.
The better solution, to me, is to add an alternative damage-dealing meta to zerker to compete (realistically they’re not going to change all the existing mechanics so we live with it). Right now there’s only power/prec/ferocity and nothing else if you want to do damage in PvE. Conditions don’t work in group content even if they were on equal damage footing. Adding stats like haste, CD reduction, armor piercing, cleave damage, etc to the existing damage stats would create more interesting damage builds as it is clear that is what most of the people want to play given the content.
So it’s a question of risk vs reward, and it’s a question of limiting min-maxing.
It’s worth noting that trinkets also provide significantly higher non-percent stats than most pieces of armour. And though I don’t want to get into a debate about it, it is still worth mentioning the existence dire.
The point remains that they should have preserved the potential. The maximum amount of burst damage from a crit build was not at all unreasonable assuming that the player was actually glass. Or that they sacrificed some measure of their damage to gain some measure of survivability. Because of the distribution and ratio of ferocity the ceiling for all power builds is lowered.
There are a couple of parameters they had that you are forgetting.
1. Crit damage is a secondary stat, therefore any formula they use must work off of the secondary value on all gear.
2. Crit damage on trinkets was over-budget, so the amount provided by said trinkets had to be reduced.
3. Crit damage on armor/weapons was in the desired place already.
So, between #2 and #3, we have an issue. You can’t just shift some of the crit damage from the trinkets to the armor, because now the armor is over budget, even if the trinkets are now in the right spot. In addition, the armor/weapon crit damage stats had to line up pretty closely with Precision values on Zerker gear.
There is simply no way to satisfy all three issues without nerfing the maximum crit damage potential. As such, the overall damage nerf had to happen. Yes, this upsets players, but any change upsets players.
One thing you also likely missed is that, in the same Ready Up, they stated that Ferocity as a primary stat on gear is now a possibility. The time may come when your crits are even bigger than they are now, at the cost of smaller non-crits.
@Andar: Pretty sure the “Vast majority” doesn’t run Zerker gear. Yes, it is by far the best, and yes, the issue is due to enemy design. However, this change needed to be made regardless. Best to get it (the simplest of the likely changes) done and out of the way to see what kind of an impact it has while they work on the rest of their plan.
Your issue is easily solved by Anet choosing a different Ferocity to Crit % ratio. They could have properly reduced the Accessories Ferocity inline with other budgets but upped the overall ratio to keep total crit % the same as zerker builds now. Their change hurt the non armor zerker wearers (accessories only) significantly more than all-zerker builds which is clumsy and ill-conceived and will only incentivise people to now wear ALL zerker to make up the accessories loss (this is all PvE mind you).
Check the LFG tool any time during prime time and at least half are “zerker only” runs and even the non zerker only runs end up at least 3/5’s zerker at some level. Any solution to the problem can’t possibly start with kittening this many people off without fixing their alternatives. People like playing damage builds, you only make them mad by forcing them into a non-working alternative.
Ahh, I see the issue. You didn’t see the Ready Up when they announced that it was specifically those “hybrids” that they were aiming at, especially for WvW. People have been taking the Zerker trinkets and going pure Soldier for everything else because they got obscene crit damage for their tiny investment and still get to be tanky. The reduction on Zerker builds was also desirable as they aim toward making other gear types more relevant for PvE (this is the first step, not the only step).
Why make your first step “kitten off the vast majority of PvE customers” by flatly reducing their damage? The non-zerk builds aren’t viable just because they do less damage, they’re less viable because they flat out don’t work for most of PvE content. Name one non-zerk build that even comes close to working let alone zerker damage. Conditions builds? Yea lets invest our entire build into something that can easily get stack limited if another guardian applies burning or stacks bleed too high. Condition builds are useless for most world bosses and structures. Defensive builds? No reason to invest into defensive stats when bosses one-shot you no matter how much vitality you have. Control builds? Doesn’t work on bosses due to Defiance, next.
The answer isn’t to make non-working builds more attracting by bringing zerker down. All that does is make players mad and cause them to tolerate non-zerkers in their PUG’s even less since overall group damage is now less.
The answer is to make a competitor to zerker by either fixing condition stacking in PvE or adding new DPS stats like haste/armor piercing/cd reduction/etc to compete with crit damage.
Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.
These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.
Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.
Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.
That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.
You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).
The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..
If you have one build that can get it done insanely fast and another build that gets the same content done incredibly slowly then you shouldn’t be surprised when everyone goes to the fast build. Until you change the mechanics to make another insanely fast build to compete with it (berserker versus condi versus anything else isn’t even close in comparison for most classes), then nerfing the one everyone is using just makes people mad and changes nothing. The player base responds by tolerating non-meta builds even LESS now and requiring full berserker groups to maintain the same quality of life in the dungeon as before, gg Anet.
An extra couple of minutes is not what I would call extremely slow and it surely isn’t game breaking. Yet these “go zerk or GTFO” seem to think it is.
It doesn’t need to be gamebreaking or the end of the world, it just needs to be preferred. Their groups are filling fast in LFG so obviously it isn’t much of a hindrance to group forming. It isn’t just an extra couple minutes tacked on to the end of the run, a lot of mechanics can be avoided by simply burning down the mob fast enough.
Spirit weapons are embarrassingly broken and a software company having them in a realeased product for over a year is like walking around with your pants around your ankles. Important trait lines are useless if you don’t use a single weapon (greatsword/zeal line) so that promotes a single-meta mentality which should be avoided. In the new patch they’re trying to push this pro-condition thing when guardians have a single condition that scales poorly and that every other class already applies to the target thus negating their entire build.
Using “guardians are in a good spot” as an excuse to not fix them for months is indefensible.
(edited by Andar.9107)
A kittened off customer base and even more need to have 5 berserker groups to make up for the dps loss.
This makes no sense. There is no more need than before. You act as if there’s some kind of magical time limit to a dungeon run where anything faster is pointless and anything less is horrible.
Before patch: “Hey guys we’re running this dungeon with 3 full berserker chars in 15 mins, should we bother getting 2 more berserkers?” “Nah, why bother going faster than 15 mins.”
After patch: “Hey guys we’re running this dungeon with 3 full berserker chars in 16 mins, should we bother getting 2 more berserkers?” “Heck yea, we’re kitten if we don’t do this 1 minute faster!!”
I never said there was a magic dungeon clear time people shoot for. A lot of high level fractal runs can be avoided by the group dps’ing down trash and elites fast enough (i.e. during protection or reflect times on the group) that the mobs won’t one-shot them. Before this could possibly be done with one or two non-berserkers in the group. If you nerf the berserker meta all you do is make that group want more berserkers in the group.
We can argue all day by how much they want more bersekers, but you can’t deny that they’ll want berserkers less now since the alternative builds are still trash for PvE mechanics and Anet didn’t change that (a few of them get nerfed harder than berserkers by the change like if you only used zerker accessories and survival armor for instance).
(edited by Andar.9107)
Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.
These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.
Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.
Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.
That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.
You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).
The thing is that it isn’t only build that currently works. It is just the build that can get it done insanely fast. If people weren’t so obsessed about running at peak efficiency and doing 15 min Arah runs we probably wouldn’t be as big a deal. It is a bigger deal for WvW roaming power builds which will be facing condi tanks but they will adapt and I am sure we will find a good setup that will give us the power we need since most don’t run full zerker spec anyway..
If you have one build that can get it done insanely fast and another build that gets the same content done incredibly slowly then you shouldn’t be surprised when everyone goes to the fast build. Until you change the mechanics to make another insanely fast build to compete with it (berserker versus condi versus anything else isn’t even close in comparison for most classes), then nerfing the one everyone is using just makes people mad and changes nothing. The player base responds by tolerating non-meta builds even LESS now and requiring full berserker groups to maintain the same quality of life in the dungeon as before, gg Anet.
I don’t think you get it. Crit-damage based damage is supposed to be nerfed. You’re not supposed to be able the put up the same DPS on crit builds as you were before, as crit builds were overpowered to the point they made all other builds effectively useless
Nerfing crit makes base power equally valuable, and increases the value of every other stat in the game because you can’t as easily cheese through everything by stacking in a corner and burning it down.
Saying that it penalizes valk/other builds because they “need to go zerk to keep their DPS” is missing the point. You’re not supposed to have the same DPS in those builds as you did before. The overtuned way crit damage was previously implemented led to the currently broken PvE metagame of “all damage, all the time” which at best trivialized content, and at worst required overtuned DPS races that made the problem worse.
It’s not crit damage that makes the other builds not viable, its the other builds themselves. Conditions are completely broken and useless in a group environment due to stacking rules. So what other builds are there for dungeons? A mix of power and survival maybe? The problem with this build is that survival isn’t currently rewarded since you can dodge your way out of most problems and everything in high-level fractals one-shots you regardless of how much survival you have so you may as well go berserker.
Either fix condition stacking to work in groups or add a new stat like haste that will compete with crit damage. Until then you won’t see any new diversity and all Anet has accomplished is kittening off it’s customers by nerfing the most popular and only build that currently works for the content.
If they were worried about groups steam rolling content, fixing stuff like Fiery Greatsword’s OP Fiery Rush into boss in a corner for a billion damage “trick” would be a far better solution.
Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.
These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.
Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.
Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.
That is kind of what I meant by this is just the first step. Revamp the boss fight mechanics, make a few tweaks to how condition damage works and you have pretty much leveled the playing field to where many builds which are considered useless at the moment become useful and even desired.
You can do all those steps you mentioned and also not kitten off your player base at the same time by nerfing the only build that currently works until you do all those other things (which I’m still skeptical they will).
The mentallity that zerker nerf will force everyone to be zerker is completely fictional…
Perhaps now people should learn to actually fight the encounters instead of cheesing them via stacks and DPS race. Then again, most of the people playing GW2 actually think they earned their exotics…
Umm care to give an argument why it is fictional? To me it sounds like a perfectly rational and likely response to a nerf to group dps. Before most exp paths could be completed with 4 zerkers + 1 support/condi/tank no problem, now that group will just bring 5 zerkers and not tolerate a cleric or condi build in order to keep clears as quick as they were.
Instead of just glibly bashing the player base, care to give an example of how you think things will actually change?
Anet said that this is just the first step to make other types of build viable and purge the “GO FULL ZERK OR GTFO” movement that has been plaguing the game since launch. I hope it works, getting sick of these PvE meta builds.
These “PvE meta builds” come from how Anets set up the mechanics of the game. Look up a few threads, it’s really a vicious circle.
Dodging needs to be relevant leads to mobs with big attacks leads to tank builds still getting 1-2 shot leads to zerk and dodge being the best course of action, put simply.
Correct, as long as _______ is best damage, then current boss AI dictates that will be the way to go. Nerfing it just makes groups need it more to respond to the loss of damage. The way to go is fixing the condition stacking to actually make those builds attractive for group play, adding a new stat like haste to compete with crit damage, and fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword’s OP Fiery Rush into a corner with the boss.
Everyone will lose a lot of crit damage with the upcoming patch. That means we do not need to stop using Berserker. We can still augment our damage output by adding bleeding through Sword and Dual Wield Agility.
Not until we see the new sigils and runes, we cannot deduce on how to use them to our advantage.
Both those things aren’t free damage. Why don’t we use sword now? Because the other weapons are better damage. What trait do we give up for dual wield agility? This is an across the board nerf to everyone with the response being the exact opposite of what Anet intended. A kittened off customer base and even more need to have 5 berserker groups to make up for the dps loss.
Yes it’ll still be viable as long as the dungeons stay the same; which seems likely. Stacking, skipping, DPSing is the way to go for most, if not all, PVE content and zerker will provide the most DPS. As far as WvW and PVP, you can mix and match with what works for you.
Another person stated it best: Zerker gear isn’t the problem; it’s a symptom. The problem is the PVE content is best beaten by stacking, skipping, and DPSing and that’s not being addressed, and probably won’t for the forseeable future.
100% agreed. Nerfing zerker’s won’t make the other trash builds more attractive for current content. Condition builds? That condition guardian sure is glad 2 other people in his party also apply burning thus negating his entire build. Bleed build? Good luck getting a single bleed in on a world boss being attacked by 75 other people also applying bleeds that are capped at 25. Until they fix these sorts of things, nerfing zerker will only make zerker builds MORE viable since they’ll be needed more to make up the party dps loss. GG ArenaNet.
In my opinion they should have left zerker alone and either fixed condition stacking or added an alernative stat like haste to compete with crit damage. Nerfing the most popular and only build that works only kittenes off your customer base.
In the short run, fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword rush ability would make me more confident in their ability to actually address problems.
The only thing this crit damage nerf will do is force everybody in PVE into zerk even more, and force everybody in PvP/roaming WvW even more into conditions.
This 100%. Before an organized group of 4 bersekers could stand a cleric or condi build into the group for a dungeon or fractal, now they’re just going to ask for another berserker making the problem worse. GG Arena Net.
Until you fix the problems with those other builds, i.e. condition stacking/capping, or adding new dps stats like haste, then nerfing the only build-type that actually works won’t make these trash builds any more attractive.
How does this change build any type of diversity beyond making all-berserker groups take 10-20 seconds longer now? Because of this dps-loss, won’t groups be even MORE stringent on what they allow into the group? I would suspect that more “P3, zerker only or get kicked” groups will arise rather than fewer since groups want to make up for the dps loss, whereas before it was like “well we can handle one condi-necro as long as the other 4 berserker heavies do their job”, now that same group will be incentivised by this change to bring 5 berserkers to make up for the nerf.
The problem with the other dps metas, condition mainly, is that they aren’t just X% less than berserker, its that they don’t work at all in way too many boss situations.
World bosses – conditions largely useless since your conditions rarely get applied due to caps.
5-man bosses – Same as world bosses to a lesser extent
Trash – Condi’s do best against trash I think but they still have ramp-up time, and on level 50 fractal trash the best approach is to burst them down before people die to 1-shots (toughness gear or not).
I would much rather they address these condition shortcomings and bring them UP to berserker level to make people WANT to use them rather than FORCING people to not use berserker.
If they’re actually worried about organized groups steam rolling content, they’d be much better off fixing broken mechanics like Fiery Great Sword fiery rush stacking in corners to do obscene damage.
People are exactly right in saying this will have the opposite effect that Anet intended. Toning down the only build that works does not make the others more attractive. Since the party will be doing less damage than before, groups will be even MORE strict on max-dps builds (which will still be zerker) to make up for the loss. How does this accomplish anything but ticking off your customers?
Great idea, thanks for running this, I’m sure lots of people not from the big 3 servers will love this!
Two weeks is enough for most people as long as you can get to play at the start of the event. One week into it, if you want all the achievements you are boned. Good luck getting enough to hard-cap the zone for 6 minute knights or people to care about not getting cocooned on Spider Queen. These server-based and easily griefed personal achievements really need to be rethought.
It’s fine if you make them big world events but implement a district like system that isn’t home-server based, i.e. when you zone into the area it puts you on a seperate overflow like server that is always filled (then a new one created, like overflows). This way players not on the big 3 servers will ALWAYS have a chance at seeing content versus feeling the need to guest to other servers making the home-server situation even worse.
They work out of overflows usually. Go to their website for info.
So how do we all rate the end of LS season 1
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Andar.9107
Knights + Hologram takes 30-40 minutes on a decently populated server. This is way too long to keep people who no longer need achievements interested. This then prevents others who missed out the first week a chance to get the achievements that REQUIRE a capped zone. These server-based achievements really need to be redesigned, I shouldn’t have to guest to BG or JQ just to get a PERSONAL achievement, even then a week into the event no one cares enough to do it. The spider achievement is way too easy to grief too.
[Event] Frustrations with Knight fights.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Andar.9107
The high fail rate and the meagre rewards compared to the time needed are the reasons people don´t show up.
Fail rate? The knights pretty much kill themselves after the 25% nerf…
And meagre rewards, I dunno. Core + 6 champ chests for ~10-15 minutes of AA + the occasional dodge is pretty good. Slightly worse than QD ofc, but then I’d rather poke a rusty fork into my eye than run QD champions.
Where is this server that is able to get the 6 minute kill nonstop? Even primetime on JQ can not get enough people shuttling guildies into LA to get it since everyone has it. The fact that the PERSONAL achievement requires a full zone even after the nerf is indefensible and the scaling should be fixed. The spider achievement shouldn’t have been so easily griefable/failable as well.
Achievement design is the major annoyance with the last few LS updates for me as well but for a different reason. Having server-based achievements is a terrible idea. The 6 minute knight and Spider Queen achievements are the worst culprits of this trend. If you aren’t on a full server on a prime time (good luck getting that lately with most people not in LA cause they have everything already), then you’re boned if you want these achievements. The Spider Queen is just bad from the start, why have an achievement everyone wants that only requires a single griefer to pull the spider queen and ruin it for everyone trying hard to get it?
Fixing the scaling will go a long way to solving this. You could properly have server achievements like 6 minutes if it didn’t require the zone to be hard capped. It should be as easy/hard with 30 people on each knight as it is with 50 or 15, and its not even close right now.
…or just not make personal achievements that are dependent on how good/populated/motivated your server is. Since you only have 2 weeks to get these achievements, if you miss a week you’re absolutely boned if you want to get them all.
So how do we all rate the end of LS season 1
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Andar.9107
TWO Server-based achievements? FAIL Its impossible this late in the event to do 6 minute knights since no one cares enough to shuttle in to hard cap the zone even on JQ and the spider queen achievement is poorly thought out. Why make a PERSONAL achievement where a single person out of 50 can grief ruin it for everyone by standing too close to spider or single pull it before everyone gets there which ruins it until that spawn dies?
These sever-based achievements really need to be re-thought. Its great when its the start of the event and everyone is excited about getting them but getting enough people into Lion’s Arch this late in the event even on JQ and BG in order to do the 6 minute achieve is ridiculous. The spider one is also poorly designed, yea lets make an achievement that only takes a single griefer out of 50 people doing it to ruin it.