Showing Posts For Archdevil.1748:
I used my appreciation key and got 2 uncommons. decided to buy 5 keys. first of all why on earth one of the slots is taken by a worthless ToT bag? got 2 revive orbs one scrap and unidentified dye. GG Anet! please fix this. its a robbery
Love you Anet <3
I confirm that. There was the same bug last year. Please fix
I would like to thank you too for the patch and the new direction. I promise to give HoT another chance
Electro-magnetic Glider + Reaper’s hood + a flavour of white dye, and a little light armour creativity =
Now you can cosplay Tyrael
Something like this ?:)
Totally love it and worth it selling almost all my inventory Thank you Anet
Well Failure is a strong word i would’nt use to describe. But it has failed to be a success.
It’s more that it has’nt reached the potential it could of had.According to whom?
We don’t know how successful it is, but we know it didn’t fail significantly by whatever meassure they use, no company would greenlight a second expansion after the first one failed.
MMO’s are not general games and this is not a second edition of a game. If they don’t green light another expansion will mean exactly the opposite. It will mean the game is dead. It would be a suicide not to make expansions.
Lets look at the numbers of replies and views of this thread.
123 replies and 6300 views.
How many players does GW2 have?
On the basis of 123 replies HOT is a failure.
A basic course in statistics would be a good start for some of the replies to this thread.Get used to it, someone once said it failed and he talked for a “lot of people”, when asked he directed me to a topic with less than 2000 replies.
The usual reasoning is “my guild + everyone I know + the people my guildmates know = everyone”Should we wait for Anet to step up and show numbers proving that HoT failed?
Real, objective and verifiable evidence is always available after a game’s release.
Stocks change, they fire/hire more people, they make moves that show a declining population (like merging server) or such, you can access real evidence eventually.
And it may show that the game didn’t fail.
This “analysis” proves nothing, it’s simply a rant.
I never said it failed for the whole community. There are ppl that like it for some reason. Personally for me it is a huge fail. In order to make an hour and more rant means you have played the game enough and have analised the weaknesses of the expac. It is a rant, yes. One that is very well done. He points what is wrong with every aspect. So besides a rant it has a great deal of analisys involved.
About the evidence – there are so many topics here and on Reddit what is wrong with different aspects of the expac and they are popping more and more.
And one last thing – I never said the game is dead. Anet failed to delivere the content properly.
This is for those that dislike the events on timers. I’m not trying to make an argument for or against at this point but get some insight as to why it specifically bothers you.
What is it about the timers that you do not like?
What is it that you cannot do but want to do?
Have you tried using the LFG to hop to an active map or bring people to yours?I have a very good answer for these questions.
I have 2-3 hours a night after work and may be 4-6 hours on weekend days. The timers on world bosses don’t bother me. If I want to kill a world boss I track the timers. Otherwise I am not forced to do world bosses. Free willVinewrath in Silverwastes is a player driven meta event and is the final result of the collective Free will of a big group of players. Went to Dry Top several times. Timed map? No thank you. I don’t have free will. The game tells me what to do at certain times. Not my cup of coffee thank you again. Timing all the map events in all the expansion is just INSANE. I want to do on those maps whatever I want not whatever the game tells me to. NO free will
We are limited by too much things in real life. Being limited in the game you love and play for fun and relaxation is killing the joy of the game.
I want to explore and help progress meta events but not on a timer, but on my free will.
About the LFG – tried the DS meta. Watched the clocks. This is …. I don’t like it! The DS starts. First map 2-3 ppl around me. Transfer to another one. 2-3 ppl around me. Finally get to an organised map. Most players and all 4 commanders are German. Don’t understand anything in map chat. We start running and killing stuff. Yay! This is great! And then comes poison. Ppl try to revive me. I drop dead. Rez again. Drop dead immediatly. Poison lore says someone. Waypointed and for the first time in my life Allt+F4 the game!!! Never to come back to DS TD and AB. Now when I am in the mood (once in 2 weeks) go to VB, try to learn the event chains and GRIND some more xp to level up some stupid mastery and to be able some day to go to AB. TD and DS are such a long term goals as in may be 2-3 years if I still play the gameYou cannot be serious… please tell me you are joking
No, I am not joking. Which part is not serius according to you?
This is for those that dislike the events on timers. I’m not trying to make an argument for or against at this point but get some insight as to why it specifically bothers you.
What is it about the timers that you do not like?
What is it that you cannot do but want to do?
Have you tried using the LFG to hop to an active map or bring people to yours?
I have a very good answer for these questions.
I have 2-3 hours a night after work and may be 4-6 hours on weekend days. The timers on world bosses don’t bother me. If I want to kill a world boss I track the timers. Otherwise I am not forced to do world bosses. Free will Vinewrath in Silverwastes is a player driven meta event and is the final result of the collective Free will of a big group of players. Went to Dry Top several times. Timed map? No thank you. I don’t have free will. The game tells me what to do at certain times. Not my cup of coffee thank you again. Timing all the map events in all the expansion is just INSANE. I want to do on those maps whatever I want not whatever the game tells me to. NO free will
We are limited by too much things in real life. Being limited in the game you love and play for fun and relaxation is killing the joy of the game.
I want to explore and help progress meta events but not on a timer, but on my free will.
About the LFG – tried the DS meta. Watched the clocks. This is …. I don’t like it! The DS starts. First map 2-3 ppl around me. Transfer to another one. 2-3 ppl around me. Finally get to an organised map. Most players and all 4 commanders are German. Don’t understand anything in map chat. We start running and killing stuff. Yay! This is great! And then comes poison. Ppl try to revive me. I drop dead. Rez again. Drop dead immediatly. Poison lore says someone. Waypointed and for the first time in my life Allt+F4 the game!!! Never to come back to DS TD and AB. Now when I am in the mood (once in 2 weeks) go to VB, try to learn the event chains and GRIND some more xp to level up some stupid mastery and to be able some day to go to AB. TD and DS are such a long term goals as in may be 2-3 years if I still play the game
I’m sorry but i stopped reading when you said Silverwastes was more “fun” then the new maps. To me, and to most of the people i know, Silverwastes is the only stain on an otherwise great game. If you are suggesting that maps with far more content in them are somehow worse then the grindfest silverwastes is, then you’ve lost me completely. As far as the timers go, i don’t know how you live your life but if you are busy and don’t have much time, these things are actually a blessing, because you can plan to do one of the new map’s metas up front, for those of us that actually have a busy shedule, knowing exactly when to show up, and not waste time due to that, is actually really important.
And that’s the reality of people who don’t have that much time, they plan stuff. Stop pretending you are fighting for anything but your own selfish needs.
Oh and HoT did not fail by any stretch of the imagination, really…
Silverwastes is the best map for your 80 because :
1. When you get back home tired – SW CF is rather dull and relaxing activity.
2.You need that mats and gold to craft your ascended gear.
3.The Vinewrath meta is player driven and as such it has a really strong community feeling. A lot of players determined to defend the 4 forts, to defend the 3 lanes and kill the bosses.
4. Seeing all other greedy people chest farming is rather heartworming
Vinewrath is not on a timer. Players do it because they want to.
During the day I have to plan too much things in real life. Planning my game life is UNNATURAL!!!
It is not fun. A lot of people hate it like me. It does not give the same feeling as Core Tyria. A greater challenge they said. Better rewards they said. All I get is the same junk. I don’t have any incentive to go there. I am better off farming Silverwastes. It is more fun. And all the timer madness is broken and casual unfriendly!
So let me get this straight:
- The game is a failure if you don’t like it.
- It’s a success if it’s more like the content that already exists.
For me, a boring expansion would be extending the old game to the new zone — if I want the old game, I can play that without spending any money. However, that said, I wouldn’t call that a failure, just not my cup of tea.
There is a reason for me to like and play GW2 for more than 3 years and played GW1 and bought all expacs except the core game. I love the game. I haven’t played another MMO that is so interesting, so casual friendly and enjoyable. I like core GW2 and want more of the same yes. I don`t want a totally new game with new stupid restrictive rules. I don`t want to pay 45 euro for and Alpha with so many bugs that noone can count. I want to spend 2 hours after work away from reality and kill stuff, world bosses champions. I don’t want to get home and realize – Oh it’s DS time or TD time. Think of all the loot there! (Greedy face) Oh wait, I get the same blues and greens like from all over the game. I run around the jungle with an army of other ppl spend a lot of time and at the end of the 2 hours and at the end of the Greater challenge I get rubish. This is not the direction I want for the game. Yes, I want more from the old things.
The complaints I have seen are often identical to the hate given to core tyria, season 1 and season 2 over the last 3 years, they’re just re-directed at the expac.
I’m not saying your opinion of it being a failure is invalid, I’m just not understanding your criteria. It did provide greater challenge – better ai, harder mobs, group events, raids – all specifically asked for by the community.
Better rewards is more tricky. The rng is still a bit of a plague, but improved collections, raid exclusives, precursor crafting, new mats which sell strongly on the tp, improved map rewards, all point to an improved direction. Not perhaps where many want, but not necessarily a huge failure either.
If you don’t find it fun, well that’s a subjective thing. Not sure I can say anything to the contrary to make you think otherwise – you are entitled not to enjoy it of course. I happen to find it massively good fun in most areas important to me personally.
What timers are broken by the way? I agree the DS mechanic is a bit silly, but what else?
All the timers. I am not against timers like world bosses, but map events should be player driven like in Silverwastes. If the map is organised you get to Vinewrath pretty quickly. You don’t have to wait an hour or more for the cycles.
It is not fun. A lot of people hate it like me. It does not give the same feeling as Core Tyria. A greater challenge they said. Better rewards they said. All I get is the same junk. I don’t have any incentive to go there. I am better off farming Silverwastes. It is more fun. And all the timer madness is broken and casual unfriendly!
I will just leave that video here. It pretty much says everything about HoT and why it is a huge failure, obviously not only for me.
Dec 1 Release Notes no fix for Nevermore?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Archdevil.1748
They don’t mention the huge bugs with the final story! I’ll try again in a few minutes. Hope all goes well this time.
I am making a YouTube video to rage on this kitten because I cannot play what I paid for now. Serious the second mission!
Please share it!
The worst part is that a month after release there is NO fix for this! They are under a kittenload of bugs, POOR design decisions and god knows what else. Good job on destroying the game!
Fix the Hearts and Minds!!! One month after release and the final story is so heavily BUGGED that it is UNPLAYABLE!!!! I didn’t pay 45 euro for this UNFINISHED product!!!
I just got to that part last night. I selected Canach and Caithe. It bugged. Tried again today. Bugged again!!! WTF??? This is insane!!! What did I pay 45 euro for? Timegated maps that fail constantly? Casual players like me don’t have the time to research all the meta events and all the timers!! Crappy rewards for the greater challenge???? I can get the same stupid gear in the normal GW2. Except gliding nothing else works as intended. Anet pls fire your programmers and hire new ones!!! Having the final most important part of the story SO HEAVILY BUGGED is UNACCEPTABLE!!!
I can’t even get there!!! It bugged 2 times in a row after defeating the Pale Tree and won’t let me activate the friggin rift! I don’t have time to replay this thing 1000 times! I seriously can’t believe that I had to pay 45 euro for something that in most part is not working as intended. Except the graphics and the sound there is nothing OK with this exp!!!
Hi, I recently sent one image of game that advertises itself with GW2 logo and I came accross a second add with other images stolen from GW2. I suspect that it is the same developer. Please do something about this. I am attaching an image so you can see the details.