Showing Posts For Arkana.7583:

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Arkana.7583


I really hope anet will nerf steal on the next update. I propose to anet that steal got to become a projectile. It’s a stupid change but eh nevermind we already have stupid nerfs one more won’t change anything. >_> I’m already disgusted.
Seriously, one second ICD yeah sure, we needed this we were too powerful on this meta… We were one of the most balanced class last season, (not OP not really useful but at least balanced in my opinion)
See you next season! (or never)

(edited by Arkana.7583)

[EU] Weekly Academy Gaming Cup

in PvP

Posted by: Arkana.7583


Thank you for this tournament that was funny and gg to Baby Soupe!

Mesmer Poll: Scepter Auto-Attack Torment

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arkana.7583


Voted No!!!! for pvp reason.
Bored of low risk/good reward in this game…

(edited by Arkana.7583)

Dragon's Tooth and Comet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


About PvP it’s definitly not better! i won’t explain why again and again.

Diamond Skin, Too Powerful

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


What’s wrong with diamond skin? any decent thief will instant kill it! this is the counter of diamond skin… which is a counter troll build to condi spam meta…

Dragon's Tooth and Comet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


Dragon’s tooth is a perfect skill, I hope anet will never listen ppl!

Questions about Glory Removal go here

in PvP

Posted by: Arkana.7583


why can’t i trade my 500 glory boosters into dyes,too hard?

Imagine the price of the different dyes, if everyone could trade their 500 glory boosters to dyes.

Dragon's Tooth!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


That is different. Bored at work so will see if I can theory craft a build with busrt air S/F

Add me I can give you my build if you want.

I know the old meta of eles, but now i don’t know what ele are playing in WvW. I just suppose.^^

Sorry for my bad english. :x

Dragon's Tooth!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


SnD just isnt as effective in WvW VS a skilled DnD ele. Anet as improved the SnD since Day1 but a simple skill like dragon tooth needs a buff especially if F3 on DnD is now being made an evade skill. F3 can hit hard while being an immediate attack and a combo with e4 and soon to be A3 on DnD. But play what you like.

Oh I don’t care of WvW, i’m only playing PvP, It’s my fault i didn’t say that before. (may be they should add 3 versions for one skill, 1 for PvE , 1 for WvW and one for PvP, but I guess it’s hard for them) And i don’t play S/D or D/D I don’t like it very much now i’m playing S/F on a bursty fresh air build, some players don’t know how to handle focus yet.

And I guess in WvW eles are playing bunker D/D builds with toughness, or glassy staff eles no?

Dragon's Tooth!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


You mean people actually use dragon tooth still?

Of course, I use it all the time with my Ele and it is very effective.

Against mobs and immobolised targets or players that havent discovered the dodge roll

Of course ppl use it, clever ppl still use it… Soooo good pressure, not our fault if you can’t use it when it can be usefull.

I really like this skill,, as i said on another thread, if they reduce the delay of the skill, i’ll be able to burst like a crazy ele, make it ground targeted and i’ll hate the skill. Because you can pressure someone hiding behind something really easily.

Dragon's tooth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


I see Dragon’s Tooth as a skill designed to give an additional blast finisher, pressure enemies who have to stay in place (either ressing or downed or holding a point) and to force dodges. Also it is one of the few attacks that can be casted without line of sight, so you can continue to pressure your opponent from behind a ledge while he can’t touch you.

This is how I see Dragon’s tooth too and I really like this skill even with high delay attack.
Or I try to use it when i saw an enemy dodge two times i knockdown then dragon’s tooth, phoenix, arcane blast+wave, lightning strike, blinding flash.

Dragon's tooth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


and? we’ll still able to OS don’t be arrogant..

Dragon's tooth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arkana.7583


Make Dragon’s tooth an instant cast and you’ll oneshot easily, and ppl will cry. So it’ll never happen.

PvE players farm r50 in 2 weeks, disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Arkana.7583


PVE Exploit = Hot fix + Ban + removed items that players won
PVP Exploit = No fix, no ban and no remove rank until ???
They really don’t care of PvP compared to PvE

If Anet don’t want to take fast decisions about ban players, I propose to rename “glory” to “XP” like in PvE because there is no fame, no merit to farm like that, and of course add a rank/title for hotjoin and another rank/title for tournaments.
And only players from tournament could /rank their enemies. :o

(edited by Arkana.7583)