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Bugged NPC's - Who and which server

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Canach and Fahd are bugged on Isle of Janthir. Canach can’t be attacked and Fahd doesn’t do anything.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


I have some good news. We found a common problem across a lot of the guilds, and we wrote a tool which will loop over them and fix them up.

We tested it on a couple of guilds first and PM’d the people who contacted me about them.

This fix will help people whose guilds have totally disappeared – and we think that it won’t help everyone who is in this situation. But based on our reports, it should help most people in this situation.

The tool will take about an hour to run over all of the guilds (there’s a LOT of guilds :-).

Please let me know whether your guild re-appears after an hour or two. And accept my apologies in advance if yours isn’t one of the majority which we expect this to fix.


PS This won’t fix other guild-related problems, just ones which have disappeared. We’ll fix the other problems too, I just wanted to focus on the most serious problem first.

It can proudly say it was successful for my guild! It is now back for everyone and we can access it with no problems.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Update: So far, as of this evening, only leaders cannot access my guild. All other members, including those with custom ranks, can see it without any issues. So, it’s back, but it is still not available to everyone.

Guild: Peace Team [PeT]
Server: Isle of Janthir

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Can we be sure we’ll eventually get our missing guilds back and they’re not lost forever?

That’s how it looks at the moment – the guild system plays it really safe and if it notices any problems with the guild it basically refuses to load it (to prevent it getting more broken). All of the problems we’ve found so far are fixable and after we fix them, the guild loads fine and is available again.

I can’t promise that for every single case in the future – but for every case so far that’s been true.


That is really reassuring to hear. Thanks for the update!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Any news on the outright missing guild where we have needed to recreate and start from scratch, after using tons of influence and research time?

We’ll look up your guild specifically and make sure that it still exists (even if you can’t get access to it at the moment).

My guild is stuck in the same situation as well. No other issues other than it randomly disappearing. Just hoping it didn’t disappear forever; starting from scratch would be a bummer!

Guild: Peace Team [PeT]
Server: Isle of Janthir

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


Guild: Peace Team [PeT]
Server: Isle of Janthir
Issues: Guild disappeared, cannot create another guild, cannot represent another guild

As of this morning, the guild has completely disappeared for all leaders and those with custom ranks. None of the normal members have logged in yet so we do not know if they are having troubles seeing it as well. I was the original creator of the guild, and I am unable to create another one if I wanted to. It may also be important to note that one of the members is also a part of another guild, but after this issue came up, they are unable to represent it.

Edit: I can now create a guild, however I have not tried to recreate my old one. The option is now there at least.

(edited by AreTeeMiss.8032)

Guild Disappeared

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AreTeeMiss.8032


I am having this same issue as well. It is not in my guild list, and I am unable to create another guild if I wanted. It has vanished for most, if not all of the members (so far only for leaders and those with custom ranks, not sure about regular members yet).

Edit: One of the members tried representing another guild they were in, but it wouldn’t allow them to do that.

(edited by AreTeeMiss.8032)