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Meditation guardian runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


If you go Meditation in WvW you will need to choose either Traveler/Speed Runes, Moa Feathers or a Scepter…
Don’t want Traveler/Speed Runes? Use Moa feathers or wield a Scepter. Don’t want to wield A scepter? Use Moa feathers or Traveler/Speed Runes etc etc, it’s a vicious circle. Otherwise you’ll end up in situation where you’re just walking after a guy kiting you eating his attacks watching your own heals and meditations go on cooldowns while he will barely be using anything beside his autoattack

Melandru Runes combined with Lemongrass food just works wonders against all these condition builds, but just don’t forget to dig out that mobility from somewhere

Yeah, that’s what I figured. I was just thinking of GS+Sword/whatever for 3 blink pressure. I don’t mind scepter, I used to run it on my old build, so I may pick it up again to see how that works.

Blinks dont matter, w/o a soft cc they disengage and kite you.

Won’t that still happen with the full cripple/chill durations that will be on you with traveler’s?

Meditation guardian runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


If you go Meditation in WvW you will need to choose either Traveler/Speed Runes, Moa Feathers or a Scepter…
Don’t want Traveler/Speed Runes? Use Moa feathers or wield a Scepter. Don’t want to wield A scepter? Use Moa feathers or Traveler/Speed Runes etc etc, it’s a vicious circle. Otherwise you’ll end up in situation where you’re just walking after a guy kiting you eating his attacks watching your own heals and meditations go on cooldowns while he will barely be using anything beside his autoattack

Melandru Runes combined with Lemongrass food just works wonders against all these condition builds, but just don’t forget to dig out that mobility from somewhere

Yeah, that’s what I figured. I was just thinking of GS+Sword/whatever for 3 blink pressure. I don’t mind scepter, I used to run it on my old build, so I may pick it up again to see how that works.

Meditation guardian runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


What runes do most people run? In this condi spam meta I was thinking either hoelbrak or melandru, but traveler mobility also seems nice. Any ideas?

Guardian WvW Solo Roaming Montage

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


It’s obvious I worded my first comment wrong. The reason I’m frustrated is that I know that link was an original from either my videos or my thread not the fact that he’s using the whole might stacking, empowering might build. Which I can break it down pretty well. I don’t want my name or my channel/thread/videos linked in his thread/video description. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is I work hard to bring videos almost every week or two, building/rebuilding my channel so people can find things easier. Creating the thread and guide. I worked hard to do all of that to, yes; help the guard community. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy making videos and playing GW2 and helping out other players. However, if you’re going to go onto my videos, thread and copy+paste the original link make 2-3 changes and distribute it the least you can do is like the video you got it from. Even if you don’t sub or leave a comment the least you can do is click the like button if you’re copy+pasting the original build link.

please note that the build link will be the same so long as the items are, so it’s not even “your link.” some people lol. @OP good video, could use a little work but keep it up

What is a Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Even if “supporting/defense” is the theme of a guardian, that shouldn’t exclude them from being able to join the meta / having similar qualities (disengage, cripple/chill) of other classes. If guardian is purely a support class in the eyes of Anet, GW2 should be remade as a trinity MMO imo.

Why? They’ve long ago said that damage/support/control is their trinity. Not healing/damage/tanking. Guardians are an extremely strong support and defensive class already, and is why we’re so popular in all game modes.

yet guardian have to sacrifice more than any other class to come even close to accomplishing what any other class can do. their “strong support” may be the “best”, but other classes can support very well without giving a lot as well. pigeonholed class is pigeonholed.


in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Depends on what you’re going for. When it comes to personal survivable, Melandru is your best bet. Soldier (Trooper) is more of a team based rune, yes it works on yourself, but the real benefit is for your allies. Also it forces you to use shouts. Hoelbrak is also decent, however that’s more useful if you’re going more offensive. All great runes just depends on your play style, and what you are trying to accomplish.

I personally want to have a tanky dps deal.. 1200~1300 healing power with decent offensive. This allows me to both roam and help members in my party. I know that many classes will counter this build etc, but it’s just how I enjoy playing and I’ve been trying to find the perfect amount of healing power/condi removal/offensive stats.

Pumping out a high amount of dps with that amount of healing power is somewhat difficult to accomplish. Healing power is a strange stat that doesn’t really scale well, and only really benefits from some skills, (Selfless Daring and Empower being the biggest). However if you drop some hp you can increase your dps output significantly. If you want to go more dps, I’d say get it to around ~870 hp, that’s when your Selfless Daring still heals for 1k, and you can increase some other offensive stats. Yet still be tanky.

You can never have enough healing power, since there’s no cap. However from experience I find 1200 to be more than enough, without sacrificing too much from other stats.

Thanks for the response, I’ll aim for 1200 healing power then. Currently debating between hoelbrak and melandru for it right now. May go for hoelbrak for the extra power.. 1950ish vs 1770ish is quite a difference.


in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Depends on what you’re going for. When it comes to personal survivable, Melandru is your best bet. Soldier (Trooper) is more of a team based rune, yes it works on yourself, but the real benefit is for your allies. Also it forces you to use shouts. Hoelbrak is also decent, however that’s more useful if you’re going more offensive. All great runes just depends on your play style, and what you are trying to accomplish.

I personally want to have a tanky dps deal.. 1200~1300 healing power with decent offensive. This allows me to both roam and help members in my party. I know that many classes will counter this build etc, but it’s just how I enjoy playing and I’ve been trying to find the perfect amount of healing power/condi removal/offensive stats.


in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Doing a wvw cleric build and was wonder which would be the best for it. I’ve experimented with all 3 and they seem equally good. Anyone else have more success over another rune set?

Cleric Guardian in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


The sad thing is all of those people you fought were bad, only one thief had food buffs and there were uplevels mixed in. People do this kinda stuff everyday, including my friend and I. If you had went damage or even a hybrid, those fights would have ended way faster. I used to run full clerics back at launch, but 5,000 guardian hours later I don’t even touch it.

OP WvW Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Check out my builds here:

They focus on balancing high damage with high survivability. Going either full cleric or full zerker isn’t really ideal in wvw. Full zerker just straight up isn’t viable. You have nowhere near enough toughness or vit to keep a reasonable amount of survivability. A few pieces is fine, but full zerker is just stupid.
Cleric will keep you alive pretty well, but you’ll hit like a wet noodle and it’s not really worth it. You also have a tiny base hp, so you’re susceptible to being burst down quickly if you’re cc’d.
You can mix and match your armour to get a pretty strong set of stats.
As a guard you should be aiming for at least:
1.8k power
30% crit chance
3k toughness
17-20k hp (This is dependent on your healing power, applied fortitude stacks also help a ton with this)
600 healing power (It’s possible to go without healing power, but you need to compensate in your other defensive stats. I’d only ever sacrifice healing power for a big spike in damage. Having at least 600 will help you stay alive a lot longer.)

Those are the same stats I get from just mixing zerker/PTV armor with cleric’s accessories pretty much. Doesn’t work that well from my experience but I’ll give it another try I guess.

It works fine if you play actively. Full clerics is seriously overkill for sustain. If you need that much healing power to stay alive you’re probably doing something wrong.

Also, those stats are pretty minimal. Check out the builds in the link (mainly the second one) to see what kind of numbers are possible.

I did, didn’t like that you rely on signet for 180 power. Basically same stats other than the HP difference, due to PTV giving more. :o Thanks for the feed back though, as I said I’ll give it a try but I’m still open to more suggestions.

OP WvW Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Check out my builds here:

They focus on balancing high damage with high survivability. Going either full cleric or full zerker isn’t really ideal in wvw. Full zerker just straight up isn’t viable. You have nowhere near enough toughness or vit to keep a reasonable amount of survivability. A few pieces is fine, but full zerker is just stupid.
Cleric will keep you alive pretty well, but you’ll hit like a wet noodle and it’s not really worth it. You also have a tiny base hp, so you’re susceptible to being burst down quickly if you’re cc’d.
You can mix and match your armour to get a pretty strong set of stats.
As a guard you should be aiming for at least:
1.8k power
30% crit chance
3k toughness
17-20k hp (This is dependent on your healing power, applied fortitude stacks also help a ton with this)
600 healing power (It’s possible to go without healing power, but you need to compensate in your other defensive stats. I’d only ever sacrifice healing power for a big spike in damage. Having at least 600 will help you stay alive a lot longer.)

Those are the same stats I get from just mixing zerker/PTV armor with cleric’s accessories pretty much. Doesn’t work that well from my experience but I’ll give it another try I guess.

OP WvW Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


It can be a mix of different equipment, like knight, berserker, valkyrie, etc. And a lot of Cleric/Soldier. An whit Empowering Might Trait ability they can obtain 1 Might every crit (cooldown 1 sec). 3 Guardian can obtain 3 might for 5 sec every sec (if critical hit). That can make them obtain 9 might in 3 seconds. Whit critical and staff they can obtain a lot of might XD
And whit a good build that can make them be “OP”.
But nah, a group of guardian can give you lesser problems than a group of thiefs, expecially in wvsw XD

No might stacking from empowering might, could possibly be cleric+soldiers due to tankiness + dodge heals but they were critting pretty frequently / hard so also doubt that as well. One was meditation and the other two were shouts. :T And yes, we all know that about thieves, I’m simply asking because my guard is full clerics and or full zerks and they seemed to do everything both of those builds I use do, but better.

OP WvW Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Aoko.3562


Just met a group of 3 in wvw. They had lemongrass food with maint oils and got super offended when I complimented and asked if they were willing to compare builds. They were super super tanky and still did a ton of burst damage, anyone know a similar build? All I can think of is zerkers mix with some kind of toughness / healing power. Halp.