Showing Posts For Archvonbaron.7856:

The Orders

in Personal Story

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


Anyone else a little disappointed how the Order you join was handled after the Pact is formed?

My Norn main joined the Order of Whispers because lets face it being a spy is awesome. I knew the story would take me into Orr at some point and figured the Order would act as scouts, assassins and saboteurs. Instead the Pact is formed and I don’t get to do anything like it, I become a front line soldier, and strangely enough so do the Order of Whispers. I was hoping for missions to sneak behind enemy lines to kill of an enemy leader before the Vigil boot in the front door. Or destroying a Risen siege weapon emplacement not running around searching temples (isn’t that the Priory’s job?) or hunting down random things.

I don’t know if I’m the only one but I hope when A-Net starts releasing expansions they will allow you to work with your Order and perform missions that are more like what you’d expect them to do.


Gamebreaking advantage in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


Needs moar threads.

I’m on Desolation btw.

WvW - make it more DAOC style... scrap the scores

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


I agree, they could make the towers, keeps and Stonemist provide the realm bonuses, similar to the ones provided by score, by capturing and holding them.

The score can still be calculated so they can continue to rank the servers and keep them fighting against similar ranked servers. It’s just not made public.

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


Don’t forget there are 2 more continents and 2 or 3 more Eldar Dragons kicking around so A-Net will likely learn from the mistakes they made and the next addition to the story will be better.

As for Trehearne he has the most flat voice acting ever, most other Sylvari seem to be excited by everything but Trehearne has no emotion what so ever. Is he a robot sent back from the future or some such?

I really want to take my Charr’s warband to Elona to kill Palawa, become boss Sunspear and maybe save everyone else. But becoming Boss Sunspear is more important. :P

[Feedback/Question] Trebbing "Bay" keep from Garrison

in WvW

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


You can do the same from Briar tower.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


Tbh there wasn’t an agreement on Dreaming Bay and as soon as it was capped Far Shiverpeaks jumped on us. And people thought exactly the same on Deso when you and FS were alternating attacks on DB. Was good fun though.

Exploit? Elementalist Lightning ability, videos inside

in WvW

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


It’s a bug, the second lightning skill seems to have unlimited range. There’s no hack or exploit involved.

Cantha and Elona

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archvonbaron.7856


God yes an Elona expansion would be awesome. I loved Nightfall and I do really want to see what’s changed and run around the continent again. Oh and saving the Sunspears would be quite fun.