Showing Posts For Anunaki.6389:
Server: Gandara
Guild: Passados [PT]My guild has several problems.
1. Can’t edit the rank permissions, but can create new ranks (with no permissions) and change the name/icon.
2. Can’t promote people within the guild, so everyone stays at the lowest rank, but I can invite people.
3. Can’t build upgrades, but can gain influence.Before this guild we had another with the same name, we deleted it and re-created it to change the TAG. The previous guild was working fine.
Exactly what I am experiencing also.
Ya, I tried out crafting again after forever being broke. Waited 20 levels or so and tried again with a pocket full of change. I lost it all for like 20 stupid points. I am about done with crafting in this game. Just not worth it.
[Anvil Rock]Dysfunktional Chaos - (Mil Veteran Core) Just founded. Looking especially for Active Duty or Veterans.
in Guilds
Posted by: Anunaki.6389
Hopefully they separate this by server some day.
Guild: Dysfunktional Chaos
Server: Anvil Rock
I just started the guild but I can’t do ANYTHING with it. It gave me only edit ranks rights but I can’t edit any ranks at all other then rename. That is only an option outside a major city. I have not tried to invite but I suspect I can’t since I can’t give myself invite rights even. All the boxes are uncheckable.
edit: I did try an invite and it seemed to go out, but I don’t want to start up too much if I can’t even do anything with the guild. Any ideas?
(edited by Anunaki.6389)
[Ferguson's Crossing] Armed Forces[USA] Exclusively Military Membership/Dependents/Civilian Friends/Veterans
in Guilds
Posted by: Anunaki.6389
If I would have seen this the first time I looked, I would have rolled on that server. So I just started a guild based on military also on Anvil. If my core officers don’t call up on server soon and if the guild does not go anywhere, maybe I’ll look into transfers at some point. Good Luck!
[Anvil Rock]Dysfunktional Chaos - (Mil Veteran Core) Just founded. Looking especially for Active Duty or Veterans.
in Guilds
Posted by: Anunaki.6389
Just founded a new Guild. This guild does have a background and is technically a multi-gaming community. As a veteran, I know how military people tend to get along and think alike. I did not see any guilds being listed with a core military core so I figured its time we did. Looking for others that would like to asset in founding such a guild. All this being said, we are very open to mature players regardless of being a veteran or not. By design this will be an older group of players looking for similar, so the average age will most likely be between 30-50. I will have an age cutoff of 21 unless you are Active Duty military or a family member. Its nothing against youth and just the fact that from experience in other games, it is better harmony this way.
The focus of this guild will be PvE endgame progression and guild advancement. (Not that we wont enjoy some PvP from time to time). The game is new. I am new to the game. (Not to MMO’s or being a raiding guild master). So I expect members to be just as green. This means we do not have a level restriction at all and most likely never will! This will be a great place to call home to just level even. We are looking for the player we want to socialize with as friends, not the most epic gear.
So, as they say in the Navy, who wants to be a Plank Owner? Right now its just me so I am looking for other like individuals that would like to lead this new guild to greatness from the start! My other officers may not be on the game for a few weeks so it would be nice to have some officers and members in place and some structure. If this sounds like a great idea to you, I look forward to meeting you and getting things rolling. As soon as I get a handful of members I’ll get a website and voice server up (Only mandatory in end game Raids). I am on quite a lot so please drop me a message or tell anytime.