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Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


if you can seriously devote yourself to 5 guilds with good intentions and be useful in each guild, you probably play this game way too much, and fit the extremes that 90% of regular people wont.

Most people wont have a need to be in more than 1 or 2 guilds max.

1 social guild
1 guild that actually does events/pve or pvp

And yet the 5 guild option has been in the game since day one, so Anet obviously sees a reason for it for the masses. The nerve of you to make a judgment call on how much someone other than yourself plays this game. That’s not your place. There are players that like to experience all parts of the game at different times, but no one guild is all things to all people. This seems to go double for these 100% rep guilds. (The few I’ve been in did very little other that hoard the guild bank donations.) One guild may claim to be a PVE guild, but they don’t do dungeons or fractals. Another guild may be all about dungeons and fractals, but could care less about other PVE events. Some guilds are strictly PVP. Some are RP guilds. And then there’s the popular personal bank guild. Now that’s 5 guilds right there. The ability to join 5 guilds gives the player flexibility and options to experience the game on his terms that guild leaders requiring 100% rep wrongly interfere with. (Shoulder shrug.) We agree to disagree.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


Late to the party, but this topic strikes a nerve with me.

Because Anet allows players to join 5 guilds at one time, then no guild should be allowed to require more than 20% representation. Any more prevents players from taking advantage of an in game ability. I realize it’s impossible to enforce…..a guild leader can say he kicked you for any reason……but I do wish Anet would at least mandate that guilds couldn’t state any requirement more than 20%. Just my 0.02.

At this rate...a big let down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


I’ll bet all of my legendary mats that the players whining for new content are those that power level to 80 and skip most of the content in the game. Very few will have 100%, (most won’t even have 50), participated in every event in each zone, killed every champion, leveled any profs, probably bought their legendaries off the TP, and don’t do guild events…if they even belong to a guild. They probably haven’t even done much of their own personal story.

But yet they’re asking for more content, smdh.

If I was Anet, I’d ignore them too.

Why is Party Kick only 2 votes? FOTM woe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


So if your run is going well or decent – and the newest of the new or baddest of the bad joins in via the LFG ( even though you advertise for experienced players only) you should have no means of stopping him ruining your run except for maybe abandoning it and starting again?

I’m sorry but that’s a really , really bad idea.

If you want to go down the " if you want certain gear/ AP/ level/ class" get your own then let’s also have the dungeon finder have filters that I can tick and determine who can and cannot get in my run.

That would make things better. Just tick a few boxes and only those you want in the run can get in and those you don’t want don’t. But I guess this idea doesn’t fit with the people who just want in on runs people don’t want them in.

Like I said, I have never seen any dungeon finder trolled, and I don’t consider an inexperienced player trolling, because we’ve all been there. Having patience while someone learns is part of playing an mmo. People with your complaint are usually the ones abusing the kick feature in dungeon finders, and I have seen plenty of that.

As for a filter, that won’t work, because requirements are too subjective. Experienced to one player means “not geared enough” to another. The only thing that will work for the possessive/elitist/control freak player is to group the old fashioned way.

Game does not reward healers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


I like it that GW2 has eliminated the trinity, and that loot is based on damage done. Still, 100% healing specs seem to be slowly going away from all games, not just GW2. Game bosses have insane amounts of health for everyone not to be doing some damage on them. Even in wow, where “the trinity” still exists, healers now have talents to dps when needed, and are expected to have a dps off spec since most fights are 2 heal now. Not a bad system. It keeps people from holding groups “hostage” because the have a “key role.”

Why is Party Kick only 2 votes? FOTM woe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


This is why I don’t think any random dungeon finder should have a kick feature. I’ve seen several examples of it being abused: kicking people to not share loot, kicking certain classes, kicking people for not linking their gear, etc. However, I’ve never seen a dungeon finder trolled. Most people join to complete the dungeon, not to cause trouble.

I think if you have a problem with someone in a dungeon finder, YOU should be the one to leave. If you want to have a say in who you group with, their level, their gear, class, and loot, then make your own groups. A dungeon finder should be what you get is what you get..period.

(edited by Arclight.9437)

Loving the Game...TY ArenaNet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


Every one loves the game until you try other mmo’s…
as GW1.

GW2 isn’t my first mmo. I have played several, even on a mac. More mmo’s have mac clients than people realize. One of them that I loved playing has recently shut down for good. With Codeweavers, I was able to play several Windows only mmo’s on my mac, including GW1. My opinion of GW2 being one of the best mmo’s that I have ever played is not a naive one.

For clarification, Codeweavers is not a hack program. It’s licensed software that allows mac users that don’t wish to bootcamp their hard drive to use windows applications. All games still have to be paid for/subscribed to.

Loving the Game...TY ArenaNet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


Have you visited the Mac Support forum about your issue with the TP? I know last week, or so, the Techs put out some solutions for that problem. Might work for you.

Welcome to Tyria! =)

I did after I read your post. I used the suggested workaround, and the gem store works for me now. Thank you very much for the direction.

Loving the Game...TY ArenaNet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arclight.9437


I’m late to the party because I have a Mac, but I’m having the most fun in a game that I’ve had in years. Tyria is beautiful, I’m enjoying my personal story, and I love the ranger class, and learning how to play it the “old fashioned” way. Thank you for not allowing add ons or character inspection. Neutralizing the min maxers and the cookie cutter specs, and only putting competition in the PVP portion of the game put the RP back in RPG. Thank you for not charging a subscription, although I would gladly pay one to play. My only gripe is the gem store not working on the mac client, (There’s an armor set that I want BAD) but it will get fixed when it gets fixed. Plenty to do in the meanwhile.

Again, great game, and thank you.