Showing Posts For Antidentite.2361:

WvW Map completition rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


Honestly though who gives a crap, all zone rewards are a total of 50s max. I kitten 50s out every time I kitten my kitten. Learn how to really make money and you wont have to kitten about 50 kitten silver.

epic kitten smack

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

WvW badge rate

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


anyone notice a significant increase in bag drops (and therefore badges) after tonight’s patch? Maybe they tweaked the algorithm to give more badges to roles other than heavy DPS (i’m support ele)…idk, i was getting them at a much higher clip after servers came back up. could just be a coincidence i suppose.

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

RUIN Keeping it Classy

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


you guys realize we find these types of threads extremely entertaining, right? /popcorn

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


so many tears…

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

[Skills] often don't trigger after activation! (No general lag issue!)

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


this happens regardless of where you are. it is not due to being in a large fight or a place in the map where there are a lot of players.

i’ve had this happen defending/reinforcing a tower with a few people, running supplies by myself. seems to only happen in WvWvW though, for what its worth…

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

Siege weapon blueprints should not be soulbound

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


you can throw the plan on the ground and someone else can pick them up. it is possible to pass to someone else, although its not very efficient.

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

SM Arrow Cart Tactic or Exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


Sig – “Eredon Terrace” I know where this is going >_>

actually, i want to hear both sides. it has happened to every server. i honestly dont care about previous wins or losses from it, i want to get a real conversation going that isn’t about talking smack on other servers…good contribution btw

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

SM Arrow Cart Tactic or Exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


So, the forums have barely been up and i’ve already seen many references to this issue, so i figured i’d make a post to consolidate the discussion. At this point, there are many who think it is a valid tactic, so i dont think i’m spilling the beans on some exploit. This is something most WvWvW players are aware of by now. Sorry to AN ahead of time if this is considered an exploit and i’m bringing more attention to it, take my post down if you must, but this happens almost every match up at this point, so i dont think i’m breaking any news here…

Let me first say that this thread is NOT to bicker and talk junk about other servers who may or may not have used this method. It is purely to discuss both sides of the topic in a cogent and respectful manner to give AN the best feedback as possible.

Ok, so first, let me explain the concept for those that are not aware are caught up. Basically, the SM keep lord can be damaged (and killed) from below using arrow carts and other forms of aoe (Ele’s fire rain for example). This circumvents any defenses set up in the actual lords room and allows for a server to kill the lord without actually stepping foot in the room. Of course, they must still enter the room to take control of SM, but without the lord to defend, it can be overtaken much more easily.

Now, on one side of the argument, there are those who believe this is working as intended. These people claim that the lord stands on a grated floor, and thus, was purposefully designed for projectiles to be able to hit him. They think that it is a perfectly acceptable tactic to downing the lord before storming into the room to claim the castle as their own. They think it is similar to how you can damage players through gates via flame rams or how you can shoot below a bridge and damage people on top of it. They will argue that you still have to push into the lords room, through the choke point and into defenses and seige equipment, to claim the castle.

On the other side of the coin are players who think this, at best, was not the intended design, and at worst, is an exploit. They believe that the lord is put in the upper floor for a reason; namely that the enemy must come through a choke point to down the lord, giving the defenders an extra line defense (making SM the hardest lord to down). These people think that being able to rain arrows above someone through a floor doesn’t make sense in terms of game physics and that even though you still have to go up into the room to claim the castle, not having to deal with an NPC that can one-shot you is a significant advantage over having to deal with both the lord and the players.

Personally, i am in the second group, feeling that there is no way AN spent the time to design the ramps and the choke point in front of the lord if they thought he should be able to be taken down without even going up to his room. I dont think its an acceptable argument to say he is standing on a grate so projectiles should go through. You cant hit him with a ballista…so if some things LOS him and others dont, can that really be WAI?

All that being said, i appreciate the other side of this argument and i want to hear what you all think. Should you be able to kill the keep lord through the ground without going up to his room?

RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm

Are arrow carts kind of overpowered?

in WvW

Posted by: Antidentite.2361


Some professions have abilities to counter the arrow for a short duration or destroy them.

they are easily counterable, keep them how they are
RUIN GAMING – Desolation
PvP / WvWvW Focused / 18+ | slash + facepalm