Showing Posts For Arkhaos.2419:

FT combo field + blast finisher working?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkhaos.2419


Thanks Vee Wee for the tip. I’ll try it out.

FT combo field + blast finisher working?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkhaos.2419


Howdy all,

So quick question, I just recently started my Engineer and am working on nailing down my combo fields and blast finishers…. I have started using the FT a lot more often and noticed that when I put my #4 down (which says it’s a combo field: fire) and detonate my #2 (blast finisher) I don’t get any notification that it has triggered? Am I missing something or is it possibly bugged?

Also, I have tried standing in my combo field #4 as well as shooting through it. Neither works for me.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Arkhaos.2419


Slavic Varg sounds very Gaelic, I like it. 8/10

I’m making a Norn Warrior… Currently I have the name “Njorth” picked out… But I’m still not 100% sure on not having a family name.

WvW Laughs

in WvW

Posted by: Arkhaos.2419


Hey guys,

I thought it’d be fun to hear people’s funniest, laugh-out-loud, moments in WvW.

Mine happened today in the EOTM. We had just taken over Overgrowth’s Keep and were headed down South towards the bridge following the commander when he fell off the ledge. As the brave commander plummeted to his death, a loyal train of 10-15 players followed right after him––without a moment of hesitation—which resulted in a Human, Sylvari, Charr, Asura, and Norn fountain off the map. The rest of us stood at the bridge laughing hysterically as the commander apologized in chat for his blunder.

What’s your most laughable WvW experience?