Showing Posts For Argadem.6135:
So the end is after the raft trip (where you also get the 1 bubble extra)?
I’m just wondering because our instance creator left the game then so that we all got teleported to Rata Sum.
That is the end for World 1,but you still have World 2,3 and 4…enter them by going to other doors at the start of the instance
Agreed,i liked the cut-scenes too =)
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?…seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
No examples then. Thanks for the demonstration.
(Funny for someone telling people to “get their information straight” when he’s unable to prop up any of his attacks upon “GC officers” ou “crap talking ’bout other servers”)
The only thing that was said in my original (real) post was that a faction “A” being attacked by “B” and “C” is pure (war) logic, without being the result of an hysterical evil alliance between “B” and “C”.
“Get your information straight”. (Copyright)
You are starting to be pathetic. There is nothing wrong in alliances against 1 server. What i was saying is that the problem is your member told us that we have no skills and that we win nothing by double teaming you,he mocked us for having alliance…so i told him your server did the same thing,even tho then you got all like “no we didn’t,you have anything else to lie about?”. I wasn’t even talking about you when i said someone talked crap about Deso (even tho you did deny the alliance in your first post). I didn’t write the example in my first post because you are not worth the fight.
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?…seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
Rhino, of course we make them trying. For 3 months +, our Vizunians fought others servers very well, under good commanders leading. Sometimes our Vizu bus even wiped big guilds. But like username say, we can’t do it at the moment : you put us in a defensive mode =)
Argadem, Angelyne is not a Grand Cross alliance officer. The officers are only the guild masters and some officers, but not him.
For the alliance VS/AS, this existed only one day, and i explained here why with an Asterix picture :
Yeah,sorry. I believe he had signature saying officer of GC or something like that,nvm now. Anyway,the alliance did not last for long and it’s really not a problem but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers,he should know that his server did the same thing.
I can’t believe you are denying it. You actually said that there was an alliance back then and now you try to deny it? Unbelievable
Have you seen anyone from VZ complaining about double teaming since the beginning of this matchup even when just after the reset the maps were totally red and blue ? No. It’s part of the game.
Actually i started this disscusion because GC officer QQ’d about double teaming. Get your information straight before talking.
And stop talking crap. There WAS an alliance between GC and another alliance from AB,but it’s your fault that it didn’t work out.
But there still was an alliance (i’m pretty sure it lasted atleast 2 days – saturday and sunday). You can make all the excuses you want. You are no better than the people that double team you.
Yes, there was an alliance.
And conspiracies at the higher levels to hide the alien abductions we made on your commanders.
And bigfoots hiding in Guardian’s armors to be stronger.
And gators in your sewers to chew your cables.
And ninja spies to plunder your LA’s Market and jump over your tower’s reinforced doors.Anything else you wanna know ’bout VZ ?
I can’t believe you are denying it. You actually said that there was an alliance back then and now you try to deny it? Unbelievable
Maybe you should read the topics on this week with Arborstone.
Because in the end, the alliance did not last more than half a day.Just because guilds present on Vizunah and Arborstone hate each other since DAOC…
But there still was an alliance (i’m pretty sure it lasted atleast 2 days – saturday and sunday). You can make all the excuses you want. You are no better than the people that double team you.
What is the point of that double team exactly ? you’ll not win nothing, you will not be able to say “we are the best”. Win a battle to loose the war. Fairplay, Good Game, Skills that words you using in nearlly every post and that you obviously dont know what they mean.
It’s our greatest victory, the last medal that missed to us : that take two “allied” flagship server, filled with servers jumpers guilds from all around the world, with a 24/7 coverage to beat us … woah !
And yet,you double teamed us with AB last time. I agree that it’s bad and i wouldn’t double team anybody but you did the exact same thing so you are no better than any other server.
You had 2 of your biggest alliances teamed up and we have couple of russian guilds teamed up…there isn’t that many of them anyway.
(edited by Argadem.6135)
Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^
And Vizunah never cried about anything…
So tell me how you make to pass through the doors then…
Wothan…dude…is forum fighting everything you can do in your life?
I totaly agree with you, this is not the problem.. ( even if I considered, fight > everything else ), but don’t tell me, it’s the same case for all the other deso ppl who disappeared in prime since few day..
Wothan,calm down…go outside and have fun. Stop trying to start a fight on these forums.
I don’t know about other towers/keeps but Sunny is very buggy,so it’s not a suprise to see people go through the gate,but the problem starts when those people use that bug to their advandage. Everyone who plays fair would simply jump out of the tower again. It’s really pathetic to see somebody exploit to take a tower/keep,so please play fair.
PC gaming has always been like this: There are people who buy or build top-end systems who have higher framerates, better rendering, larger FOV, better sound (and sound localization), more accurate mice, faster texture load times, more bandwidth and lower latency, faster memory and disk access, etc. etc. etc.
And then there are people who buy mediocre or low-end systems, or just never bother upgrading their years-old machine. And they have low framerates, stuttering, high latency, dropped packets, slow rendering, slow disk and memory access, crappier sound, poor mouse tracking, and so on.
It’s true in all games.
Most of which is utterly irrelevant and untrue, outside of niches like competitve FPS (which is a very different market from a casual MMORPG like GW2), all a better PC lets me do when it comes to most games, is play with prettier graphics, have lower loading times, run multiple screens & run other software whilst playing.
Which is a very different thing from invisible opponents, I’d rather beat someone fairly than through them not being able to see me just because I have a better PC.
Nor is it simply the PC has stated, it is also the connection, people are limited to what connection they can get by where they live, as long as they meet the specified requirements, it is Anet’s duty to provide the product they paid for.
If they can’t afford it, they should understand that they can’t expect top-end performance from a low-end box. A video game is not an entitlement; performance is not welfare.
I’m sure they don’t, but then if they meet the specified requirements then they are entitled to expect it to be playable.
Slower disk and memory access coupled with a weak GPU and CPU will mean that characters in MMOs do not render in a timely manner. Particularly when there are a large number of textures involved, and particularly when some of those textures are large. Textures rely heavily on disk access speed as well as GPU memory and system RAM, both quantity and access times.
Toss in particle effects and an engine that relies more on the CPU than the GPU, and you will have a vast difference in experience between a low-end and a high-end machine. Warhammer was a good example of this: Framerates would drop through the floor in large battles unless you disabled all the particle effects, even on high-end machines. Even then, when there were a large number of players in a small area, the display would stutter, and some characters wouldn’t fully load.
You saw similar behavior in DAoC: Weaker machines simply couldn’t render everything.
In Aion, they disabled models altogether to help low-end machines.
Even in WoW (prior to the engine overhaul several years ago), you’d have some toon pop-in when areas were crowded (Ironforge was a good example).
Irrelevant? It’s absolutely relevant. Every game I just listed is a popular western MMO, and every single one had hardware-dependent performance issues, that were resolved in various ways by the various development teams.
As for your “playable” comment: Do you think WvWvW, with all its current culling problems, is “playable” now?
Do you not remember what you could do with DAoC graphics ? Hint … Classic/Catacombs. Most companies should give these types of options, after all they want to make money so making the game playable for all walks of life would be a very smart move.
Imagine if a game released with the option of three different graphic types, old block minecraft type models, semi decent but not detailed models and blow your mind models that you could swear were RL people inside your screen. I have no idea how easy or hard this would be to do but to corner every aspect of the market like that would be the smartest thing any gaming company could do.
Heck part what made WoW so great was at release you could literally play it on a toaster, so all these young kids playing on mom and dads home computers with no graphic cards ect found a game they could play. Its half the reason why WoW was so successful.
But regardless I think were getting way off topic and arguing over something many will not see eye to eye on.
I agree with you. More options to tweak graphics would solve some problems.
Long Live The King
/kneel @ RG
We still got a lot to learn. Thanks for teaching us.
Thanks. Very good fights even tho you run a lot of people are very solid. You come out to fight unlike many guilds. much respect.
In regard to fighting more i am afraid that tonight will be our last night on blacktide so in about 20 mins we will be playing for 2-3 hours. Before moving on to new ventures and future prospects. You will hopefully see us again tho.
Last night on Blacktide? Where are you heading off? IRON and KAZ had alot of fun fighting you,and i hope we will be able to fight you again in future. Most of IRON is not playing on Friday before reset,so i’m afraid we won’t be there to fight you tonight either.
(edited by Argadem.6135)
So that leaves us with issue #3: client performance. Some time ago the WvW team acquired an engine programmer who is focused 100% on this issue (and he is being assisted by another engine programmer who isn’t officially on the WvW team). They’re working on some really fantastic optimizations and engine modifications which we hope will allow even min-spec clients to render all the players on a WvW map. We’ll be talking in more detail about the specific changes they’re making when things get just a little more nailed down, but I can say right now that I’m very impressed with the work they’ve done already.
Since client-side is your largest hurdle, why not add “culling” as a configurable slider under Graphic Settings? Ultimately FPS is at stake, so let the players decide if they want more players visible or better performance. You should, of course, first optimize to the best you can for minimum-performance machines, but in the event you can’t remove culling completely and are being held back by minimum-performance machines, make it a Graphic Setting like any other Graphic Setting that minimum-performance machines don’t have the requirements for. It’s not like they can’t play the game still, they just can’t see everyone, but don’t let them hold back the rest of your players from enjoying the game.
Call it “Limit Visible Players” or something.
I still don’t understand why we don’t have option to turn off spell effects…i don’t need to see fireballs fly around…and it would boost up fps so much in WvW =(
Let me guess, the usual single zerg composed of every players of the whole map vs 25 RG xD
Stop thinking that you are so much superior than everyone else…we were equal numbers
We wiped them 4 times in a row,and atm they wiped us 2 times in a row and still counting ^^
The problem is half of our pugs left when we started getting wipedIt’s not that hard to see from his sign that he is not from RG, is it?
Stop thinking that RG is so much superior than everyone else*…
Let me guess, the usual single zerg composed of every players of the whole map vs 25 RG xD
Stop thinking that you are so much superior than everyone else…we were equal numbers
We wiped them 4 times in a row,and atm they wiped us 2 times in a row and still counting ^^
The problem is half of our pugs left when we started getting wiped
(edited by Argadem.6135)
Our TS sounded like this tonight :
“Can someone scout and tell us if RG is coming”
“RG is here! Get on commander!”
“Who said that we can’t wipe RG?”
“Awww,where is RG?”
Last time we met,you outnumbered us…now we outnumber you (but it’s only because of holidays),hopefully next week you will be in full strenght…but your whining about us trebbing the last tower is just funny…i have never seen anybody whine about something like that. And we are not attacking the weakest server,we aim for the full map.
Arrow carts,and cannons ofc…but,they get destroyed fast if they have so many people
Can everybody please stop this disscusion,apparently some people were angry about the fact that DKR commander came to recruit from their opponent and those people wrote some angry posts but we should just forget that and move on with this great fight. Don’t ruin it all please,i have a feeling this will be a fun week =)
Good luck and have fun!
As said above, most of Arborstone fighting power is from our guilds, the casual do a big part of the work, but if we are losing, we will lose most of them.
Same thing with Desolation
and, guess what, same thing with elona, too^^
But Elona has much more WvW population overall atm (atleast on holidays) so you don’t need to worry about losing casuals ^^
As said above, most of Arborstone fighting power is from our guilds, the casual do a big part of the work, but if we are losing, we will lose most of them.
Same thing with Desolation
Omg,do people stil not understand? KAZ legacy has been on EU ladders for a long time! They did not destroy some balance,i’m pretty sure they don’t have the number of RUIN so what is the problem?
They didn’t transfer from NA ladders to EU…they simply transfered from EU server to another EU server….and this is their first transfer
And you all act like we are begging NA servers to come to Desolation,but we are simply recruiting…any guilds…who ever said that we are trying to get massive NA force? Then we would just be pushed to T1 and we all know what happened next…no Desolation player wants that so stop this whining on forums
(edited by Argadem.6135)
But do you gain more than a second RUINous disaster with recruiting?
Do you think server-hopper join a loosing team, or stay if you continue loosing with them?
Your server, not mine, so you have to answer these questions for yourself and not to me in the forum.Recruiting pushed you in a region your server back on its own is loosing.
You could learn from that experience and train and motivate your PvE
people instead. Or you can accept to find your place in the ladder and have
balanced fights there. Or if you think winning is everything you can turn into NA-hoppers yourself.
What the hell are you talking about?
Server transfering is a normal thing,most of the guilds on all different servers have done it! You don’t have a problem with server transfering,you have a problem with Desolation….
i’m freaking tired of people like you…recruiting is normal,you do it because you want to help your server get better.
Motivate PvE players? You can’t motivate them…they don’t like WvW,they won’t play it…that’s why they are called PvE players….
(edited by Argadem.6135)
Are you saying that we should stop recruiting when we are losing?..we recruit all the time and guilds that want to join us will transfer when they want
First reaction when you noticed that you can’t handle us this week: recruiting big guilds! No wonder why people feel provocated and angry of Desolation. If you had it done after this match, noone would have said a single word.
Haha! If you only took couple of minutes to check the forum,you would’ve seen that we are recruiting for weeks now…don’t flatter yourselves,lets see how we won’t be able to “handle you” when the holidays are over. If you are going to talk against a server, get your information right!
I didn’t talk about KAZ legacy. I don’t even know if they are spanish or south american. I’m absolutely fine with every european guild, which joins you. I’m talking about north american guilds like RUIN, who joined the european bracket for some easy pvdoor win. This is just pathetic in my opinion, because they have 24 own servers and if they are big enough(like RUIN was at the beginning) guilds like them destroy the european bracket balance.
RUIN is long gone,should we really have a discussion about them? Desolation is still trying to recover from them. It was pathetic,but it’s in the past now.
Tho,you did say “even after RUIN you are trying to recruit overseas guild that will destroy europe balance”…which guild is that?
(edited by Argadem.6135)
Really? You are ticking +515 atm? Dude,it’s christmas and people actually spend it away from computers so this does NOT prove anything…
Hmm…around 10 people spread over all borderlands??…ofc….so, ur serv is the only1 who has christmas?^^
and yeah thats our normal night-wvw-participation
i dont count holidays as “normal”
You should read what i wrote before posting… I didn’t say that we are the only server that is not playing but that it doesn’t prove how “good” you are atm
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
I agree and just want to add one point. I remember a discussion with a desolation player after RUIN joined desolation and you reached t1. He was proud and wrote about the effort and hard work desolation did to get there. I asked him, what exactly he meant with this. What was the effort. He answered, that “Desolation welcomed RUIN”. That was it, that was the “hard work”, he talked about.
The other servers, who won t1 (except SR, who also got american help), really had to work hard to reach this. Organizing a night- and morningcrew. (Xaoc, who didn’t play during their primetime- it was morning/evening for most of their russian players or the nightcrews from arborstone, vizunah and elona).
You also have the possibility to do this with your european players, but again, even after RUIN, you take the easy way and try to recruit overseas guilds again, knowing that a big american guild would destroy the european balance again. I haven’t seen a server with so many recruting threads here and on gw2guru like desolation. That’s why many people from french and german servers are kitten Because you are abusing the mistakes made by arenanet- free server transfers, no region lock, de/fr/es tagged servers, seperated eu and us servers.
Destroy europe balance?…KAZ legacy was on europe servers for a while now (probably from start) and they didn’t destroy europe balance
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
The thing is now, that we from Elona know that we have the ability to be good (and at the moment we even lead!) but, as said earlier, we have vacation here in Germany, which means more people playing at night. At the same time we know that this won’t last for long. And then we have a problem: having enough people online at night. It is frustrating to loose against an enemy that you cannot fight, because you need to sleep. Even more frustrating when you know you could beat that enemy if both of you were in the same timezone.
It is then no secret that our vacation time will end and our performance at night will suffer. It is no secret that Desolation encourages guilds from NA-Servers to help their WvW-team. And when both these things come together, and Desolation fights with Elona again it could turn out rather different than the current meeting.
European servers recruiting American guilds to help them at night seems unfair to us, because we cannot really do something in game against it. We are pretty much helpless against it.
And for all you bright people telling us to try and do the same: well who in the world would want to join a server, where everyone speaks German but you?In the end Elona needs to accept this part of the game. To play at the top means to have strong night presence. A strong night presence is easy to get, if you have players from all over the world on your server. Having players from all over the world on your server is completely fine, because ArenaNet dos not stop it. Thus it is playing by the rules.
But try understand the situation for Elona and then you will understand why some need to flame a bit on the forums to let out their frustration (even if it is indeed not the right place for it). And do not mistake those who do flame as representatives for the whole Elonian community. We welcome everyone who joins our server and you will know it, if you can understand German!Greetings and merry Christmas!
OK, so we hiring night team(which isn’t there btw) is unfair to you and u steamrolling us on your vacation time like right now is completely fair then??
Right now, Deso has 10 people on our own borderland and Elona is running with 30+ on our borderland and your server is ticking 450+ for the past 9 hours is also fair as well.
And then you flame us still. maybe for a change why dont u look from our side instead of playing the german card every time and how the universe is against your server and how you are the big victims of language servers.
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
Really? You are ticking +515 atm? Dude,it’s christmas and people actually spend it away from computers so this does NOT prove anything…
Hmm…around 10 people spread over all borderlands??…ofc….
Awesome news! We fought Kaz Legacy before and you guys were great enemies =),it’s really good to have you here,too bad it’s holidays now so WvW might be a bit slow in upcoming weeks =/
and now the 200 people elone night cappers taking everything on every map. this is kitten beyond kitten actually. is it fun for you guys rolling over everyone with a zerg that’s 5 times as big as anything else?
remember the name RUIN?
i bet u didnt complain about nightcapping while they were on your serv
we may have some players there but we have only 1 timezone on this serv
just think about it
if WE can do this, you can do it too
so well, we aren’t responsible for the “lack” of commitment of other servs while nighttime
no offense, we know how it feels to get nightcapped but you CAN beat us easily at night, most of the time we have like 20ppl in wvw (atm theres more but well, weekend OP)
also many elonas only play if its looking good for us, sadly :/soz for english, 2:20am here, brain-afk mode enabled =)
Actually,atm we CAN’T beat you because most people at Arborstone and Desolation are using holidays to visit families and such…that is why i’m suprised Elona has so many people in WvW even on holidays.
I think every server has people who use their holidays to go away. Happens to Elona aswell.
Of course,that’s why i said that i’m suprised you still have such big zergs running around (and not only during prime time but almost all day)
and now the 200 people elone night cappers taking everything on every map. this is kitten beyond kitten actually. is it fun for you guys rolling over everyone with a zerg that’s 5 times as big as anything else?
remember the name RUIN?
i bet u didnt complain about nightcapping while they were on your serv
we may have some players there but we have only 1 timezone on this serv
just think about it
if WE can do this, you can do it too
so well, we aren’t responsible for the “lack” of commitment of other servs while nighttime
no offense, we know how it feels to get nightcapped but you CAN beat us easily at night, most of the time we have like 20ppl in wvw (atm theres more but well, weekend OP)
also many elonas only play if its looking good for us, sadly :/soz for english, 2:20am here, brain-afk mode enabled =)
Actually,atm we CAN’T beat you because most people at Arborstone and Desolation are using holidays to visit families and such…that is why i’m suprised Elona has so many people in WvW even on holidays.
I’m on Desolation btw,just suprised that you have such big zergs running around in AB BL
I was there, reading chat and I was talking to kaargoth both in whispers and on TS when you got booted so don’t try to lie to me buddy
The people telling you to stop whining etc didn’t do it because they wanted to belittle you or anything like that. they did so to get you to stfu since you were cluttering up the guild chat with your non stop crying.
And when you told Perky to F off, you got asked to de-guild or be kicked.
Saying that you left and didn’t get kicked is only true in the sense that you clicked the button yourself.Nope, I was asked to shut up or leave the guild. Which I promptly did, as I regard the possibility to speak my mind a bit more important than any guild…
Regardless, I don’t see how this detail changes things, in fact you just essentially confirmed everything I said. Thanks, I guess.
I’m curious…what’s the point of discussing this here?
what the kitten…does Elona Reach have their whole server on AB BL?
Also,we got some commanders who are still learning but they are trying their best and they will get better with time
We can’t hold more than 1 BL very good and that is why sometimes when we cap everything we are forced to go back to Deso BL cuz it’s under attack
(edited by Argadem.6135)
In last couple of days we have been in BB BL full time but we still go back to Deso BL to defend when keeps are in danger because it has been decided within our alliance that will we take care of Deso BL…also,we don’t go EB mostly because that is where most of “pugs” go so queues are usually longer there and it would be harder to get whole guild there…but we got Moorta there (who is IRON commander and he is doing great job at organizing EB along with other commanders) and yes we need members to stay in the same BL cuz how would it be if we are all scattered around? We need to work together…we are hardcore WvW guild and that is why our members require to play WvW most of the time ofc
Just put a longer cooldown on the NPC commander…
You were in overflow when you grouped up with people from different server,and you can do everything except WvW together…WvW is server based so you have to play for your HOME server,you can still be in a party with enemy,you just won’t be able to play together…and the JQ tags seem to happen often,not sure why
It was fun fighting you,hope to see you on the battlefield soon!
Ok…it’s now 3th time that EoW mesmer glitched into Sunny…
I will keep you updated if they do it again =P
Btw : Bots are giving us a great fight at Deso BL atm,they really want that tower back
This is really getting annoying,EoW guild mesmer just glitched into Sunnyhill in Deso BL again,but we managed to defend it…stop this cheating pls,it’s not fun
Kodash server,EoW guild,sadly got no pix/vids
The post i made was for the guild that is so pathetic to use those bugs,i know that Kodash server has nothing to do with it
Gj on using the wall bugs in WvW to take our towers in Deso BL…you are real pro’s….
Naturally everyone conveniently ignores that the number of tokens rewarded scales up with the difficulty so the numbers being thrown around here are grossly over-exaggerated…
No,tokens do not scale up…the only thing you get is 30 per day (if you manage to kill the last boss) and also the last boss gives 15 tokens…but no matter what difficulty you are,you will always get 5 per fractal