Showing Posts For Arajal.5438:

No effort to make a goodPvP MetaBattle build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I would try and put my build on there, but i have 0 idea how to wiki edit

This is a large reason for why I never bother putting my builds on there as well, but I also would rather just post them to YouTube and let others decide if they would consider such builds “metabattle-worthy” or not.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Dragon Hunters ruining pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I feel this may be relevant to the thread:

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Shinryuku's Warrior pvp opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Alright, looks like I need to clarify a couple things in this thread (I normally never post these forums, but here I am).

First off, thanks for posting this, ZivSof.

KhainPride, I’ve more or less stopped roaming since the expansion came out. I’ve been in a server matchup vs. Maguuma and SBI that has resulted in nothing but bad experiences while roaming. On top of this, I’ve been finding much better fights in PvP, so I’ve been spending more time there.

Thuggernaut, between this thread and the one you posted regarding adrenaline (wherein you call me a “fool” and make other demeaning accusations), I’m lead to believe you simply don’t like me and refuse to consider anything I say on those grounds. Citing something I stated over a year ago, under completely different balance circumstances, as well as inferring that I somehow “schmoozed” devs (I had not yet met anyone from ANet in person at that point, and I’ve never been to Vegas) demonstrates, to me, that you feel I am somehow not qualified to hold the opinions that I do, simply because I stated an opinion on an adrenaline change you don’t like. My statements about “gitting gud” were mainly about losing adrenaline if you miss landing your burst skill and less about the adrenaline decay rate. I still feel the former change is beneficial to the class and helps raise the skill floor on playing warrior; I’m not sure what my opinion on the latter change is nowadays, since we have so many issues plaguing the class at the moment. A bit more objectivity and a bit less ad hominem mud-slinging in your posts would benefit you in the long run.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

Error: 42:0:9001:4409:101 When Queuing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Same problem here. ISP is Mediacom in Minnesota; server is Crystal Desert.

No problems queuing on EU account, which is Piken Square server.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Something you all might get a kick out of.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Arajal.5438


So, I don’t post here often, but I figured in light of the most recent Ready Up livestream, wherein a call for community clips was made, I’d post a little gem I ended up finding while roaming in WvW during one of my streams:

If this clip does end up being used in a future Ready Up, I should probably suggest muting the sound (at least during the fight), as there are a few curses thrown around.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Crystal Desert up to 9 Marionette kills!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Here’s another one from my perspective:

Stream first kill! Good job Crystal Desert!

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Worst PvP Meta Ever, AGAIN!

in PvP

Posted by: Arajal.5438


some people in this thread make me wonder.

I’ve seen that player before. All I’ve ever seen them do is talk big, as can be seen in the image. Having fought them personally, I’d say they’re mediocre at best.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I don’t like the idea of an F2 ability (neither here, nor anywhere else it’s been suggested). While I can see the opportunities a second function ability would offer, I feel it would add too much baggage to the warrior as a profession. Having only one Burst skill for the profession allows the warrior to remain a simple character type for new players to the game to pick up and learn combat with. As far as I’m concerned, if someone would rather have multiple function skills on a heavy-armor profession, the guardian is the way to go.

I am perfectly happy with the way warrior Burst skills work as a whole.

My two cents.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


After extensive testing with the new changes, I can say with certainty that the original build posted here has not changed.

It’s just gotten more awesome!

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I’ll be updating this build ASAP if I find any need to after these recent changes to warrior.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Best way to level as a warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


The signet build you’ve likely heard about is the one that revolves around using the Deep Strike trait:;4NK-C-a4RL-60;9;59;40;9;9;5FW0A (link is not a real build; just a skill/trait example).

The build pretty much revolves around sitting on your signets and letting the passive precision do the work for your greatsword attacks.

As far as the “best” way to level a warrior, I’d say just mess around with some of the bladed or ranged weapons and see which ones suit your fancy; all of them will hit pretty hard while leveling. The only weapons I’d recommend staying away from if you want damage are the mace, warhorn, shield, and hammer.

As for traits, you can sink them into the Strength line for burst damage, the Arms line for crit chance and conditions, or the Discipline line for crit damage and focus on your Burst (F1) skills.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


@doc phil That’s definitely an interesting variant you posted. High-damage Skull Cracks on shortened cooldowns, damage from the sword/mace auto-attack chains, Weakness from the mace and warhorn, Final Thrust access…all on top of high Vigor uptime…definitely one to think about.

I could see that build working well in more close-quarters fights where you don’t have the space to move around as much. All else the same, have you considered swapping FGJ for Bull’s Charge to use as further control? That build seems to be oriented more around control anyway, so it would be a fitting choice in my opinion.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Evade Question?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


At the risk of sounding like the “make my class OP!” guy, I’d say the most fitting ability for an evade would be Savage Leap. The speed at which your moving coupled with the duration of the ability would make an evade very plausible. Putting an Evade on Shield Bash wouldn’t be the most effective choice, since the skill only lasts for roughly a fourth of a second and has no tell (making the evade nearly pointless since the skill is difficult to counter). Putting it on Eviscerate would yield the same issue.

Earthshaker wouldn’t be a bad option, but an evade with the hammer seems to contradict the hammer’s theme; Stability would be a more fitting addition to Earthshaker, in my opinion (not that I’m suggesting adding Stability to the skill, since it’s strong as is).

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


@Bryndis The boon conversion is more of a side-benefit of taking the Quick Breathing trait, as its primary purpose is to reduce the cooldown of Call to Arms to increase Vigor uptime. (Your English is fine. )

@JETWING The “Ninja Warrior” is a pun on the evasiveness of the build and the fact that it’s a warrior doing the evading; it has very little to do with actual ninja themes outside of that. As for the build you suggested, I see a few problems it has when compared to mine:

  • The build seems to have too much condition removal. The reduced duration provided by Melandru runes and Lemongrass Soup already mitigates conditions, so they won’t last long enough to make use of all the condition clears available in that build. Also, Cleansing Ire still has the issue of Blind preventing the proc.
  • Using Mending instead of Healing Surge deprives you of a lot of healing, and you lose out on the adrenaline generation for setting up Flurry immobilizes.
  • You lose the emergency defense and stun-break provided by Endure Pain by switching to Throw Bolas (which is already made redundant by Leg Specialist and Flurry), leaving you in a bad position if you get focused or controlled without Balanced Stance available.
  • The endurance regeneration from Signet of Stamina doesn’t stack with Vigor, and any gaps in Vigor uptime are very short with this build. Also, the signet only provides 50% endurance regeneration as opposed to Vigor’s 100%.
  • Not having Slashing Power in the Strength line hurts your damage output greatly.
  • Using Warrior’s Sprint instead of Vigorous Focus takes away from overall Vigor uptime, since you would otherwise gain Vigor when using Balanced Stance or Endure Pain.
Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I did some more testing on this build using the reduced GS cooldown from Forceful Greatsword (used 0/20/10/20/20), and my results gave me a very clear picture of how that trait affects this build. In a nutshell, I’ve found that going 20 into Strength (the linked version) provides a more reliable source of damage and more in-combat resilience (plus opening up the option for Death From Above), but not quite as reliable of escape options. On the flip-side, going 20 into Arms provides a much more volatile build with faster escape cooldowns and more opportunities for Bull’s Charge/100 Blades mid-fight, but doesn’t quite hold up as well if you become the focus.

In other words, the 20 Strength variant lends itself more to solo-roaming, whereas the 20 Arms variant lends itself more to team-fighting and havok groups.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Here are a couple more videos with the current build:

Longer clip of various team-fights around a tower –

1v1 against a spirit ranger – (I wasn’t playing very well during this clip, but it still serves as a showcase of the build.)

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I’ll see if I can’t get some more gameplay videos up soon.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

An Idea for Warrior Sustain

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


An alteration to this idea I thought of at work today could be that the healing per strike is baseline, but the healing on burst could be traited (such as an Adrenal Health rework).

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

An Idea for Warrior Sustain

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


On my way home from work, I was thinking about the current state of warrior sustain and how it relates to the rest of the professions. As I thought about it, I realized that every other profession has some form of sustain tied to their innate profession mechanics that doesn’t rely on traits. Here are the examples:

Elementalist: Secondary healing from weapon skills in Water Attunement
Engineer: Secondary healing from bonus healing ability (F1)
Guardian: Aegis and secondary healing from Virtues
Mesmer: Presence of clones as secondary targets/Distortion via shatters
Necromancer: Secondary life bar from Death Shroud
Ranger: Presence of pet as secondary target/secondary healing with certain pets
Thief: Stealth/Secondary healing/sustain boons via Steal

Warriors do not have any sort of secondary sustain mechanic related to adrenaline that doesn’t involve traits (e.g. Adrenal Health, Cleansing Ire). However, I have come up with a possible idea for such a mechanic. Here’s how it works:

With each strike of adrenaline, the warrior gains a very small amount of healing; this healing would be the same for each strike gained and no extra healing would be provided for reaching a full bar. Additionally, when a burst skill was used and the adrenaline was spent, the warrior would receive a burst of healing for each bar spent. This would require a rework to burst skills that would cause the adrenaline to be spent regardless of whether or not we connected with a target (a suggested change I’ve seen in multiple threads; one I agree with).

The numbers for this healing could be tweaked to prevent too much healing. Additionally, the current amount of adrenaline generation we have access to (e.g. Furious, Shapened Axes) could be either toned down or incorporated into weapon balance (e.g. axes could become a high self-healing weapon option) to also prevent too much healing or otherwise bring the mechanic into a balanced state. Adrenal Health could either be removed, rebalanced, or kept as is, depending on how the developers would want the trait to work with this mechanic.

This was just an idea I came up with on a drive home. There may be potential flaws with it, but I figured I’d at least get it out there on the forums.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


@Tyrion: Your setup looks like the extreme-offense version of my own, Tyrion. My concern with that build is the lack of Vigor uptime from the lack of Dogged March and the possibility for being snared/stunned for longer. In regards to using Dolyak Signet over Balanced Stance, I actually did test the build using the signet for a while (as can be seen in some of the videos); the main reason I changed it was for the synergy Vigorous Focus has with the build, and because I didn’t like having to sacrifice 200 toughness to gain Stability.

Nevertheless, I could definitely see your version being very effective in small-group and zerg situations where you’re not the focus.

@doc phil: One thing I’ve found throughout my testing has been just how versatile this build can be. The builds you and Tyrion have come up with so far have further proven that fact to me, and that this build can be tailored to an individual’s playstyle very easily while still retaining the core gameplay.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I actually did try out the first trait allocation. The reason I didn’t stick with it is because I lacked the fail-safe of Mobile Strikes and felt I didn’t need reduced CDs on the GS, since I had more than enough mobility in the current iteration to be effective. Additionally, I felt the vitality boost and straight GS damage from the Strength line was more reliable than the might stacks and reliance on bleeds present in the Arms line. It’s still an effective alteration; just not one that suited my personal taste. That version would be a good one to run if you constantly have a group to run around with, especially considering you swapped out Bull’s Charge for “For Great Justice!”. I typically run around solo while roaming, so I place heavier emphasis on more reliable traits and control.

Your zerg variant is interesting, but there’s one thing that bothers me about it: without Fast Hands, you won’t be able to swap back and forth between your weapon sets, thereby opening up the potential for being caught in a bad situation without your mobility tools ready. As mentioned in the guide, I haven’t tested any zerg variants due to playstyle/computer reasons, but those are just my thoughts from looking at it on paper.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Just like anything, this build has its counters. Primarily, the warrior is rather squishy, hence the need for evasion and stability/burst-immunity (this can be geared around, but the loss of damage may be too large to warrant doing so). Additionally, being chain-CC’d while Balanced Stance is unavailable can lead to bad things for this build, hence the need for high awareness of your enemy’s attacks and your own environment.

Group Performance
This build performs well both during solo roaming and small-team skirmishes. Due to computer limitations, I haven’t been able to test this build while zerging.

All of these videos have been taken from my stream highlights section. I do not have a YouTube at this time. These videos show different variations of the build as I was testing it, with the last video showing the current iteration.

Open-field fighting:
2v2 mirror match:
1v1 against a similar warrior:
Current iteration:

“Why take Mobile Strikes when you have 98%-reduced immobilizes?” – This is a fail-safe to ensure the warrior is able to get out of harm’s way. Any enemy using increased condition duration boosts will counteract the reduced durations of this build, thereby making Immobilize a threat.

“Why use Great Fortitude?” – This is a sort of cushion to help mitigate the inherent squishiness of the build, as the trait gives the warrior roughly 2k health that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Can I use this build in sPvP?
I wouldn’t advise this build in sPvP unless you plan to constantly be roaming or team-fighting. Without consumables, this build loses a large portion of its defense against conditions, thus exposing the low health pool and toughness of the warrior. That being said, you could potentially run with a more tanky stat amulet to counteract this.

Can I use this build in PvE?
For open-world PvE, I wouldn’t recommend this build, simply because you don’t need all the extra evasion. It would be much better to replace this build with a more damage-oriented one.

For dungeons and Fractals, this build could see a bit more justification for the extra evasion, plus you become a powerful group-supporter through the warhorn. I haven’t tested this build in dungeons or Fractals, but I could see it being useful in that aspect of the game.

I’ve had a lot of fun testing this build on my streams, and my viewers have seemed to enjoy the playstyle involved with it. Here’s hoping the rest of you find this build as entertaining as I feel it is!

- Arajal, a.k.a. Shinryuku_ku

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

The Ninja Warrior Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Greetings fellow warriors!

In my quest to find the perfect WvW build for my own playstyle, I’ve been messing around during my streams with different builds that you could say are “out of the box” for us warriors. After a great number of tests, tweaks, and back-to-the-drawing-board moments, I’ve come up with one that I really, really like. In fact, I like it so much, I want to share it with the rest of you!

Warning: This build uses a high risk/reward playstyle and is only recommended for advanced players of the warrior profession. It requires high awareness of boon durations, cooldowns, enemy tells, and environment while fighting, as well as a good amount of practice using the build.

Now, without further ado, I present to you: The “Ninja Warrior” build!;4RKVP0g4oK-60;9;4J-9JJ28;21;008-49-5-k64;16TsW6TsWo-FW0-g290;0Vp-wWz12Z8_Ea-30C-2i;5F18ZF18Z;9;9;9;9;84-6n

The idea behind this build is that it allows the warrior fight using high evasion, rather than high vitality or toughness. Additionally, it allows the warrior to engage and disengage from any fight as they see fit. Both of these aspects are achieved through both high-mobility weapon sets and through high Vigor uptime.

This build assumes full Berserker’s stats, Melandru runes, and Lemongrass Poultry Soup and Sharpening Stone consumables.

This build uses the greatsword as the main source of its damage, with the sword primarily being used for catching and controlling the target, although Final Thrust can be put to good use during combat as well. Additionally, Bull’s Charge is another source of control and damage. Both Bull’s Charge and Flurry can be used as setups for the traditional lockdown/Hundred Blades combination; while this is the optimal source of damage, any of the greatsword’s skills will hit hard using this build.

The real key to this build’s prowess is its use of evasion for survival, rather than high health, armor, or healing. Through Call to Arms from the warhorn and the Vigorous Focus trait, this build can achieve a very high uptime on the Vigor boon, allowing for more dodging in combat than would normally be possible. In addition to dodges, the evade provided by Whirlwind Attack on the greatsword and the gap-creation potential of Savage Leap on the sword and Bull’s Charge give the warrior further evasion capabilities. On top of all of this, the warrior has permanent Swiftness uptime from the combination of Charge! and Signet of Rage, and the ability to get out of Immobilize with the Mobile Strikes trait.

When evasion of the enemy’s attacks doesn’t quite cut it and the warrior does get hit, Balanced Stance and Endure Pain have their moment in the spotlight. Not only do Balanced Stance and Endure Pain have their normal defensive capabilities, but they will also act as yet another source of Vigor, allowing for more evasion. Also, this build applies Weakness through Call to Arms, further reducing the incoming damage.

In regards to how this build handles conditions, the combination of Melandru runes, Lemongrass Poultry Soup, the Quick Breathing trait, and the inherent high evasion of the build will effectively make conditions a non-issue, provided you’re not facing down three necromancers or something similarly ridiculous.

In regards to Quick Breathing in particular, not only will it remove conditions, but it will convert them into useful boons for the warrior; through this conversion, the warrior gains access to Aegis and Protection, two boons we normally have no way of gaining through our own abilities. For reference, Aegis is converted from Burning, while Protection is converted from Vulnerability.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

stat of the game talk about warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


They did mention that they should get a warrior guest on the SotG, leading me to believe they don’t have any issue with warrior discussion, but just that Jonathan didn’t have anyone major from the community to have a good warrior discussion with.

And I agree with Oni in regards to the “every one else got buffed” situation. I don’t feel weaker, but it feels like everyone else is stronger.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Adding to this thread. Since the last patch, I’ve been having numerous latency issues, up to and including disconnects. I’ve used PingPlotter to check my network latency, and it periodically dies out (ranging from every few seconds to every few minutes) only when GW2 is running. Otherwise the network is fine. Zone population has nothing to do with the lag, as I’ve had perfectly smooth connections durring the major world bosses, while at the same time have had massive lag spikes and disconnects in low-populated zones.

Feedback on this issue would be most appreciated.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

Guild Roster: Last Online

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Signing this thread in support of the “Last Online” and “Last Represented” roster listings.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Guild Announcements/Messages of the Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Signed. This has been a major thorn in my side while trying to organize guild events.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Crystal Desert Social Guild - Wandering Order

in Guilds

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I should also mention that representing is not required in Wandering Order; feel free to come and go as you please. We’re always around if you want a good time.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Crystal Desert player looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Wandering Order might be something you’d be interested in. It’s a laid-back social guild where members can relax and hang out. We also host community events for the server (scavenger hunts, for example) and are open to pretty much anyone interested in joining. Members have invite power and full guild bank access.

If you’re interested, toss me an in-game mail or whisper.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Crystal Desert Social Guild - Wandering Order

in Guilds

Posted by: Arajal.5438


Wandering Order [WO] is a friendly social guild where members can relax and hang out. We also host server community events, such as scavenger hunts, for members of the guild and server to participate in and have fun (these events are usually accompanied by an after-party). All members have full access rights to the guild bank and have invite power.

Playing on Crystal Desert as your home world is preferred. Contact me via in-game mail or whisper for more information or an invite.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

Sample Warrior Trait Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I was going to delete a post of mine similar to this from the sticky, but evidently the thread is living up to it’s namesake; my post is stuck there. As a result, to get it a bit more publicity, I’m reposting the link to a small set of sample trait builds I wrote about a while back (I don’t have access to the original file at the moment, unfortunately).

These builds aren’t specific to PvE or PvP alone and are meant to be used as “springboards” from which people can create their own builds.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

(edited by Arajal.5438)

Warrior Weapon-Combination Playstyles

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I didn’t get to read much but the Axe/Axe portion (right at the begining) is incorrect.

Axe offhand does very little damage to the point where you do more damage just attacking with Axe mainhand #1.

There was a post here called Axe Offhand where I shared my findings with skeptics. Essentially for Axe #5 to do = damage to Axe #1 you need to hit greater then 4.12 enemies, sometimes greater than 6.

Hence I wouldn’t cater it to a ‘berserker’ playstyle.

While I appreciate the research you’ve conducted, Defektive, each description was written with a broad audience in mind. As such, it less concerned with the “nitty-gritty” theorycrafting and more with the general feel and mindset of each setup.

Nevertheless, your feedback is appreciated.

Your greatsword assessment is rather inaccurate.

1) it’s an AoE weapon, not single target. All 3 #1 skills are AoE, as is 2, 3, and 4. Only 5 and the burst are actually single target.

2) Arcing Slice grants Fury, not might.

3) Vulnerability doesn’t decrease armour and hasn’t since half-way through the BWEs. It’s now a 1% damage boost for each stack, up to 25%/stacks.

The guide has been updated to correct these inaccuracies. Thanks for spotting them.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Warrior Weapon-Combination Playstyles

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I wrote a guide to the various playstyles each weapon combination for warriors seems to cater to. As I don’t have access to the original file at the moment, I’ll post a link to another site I posted it on:

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

Post Your Build Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I wrote a sample trait build guide a while back. Here’s a link to one of the places I posted it:

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game: