Showing Posts For Aphel.4835:

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Tybaldt was awesome. He stood out because he was a very likeable character and in a way unpredictable. Trahearne’s character is just flat out boring and that emotionless voice? Come on Anet.

Just a few from WoW:
Sylvannas Windrunner – Battle of the Undercity where she literally jumped everywhere and rained death upon her enemies who dared invade her home with arrows. Holy respect!
Saurfang/Broxigar – Battle prowess, honor, glory and so much rage. So awesome.

Trahearne – Leader of the Pact. Flat voice, armed with a greatsword that hits like a noodle. Many hold him in high regard. What? Really!?

Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven

A helpful Necromancer guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Thanks for making this video Aloomi!
Excellent work!

Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Woo! Finally succeeded in logging off. Took a rather long shift keeping eyes on Quentin Lake. Was very intense there for an hour or two. I’m glad that DH broke and went for IoJ. While the loot was exceptional, it was exhausting. It took me nearly an hour to fix up Quentin. Finding all the pieces was quite the challenge.

I’m the little Asuran Guardian with a Twilight. Fear me!

Nice! I was the DH thief commander with the incinerator (only popped in to lead for an hour or so). You’re a tough one. I’ll be watching out for you!

Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven

[NA](Darkhaven) EO Is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Weekly guild WvW event last week.
The theme was ‘Smurfs’ and we dyed our armor blue and white. Good times EO!


Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Just wanted to give my respect to the DH Asuran Guardian who I fought with for about 20 minutes just now (I was the IoJ Sylvari Ranger).

Btw, DR’s [DDLG] decided to interrupt a really obvious duel. Very classy.

Hi Kenneth! That was me the tiny Asuran Guardian The match was so close for the two of us and so intense. Thoroughly enjoyed duelling with you.

Pity DR came and ruin the fun
Felt for you because you didn’t have time to run.

Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven

Right mouse button-hold camera loses focus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Since last week I have experienced something which has never happened to me before. I’ve searched the forums and apparently there are a lot of people experiencing this same problem.

While holding down right click and turning the camera, sometimes the cursor appears and I lose the ability to turn the camera view. In PvP/WvW such a sudden lost of camera control in the middle of a heated battle usually means defeat because it results in a missed melee skill hit.

There has been no official response to this as far as I know. I use a wired mouse and mouse drivers are updated btw.

Has anyone found a fix around this?


Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven