Showing Posts For AndyofBorg.7835:
I’ve seen people complaining sometimes that they weren’t getting a chest for an event. Of course, I figured they were all noobs who did the event more than once that day. I have a bunch of alts and world event farm as well as guest on other servers to get more bosses. (cue booing)
I track all my events in a spreadsheet so I don’t waste any time doing the same boss twice. I have had it happen several times now where I kill a boss I know I haven’t killed. I will get the pop up chest with the guaranteed rare. But the chest on the ground does not appear. If I walk over the spot, my character will hitch like I walked over an object, but there’s nothing visible for me to loot.
It’s not very common, I’d say maybe 1 in 10 or 15 boss chests, but it sucks to randomly get screwed out of your loot box. Anyone else having this problem or have any insight?
Seriously Anet, what is the logic in ruining things people enjoy? I understand the balance and it was a bit too good to be true, but heavy handed is exactly the way I’d describe it. Please be reasonable and either make it 30 mins with a 30 min window, or 60 mins with no window to speak of, but camping an event for 60 minutes to get the daily chest is just ridiculous.
I know, we can just not do it if it’s not fun, right? But if the game’s not fun, why play it? The chests have been balanced, now put the fun back in. Please.
I’ve noticed a tendency for events to get nerfed in patches, and it seems a bit.. combative. I get a feeling like “We’ll show you guys!” (you guys meaning the players) For example, any time an event is sensed to be overused, it doesn’t just get re-balanced, it gets made intentionally undesirable.
Latest case in point: Jormag and Maw. Yes, Maw popped too often and was heavily farmed. But it is/was a low level event, and it went from every 30 minutes, to one hour wait and a one hour spawn window? Really? For a level 15 event? I get that it was too fast and people took advantage, but this feels like punishment.
Next case, Jormag. Yes, Jormag is popular, probably due to at least a feeling by players he is most likely to drop a precursor. But really, the final phase is just arduous and boring. First off, he heals to 50% even if you have him at 20%. He should just fly off as soon as he hits 50%, “warp healing” is frustrating.
Secondly and worse on Jormag, the dots feel like they have been turned up, and quite frankly this phase of the fight is just miserable. There is no feeling of player control. How do you differentiate a “skilled” group against an “unskilled” group? You just have to survive a long, hideously boring fight, with a lot of dots and a ton of chain revives. It’s boring as sin. It feels combative to me as a player.
In conclusion, I want to tell you that this is my first and quite possibly my only forum post. I like your game a lot. I normally wouldn’t even care to come post here. I only came because this is really frustrating to me, and a lot of my guild members, and this will most likely play a heavy reason in my decision to move on from the game. (when the time comes, which sad to say will probably be sooner than later)
tl;dr Please work on balance and fairness, keep your nerfs in check, you don’t have to make an event/dungeon/etc completely unplayable because you’re upset people took advantage of it in the past. Ruining desirable content just makes your loyal players upset and want to leave.