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Question about evasive arcana

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


^ It only procs if you’re in combat.

Some improvements I'd like to see to D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Churning Earth is great where it’s at.

You ever use it with Lightning Flash?

It would be cool if fire grab was a leap finisher

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Comparing heartseeker to fire grab enrages me. ):

Fire grab is so insanely hard to land. If anything even TWITCHES during cast time, you miss. To balance this out it should be on like a 10-15 second cd… Actually making it HIT would make the 45 second CD justifiable.

Air scepter skills #1 and #2.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Air 1+Air 2 are my primary damage dealers for the build I’ve been running in spvp lately. For scepter at least.

They’re actually very, very good. I’m not sure why you’re not doing damage with them

Dragon's Claw (Fire Dagger 1) now obsolete.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


…Wait there are people who actually use the basic attacks on D/D?

I was under the impression people figured out how to 2-3 hit mobs using combos by now.

Or are we talking about pvp here?

Is anyone still playing ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Yup. Since release.

Have a ranger and engie alt that I play on regularly, sometimes a bit of PvP.

But Ele remains the funnest and the only thing I do tPvP on.

Bring back the cape??

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aries.5182


I believe capes are something they’re planning, and experimented with but took away because of clipping issues?

Either way, the back slot is there, and arenanet loves guilds, so I think capes can be something we can count on in the future.

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aries.5182


This is a kitten suggestion.

You don’t have the right to force on anyone else a certain type of playstyle because you think it kittens you. Fact of the matter is, if a player is going down too much in a dungeon, it’s because they suck/their build sucks. MF gear will only marginally kitten them as opposed to regular gear, their skill will still dictate whether they live or die 75% of the time.

That’s how you should determine who to take in a dungeon and who not to, not by gear but by skill. If you can’t do this in pugs, then join a freaking guild. The game is called Guildwars for a reason.

There is a very, very, VERY easy solution to this.
It’s called organizing your party better.

Quit crying, because NO dungeon I have ran so far has been killed because of someone using MF gear.

And for the record, I have two sets of gear. One MF for explorable map completion and one for dungeons/hard kitten.

Arcane Lightning PvP Build -- Must Try!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


How creative.
This seems like fun, but in the current metagame where everyone is tanky it won’t 1 shot anything except other glass cannons. And of course all your damage is in one chain with a 45 second CD…
It’s not viable for efficient competitive gameplay but it does look like a fun gimmick.

Dragon's Tooth speed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


DT needs to move faster.

The skill is utterly useless.

DT is a great spell for point control in sPvP. Your foe either has to move off the point or get repeatedly hit with a huge damage attack on a 6s cd.

No it isn’t.

The aoe damage is so small they merely have to move to one side of the point. Are you playing with kitten

Best Gear for Ele's

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Why is carrion so popular? In dungeons and pvp, bleed builds are great, but for general pve, they’re stupid and not worth the effort. Power vitality and condition damage is such poor synergy for stat combos. I think way too many eles overestimate how much power they’re really getting when they put so much effort into speccing power.

And condition damage is ONLY good if you’re stacking conditions (read: bleed). I don’t understand why so many eles tend to forget this.

Endgame Stats

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Right now, in dungeons I run a crit oriented build focusing mainly on precision, vitality, and toughness, using a staff and Super Divinities.

The divinities are essential for crit damage and boosting the other stats that the gear doesn’t cover. Toughness on armor is to keep me alive since I’m not specced in earth. 25 in water magic is actually a huge boost for me, given the extra health + 2% damage per boon, I aim for making the most out of the staff AoE fields at the right time for my parties combos and general sustained damage. 20 in arcana is absolutely necessary, Elemental Attunement, Blasting Staff, faster attunement recharge and increased boon durations are all cornerstones of my build. I’m not expecting to see big, bursty numbers, but with enough crit+crit dmg I can deal respectable sustained damage through the ele AoEs and still play a strong backline support role.

I’d say it’s very effective. I don’t usually die.

The other thing I was looking at it is an S/D cond. dmg build. 30 in earth, but I’d never max out fire and earth at the same time – i feel like it would kitten my vitality way, way too much (3k hp is a lot). Maybe 10 in fire 30 in earth 10 in arcana and 20 in water. I would miss the 20% reduced cd on glyphs though (because glyph of storms+glyph of elementals are just kitten). But this is just a random thought from the top of my head, I won’t go out and experiment with it in dungeons for awhile.

In normal PVE, thats a different story, D/D all the way and I can kite around 4-5 mobs and think nothing of it.

Elementalist elite abilities

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


I was utterly shocked to see how devastating our underwater elite is (for underwater combat, at least). I really hope they don’t change it because right now, it is the ONE “oh holy kitten” skills that elementalists have.

I remember one time I did SEE an ele bring tornado in a tournament. I 1v1’d him at a point and he just tossed me around like a rag doll for a few seconds. A good play on his part but since it doesn’t last very long the damage I dished out using my air elemental far exceeded his using tornado and I won the fight with more than enough HP to spare.

I agree with OP, though one change I would like to see is either a longer duration for the elementals, or for the elite skill to start it’s CD the moment you summon the elemental. Anything outside of Earth elemental can go down very, very easily, so frequency could balance out fragility.

Mist Form - exploit or intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Few other classes can do this.
It’s intended and if it wasn’t in place, I wouldn’t be playing ele. Mist form stomp in a group fight is one of the most valuable things we can do.

3 Small Changes that would balance Scepter/Dagger PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Scepter/air’s single target damage is horrible. Arc lightning’s channel does crap damage for the first 1/3rd, low damage for the second third and good damage for the last third. I shouldn’t have to channel for 2-3 seconds just to get 2k single target damage

Most ele’s pass through this attunement in 2-3 seconds

S/D’s problem is that most of the #1 skills suck, and the #2 skills are easy to avoid. Resulting in massive bursts, or zero damage.

Look at all classes. The #2 skill is on a 6s cooldown, and it’s usually a high damage skill if used right. But it’s a lot easier to land a shotgun skill than DT.

You don’t understand air magic.

Air 1 is not our bread and buttter attack, it’s only meant to supplement the actual damage from Air 2 with a small boost. Air 2 actually hurts with precision builds, spec for 20% CD recharge on air skills and you get a 2k spike every 4 seconds from that skill alone (factor in the other damage you get from air 1+3).
For scepter crit builds (read: kitten that doesnt have cond. damage), air is actually the closest thing to sustained damage we have.

As for dragon’s tooth…Yeah you’re right it is waaaaaay too easy to dodge. I’ve been rocking a crit heavy build lately and anymore I don’t even bother to take immobilization on my utilities and just rely on Earth 4 And Air 5 to set up combos – even then they only work about half the time assuming I get the combo off perfectly after theyve blown dodges and cooldowns and such. I use Earth 5 A LOT more than I use Fire 2/5, because both of those skills are ridiculously hard to land.

It feels like fire grab has an actual range of 100 with an extremely small margin of error, because if you move/they move even SLIGHTLY during cast, it misses.
I don’t know how this is supposed to be remotely fair when thieves have homing skills that can hit people for 8k.

(edited by Aries.5182)

3 Small Changes that would balance Scepter/Dagger PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


3 is wrong. Air magic can be good sustained damage, and condition builds have amazing sustained damage in a fight with earth magic.

The other two points I agree with you.

This should not be allowed (Full Stop)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


“’elementalists aren’t meant to be played as conventional mages, drop your dps build and spec for earth/water’”


Even though it is plain to see, thieves are a bit ridiculously easy to play. They need a nerf straight to the face.

[VIDEO] ele in tpvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


What a worthless video.

It’s pretty, you’re good at editing, and it’s entertaining so it does have value if entertainment is the point.

As for an analysis and break down proper elementalist play, this is terrible. You only show finishing blows and don’t provide any commentary. This is not a good display of your skill as an elementalist, only as a video editor. Also the link to your build is broken.

How's the DPS for elementalist? Best? Mid-range?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aries.5182


Oh quiet you. Elementalists are fine, if not OP in certain situations.

Yes, it takes pressing more than one key to kill your average Orrian zombie. But if you know how to play one, you will never lose a 1v1 fight against another player. Ignore all these blockheads who came here from WoW, where mages could spam one button and win – here you have to know what you’re doing.

I agree, except with the 1v1 comment. I lose 1v1’s against people who know what they’re doing all the time, the point is I usually come back around in the match and kill them too. The only real class I can’t beat is illusion mesmers, and bunker guardians/engies (it’s ends in an eternal stalemate with the last two).
This is R10+ tournies we’re talking too, I was hotjoining games last night for kitten and giggles and I won 4 matches in a row never dropping from the top 3 players. I didn’t die once.

Most people who say elementalists are unplayable don’t know how to play the class. Right now, it’s not a glass cannon, it’s a sustained fighter with some strong mobility at best and relies heavily on landing combos to get anywhere. Most people gave up on the class before even bothering to figure this out.
They do need a few changes, though.

To answer your question OP, when eles are played right in pvp they are mid-range damage at best. In pve they can still be glass cannons.